Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1250: Gothic Star District built portal

The 138th year of the 41th millennium of the Terran calendar.

Gongkala, the mother star of the Blood Claws.

Gongkara is named after the Gongkara mountain range in the northern hemisphere of the planet, which means ‘insurmountable mountain’ in indigenous languages.

The monastery of the Holy Blood Claw Battle Group was built on the highest peak of the mountain, Qingtian Peak. At 35,402 meters above sea level, one of the lights selected by the Star Warrior was to climb the Qingtian Peak freehand.

At 23:23, this time period belongs to free time. According to the work schedule of the pavilion, there is 1 hour of free time before bed every day, and sleep at zero on time.

Eliot Carmen spent a little more time in the weapon maintenance phase before free time. The main reason is that the power armor obtained two years ago is so beloved that it spends more time on maintenance every day.

As soon as he planned to take a shower, the AI ​​lieutenant told him through a wearable device that there was a video communication request from the office of the head of the First Order.

Electra is now very accustomed to using the AI ​​lieutenant. It is natural to choose to connect and then start communication through retinal imaging.

As he expected, it was Kane.

After a brief greeting from Kane, he quoted a video and explained: "The channel has been completely completed. Three days later, you can lead your people out of the Big Dipper area. Note that in the future, you will not be able to return I’ll let you know when it’s possible. In addition, I won’t meet you and say goodbye. I will take a step first. Oh, yes, Confucius will send you to the Far East Star Territory, and now the outside world is in the 41st millennium, 138 years."

This night, the old rivers and lakes Elite Carmen lost sleep...

The Far Eastern Star Territory is a wild place for the Empire, mainly because there are too many unknowns and uncontrollable.

As far as the empire is concerned, the Far East Star Zone is not like other Star Zones. There are a lot of things that need to be dealt with by them, and there are a lot of interests that involve their minds.

In fact, the Far East Star Zone is also very lively, but human beings are not absolute protagonists here, but a branch in the background of hundreds of ethnic groups.

Kane's first stop from the Big Dipper area was a stellar galaxy near the subspace storm cluster called'Bottomless Cave'.

The Bottomless Cave was recorded in the Empire Subspace Storm Regiment, but the Empire knew very little about it, and sent several exploration ships, but they all went back and forth.

In fact, the bottomless cave is the ‘shell’ of the subspace force field in the Big Dipper area.

When it comes to sub-space storm clusters, the most famous one is naturally the “Eye of Fear” located in a hazy star field.

It was born with the last ‘sin’ of the Four Evil Gods, and it traverses the world of the former home of the Eldarlings, and mainly exports to the gate of Kadian that is strictly guarded by the imperial Cartier fortress area.

And here is also the source of chaotic expeditions and even the invasion of demons.

Every enduring cause of the subspace storm team has its own causes. It is just like the eye of fear that makes the subspace and the physical universe almost confusing, but it is rare.

The bottomless cave is not in this list.

But in Kane's eyes, the technical strength of the bottomless cave is higher than the sum of the technical strength of all other subspace storm regiments. He is estimated to be the handwriting of the ancient saint, even bigger.

Of course, these are not the contents that are eager to explore at the moment. Finding a portal galaxy as a transit point for the Big Dipper area to interact with the outside world is.

After some thought, he decided to establish this portal in the Gothic Star Zone of the Hazy Star Field.

Because it is lively and chaotic enough, it is a familiar and unfamiliar area for the empire.

And, immediately, a major event among his prophet's information is about to happen-the twelfth chaotic expedition led by Abbot.

As we all know, the first company is the essence of a war group. Abbotton is the company commander of the first company of the Horus sons of the rebellious Horus.

In addition, he is also a clone of Horus, which is closer to the Horus deity than the general interstellar warriors using Horus genes.

He was the successor of Horus. After Horus died, he led the son of Horus to humiliate the victorious empire, snatched the body of Horus, and then led the army into the eye of fear and turned to chaos.

The son of Horus was also renamed the Black Legion, and thus became the vanguard of chaos attacking the physical universe.

Abadon has expeditioned more than ten times and won the title of predator.

However, the Warhammer powder of Kane's hometown prefers to use the nickname of a hundred battles.

This is naturally a rhetoric, but it is actually mocking the predator Abbotton's repeated defeats.

Including the upcoming twelfth expedition.

However, it must be noted that every chaotic expedition has brought deep trauma to the empire, especially the twelfth coming, due to a series of reasons, this expedition to Abbott brought unprecedented losses to the empire. More than 100 billion people died.

Similarly, in this 8-year-long war, which is called ‘Goth War’ by later generations, some overlord-level weapons have appeared one after another.

For example, the star destroyer named Planet Killer.

This ship was built in subspace, and it is said that the real universe cannot build it.

Of course, in Kane's view, this is a commercial tout and a price comparison.

The main contractor of the planetary killer is a group of mechanical priests derived from the dark mechanical gods. It has been built for about 157 years.

In the Gothic War, the first prey of the planetary killer was the Savannah of the State of Religion. In less than an hour, Sawavin was shattered, half of the stars fell apart, and more than 14 billion people died.

Also in the Gothic War, Abadon also conquered three blackstone fortresses.

The Black Stone Fortress is an ancient ruin, and the Chaos forces know more secrets than Imperial humans because of the thighs of evil gods.

Abadon easily obtained the control of the Black Stone Fortress through the dark artifact he had obtained early in the morning, and then beat the imperial force that was entrenched to seize it for his own use.

Abbotton came to the Gothic Star District to make trouble, but he was at the six black stone fortresses in the star district.

After receiving three seats, Abbott couldn't help showing off.

Using the cannons on the black stone fortress, the beams of the three fortress cannons focused and converged, bombarding the stars of the stellar system where the human colonial planet Tarantis is located, turning them into a supernova, which is naturally a dead star. Billions of human deaths.

In general, it is the appearance of this super weapon that makes the killing easier, and the common stalemate in the past does not need to appear again.

Does it drop? Don’t drop, that’s good, a chain of stars or stars is directly gray.

I would like to ask, who can hold this?

If it’s not Abbotton’s tactical strategy, using earth hammer powder to say, it is based on the strength of the lighthouse country’s army, playing the intimidating tactics of the Taliban’s self-explosive truck, instead of concentrating on concentrating its superior strength and eating the other’s living power So that the empire's remaining soldiers in the Gothic Star Zone have a buffer period for integration and supplement...

After all, its previous series of tactics were completed very smoothly and excellently, comparable to the Earth's World War II foothold attack on Pearl Harbor.

Anyway, Kane's **** has always been on the human side. And it’s the more double-labeled ‘how much I’m killed, that’s our own business. Foreigners do not have this right. Although the empire has billions of people, none of them are superfluous. ’

Therefore, if you dare not go on a trip, then you won't talk about it.

It's not his style to look at what is going to happen, but stand aside and watch the show, letting the aliens slaughter human beings.

So at the end of 138, Kane appeared in the wilderness of No. 3 in the Gothic Star District.

Planet Korna.

In the colony stars of the Warhammer 40K Empire with more than one million, it has its own independent name, instead of adding a few numbers after the area name. This is also a kind of compulsion.

This compulsion was not obtained for no reason. Kulner was one of the earliest human colonies in the Gothic Star District, and was later destroyed by the Empire's "Extinction Order".

The extinction order is simply ecological destruction, making it no longer suitable for life.

The most common reason for an extinction order is that a certain planet has too many enemies, and we have too few valuable units.

For example, the Ork Orcs who produce energy through photosynthesis, all of their own'mushroom fields' are planted all over the world, and the extinction order is often the best choice for the Empire or the Interstellar Warrior Group with independent military decision-making power.

Kane who came to this planet is not a deity.

The main reason is that the deity’s soul is too special. In this universe, it is bound to be affected by its own laws. Once it leaves the Big Dipper area, it will form a huge star in the subspace that is brighter than the emperor’s cowhide. , You can produce unfathomable and endless types.

Such sub-space projection projections are too much hatred. Kane is not crazy enough to pretend to be competing or do whatever he wants, even basic rationality. So he sent the missing body.

Although it has been overwhelmingly almost the lowest, due to the special nature of the Warhammer 40K universe law, it is still the strength of the Alpha psionicist level.

So what is the concept of Alpha Psionicist?

During the emperor's expedition, the Prime Minister of the Empire, Makado, was an Alpha psionicist and also had the reputation of being the first person under the emperor. It is said that this man can teleport planets into subspace by virtue of psionic energy...

It's very cowhide, and the miss Kane can't compare. But they are not envious and unconvinced. The power is not the greater the better. It is a pity that the human heroes in this world know very little of this truth, even the emperor has a clear mind and licks his body.

Kane came this time and was riding the Hunter class reconnaissance ship Burdington disguised as a standard class Imperial transport ship.

The Empire Standard Transport Ship is a kind of commercial cargo ship, from running orders to fleets, fleets, and joint fleets...the total number of them is very large, and they are called the Empire blood.

Because of this, disguised as such a ship is the easiest to get through.

Of course, it is also easy to become a prey for interstellar pirates.

The interstellar pirates of the 40K universe are very, very rampant, and they are often backed by even the warship fleet dare to attack, let alone merchant ships.

However, Kane did not give the pirates any chance this time. Time was precious. Kane was too lazy to confront these nasty mosquitoes at this time.

Kulner’s ‘inner heart’ is still hot. It has an atmosphere, but the extinction order not only destroyed the surface vegetation, but also changed the composition of the atmosphere.

The oxygen content is low, and the dust particles are denser than ordinary dust. A large amount of dust particles are scattered, covering the sky and the sun. The surface of the planet is frozen due to the long-term inability to obtain light. Once ordinary people are in this environment, if there is no special equipment, even if they are not frozen to death, they will also die quickly due to carbon dioxide poisoning.

However, this is nothing to the First Order.

Kane also doesn't need psionicists like Star Whisperer to play sub-space communication. Isn't communication based on quantum entanglement fragrant?

Miranda, who obtained the data collected by the UAV dispatched by the reconnaissance ship, quickly organized related production.

Just six hours later, the high-track small star gate constructed by the equipment in the Burdington opened once, and a standard cargo container like a giant train was shipped with tailor-made planetary ecological adjustment equipment.

These standard cargo containers were carried by more rudimentary engineering boats than small Alkana class landing ships.

The engineering boat looks like a brick clip, one-on-one, can be connected and separated, and after separation, they stand up against the belly of the cargo box and slowly use the planets to rotate and fly to various places.

Soon after, they launched meteorological satellites one after another.

These meteorological satellites are all independent units of ecological regulation equipment.

They took three hours to lie between the Earth and Mars, but due to the core composition, gravity was closer to the earth, reaching 0.93 atmospheres above the planet Korna, and constructed the Dyson Network.

At this time, the second batch of supplies had also arrived through the Star Gate.

This time it was foldable giant boards. These giant boards are transparent, only 0.4cm thick, but stronger than the 4-meter-thick steel plate. They have the same level of elasticity as monkey rubber bands, and they are also extremely tough.

They are the crystallization of biotechnology, nano-woven technology, a mixture of organic + inorganic materials, very light.

They have superconducting properties and are also active and can repair themselves.

The engineering robot released by the engineering boat unfolds these giant boards, and then pastes them along the hexagonal grid of Dyson nets, like pasting paper on the edge of the window.

The joint between the giant board and the giant board is on the grid, but under the operation of the biological welding machine of the engineering robot, a whole sheet will be generated.

Many people have great strength. In ten hours, the planet Dyson ball is completed.

At the same time, the six-pole space station located on the planet's north and south poles, as well as east, west, south, and north, was also established.

East, West, South, and North are coordinated with the Dyson Ball, or the command desk.

There are many more specific functions. Adjusting the climate internally, absorbing cosmic rays, stellar light and heat externally, and'putting movies', so when you look at Korner from the perspective of space, all kinds of information you get will be what the space station wants to let it Know, not true. In comparison, the naked eye is more tricky.

The only space station in the north and south poles is Xinggang.

In the future, magnetic pole ladders will be established in conjunction with equipment buried in the earth's core, thereby greatly reducing the transportation costs inside and outside the gravity well.

The entire set was installed and it took less than 24 hours.

Then inside the planet, the total equivalent of 370 million tons, specifically divided into nearly one million controlled nuclear explosions, shines in sequence.

This is a part of ecological transformation. With the ecological control system, a huge wave sweeping the world is formed, as if it is a super broom, sweeping the stratospheric particulate dust.

On the ground, there is also a superfluid surge, but this is to deal with carbon dioxide. Taking advantage of the convenience of collection now and packing it directly, that is also very good.

After 48 hours, the tide gradually leveled and the eco-knitting machine was in place.

These aircraft, just like the sowing of an aircraft, fly in accordance with established procedures, on a predetermined course, and sow seeds in a timely manner.

These seeds are formulated by special AI, based on the instructions obtained after analyzing the comprehensive information received in advance.

Immediately following, the ecological regulation system will cause artificial rainfall.

After the rain, another aircraft took off, this time sprayed with chemical accelerators and other substances necessary for the growth of plants.

After this, the brutal growth of the earth began.

A week later, replanting, a new round of birth.

After one month, replanting and clustering again.

Basically OK, the plant ecosystem is formed, not all forests, wetlands and plains.

Next, insects and animals.

During this time, Korner’s oceans have also completed exploration and began to transform...

138 entered the last month, the twelfth day.

Kane enjoys snow in front of a mid-level villa on a piece of land named Youzhou in the northern hemisphere.

The outermost layer of the villa uses huge logs. The shape of the villa is very similar to that of a medieval big wooden house. It is rugged and ancient, and it shows a simple and artificial sense of order.

The glass on the huge windows, as well as the interior furnishings, sold out the time background of the wooden house, which is almost the exquisite decoration display effect of the earth in the first half of the 21st century.

In addition to the shape of the continent, the environment here is already similar to the height of the earth, and even gravity is adjusted to 1 atmosphere.

Kane's Mid-Level Villa is currently the only artificial building in the world.

But he is not the only human in this world.

A piece of detection data sent not long ago showed that the extermination order did not kill all lives, and some people hid underground.

The underground world of Kulna is not the dark area of ​​Feren. Its size is several times smaller than the earth, but it needs to have the atmospheric pressure of the earth. The main reason is the mass, and there is not so much space available underground.

After all, there are still some, such as karst caves and domes similar to the earth's karst landforms.

Kane did not go in person, but sent a puppet search team.

One of the teams was relatively urgent.

Fortunately, it wasn't humiliating, and arrived when the survivors of humanity were about to be destroyed.

The laser beam of Gatlin shredded monsters one after another, and the human survivors who had already broken through their last defense. After seeing the puppets taking off their helmets and exposing human faces with bionic skin, the sound of Wang There was a cry.

How many midnight dreams back, how many times sincere prayers, the emperor finally heard their voices, and fell in love.

Only one old country priest among the survivors clearly distinguished that these humans were neither Astatt nor the defense army, nor the imperial navy. The most important thing is that they have no soul...

But the old priest at least understood the situation and knew that this situation is not suitable for exposing. Fortunately, these puppets save people.

And a few hours later, the survivors were all dumbfounded when they rebuilt.

Most people are thinking: "Is it a day in the thousand years outside?"

Still the old priest, it was right to tell Kulner, but the vegetation was wrong.

Over the next few days, the survivors lived in tents for a few days, adapted to the new environment, and helped their bodies with the help of advanced medical equipment.

Even a few seriously wounded people who thought they were going to die before were all alive again.

These few days are almost the most pleasant days they have spent in their lives.

But it turns out that the following days are more pleasant.

The aircraft took them to a brand new town, and they saw other human survivors.

Soon after, there was a person who looked like an official and gathered them to speak in the square: "No matter how many people this world used to have, now, you are all..."


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