Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1254: Gao Wei commented on spiritual things


When the body of thought is completely reduced to nothingness, Ostala swaying in distorted light and shadow, silently disappearing from this star zone completely.

And in the Big Dipper area, Ostala is transformed into reality in the swaying light and shadow.

Kane's "Collect" program can transfer very large objects.

So the diameter of about 1030 kilometers, but the mass is far less than Charon's 19 billion tons (because the interior is a vault structure, and a large number of spirit bones are used as materials), the world of Ostala's Ark was moved by Qiankun.

Kane touched his jaw, shook his head, and laughed at himself: "Never can I change the poor and sour style of picking up wasteland. This thing, the value is really not so good..."

In fact, there are still some dry goods of the Ling clan.

It's just that for someone like Kane who constantly looks at value from a multi-universal perspective, it seems a little less attractive.

Mainly because the subspace concept of Warhammer 40k, like the phantom energy of the sc universe, is a relatively niche thing.

It's not that there is no other world, there is, but it's not so divine, and the special environment has created each of these two concepts.

In the Warhammer 40k universe, subspace is the unreasonable cowhide, and the same can be said for Youneng in the universe of StarCraft.

Therefore, even if it is **** in the eyes of outsiders, since it comes to this universe, it must be eaten in the hometown. Otherwise, it is against the entire universe.

Because of this, the spirit bones extracted from the subspace, in Kane's opinion, are nothing more than the solidification of spiritual energy, and it seems very general.

After all, leaving Warhammer 40k, the amount of psionic energy is greatly reduced, whether it is derived from the class or not, as soon as the account is calculated, it is clear that using the spirit bone is to pit yourself into death, just like where there is basically no iron element, It is common to establish an industrial system with steel as the main material.

Civilized technology is represented by materials. The main material of the spirit family is the spirit bone, just like the main material of human technology is steel.

Iron and steel is indeed universal, and the stability of iron elements, easy access, etc. need not be said. Spirit bone does not possess this feature.

However, since the missing body is back, Kane does not mind disassembling and playing, maybe he can get a lot of inspiration and creativity, and to the utmost, it also has a comprehensive understanding of Lingzu ships and Lingzu technology.

Demolition will definitely be done.

Mainly because Kane couldn't afford it.

The essence of the spirit bone is psionic energy. In the absence of sufficient energy conservation, the stability will become worse and worse, and finally disintegrate and restore.

This is unacceptable to Kane. Because the law and force field that encapsulates the Big Dipper area, in the process of formation, created such a pattern of ‘inner space and outer reality’. Once the pattern is broken, the force field will collapse. One of the ways to break the pattern is to refill the interior with extraordinary power.

That is to say, with less extraordinary power, the law force field can absorb and maintain the pattern. But enough uncontrollable extraordinary power will erode the stability of the law force field from within, so that it will collapse.

Compared to the value represented by the total isolation effect of the law force field, what is the world of a spiritual ark?

The Ark World is the last home of the Ling people.

It sounds very miserable, as if the spirit race became a gypsy, but it is not so miserable.

The Eye of Fear, the core celestial domain of the once spiritual civilization, is similar to the empire's solar celestial domain.

Later, the hedonism led to the birth of sexual abuse and the destruction.

But the spirit race is an interstellar civilization after all, and not all members are hedonists. Some spirits can't look down on the hedonism's actions, and have a sense of crisis similar to'born in sorrow and died in peace', so they made other plans early.

Therefore, the birth of **** is only the end of the glory of the spiritual civilization, but it has not destroyed this group.

There are actually many worlds in the Ark of the Spirit Race who have escaped. It is just like the impact of the subspace storm on the human empire. The problems of the network have caused many Ark worlds to lose touch.

The network channel was not originally invented by the Ling people, but they picked up the "foreign fall" left by the ancient sage. In the glorious period, there were enough resources to be glorious and maintained, and it became more and more unplayable after the decline. This is normal.

In any case, the loss of Ostala can be regarded as a more influential trauma for the spirit race, but it is not enough to say that it is a heavy blow.

Kane could understand why the missing body started so hard.

Evaluation of the Eight Characters of the Ling Clan: Feminine and cryptic, arrogant to remember.

The cause of many tortures between humans and the spirit race is misunderstanding.

Of course, the external image of mankind is not very good, the upstarts who are free, and still rely on the kind of upstarts who are relying on unscrupulous fortune.

Since they are crows and pigs, don’t laugh at anyone, and at the same time, it’s not interesting to talk about the right and wrong between the groups. After all, there is not even an arbitration party that everyone is convinced about. If you take your own standard number and fall into the other party, you will be able to count a bunch of mistakes.

Don't talk about right or wrong, then talk about influence and possibility.

The style of the Ling tribe determines that they are very good at taking advantage of the fish, and they are also used to falling into the rocks.

Although the Death Army with Ostala as its active base does not have a battleship, it does not mean that their fleet has no combat power.

Powerful stealth technology often allows them to play the role of the third party in a war.

Do we have to kneel and lick them at critical moments, so as to ask them to stand on their own side?

Luwansberg of the original historical line did not do so.

Of course, Luwansberg is not as explicit as he licks. Even if he does not consider the forced, he must also consider the feelings of Tyra’s lords. How can he be a governor, and how can he not have a political mind?

However, the phrase "Unite all the forces that can be united" already speaks for itself.

It is said that politics is the art of compromise. According to the original historical line, Luwansberg said that without facing enough concessions, there is no way to suddenly launch a large-scale decisive battle under the desperate atmosphere of the environment.

The missing body obviously did not intend to compromise.

He chose to eliminate this instability.

In the long run, this will also help the stability of the Gothic Star District, and even the Gate of Cardian.

At the same time, in the Gothic Star District, the ships of the First Order are destroying several ships of the Spirit family.

These spiritual warships are all part of the Bleach Army and are part of Ostalla's peripheral alert and protective barriers.

The ship material of the spirit family is also the spirit bone. This kind of material generated by the ‘bone chanters’ can be shaped under the action of psionic energy, just like plasticine.

The spirit bone is highly malleable and can be shaped into any shape.

The spirit bone is very strong and elastic.

The spirit bone transmits subspace energy like a cable, and at the same time acts as a shielding medium to block subspace creatures...

It can be said that the meaning of spirit bones to the spirit clan is greater than that of steel (including alloys) to humans.

Therefore, the battleships of the spirit race can be understood as pinched out. The models of various models of ships are in the front section and the middle section, and the similarity is very high. They are installed in the q version of the stone spear, which is the kind of chubby, very thick, without edges, The front side is not a sharp cone, the second half is the main part to distinguish the difference, the most conspicuous is the various shapes of'fins', that is actually a solar sail, the ark world is also powered by solar sails, which helps stealth Great.

And now, these warships are unable to reach Ostala, which makes them appalled. The strength of the unknown enemy they face, makes them frightened and even desperate.

In fact, it is just a Virgo ma who plays a prism, and completes a super long-range strike. After a few light years, the energy cannon fired, relayed several times, and finally embroidered by Virgo ma, embroidered fine operation, first destroyed the target's power system, and then how to cut, it was free.

Although the ghost ship of the spirit race, or the dragon ship, has a lot of cruisers that exceed the empire, but it also uses ma. There is no chance of hitting. There is a hit rate that can be killed. Ma is expected to collide with the muzzle. Probability It's too low.

Mainly the basic setting of the cruiser, which is multi-functional, which is very suitable for completing small tasks higher. The Spirit cruiser, because of its stealth, especially likes to fly alone.

And any single cruiser in this world, the amount and density of firepower is not enough to create a regional strike effect that can subject the ma to stray bullets.

Conversely, although the composite index is compared with battleships, it is like infants and adults compared with adults. But its firepower is absolutely powerful.

Just like the line in {King of War}: bullets fired from a 14-year-old boy's gun are just as deadly.

The saddest thing is a moonlight ghost ship. It has a carrier-based aircraft. As soon as the carrier-based aircraft was dispatched into a batch, the ghost ship was finished.

The carrier aircraft pilot knew that the mothership had been lost, and their final outcome was basically doomed, so he dared to revenge for the ghost ship. But it can't break ma's defense. When ma is killed one by one, the direct shot of Virgo is also effective. It is also beneficial to prism crystal, but the power is low. The utilization of prism crystal is not high, but it is also enough to destroy the fighter.

The last fighter of the Ling Clan attempted to succumb to the wind, but was suddenly turned into a scum cake by its deformable mechanical arm that was suddenly extended.

Clean the battlefield, then leave.

The first order implements Kane's habits of thrift and frugality, and anti-tracking. As long as there is a chance, no trace will be left for anyone.

In this way, the Gothic Star Zone, and even the Eye of Fear, only the spirit pirates are left.

The relationship between the spirit pirates and the ark world is generally like this:

Some spirits can't stand the "clear rules" of the Ark World, or have committed crimes, and were punished by the Ark Spirit Clan. They also left the Ark World and started their pirate career.

Most of these spirits will return to the ark world they left if they were still alive at the time. Others will fall into the dark city of Comoros.

The Ark Spirit tribe is generally okay. After all, they have a long life, and they understand themselves.

But this is not true for all Ark Spirit Clan.

Ostala's Ark Spirit Clan, in Kane's words, has the way to take death.

Although they did not choose indulgence rather than psionicism like ‘black bean sprouts’ (like madman and Bopa, one indulges and one in moderation), they are fanatical believers of the spirit clan death **** Inid. They believed that Enid would awaken and defeat the spiritual enemy, Sin.

The starting point seems to be good, and then it is wrong, and the final ending is how good it was and how bad it was in the end!

Yes, at this point, Kane gave a prophet.

Beyond the cause of the general prophet, the future beyond the thirteenth black expedition seen with his own divinity. Rather than draw conclusions from the information obtained when living in the hometown of the earth, or when playing the role of samsara in previous life.

Although in the original history line, it was one of the leaders of the Death Army, Enid envoy Eveni, with the power of death, resurrected and stayed in the static stagnation field (during the retention period, which is equivalent to pressing the pause button, it will not be good, nor It will be bad) Robert Kiriman (Grandpa Blue in the mouth of the hammer powder) of the original tenth Samsung Inter-Warrior Legion and the most powerful Extreme Warrior Regiment.

However, this does not mean that the world of Astra Ark is good.

And whether it is Evene, or another leader of the army of death, Weslak, the sword of Inid, comes from the world of Ark of Beytan, not Oslak.

After the homeland of the spirit race becomes the eye of fear, there are reasons for the many arks of the spirit race to stay away. Aostara has been hovering around this area for so many years, and feels that since the spirit bone creation can help them resist the voice that screamed when Sei was born, it can also block the erosion of other forces with far less intensity.

For this idea, Kane can only say: "You know nothing about power."

Aostara's spirit family has been infested without knowing it.

They are also Enid's fanatics, arguably Enid's largest group of energy donors. The gods of this world, their birth, and even their character, are all influenced by the specific attributes of psionic power. This is the case with the four evil gods, and it is the same with Inid, who was reborn and reawakened twice.

The relationship between the gods and believers in this world is just like the relationship between the physical world and the subspace.

Therefore, if the Ostala Spirit Clan continues to be used as the energy supply for Enid's rebirth, then Enid after the awakening is another evil.

Of course, Enid will not have the place of lasciviousness. The scale of preparation before becoming a **** is not good. Furthermore, the best position (specifically, the priesthood, or the source of divine power) has been occupied, and even if Enid is awakened, it is far from being comparable to the evil.

After the birth of the evil spirits, the spirits of the spirit race were nearly killed.

The **** of war of the spirit race is called Kane (...), he was just crushed, not completely swallowed, because of his priesthood, it might not be regarded as part of terror.

After all, the Elda Spirit Clan was once the overlord of the galaxy and was an important contributor to psionic energy. From this point of view, accepting fouling and fearing to be strange, all have to accept their feelings, not to mention sex.

According to this logic, Aisha, the goddess of life of the spirit clan (there are also girls and other responsibilities), survived. It is also not surprising that she can be regarded as the other side of the scale.

Later, Aisha became Nina's wife. According to gossip, Nana heard the crying of Aisha, and Nina had no way to deal with **** abuse, so she went to hammer the color abuse of imprisoning Aisha. Then I grabbed Aisha back to the Nadu Garden and made a mound.

However, Nina's wife is not very good, mainly because Nina's way of expressing love is very special.

After feeding the poison, Nadu researched all kinds of plague toxins, and boiled the soup for Aisha.

Aisha is the goddess of life, and naturally cannot die. However, Nanoscale can have a clearer understanding of related toxin characteristics by observing the process of Aisha's self-healing...

These small stories about God, people in this world, are naturally unclear.

If it is clear that those who do not lack brains should panic their beloved emperor, what role do they play in this particular pantheon system.

However, these, no matter whether it is the Luwansberg or the Ostala Spirits, the thinking body can't say anything to them, and they can't understand it. If they really meet the big-hearted, they can understand it, but it is only increasing trouble. If there is no help, I will stop the lecture and work directly.

Now that the work is done, the fruit is also obtained, but Kane feels slightly worthless.

There is also a price to make the missed body.

Out of prudence, although he is a **** of the level of creator, he dare not ingest the extraordinary power of this universe at will.

The soul power is the energy built on the foundation of extraordinary power.

In a nutshell, the laws of the Warhammer 40k universe, although extremely friendly to transcendents, especially psionicists, and gods, can easily interfere with the physical world as long as there is money (faith, or related emotional psionic), There are no overly complicated constraints, but there are pitfalls behind it.

What is this pit, Gu Sheng understood? Or was it the earliest star **** born in this universe who lived by eating the energy of stars? Kane was previously unknown.

But now, there is a little immature idea. That is his opponent, who is also the creator, but a more ancient ancient god.

The ancient **** sent him over, but it was not a good intention to arrange a happy tour. If he really thought that he would pretend to be casual, he would not be far from defeat.

Therefore, the big meal is ahead (referring to extraordinary energy), but he can absorb it in the most cautious way without being tempted.

This kind of absorption method, even the old dominator, was broken by him, but steady but slow.

The missing body he said sacrifices himself, destroys the Aostara spirit family, and sends the Ark world worthless, because the missing body can be more valuable, but chooses a relatively straightforward way to end itself in stages .

For him, I am afraid that it will take a hundred years to securely replenish the relevant consumption.

Of course, this is the end of the matter, and it seems hypocritical, and it is hardly regrettable.

So, the No.2 body was born.

This time it will be much faster to go to the Gothic Star District.

Who made the laws of this universe extremely friendly to powerful people.

Like Kane is so technically compelling, UU can easily read as many light years as he can read

Although it is not comparable to the c-Kane who has the power of the supreme infinite gem and the 20k Marvel universe, which can be moved to any place in the universe in an instant, but it can be so dashing in the galaxy, but it also shows a regional The level of the four evil gods is very impressive.

The "one come and one go" of missing the body, the overall time is not long.

Therefore, Luwansberg and their return to Korner’s Antarctic Starport had not yet recovered from the shock of the mysterious events caused by the previously experienced Xuanqi events, and Kane appeared again through a twisted luminous crack. In front of them.

Gregory's stared boss murmured: "Eternal Selection!"

This is a very straightforward statement, which means literally, no matter how many times the reincarnation is born, every time it turns, it will be the elect of God. There is no doubt that this is a very kind of grace, generally only extremely important The Holy Spirit has this coercion.

Kane No. 2 smiled and missed this misunderstanding, no need to correct...

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