Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1249: Lay a heavy foundation

After Kane learned important information through the trivial law crack.

Time unknowingly passed another ten years.

Today, time is different from ordinary people in Kane's feeling.

On the one hand, he still maintains the inherent habit, the time concept is very strong, the habit is accurate to minutes and seconds.

On the other hand, it is gradually insensitive to time. If he enters the garbage time period he thinks, he will choose to ignore it.

It must be said that for a person who can remember things without detail, the memory of 30,000 years ago can be as clear as what happened yesterday, sometimes it feels that the memory is heavy like a mountain, and the crushed person can't breathe and can pass Part of it, like the rest of the busy time, will get a comfortable feeling of enjoyment.

So time has become somewhat contradictory under Kane's name.

Just like the ten years after the crack of the subspace force field was discovered, it was basically empty.

Of course, he wants to know the information of the past ten years. But this kind of knowing is like reading a book and watching a movie, rather than experiencing it personally.

He didn't care much about it, and he passed by.

In fact, there have been many changes during this decade.

The first is naturally the change from the entire star zone.

In the Warhammer 40K universe, after the 21st year before, humans accelerated the colonization of the entire galaxy because of the invention of the subspace navigation method.

After 26 millennia, after experiencing colonial peaks and declines again, it began to enter a trough.

The main reason is the Iron Man rebellion, subspace storm.

From this time on, there have actually been ‘lost human colonial groups’.

At the end of the 28th millennium, the emperor conquered the earth. For 29 millennia, he was ready to fight the galaxy again. To put it bluntly, he reconnected a series of human worlds that fell into an isolated island due to a series of disconnections.

The 20 genetic primitives were created by 30K, and the Star Torch Hall was also created during the 30K period.

It can be said that starting from the year 3000 of the human age, the first millennium is the second glorious era of human civilization, which is more brilliant than the first. It is also the era of the emperor and the 20 genetic primitives marching to the south and establishing wars of immortality and glory.

Soon after entering the 31th millennium, this glory fell due to the rebellion of the war commander Horus. Up to this time, in fact, the human empire represented by the emperor still failed to find all the human colonial groups lost in the first glorious era.

Among them, the most unrecovered human colonial groups lost in the Far East Star Territory.

The Milky Way is a spiral body with a diameter of 90,000 light years and a thickness of 15,000 light years. It has more than 400 billion stars.

Terra humans constructed a star map of relative positions and roughly divided it into five star domains. In this star chart, the human parent star Terra, on the west side of the Milky Way, is close to the parent star. This is the densest human colony in the world, and it is called the solar star field.

The star to which Tyra belongs is actually on a cantilever of the Milky Way, but the star map constructed by Tyra humans is naturally self-centered.

The sun star is the center, the west is the Taiping star field, the south is the storm star field, the north is the hazy star field, and the east is the Far East star field.

There are two reasons why it is called the Far East.

One, instead of taking the center of the Milky Way as the positioning center, it is the farthest to the east.

Second, the star moment established by the emperor has a radius of 50,000 light-years, and the diameter of the Milky Way is 90,000, and the radius is 45,000 light-years. There is bound to be a considerable part of the east of China, which is not within the scope of the star torch.

This again talks about the main means of interstellar navigation for Thai humans.

Subspace transitions are roughly divided into two categories.

One, planned transition.

Second, guided transition.

In the early days of mankind, all planned transitions were used. It is simple to understand that joining the real world is land, and subspace is a tidal ocean. Then the principle of planned transitions is to enter the ocean from point A, and then row a boat + ocean current to push a distance. , And jumped out to point B on land.

Due to the complexity and instability of ocean currents, humans did not dare to be too waves in the early days, and could only be similar to offshore sailing, jumping 4-5 light years each time.

In the colonial period, navigators appeared. They were the earliest psionicists. As for the reason, naturally it was because the ship entered and exited the subspace. There were more times, and there were always those who took the lead in aberrations.

With the navigator, the distance of each jump can be farther.

This type of planned transition, which depends on the navigator's ability and experience, is called a planned transition.

Guided transitions need no explanation. The emperor's torch maintained by burning thousands of psionic souls every day is like a lighthouse on the sea, guiding the ship.

In the ten years after Kane obtained important information through the crack of the law, he completely determined the location of the local constellation, the Far East galaxy, and the collection of lost human colonial groups.

The empire divides the star field. Under the star field is the province, and the area of ​​the province is generally a cube with a length of 200 light years.

Under the province, it is the Star District.

However, the division of the star zone is different from the distance measurement of the province. It is based on a few adjacent star systems.

Of course, whether humans colonize the world is an important factor in the division.

In this way, there are many spaces in each province that have not been compiled into a certain star area. These spaces in the province are called wilderness areas.

The wilderness zone contains nebula composed of cosmic dust, galaxies notified by aliens, unexplored galaxies, uninhabited galaxies, etc.

And this star zone dominated by Kane's First Order is the Far East Star Zone, which was assigned a name in the first glorious era, but was lost in a fringe province with a series of events and has never been explored. The star zone constructed by the galaxy.

Unexplored here means that even in the first glorious era, the star zone could not be explored.

Later, the colonists here, after 20,000 years after losing contact with their parent star, were forced to survive and explored the star zone themselves.

Therefore, the star zone is not in any file of the empire, and the province to which the star zone belongs is also lost in the Empire Territory database (Kane is not yet known).

So, what happened to Monk Astarte mentioned by the big brothers of the UPL Standing Committee more than two hundred years ago?

You must know, but the monk Van Astarte is inseparable from the "Sacred Book of Astarte", and the classics are changed. It is the only genetic original remaining in the empire so far, and the original boss of the tenth Samsung Warrior Corps. , The stuff made by Paul T. Kiliman.

This means that, as long as they claim to be the monk of Astarte, then at least they are also interstellar warriors after the Second Construction.

The second construction was after the rebellion of the handsome Horus.

The Empire State Administration House, as well as Paul Kilman, realized that the early interstellar group of tens of thousands of people was too strong, and once its leader rebelled, it would cause irreparable damage to the empire.

To this end, the regiment was restructured into warfare regiments, with 10 companies in each regiment and 100 troops in each company.

Simply put, this is the second construction.

"The Scriptures of Monk Astat" is the guide book of the Second Construction, and of course there are others, and it has been constantly enriched and improved.

But in any case, the monks of Astarte are the stuff after the second glory of human civilization. How can they be connected to this star zone of the first glorious era?

This has to say about the war groups lost in subspace.

To put it simply, the colonization of human civilization in the Milky Way and other alien civilizations are inherently in a mixed state of intertwined teeth, not a pattern pattern that is in the same space as the planetary era.

In this context, once the human civilization declines, it loses contact and becomes individual islands. The alien civilization nearby, and even the chaotic forces of subspace, naturally rush to nibble.

This means that the various warriors of the Star Warrior are very busy, busy fighting rebellion and killing heretics, and busy fighting aliens and chaotic forces.

And if there are many such things, it is inevitable that they will be lost in the subspace.

However, these interstellar warriors are really good, they can kill a blood path in subspace, and through the subspace, flow to the star area where Kane is located. This is such a war group.

The name is called "Claw of Holy Blood".

From the name, we know that the mother group is the original ninth legion based on the genetic seeds of the original genetic body San Giles.

Since the 20 genetic primitives were just born soon, they were thrown by the four evil spirits to various places in the galaxy. When they were retrieved or returned one by one, the genetic primitives were all grown up and wrote many legends . Therefore, for hundreds of years, the various legions were not in power.

In other words, the emperor still used his genetic template to create his own Star Warrior Legion after the disappearance of the original gene, and led him to conquer the great cause.

The same is true of the Ninth Army.

It was completed after the return of St. Gilles.

However, due to the growth experience of St. Gilles, the ninth legion's reputation is not very good, nicknamed ghost, corpse eater, etc., can be seen.

In the event of Horus rebellion, the Ninth Army was the ultimate loyal Star Warrior. Their genetic primitive St. Giles was killed by Horus.

After the second construction, they had only one battle group, Holy Blood Angel.

And the mother group of the claw of the holy blood is the holy blood angel.

The soldiers of the Bloodclaw Battle Group, like the mother group, have two enemy BUFFs:'Red Scarlet' and'Black Fury'.

Both of these problems originate from the genetic primitive St. Gilles.

The former belongs to genetic variation, and it is related to the planet of Barr where St. Giles grew up in mutants and eaters before they were recovered.

The latter is because of the memory of St. Giles' near death, buried deep in the genes. Then the warriors inheriting their genes trigger this memory due to something. The pattern can be interpreted as ‘ethnic memory’ or the ‘group consciousness’ of the rat group, thus falling into a state of illusion and madness.

In fact, this kind of enemy BUFF problem is not only the holy blood angel clan, but also other clan.

Especially the arrogance of Mechanism.

That was the twenty-first military buildup known as ‘Cursed Army Building’. At that time, a group of cyborgs thought that it was time to ‘improve’ the gene seeds left by the emperor and adjust them.

Thus was born the Fire Falcon Warfare, the Black Dragon Warfare with long thorns in his hand, and the Minotaus Warfare that was dedicated to killing other Interstellar warriors for the high-level lords of Terra.

To Kane, this is actually a manifestation of magic.

When the emperor made the genetic primitives in the past, he still had some ideas in his heart. He tried to suppress the negative effects, and used the positive effects of the sub-space force for the genetic primitives.

The gang of mechanists are nothing more than half a bucket of water. Not to mention the emperor’s ideas. Even the nature of the sub-space power is not well understood. The most terrible thing is that they have no force in their hearts and feel a little more alive. The year is very good, and can surpass the sages, so this kind of thing happens.

Not to mention that the gangs of iron gods are not all, just say this magic manifestation.

The genetic primitives are called "the big devil with human skin" by some people, but they are not out of nothing, but inherited from the genes of the genetic primitives. Although the power effect is weakened, the magic is not so heavy, but the Star Warrior is ultimately Ordinary people, their will can not be comparable to the original gene.

So their demonization is actually a matter of time, if not dead.

The Claw of the Holy Blood Claws also vaguely realized this, so their main task for Amway was to find an antidote.

Although the connection cables are slim, they still did it. For this reason, they did not hesitate to enter the subspace several times.

But for the existence of their own magic, the longer they stay in subspace, the closer they are to complete demonization.

So when the claws of the Holy Blood finally "wet shoes" and drifted into subspace, they fell to the star zone named by Kane as Beidou.

This is why the UPL gangsters found strong enemies and did not think of letting the claws of the Holy Blood attack.

Of course, another reason is that the Star Warrior is independent from the Imperial Military Department, and the local governor has no right to dispatch. Others have their own set of operating logic, and not everyone can count the three grandsons.

However, although the interstellar warriors are breaking apart, the Big Dipper area is a group that has continued to develop on the basis of maintaining the technology of the first glory period of mankind intact.

As for the Empire, even STC (Standardized Production Template) technology is lost.

This not only means the loss of convenient and reliable production capacity, but also the loss of standard specifications.

Even if there is a mechanical theology, the myth of science and technology, and make itself the only standard of the empire, it cannot save the loss of this standard specification.

This is also an important reason why the empire's technology has been going backwards (the weapon parts of Germany in World War II did not have a unified standard specification, which brought tremendous trouble to logistics support, which is enough to illustrate the importance of standardization).

The continuous retrogression of science and technology has led to the occurrence of phenomena such as ‘not as ancient as today, and more advanced and reliable digging graves than what is used today’.

This phenomenon also applies to the Star Warrior.

Therefore, although the Claw of the Holy Blood still hangs any combat group composed of ordinary people, it can kneel in the face of UPL's technology, and there is no suspense.

UPL didn't kill them, mainly because of the 19 genetic modification technologies and genetic seeds.

As a former non-governmental organization, these capital bigwigs in the Big Dipper District were not qualified to contact this type of military at the time, which belonged to the top secret stuff.

Now that I have a chance, I naturally want to analyze it.

The claws of the Holy Blood also took advantage of the greed of the capital, and through long negotiations (more than 700 years) and patience, they finally exchanged something.

For example, its own parent base in the Big Dipper domain, and the qualification to operate independently. Of course, I also paid something, mainly to cooperate with the capital. In the words of Thunder Tiger: Someone bullied me, you help me beat him. I bully someone, you help me beat him.

Therefore, the modern UPL gangsters have never seen the horror of the Holy Blood claws. In the past thousand years, they have dressed themselves as big cats.

But the UPL bosses are not stupid. Some things that Zun Xun explained can still be used as a warning. After all, there are some audio and video materials in the past as evidence.

If you don’t dare to use it, you are afraid to return the tiger to the mountain.

To the extent that there was no chance to use it, Kane’s ‘Long High Five Hundred Wastes’ plan was tolerant and sharp. Once launched, the capital giants of the seven stars in the entire constellation were finished within 12 hours.

Kane, of course, has another attitude towards the claws of holy blood.

On the one hand, he will not get used to these soldiers with muscles in their heads, but let them know who is the father in all directions.

On the other hand, he is good enough for himself, and he is not worried about the ability of these things to turn against him, so he lifted the restraint of house arrest.

Therefore, in the first few years, the Claw of the Holy Blood was quite dissatisfied with the First Order, and then he was taught to be a person again and again. It was really all-round, including the training system that they were most proud of.

That's right, it's not combat power. The most proud of this group of interstellar fighters is their own'training system', which trains qualified interstellar fighters with endless energy sources.

But this system, in Kane's eyes, is nothing more than the universe version of the Spartan city-state training system. The core is nothing more than to sharpen the heroes and sticks to the filial son, plus the phrase "brainwashing is fanatical, fanatical and loyal".

Over the past 10,000 years, continuous improvement and perfection have made a difference.

But in terms of time, it is okay, but do you have the rich background elements of my multiverse version? Can a dragon be raised in diving? This version of me was washed from the ocean, okay?

So Kane immediately chose an ordinary person on the mother star of Holy Blood Claw, and used the virtual world system to learn for two minutes, and then played with the veteran of Holy Blood Claw, and the veteran lost!

Completely subverted the three views of the claw of the holy blood.

Then, as time goes by, kneeling and licking more and more smoothly, after all, there is indeed sweetness, and the most important thing is that Kane does not plot them.

If there is any conspiracy, it is ‘let down the inherent prejudice and arrogance, and the brain-filled standard answer, learn to recognize and respect the strong’.

So in the past few decades, the Holy Blood Claw Battle Group has achieved considerable growth and development.

Like now, they have two shadow warfare groups!

That is to say, they are actually three thousand people, one is a ten-company full-formed warfare group that meets the "Astatt" on the bright side, and the remaining two are as strong as the bright side, but they are backed up. The name of the battle is actually not a real reserve battle group.

They not only have three warfare groups, but also the parent star that entered the era of great development (the original UPL was assigned to be artificially transformed, but the environment is harsh, and there are only a small number of human tribal planets behind the more primitive way, which is in line with the warfare grinding Need to be a good soldier.), there are three fleets!

This is after the head of the war group learned to kneel and lick, and saw the construction of the battleship in the Big Dipper area, it started like hundreds of dumplings together, and all of them were lower than March, and all the lower limit was not used, even without outfitting, the crew could carry the bag After checking in directly to perform the task, he shyly asked for it.

At the time, Kane also jokingly asked: "To say that this batch of warships is not a big deal for the Big Dipper area. The problem is that you have so many qualified crews? The high production capacity of the Star Area does not mean that you like to give The enemy sends weapons! You are not ashamed, we still can't hold that face."

His joke, of course, meant that the claw of the Holy Blood drifted from subspace to the Big Dipper area: except for a nearly broken main ship, everything else was lost.

The head of the war group, Eliot Carmen, has already become a soldier. He is very thick, and he does not take Kane’s poison tongue seriously. With some crying and a promise, he has completed the warhammer 40K. An empty glove white wolf deal for value.

Kane is indeed not bad. His holographic printing technology has a production capacity several levels higher than that of the heyday, let alone now.

But Kane didn't forget about it.

After all, this is an extraordinary universe, and the four evil spirits have almost absolute extraordinary power in this universe.

For example, weirdness, he has an electronic demon who specializes in corrupting electrons.

And the only and largest ship production base in the empire, the Mars Foundry Base, when it led Kaibohar's rebellion, opened a treasure trove of martial knowledge hidden under Mars, releasing a waste code that infected almost the entire Mars. In the system, this waste code is related to chaos knowledge, and infected mechanized soldiers also showed signs of chaos corruption.

This information means that once he leaves this forbidden field, the puppet system he is most proud of will also be challenged by the evil spirit. It is known in history that Evil God didn’t take space necromancer, lizard clan, or ok, because the first two can’t provide psionic power, so they don’t focus on the population. Helpless.

After all, even if the soul cannot be twisted, it can corrode the body.

Since it is effective, the essence of confrontation can be'see who has money'. In this universe, the four evil gods can have more money than him, so low-key development is still necessary.

Under this guideline of thought, it is not surprising that Kane gave the Holy Blood Claws a plausible fleet of Gothic warships.

Kane does not have a full set of Goth Fleet ship data. The various ships of this new fleet are designed and generated by combining the original broken ship of the Son of the Holy Blood, combined with the information of the ancient civilian ships retained in the Big Dipper area, and their own creation.

There are no details that can only be replaced by the old version of the existing technology.

Therefore, as far as technology is concerned, the ships used by the First Order are two times higher than the ships given to the Claw of the Holy Blood, just like the modern ships of the earth and the ships of the sail era.

This batch of Gothic ships is equivalent to a comprehensive upgraded version of emperor-era ships.

Therefore, Eliot Carmen and all the claws of the Holy Blood are very beautiful, and I have long been looking forward to returning to the galaxy. It is ashamed before the snow.

Of course, this is also related to Kane's considerable reversal of the Holy Blood Claw warriors' process of'enchantment', so that they have a face to see people.

The specific process took a lot of time. It's not that Kane's skills are not good enough, but the Claw of the Holy Blood still lacks enough trust in Kane.

In other words, the problems involved in body transformation are too private. The reason why Star Warriors are Star Warriors is mainly body modification. Entrusting such things to outsiders, the Star Warriors will instinctively resist.

However, even the interstellar fighters cannot escape the law of true incense. It is possible from the moment of giving up the knee. Anything that violates the regulations will be repeated once and for all.

After all, Kane did not care to touch the core principles of the claws of the Holy Blood, so that the Star Warriors did not have to be too embarrassed. Coupled with Kane’s strength there, these guys who tried to make their thoughts simple and pure naturally accepted the fact that Kane was their most reliable ally.

The Holy Blood Claws war group also truly regards the Big Dipper District as their own home.

Their original home was destroyed by Abbotton’s fourth dark expedition. Has not been able to rebuild.

Now, they are ready to rebuild there and send Shadow 1 regiment to station, which can be regarded as an explanation for the mother regiment and the empire.

The Shadow 2 Regiment will naturally defend the Big Dipper.

Although they also know that the Big Dipper District does not lack their defense force, this is the tradition and glory of the war group and one of the principles they are willing to stick to.

As for the group, they continue their ambitious goals. However, we have to figure out the situation of the outside world.

The time when the tigers came out of the cage soon came...


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