Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1255: Quantum Communication Senior


"Tell you too much information at a time, I'm afraid you won't be able to digest it. Especially something, it's too subversive."

Kane smiled and waved his hand, and the soft light circulated, and everyone present felt like a warm water.

Afterwards, he was exhausted, his mind calmed down, and even some deep-rooted dark diseases that entangled their hearts were removed.

After the weight was removed, the heart was inspired and lively and unprecedented.

"Everyone is suffering, and the most painful is the weight-bearing of the soul. It is easy for a while, and there will be backlogs in the future and carry the weight.

After the **** sticks this sentence, Kane recruits a female puppet.

"This is my lieutenant, Miranda. She will accompany some of the next visits. I need to deal with some reborn trivia."

In fact, Gregory had no intention of continuing to visit.

As mentioned before, the experience, and the meaning behind it, have become so important that it is comparable to the Emperor's awakening. Compared with it, what stc shipbuilding module and city module are eclipsed.

But Kane was right before. They brought their eyes and ears. What they saw and heard, they can report back to their boss through psionic skills, authentic, and without personal affection.

Even the only non-spiritual person, General Rosen from the Admiralty, has instruments to do similar things.

This is actually a good thing. The instrument is an angle, and the psionics is an angle. The combination of the two is less likely to be blinded.

There is no doubt that this kind of doubt is inevitable, and even in the next period of time, it will continue. After all, it is a matter of great importance. It is not enough to verify it carefully.

About two hours later, Miranda took everyone to visit Kulna. Although Luwansberg was already relatively familiar with it, he still enjoyed it, and felt that every time there was a new discovery.

Before leaving, they saw Kane again.

"Because the stakes are so great, I have performed closed brain surgery on you to build hidden and deep memories. The latter is extremely difficult to be peeped. Only if you are willing to take a drop of blood and use the meditation pot to see Yes. I will also teach you this law of soul protection, including its principles."

Kane again said: "It is so generous because even the upper levels of the empire are being played between the palms by an evil headed by a certain evil god, and there are almost no secrets. Although this technique also cannot prevent the determination to make sure Watching the evil god, but at least it can increase its operating costs. The evil **** is not happy, and my **** is happy."

While speaking, I didn't see any movements of Kane. Gregory and others found that they had some more intellectual memories in their minds. It seems to have been known for a long time, and often aftertaste, clear and familiar.

Gregory was terrified and afraid of Kane. Kane could read and write his memory without his permission. If the plot was wrong, hey...

Even his half-footed psionicist who has entered the ranks of Alpha is like this, and others are even more preyed, hey...

"Okay, it’s time to say goodbye. Outside, I’m afraid there are already a lot of deliberate speculators, coveting a few survivors. I hate this uncontrollable extravagance, so I’ll dispatch the Starship Order and send it directly A few returned to Tyra."

Afterwards, the boring polite greetings came to Kane's power, and these people naturally took the most polite side.

As Kane said before, showing strength can save a lot of unnecessary drama. This includes face-saving, as well as self-righteous and stupid behaviors stimulated by greed and ambition.

Order number is very representative, after all, Kane's power is called the first order.

Its foundation is external, derived from the Star Wars Darth Vader's Seat Executioner.

However, its overall appearance is not as fierce as that of the Executor. The general pattern is not much different by then, and the captain is also 2100 meters.

This size is not too big in the Warhammer 40k world. The full length of the Empire's battleships is over 6000 meters. Only frigates and destroyers will be less than 2000 meters.

But warships sometimes can't just look at the size.

The ships of the Empire are common, and the latter third are propulsion devices. What about conventional cruise systems, subspace navigation systems, etc.

In addition, the ships of the empire are generally cruising outside for a long time, so there is a part of the ship that is equivalent to an unarmed area. In addition, the state church has strict requirements on the location and relative size of facilities such as churches, so There are even fewer areas actually used for combat.

If we count the dead areas of equipment damaged or even irreparable due to the retrogression of technology, then the actual combat power must continue to decline.

Compared with the order number, it is a kind of improvement in all aspects, and it is a kind of improved level.

Gregorians are all relatively well-informed imperial figures, so as soon as they look at the Order, they immediately know this ship. I am afraid that a heavy fleet of the Empire will be called dad on the battlefield.

All kinds of science fiction, even dreams, constitute unspeakable unconsciousness.

And the modeling style is also completely different from the Gothic style of the imperial ships. The two-kilometer battleship simply embodies the emperor-class battleship's momentum, which is exciting, and is proud that such a creation came from the hands of mankind.

The style inside the ship is also a bright spot, mainly feeling two points, 1, bright and 2 neat. Spotless, the ground can see people, the light is soft, but there is plenty.

In this style, they have only seen similar ones in the creation materials that reflect the technological level of about 21 millennia, but the comparison of those materials with the present is the Turtle version, which is obviously far worse.

If you have to say that there is something imperfect in this battleship, it is lack of humanity.

Several people took a suspended vehicle and entered the residence arranged for them. No one has a matching ai assistant, always explain the question.

Gregory they were surprised to find that these ai did not evade questions about ships, or even the civilization behind the ships.

They also learned of the unknown location, the Big Dipper area with 126 billion people. Knowing that there are no psionicists there, but they are not bothered by the forces of subspace. There is dictatorship, ai management, and the first order is the official there.

They also knew that Kane, the head of the Big Dipper area, did not awaken for long. It took 200 years to basically curb the decline of civilization.

I also learned that although the Big Dipper District has advanced technology, it also has its own problems and is still developing.

Of course, these materials are all holographic projection type, which can make people feel like being in it. Gregorians have also seen the decadence and depravity of the cyber world.

Kemos of Mechanism had to admit that, compared with the Big Dipper area, if it was not the transformation of the Star Warriors, or even the casting of Mechanism involved extraordinary, then it was simply a fart.

In particular, the poorer the person, the less non-original flesh on the body is, which hurts self-esteem very much. After all, mechanism is proud of organ mechanization.

As for the original official organization of Mao Beidouxing District, upl collected a large number of natural human organs, so that natural human organs sold money because of the'tax' inherited from generation to generation.

One day, the subspace storm will dissipate, and the Big Dipper District owes Tyra (the empire's name starts from 29 millennia), and it has to be paid.

Upl and the capital behind it have always thought that the human civilization outside has long developed and the Big Dipper area is unlucky.

This is also related to the deception of the claw of the Holy Blood.

The claws of holy blood were originally self-effacing, and then bragged about the power of the empire, saying that they were nothing but miscellaneous fish.

I haven’t seen much blood, and the capital raised in the greenhouse is naturally shocked. Is it so hideous outside? We are still ready to pay taxes.

Since no one knows when the subspace storm will stop, the "tax" will always be prepared, and the expired ones will be destroyed.

After Kane came to power, after knowing this kind of behavior of hiding and hiding, it was natural to cry and laugh. Can people be stupid like this? Fortunately, he has received formal formal education.

But think again, in his hometown, many of the members of the Aum Shinrikyo Church in the island country who made the gas poisoning in the subway are social elites with degrees, and they are relieved.

Everyone lives in their own circle. People in some circles lack professional knowledge, some circles lack common sense, some circles are not grounded, and some circles always seem too trivial.

Just like now, with the same information, Gregory's focus and conclusions are different.

What Gregory saw was another great emperor-like awakener who awakened at a critical moment and completed the rescue of civilization.

Kemus, the mechanical god, saw that knowledge is power, and knowledge can create gods.

What Matilda saw was that the productivity that most troubled the empire has been declining, and it is increasingly insufficient to support the empire's huge population and the problems of endless wars. Finally, I saw some hope for a solution...

All in all, as Kane once talked to his samsara friends, the rulers of the 40k universe human empire are indeed decaying, but not degenerate.

Not because ‘fallen’ is a technical term related to subspace demons in the 40k universe, but because the external environment is forcing them to not get home.

It's not good to say that even those Lord Tyra, even if they kneel and lick the evil god, they can't get the treatment of Horus.

Because evil gods don't want to kill humans, they want all kinds of negative emotions brought by war, plague, famine and death.

From this perspective, the emperor's wave was too pretending. You are prosperous, all positive emotions, our harvest has declined, how can this be done?

So Horus came into being, and the four evil gods devoted themselves to struggle and led the other eight legions to rebel.

Leaving aside the mysterious missing, the second and eleventh genetic primitives are exactly half of the already existing Star Warrior Legion. It's cool, and it can basically ensure that the emperor has a breath, and he is overjoyed to great sorrow. This wave of harvest, will All the reduced votes brought by the Emperor's Expedition were made up and earned.

In the following years, even if it is a daily operation. This year is not as good as last year, and next year will be worse than this year. In this social context, for the Four Evil Gods, there is a steady increase, and it is good to be productive every year.

Then Lord Tyra voted, my leek field was rooted, what shall I cut later? I'm not very interested in leek roots. So, work diligently to maintain human civilization.

For the lords of Tyra, they are all extremely human subjects. Reaching the emperor is a mascot. Ruling the country is the ultimate decision of the cabinet. The evil **** refuses to open a sufficiently attractive price, so much stupid, Just let the king be improper, go to the devil? When you go, you have to kneel and lick, or what kind of hard work you can, to surpass those famous big demons and rank them above them.

In addition, what ability do you have in your heart? So depravity is not established.

Since these important people are loyal to mankind and the empire, there are a few twenty-five cubs below, and they can't turn over too much waves. At least they can't turn over the big broken ship of the empire.

For these, Kane knew.

In other words, the rise and fall of mankind is just one of the flowers in the world. When it comes to the fundamentals, the evil spirit is his opponent.

It's just that the glorious and splendid moments including formal tears are like three minutes on stage. Most of the time, they are in the state of ten years off stage, and still have to interact with these pieces.

The jump method used by the Order is not a sub-space jump. Kane is already a technology that kicks the foot of the universe. In the galaxy, naturally, it is nothing.

In thirty hours, Gregorians sent them to Tyra.

These people are naturally regretful that too much information has not yet been read, and there are many kinds of life on the order number, and many have not tried. I don't feel like I can do anything for another few years. The result is back.

Come on, get off the boat, a little conscious, and the empire has no more face left.

After getting off the ship, it was discovered that the Order was disguised as an ordinary transport ship. The unruly ones deceived the customs, ship dispatching, etc., and sent them to Xinggang. Even the shuttle was arranged, and it was still the emperor. The Guards.

These imperial guards do not know who they are or what they are doing, they only know that they are important people, and according to their instructions, they can send people to the ground.

At the same time as being intimate and in service, it is also cold in heart. Commanding the Emperor's Guards is like commanding his own well-trained dog. Is there any basic sense of security?

After a certain period of time, this problem was also said to be considered by Lord Terra.

At the same time, I also understand why Kane has no trust in the imperial system, and is carefully and intimately sending people to the ground, and commanding the Imperial Guard to pick it up, and also sending the open source version of the brain sealing technique, which is a clever and extraordinary skill. .

There are so many holes in the sieve that there is no information confidentiality, and there are many loopholes available. Perhaps one day, their orders were directly replaced as soon as they left the chamber.

What a terrible truth?

Of course, it is not without good news.

For example, even Gregory did not know that Kane added some additional information that only the Lords could do.

Through this, the lords also downloaded some special things.

"This is communication based on the quantum entanglement effect. The communication method of the Star Whisperers has a low safety factor, and quantum entanglement is point-to-point, and it is a product of technology."...

With quantum entangled communication, Kane and Lord Tyra established a proprietary communication channel. He also directly teased the big lords: "You lack motivation to betray, and Evil God has no intention of investing in costs that will satisfy you. Of course, you also have no intention of the emperor awakening. Fear of authority is the harder pain to accept."

"In my case, it doesn’t make much sense to pull the emperor from the golden toilet. It’s just that he took the people to make trouble again. In the end, it was still a lot of sacrifices and disgrace. It must not be touted by too much faith, but also It has to be broken, and wise is lost. So sometimes, it is good to draw a full stop when you are brilliant and leave an insurmountable back."

"I haven't actually contacted the emperor. The series of operations involving subspace will be known by the evil spirit, but he is a lighthouse and is stared at by the devil's eyeballs. But I did show some of his feelings. Some seemingly handy operations, I can't be born."

There is no doubt that in the last part, Kane lied. The essence of lies lies in true and false. Compared to telling his true origins. Kane prefers to compile a life story similar to the reason why the emperor was born.

"The Big Dipper area is closely related to me, I am sorry that I cannot use it to repay the emperor’s sentiments in those years. Moreover, sometimes too heavy gifts are also a blessing. In addition, I also believe that you need enough time to digest such a large and Weight information before you can make a response that you think is correct."

"So, in the past few years, let's focus on the Gothic Star Zone for a moment and simply interact. In 143 years, the subspace storm will isolate the Gothic Star Zone for eight years. Then it is 11 years of thinking time, believe At that time, we will be able to develop deeper cooperation."

"In this case, warn you, don't be greedy or take small actions in recent years, it will affect your credit with me. You will even be spanked."...

Kane said easily, Lord Tyra, but did not dare not go at all. Their defense system is naturally good, but no matter how strong, it will not be much smarter than Ostala. Kane, in Gregorian's words, said that the God of Eternity chooses to live if he dies. If they want to target anyone, they have no chance of winning.

Fortunately, Lord Tyra found that this Kane, although strong, was not the same as the emperor. The tone is different.

The emperor is: what I said is truth, you must follow what I said.

Kane is: you can do whatever you want, don't make me unhappy, just block me.

Lords Tyra are old rivers and lakes who have lived for a long time. There is no plan to start in a hurry.

On the contrary, the fact that their respective representatives ran to the Gothic Star District was overshadowed by loud thunder and little rain. For this, he pretended to pay Luwansberg a salary without paying for the next ten years.

But the Gothic Star District discovered the stc template that can repair ships, and it has also been spread to a small extent. The mechanical sect also said a few words, the template is fragile and not suitable for relocation, so as not to cause irreparable losses and so on.

Mechanism teaches so hard. The main reason is that Kane had interacted with Paul II (the holy name, not a person’s name, similar to that when he became the pope) with the general maker of the mechanical gods (equivalent to the pope) Paul II, which solved the problem of Paul II. Several more urgent problems. Therefore, the mechanical sect is returning human relations.

The causes of mechanical theology are quite complicated and tortuous.

The early reason, that the emperor unified Tyra, before visiting Mars, was mainly due to the reflection brought about by the Iron Man rebellion.

The main point and reason for reflection is that this world is supernatural. The first characteristic of supernaturality is that it does not make sense. Anything that can make sense of channels is not supernatural.

This means that for those who believe in the way of science and technology, being suspended by occultism is an inevitable end, sooner or later.

The Iron Man Rebellion, or the Cyborg Robot Runaway, is essentially such a thing.

After the emperor visited the mechanism, the mechanism still used this name and the theory of coma. The reason given on the surface is that the emperor has enough knowledge and cattle, so we recognize that he is us Incarnation of gods worshipped by the gods.

But be aware that the emperor has always encouraged scientific thinking, so why is it still allowed to exist?

It is because the emperor knew that the nature of this world is supernatural.

However, although technology will eventually be supernaturally suspended, the scientific way of thinking can solve the mysteries of the universe to a considerable extent, which is a very useful model.

Therefore, both the emperor and the mechanical gods admit that the end of science is metaphysics, but the public does not necessarily need to know the truth.

After the emperor took the golden throne, this cognition was intensified, implemented and implemented in a strategic way.

On the one hand, it is in line with the policy of ignoring the people in the state religion, on the other hand, there are also many benefits to the myth of technology.

Everyone has curiosity, but religious awe can restrain it to a considerable extent. Due to the fact that science is reduced to archaeology (excavating old technology based on stc), more and more stupid people are going to tinker with technological relics, which is too violent.

The people only need to find out that the follow-up will be done by the mechanistic professionals.

This is also an important reason why the mechanical gods are becoming more and more powerful.

Of course, it is also an important reason to obtain authority and benefits through the **** stick.

All in all, the mechanical theology also changes at different stages and in response to different external environments. It really gets worse.

But this is normal, civilization is going backwards, but mechanical theology is progressing, which is strange.

There was no innocent snowflake at the time of the avalanche. The mechanical sect, the imperial state religion, and even the ruling system did indeed play a bad role, but the biggest pot was still all living beings, as a big lord said: "If we really have such a big The empire will not be so difficult."

Kane believed this. The examination scores of the ruling layer are at most moderate, not to mention incompetent.

If incompetent, the empire collapsed in internal and external troubles. It is precisely because of the mean that the empire has not collapsed, but the ruling layer cannot stop the downward trend of civilization, and can only sink with the general trend.

It's complicated to go into details. For example, colonial star autonomy, as long as enough taxes are paid, everything is easy to say. Didn't the high-level empire know the shortcomings of this? Yes, but there is no way to change it.

The empire is now in a state of unpullability, a vicious circle, unless there is really an extremely good major change ~ ~ this will have the opportunity to solve the problem one after another.

It was such a major change that the emperor unified Tyra.

All colonial stars are fighting for power and playing dogfights. The most powerful one is to unify a star zone and become the governor of a star zone. But the emperor is too powerful, and his ambitions are still ambitious. It is like an ice tusk that is hard enough in water. When it is rolled, it can be stained with a lot of snow. When the scale of the snowball comes up, it will be opposite when it is bigger. It's easy.

Lord Tyra now hopes that Kane can play the role of Bing Tuozi, but also does not want him to gain the power and status of Bing Tuozi.

Fortunately, Kane did not seem to intend power and status. The lords of Tyra wondered if they could keep the name of the empire unchanged, and Kane sold the goods?

From this perspective, trade-in is a very meaningful pilot. If the cooperation is good, the model can be promoted to various fields.

The cooperation itself is low-key, and the achievements made through cooperation are called the ruling system of the empire.

So, the Gothic Star District quickly became a hot spot...

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