Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1256: The empire has plug-ins ever since


The Gothic Star District is the nearest province near the Eye of Fear.

As for why selling Meng called Star Zone, it is mainly because of confusion and uncertainty.

The Eye of Fear is a place to hide dirt and dirt, and the neighborhood is not flat, and the boundaries of the Gothic Star District have never been finalized.

Therefore, even if the actual area is larger than the average province, it is still called the Star District.

The real star zone is reduced to a secondary star zone.

The Gothic Star Zone has seven secondary star zones. These secondary star zones are basically spheres with a diameter of 20 light years.

Because of this, Luwansberg, although he is a Star District Admiral. But the real power is at the provincial advisory level.

However, the Cartier Fortress and the Gate of Kadian are not under his control, which is directly under the Imperial Military Department.

The door of Kadian is the main exit of the eye of fear to the outside world, but it is not the only exit.

The twelfth black expedition of Marauder Abbotton was somewhat like the tactics of the German World War II Germany bypassing the front of the Maginot line and detouring from the Argentine mountainous entrance into France. It was unexpected and the effect was excellent.

And the mountain entrance here is naturally the Axe galaxy.

It is a pity that in the original historical line, I was used to the operation of Abadon going straight through the door of Kadian 11 times, and I was not at all aware of this sudden uncommon path.

It is different now.

Just when Kane took Gregory and others to pretend to fly together.

The old Star Whisperer at Ax Observatory, and the Imperial Defence Force, all looked dazed, and they didn't understand why they were still alive.

"This is called tactical fraud. Too many belong to military secrets. At your level, it is not enough to know." Someone answered their answer.

It is the cyber puppet of the first order.

More specifically, it is the series of political commissars in the Cyber ​​Puppet.

Political commissar, instructor, instructor. Although they are all one business port, each has specific business objectives. The instructor is company level, and grounding gas is the characteristic. The instructor is at the camp level, inspiring is the characteristic. Political commissars are at or above the regiment level, and it is a characteristic of drawing cakes to give people a head start.

The grounding spirit is close to life, the morale motivation is temporary, and the head is long-term, and each has its own role.

What I am patiently explaining to the Lao Xingyu people is the political commissar. The personality from the big data is a bit high, but the speech is organized and the context is clear and unobtrusive.

"The empire cares about your safety and replaces you secretly with a high clone, and with the help of the psionic master, let you remotely control the avatar in a safe area, thinking that you are still stationed in Ax."

"And you, with your own performance, completed the task. Next, you will take a period of rest, except that you cannot go out in accordance with the confidentiality regulations, and all other aspects will be treated as officers."

"Praise the Emperor!" Someone already cheered eagerly.

After watching the video, Kane couldn't help but pouting.

This is a real empire. Everyone does not shout at least one or two words of praise for the emperor or the emperor's quotations every day, which means disloyalty.

The play at Ax Observatory is over, and then the Vanguard of the Chaos Expeditionary Force will enter the Gothic Star Zone from here and begin to wreak havoc.

Within the Gothic Star Zone, between the seven secondary star zones, there are more reckless zones.

There are nearly two hundred colonial stars in this star zone. The reason why there are no exact figures is because some of them are in a fall and they have neither recovered nor confirmed that there are people on it.

This is how the empire is. The territory is big and there are many different ways. Some people live well on agricultural stars and garden stars, while others make two-legged sheep under the bullying of aliens.

The pirates in the Gothic Star District include humans, spirits, orcs, undead, and chaos.

The first four categories are fair, and empire, or chaos, are their goals.

Chaos pirates, some of them are like bandits when they are off duty, and there is so little room to stay a little bit idle, so they run out and take a chance to have some fun. So they are not interested in chaos, everything else grabs.

In the history of the original Gothic War, a chaotic squadron was annihilated in an asteroid belt by the pirate fleet of Ork Orcs.

Luwansberg was also excited for this moment and snorted: "If the guy is not an Orc, I will let it be my flagship captain." Then came.

Of course, he did not admit that he had beaten. Otherwise, the Tribunal or the political commissar of the Admiralty will probably send an invitation to interview.

Now, this miracle of dog biting is probably not possible.

Because the Orcs were destroyed.

Kane is actually very affectionate to Ork Orcs. After all, in the Warhammer in the Middle Ages, he did not play a lot.

Moreover, in the far dark future of the Warhammer 40k world, Ork Orc is probably the only conscience.

Why do you say that?

Because all other intelligent races are either blackened or destroyed, the process is heavy and the ending is very heavy. Only waaaagh is maintained! The spiritual Orc is amused to death and joy to the end of the universe. It can be said that it is the only bright color of the warhammer universe with a heavy atmosphere.

Speaking of orcs, the Warhammer 40k is actually more interesting than the Warhammer. Because they have greater room for improvement, choice, and opportunity for doing things.

Today, the distribution of the orcs in the Milky Way is more extensive than that of humans. And they can fight with any enemy.

In history, when the terrifying population of Taryn from outside the Milky Way was killed in the Milky Way, and all forces were defeated, it was the Orc orc that contained the raging worm...

However, in the eyes of Kane, the Gothic Star District is too much, and it does not need the trivial and funny **** sticks of Ork Orcs, so they kicked them out and replaced them.

It was not difficult in Kane's eyes to get the Ork Orcs.

After all, although their photosynthesis is better than others, they need a terrestrial life planet to develop. But such planets in the Gothic Star Zone are basically in human hands.

Scanning the remaining ones, they found that they spread the gene virus, and the Ork had no chance to be on the stage.

In comparison, it is difficult for the Ling clan to deal with some.

However, with the destruction of the Astra World of Aostala, not many spirit pirates realized that the situation was not good, and fled the Gothic Star District, so Kane was too lazy to chase him to the end of the world.

In the end, there will be space undead.

Kane scratched his head for the ribs.

The ribs were the race torn apart from the ancient Saints.

Although they did so in the first place, they seemed quite unapproachable, and they did lose ugly. They were easily handled by Gu Sheng.

But at least they can get a wild dad from the star **** to confess, other races don't even have this kind of thinking.

Compared with the ribs, the Elda Ling clan, which seems to be very sci-fi and technologically psionic, is just a scavenger who has spent a few years living and searching around.

For example, the most important and very famous Elda network for the Ling clan is the rest of the ancient saints.

Of course, when it comes to this, human beings have nothing to do. The emperor had an accident in the network project under the palace, and the demon killed the network. Only the emperor can close it, and then he turned into a toilet plug. Horus took advantage of it. This opportunity to raise troops at the border, sweeping all the way, achieving great momentum, has been slammed into the Terra Palace, if the emperor can control the expedition early, it will be another situation...

Eldarling. When he claimed himself as the Galactic Overlord, he also collected the heritage of the ribs.

For example, the Black Stone Fortress, which is the space fortress of the ribs. Later, when the ribs want to ‘enter the earth’, they will throw it into the universe.

The Eldaring clan brought these unowned objects, tinkered with them, and used them for their own use. They were placed in the Gothic Star Zone because the Gothic Star Zone was outside the main colony of the Eldaring Clan.

The result cannot be used, because with the birth of Sin, the star field exploded into the eye of fear.

Warhammer 40k talks about technology. The ancient sage can't come out. The ribs say second, and no one dares say first.

According to Kane’s Prophet information, this group of guys will be awakened in batches in a few years, and then announced that they will regain the throne of the first race of the Galaxy.

As for this branch in the Gothic Star District, it is not very strong, but it is also a variable after all.

Kane had never touched the ribs before.

But the relevant information is still known.

For example, ship materials for space undead use living metal.

Therefore, their ships can be said to be immune to solar flares and gas giant planet storms. After all, living metal is very good for repair and restoration.

Kane also has this technology, from Zhao Wenrui, but Zhao Wenrui did not get it from Space Necromancer, nor did he know whether it was the same.

He worked in the Big Dipper early on, saying that the bionic machinery he used had been matched with living metal technology.

Later, it was not used because the military valued cost-effectiveness and practicality rather than higher end.

Fifty cents of the knife is enough, there is no need to use a piece of comparison.

So a ship like the ‘Order’ was placed in the Gothic Star District. Can mass production, yes, but not necessary.

Kane wondered, the ribs were afraid that they would not be able to lower the cost of living metal. Because their ship's philosophy is less and better.

They are not ordinary elites that win by quality, but special ships.

Specifically, it consists of a fleet of incredibly technologically advanced, powerful, high-speed, flexible, and distinctive warships.

Coupled with the use of inertia-free engines, the shape of their warships is quite non-mainstream, and it is even difficult to accurately describe the shape.

Without inertia engine, it can achieve super light speed navigation in physical space.

No need to open wormholes, no high-dimensional jumps, no need to enter the subspace, in the eyes of the beholder, it is just like a teleportation, awkward, a long or short distance, it is such a cowhide.

In any case, it is also a race that dares to challenge the ancient saints and initiate the legendary ‘Battle of Heaven’.

However, too huge creations, such as the world engine, with a diameter of more than 10,000 kilometers, and the ribs moving, must use the network left by the ancient holy. And it is a destructive expansion of the network.

It can be said that as long as the ribs are deeper than the Eldarlings, they have a deeper understanding of the network. The emperor hopes to use the network to let humans avoid the disadvantages of subspace and achieve the idea of ​​a jump.

Therefore, Kane finally decided to bully and refrain from digging graves, and alarmed the ribs in the Gothic Star District.

In the original history, they did not open the tomb cover show in this war. Then one day it will be torn down against them, it is better if the overall technology of the First Order has to be upgraded to at least one level.

At the moment, lowering the level of technology means doubling output. Whether it is production, or repairing the Gothic warship comparable to the ak47, it is a good choice.

With the signboard erected by Luwansberg, in just two months, the investment that was given away for free before has completely paid back.

In fact, many rare elements can be extracted from the restored Gothic warships.

The renovation of a ship is probably like this:

First of all its power system, the fuel will be taken away, and then the entire power system will undergo major surgery.

In this process, you can get a considerable amount of rare elements.

Because Kane can effectively replace the original system with a higher-cost but cheaper solution. And this replacement is based on little change.

This means that the fuel originally used by the ship can still be used, and even part replacement repairs can barely make it work.

This is a thorough technology, and there are a lot of related ideas, said the benefits brought, small changes to achieve a rolling victory.

Then there is the keel, the hull.

The changes here are slightly larger. After extracting the rare elements, the keel and the hull were re-melted and smelted. The former was changed to one-piece, while the latter was modular.

This means that the inherent repair method is no longer applicable, and it is barely repaired. It is just stagnant. Unlike the past repairs, there is still a certain professional performance that can be expected.

Finally, in the process of simplifying each system, dismantling parts containing rare elements.

As far as the First Order is concerned, none of the equipment on these battleships is valuable, and it is not expensive to directly smash old ones for new ones, only rare elements. This is similar to the precious metals of the earth age. The total amount is limited and there are still many uses. valuable.

Therefore, for all refurbished ships, the attitude of the first order is: don’t go back and forth if it breaks down, just throw it away, and there is no value in continuing to repair it.

After you pass it, it will become **** completely, and it will be neatly placed there. It is not worth the first order to get it.

The Imperial Navy is a treasure.

"Wow! Cool! No new ships, even better than many new ships built in modern times!"

It can only be said that this is a group of poor girls who have become accustomed to suffering.

At present, the First Order has divided the ship repair industry into two stalls.

A stall is still in Polaris Port in Khulna.

When the North Star Harbor was built, it was a collection of space docks. It looks like a space nest, one layer after another. Each layer can be placed in a circle of ships. The number depends on the size of the ship. Battleships, sorry, at the scale of Polaris Port, one ship can be placed in one floor.

The Kulna Star Port is still a secret port, and it is not a foreign order, and few people know its existence.

It is in an invisible state. Recently, the battleships sent by the fleet directly under the Gothic Star District have also been handed over halfway, rather than coming directly.

At present, the largest ship to be repaired by Polaris Port is the emperor-class battleship ‘Sacred Power’.

This battleship can be said to be the entire hazy star field, the oldest battleship.

Its old hull came from the abandoned "Yuxie" (a name with a scornful nature, which was naturally raised when it was later salvaged). The Yuxie was in the 36th millennium and was found near the Chalos galaxy. found.

It is estimated that it has drifted in subspace for at least 10,000 years, and the power system is still functioning normally, meaning that it may have disappeared long before the emperor's expedition.

After it was recovered, it was towed to the famous Cypre Mundi Star Harbor in the Misty Star Field for comprehensive transformation. After that, the star interval patrol task is performed.

If there is no Kane, this old space now drifts for at least 10,000 years and has been in continuous operation for 5000 years. It is still a baby pimple in the hands of Luwansberg.

You know, the entire Gothic Star District is only two emperors.

In addition to the Divine Power, another ‘advanced ship’.

Regarding comprehensive performance, this ship was built in the 30th millennium, but was abandoned in space orbit for two thousand years due to the Horus rebellion. Later, due to subspace storms and various accidents, the chaotic rebel invasion caused delays in the construction period. The emperor-class battleships that did not go off line until the end of the 32nd millennium cannot match the Divine Power.

However, a series of reasons make the advanced number more politically significant. At the same time, it is also the flagship of the fleet directly under the Gothic Star District. Even if it is a mascot, it must be there, and it cannot be easily changed.

Luwansberg sent the Divine Power to repair this time, which is also very meaningful.

In addition to the further improvement of Divine Power's own performance, it is also expected to rub Kane's popularity.

The navy is the most superstitious arm. The history of the predecessor of the Divine Power drifting in subspace means ominous to navy officers and soldiers.

It must be said that this superstition is more or less established in this world. The souls of those who die on a ship are inhabited by the ship, which is a normal phenomenon. Psionicists, like navigators and star-speakers, can perceive them.

Even ordinary officers and soldiers, when the ship is navigating in subspace, there is a certain probability to perceive the ghost.

Coupled with the general darkness and suppressed Gothic style inside the ship, it is said that the ghost ship is a bit exaggerated, and it is said that the ship is haunted, but it is the truth.

On the other hand, Kane did gain popularity, and it was still the kind that was raging and growing fast.

The main reason is because Kane started selling Funing agent, or holy water, in the name of the state religion.

This is a product that he jointly launched after interacting with the elite of the State Education. Externally speaking, there are two pilot areas, one is Tyra and the other is Gothic Star District.

Launched with the holy water, there is the holy gate, or the emperor's blessing (the name of Tyra's side), it is the same as the holy water, and it is produced by the erosion of the purification of extraordinary energy through the washing of holy light Adverse effects.

As a facility, the Holy Gate is placed in a place with better lighting, and then it can absorb and transform energy by itself. Above the ground, it looks like an arched corridor with a length of several meters. There is a big mound under the ground, and there is even a force field cabin containing a small sub-space energy vortex.

People only need to walk under the arch at a constant speed to complete the purification.

The usage of holy water is more flexible, mixed in the kettle, in the meal, or a bite, after all, it is generally a small bottle of 15 ml.

Holy water is good, who knows who uses it.

The Holy Gate is more Passing from below, especially the seafarers disembarking, can immediately feel the difference.

As a result of the secret consultation between Kane and the State Church, it was the kind of favor that some emperors had hoped for with this thing. Therefore, the state religion is also very humane to add a saint in front of Kane's name.

Although St. Cain is not as valuable as St. Giles, it is only because of St. Giles's own legendary experience and the blessing of the emperor. The name of "St." is still very valuable in the state religion, and has been linked to the Pope After being lost, it may not be possible to add the title of'holy' to each.

Coupled with the officers and soldiers after the ship change, it is generally reported that there is no haunting phenomenon in the renovation of warships. Kane was the emperor's envoy, and the idea that the emperor imparted the knowledge to protect the soul of the people quickly spread.

Of course, this is also fueled by the state religion and the bundling strategy.

So Luwansberg’s little abacus is still very much wanted. After the theocracy is renovated, please ask Kane to make some noise. He can use his backhand to be the flagship of the theocracy by the emperor’s indirect blessing, making it a flagship. , The advanced number also has a reason for renovation.

And Kane’s first order here also earns...

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