Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1260: Some people are jealous and some are crazy


This time it was Kailatus, the head of the Blood Raven regiment, who came to Kane on his own initiative.

This 2.1-meter tall burly man has a pair of gray iris eyes and is naturally cold, and has two gold, two silver and four nails at the corner of his left eyebrow bone.

One hundred years, one silver and thirty years, so this is a veteran who has been an interstellar warrior for at least 260 years.

As for his height, for the Star Warrior, it can only be said that it is ordinary.

Most Star Warriors are at this height after transformation. After wearing power armor, they reach a height of 2.4-2.6 meters. Of course, there are higher and many, but there are always reasons for this, which are not universal.

When it comes to Star Wars, the biggest problem is actually a series of transformations.

This series of transformations is basically the addition of special organs. For example, two hearts and three lungs, super kidney preset stomach and so on.

The biggest problem here is the gene seed.

The genetic seeds seem to be the result of a tree, one in the neck and one deep in the chest cavity. The neck matures first, 5 years, and the chest cavity matures later, 10 years. After taking it, it is saved and used for more Star Warrior transformation. This is also the only known way to continue the Star Wars Group personnel.

And if an interstellar warrior is contaminated by corruption, the genetic seed will also have problems. However, corruption and pollution are not all dominant.

This has led to the fact that almost every Star Warrior group is more or less plagued by genetic mutations. After all, they always fight in harsh environments, and energy erosion is the norm.

And this erosion is not to say that it is only negative extraordinary energy. The so-called positive extraordinary energy, even cosmic rays, etc., also have an influence.

If there is influence, there is the possibility of mutation.

And these transplanted organs are often related to each other and affect each other. Just hearing the name will know the origin of some organs. Although the organs are good, are they suitable? Forcibly solve the rejection reaction with chemical substances, really once and for all?

These are all problems. It can be said that this superficial, transforming an original person into an assembled hybrid gameplay, Kane can only convince one. Especially the birth of these organs is originally a mutated variety catalyzed by subspace forces.

Like the ear of Riemann, it is the mutant organ of the original Riemann Ruth of the Space Wolf Warrior. Similar to Bailey's tumor furnace and so on.

Physical problems, coupled with engaging in wars that are easily prone to mental illness, and taking one hundred years as a unit, it is really normal to have mental problems.

Of course, Kane also understands that the emperor, in the dark universe of Warhammer 40k, is really not mad and not alive. There are such technologies in his hand, and the population will perish if not used. Chronic suicide if used, choose it.

For him, the Warhammer 40k interstellar warriors are also a very good source of personality big data collection. There are always tested and shining positive characters. These heroes, which are not hero units, are in line with his blood worms. Don’t be a hero, but all are set by professional elites.

Therefore, he is still very willing to interact with the Star Warriors.

Keratos came here this time, the purpose is a bit funny, is to use him as a knight, want to use the name of Star Warrior to bluff him, to gain some advanced knowledge. For example, a 3D printed ship building repair system.

Blood Crow can be said to be very good compared with other brother organizations in the manufacture of Star Warrior. The gene pool is substantial, and the gene seed variation is very low. Various technical documents are also very rich.

But in terms of ships and weapons, it is obviously much worse. Although their ships are very tall compared with other brother organizations, the mothership knows all about the Mystery and is a well-known ship of the empire. In addition, there are three motherships of Prayer of Anger, Observer, and Knowledge. There are also four assault cruisers, but after all, they have been around for years, and they have long been thinking about upgrading.

Because of archaeological hobbies, they are closer to the mechanical gods. A large number of people from the Mechanism came to the Antioch fortress to learn, and they knew it, and then learned more about Kane's gossip. In the idea of ​​having a shot with Zao and Zao, they ran over and tried it.

Unlike mechanical theology, blood crows are not interested in mastering basic scientific principles and formulas.

Of course, if Kane is willing to give them, they also want, the guardian of knowledge is not in vain, and this is all money and can be sold.

What they are most interested in is actually the STC standard machinery manufacturing template.

Of course, they haven't felt good about themselves yet, and Kane will give them stc.

And it’s really for them, they can’t take it, but it’s a hot potato, and Kane can frown with Tara’s top gangsters and calm them down. That’s Kane’s ability, they can’t do it. The blood crows still have self-knowledge.

What they want is a space dock system.

Like most people who know nothing about Kane, they thought Kane started and relied on stc, which is mainly used to make shipyards.

Therefore, in a short time, Kane can put the star ring of the Fortress of Antioch and list so many space docks.

Give it a set or buy it. As a veteran of digging graves, blood crows are rich and obscene.

"It's no problem, but I'm short of money, stuff, and people. It was nothing to give away. But the problem is that when the mouth is opened, it will either be divided into pieces and eaten, and it will not satisfy people's appetite, or It offends the big guy, so there is still a suitable threshold."

Kane smiled and said, "I have long heard of the reputation of the Guardian of Blood Crow knowledge, so I will use it as a bargaining chip. However, I am also a bit picky here, and I naturally cannot be used as a bargaining chip."

"It's no problem!" Kairatus said boldly.

As long as he came before, the blood crow had repeatedly discussed inside, and was mentally prepared for knowledge exchange.

In the words of a curator of a think tank, "The efficient and advanced shipbuilding and repairing of the docks are only in the hands of the entire empire. Kane has no control over so many casting worlds, and their value is self-evident. , Everything else is easy to say."

Kane reminded Kailatus that he promised, and then reminded him: "There is another point, so that you can understand. The speed of the shipbuilding and repair of the space dock here is a key reason, because of the powerful computing system, not only There are special large-scale supercomputers, and the supercomputers of each space dock can also be connected in parallel for centralized calculation."

"Moreover, the reason why the repair is a repair is because its calculation is relatively small, and the manufacturing mode determines that the real-time calculation combined with the current actual situation is very important. This means that a separate space dock is not as you know it. Such crazy construction speed."

Keratos frowned: "So, can you sell the large supercomputer?"

"This is not possible. It has too many uses and too much dependence. Once the Iron Man rebellion was repeated, the losses were too heavy. Chaos is erosive to electronics and machinery. We have not been very good in this regard so far. Defensive means. So I have an appointment with the mechanical gods, large supercomputers will not spread."

"Understood, I will go back to discuss with my brothers, and give you an answer someday, may I?"

"Of course, Monk Astarte is the guardian of the empire and deserves extra courtesy. The blood crows can come at any time without asking if there is a schedule here."

"Thank you for your love, and on behalf of the Blood Raven Warriors, I salute you!"

Kairatus left after saluting.

Turning his face, Kane received a bad news when dealing with the backlog of intelligence information.

In the Athena Star Zone, which is connected to the Gothic Star Zone in the Hazy Star Zone, a large commercial transport group led by the Emperor-class battleship King Sword was attacked.

The latest follow-up news shows that all members of the ship, including the convoy, were killed by the disease.

There were brief crossfires and traces of gang fights on the scene.

One thing to point out here is that in the space station, jumping to help is not necessarily equal to porting. Most of the jumping gangs are landing boats with a bursting tone like sand punches. After being mounted on the hull of the target ship, the channel is exploded and then killed.

On the other hand, it often means that the jump gang has achieved quite good results, such as slowing down the enemy ship and the fall of the fire compartment of the fixed side port. Only then will the exam be passed and a larger jump will be carried out. Otherwise, it would be bombarded with the close-range artillery of the sail era, which was too hurt.

The imperial navy of the dim star field naturally has some guesses about the enemy who committed this evil deed. After all, in this area, we are torn against those opponents all the year round. The production efficiency of ships of all forces is very low. In fact, there are just a few boats that wander up and down the street.

Experts of the Imperial Navy speculated that the evil forces were the "Plague Claw" cruiser. Plague Claw is a murder-class cruiser.

Murder-class cruiser, this Kane knew that it was once one of the main cruisers of the empire. Between 33 and 37 thousand years, the empire produced about 500 cruisers of this type. Tragicly, a considerable part of this type of cruiser The battleship defected to the chaotic side.

The characteristic of this kind of ship is that it is equipped with a large number of the best ion cannons produced by the mechanical gods at that time, and it is a quite terrible opponent at a long distance. And it has strong power, so it can keep a better distance from its opponents.

That is to say, the murder class can rely on the advantages of long distance and fast running, and can kite the enemy ships with long-range weapons that are not as powerful or accurate as him, or simply short-handed.

It is also because of his knowledge of the murder class that Kane does not feel that a plague claw can do such a job.

He believed that this was caused by the Abadon Black Expeditionary Pioneer Fleet after the Chaos forces captured the Arks galaxy and entered the Gothic Star Zone from there, and then turned into the Hazy Star Zone.

Perhaps the scaled believers are not willing to intervene lonely.

For example, when the Vanguard fleet arrived, it contacted the plague claws of the ground snakes in this area, and then performed a play that attracted attention and sneaked in.

The King's Sword didn't even think of the plague claws in the dark, but also because of the cattle breaking of the **** fleet, it could deter the enemy ships that attracted attention.

As a result, the plague claws jumped to the gang and waited until the ship was attacked. As the details in the report describe, many crew members simply died in their jobs, showing how quickly the plague spread and its own malignancy.

To be fair, that is to say, extraordinary viruses, killing mortals, only have this force, otherwise, even if the central air-conditioning system of the spaceship is rotten, it would not be so exaggerated.

Anyway, this is indeed bad news. His prophetic information about the Warhammer 40k world is also based on a chronology of important events.

First, this time, more than 100,000 people in the fleet died tragically, but they were taken away by the phrase "a series of vicious attacks since 139".

Moreover, the chaotic forces of this period, the professionalism is indeed good.

Like this attack, there was no cargo or damage to the ship.

It feels like a plague claw using tricks. Afterwards, there was not enough manpower and firepower to destroy a large number of ships in a short time.

And left behind ships with terrible plagues, deliberately frightening people, disgusting people, such a powerful poison, one ship will pit you off a fleet, so you are not afraid?

In this way, the secret of the vanguard fleet's existence is kept.

After all, in most people's perception, chaotic forces are all kinds of smashing and looting, and they will definitely be destroyed if they are not taken away, and they will not give the opponent a chance to be saved. Only when there is a lack of power, or if there is another conspiracy, will the special column appear.

Soon after, Luwansberg sent a video communication request to chat with him about it.

Luwansberg also suspected that this was caused by the Chaos Vanguard Fleet, and asked him if he had a good way to get the Vanguard Fleet out.

Obviously, the Gothic fleet is now strong and strong, making Luwansberg eager to try, not willing to sit back and watch the people of the Empire be poisoned again and again.

If it continues to open, Kane certainly has a way to pull out the Chaos Vanguard fleet.

However, he prefers to see the Chaos Expeditionary Fleet, as in the original historical line, once again almost coming out of the nest.

Winning the Gothic War in a more beautiful way can guarantee a thousand years of stability.

For a period of time, the First Order could do a lot of things. Until the thirteenth expedition, at least Abadon and most of the Chaos interstellar warriors who rose to the devil, don’t want to be reborn in the kingdom of their respective masters in subspace.

He didn't blow the cowhide, but he still told Rwansberg very frankly, bear with it, and give the Black Expedition a ruthless one, which can keep the millennium safe.

Although Luwansberg felt not beautiful, he agreed with this statement.

Soon after, the Naval Division of Hazy Star Field asked him if there was any way to detoxify the plague.

He had deliberately intervened, and the naval branch took the initiative to support the stage.

Then he replied: "Don't get in touch, I will personally bring the most advanced equipment to the past. In addition, it is best to temporarily isolate the people who have contacted the site and wait for me to go through the procedure again to avoid the latent and spread of the plague."

"Okay, okay, then please." The other party obviously didn't expect Kane to take this seriously. Can't help being polite...

In fact, from a technical point of view, even if it is the poison that Na scale personally prepared, Kane is completely uncomfortable.

From Kane's perspective, the extraordinary power technology system of the Warhammer 40k universe can be called primitive and crude.

It is nothing more than two big factions.

One can be called primitive witchcraft. Like most primitive supernatural powers, this faction focuses on induction, resonance, taste, and passion.

Another faction is psionics, which is characterized by temperance, choice, control, and extraction.

The navigator, the star whisperer, the think tank, and even the bone-singer of the Eldarling clan, the way of foresight, the way of sailing, etc., all adhere to these core choices, not greedy for the whole, but just focusing on one direction. , Try cautiously, and reduce the dependency as much as possible, layer by layer to make it less violent and so on.

These technical measures have indeed achieved a certain effect, but they are still too superficial.

The Four Evil Gods, although they have a long life span and have research and development, but the type of power source acquisition mode has influenced their pursuit of skills.

The law of the Warhammer 40k universe has opened a super hook for them, so that they do not need the believers who operate the main material world to generate a specific power of faith and absorb it like the gods in the ordinary universe. The four evil spirits directly absorb the negative emotional spiritual energy in the seven emotions and six desires. It seems that the road is wide and the restrictions are small, but it is also affected by it.

To some extent, their selves are not sound, and will be swayed by the sentiments of sentient beings, and they cannot completely decide for themselves.

The spiritual energy of the power of faith is easy to obtain, so that there is no hard demand for carving skills.

To study the plague is to be like a strange research on conspiracy, a research on indulgence, a horrible study on various slaughter and slaughter, it is out of hobby, out of the instinct given to them by divinity, not livelihood Forced.

Choosing chaos, most of them have one thing in common, they just don’t want to go the right way.

What is the right way?

The road we have taken.

Self-discipline, struggle, overcoming inferiority, etc., this is the right way. To put it bluntly is to arrange yourself in a variety of ways, so that you are rational and orderly, in order to gain controllability by mastering the laws.

Chaos is the opposite, indulging desire-desire, regardless of consequences. Rely on gambling, ruthless.

The Four Evil Gods are not successful because of their abilities, but they are big enough to be opened like a second-generation company, and they have entered the mode of making money from the beginning.

Since good and evil work can hang all sentient beings and suffer for Mao? Spend a smart life, and occasionally engage in hobbies, isn't it fragrant?

So the four evil spirits pressed people hard and smashed people with instead of subduing people with skill.

These speculations are also corroborated. After all, he had dealt with the Four Evil Gods in the Warhammer in the Middle Ages.

He knows that in the future he wins, it must be in the efficiency brought by technology, including'making money'. One day, his extraordinary power throughput efficiency will exceed the four evil gods, even if they have a rich accumulation, they will eventually He was overtaken by him.

At that time, the money is not as good as him, the throughput efficiency is not as good as him, and the skill is not as good as him, so it is not far from defeat.

The only thing to watch out for is the ancient god. No one knows what elements of the ancient **** Tim did not belong to the Warhammer 40k, and what changes will be brought.

Therefore, it can be despised strategically and tactically. Every step of the way is steady, no hurry and no waves, it is occasionally pitted, and does not damage the root.

The plague ship incident in front of us is considered a tactical category. A trip in person is to avoid the accident of bringing out the plague slaughter town.

At present, population control in the Gothic Star District has just begun to improve. At this time, a major plague may have extinguished the hope that the people just gave birth to again.

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