Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1261: Single ship

Kane was very popular and did not have lunch in the mid-mountain villa in Korna, so he directly boarded the hunter-level reconnaissance ship Burdington, which had completed the corresponding preparations, to the Athena Star District.

Hunter-class reconnaissance ships are light ships.

Of course, according to the customary standards of the First Order, this statement is somewhat cute. After all, the Burdington is 848 meters in length and full of millions of tons.

But in the Warhammer 40K, it is an uncompromising light ship.

The hunter class is not in the first-order series of small Alcana light ships, and belongs to the special ship. Even Korna has only one high-end space dock for holographic printing of various special ships.

The Burdington has the shadow of Kane’s earliest battle star-shaped constellation-class battleship. It is also a reflection of Kane's daily nostalgia.

However, unlike the self-powerful constellation, in addition to its powerful detection capabilities, the Burdington mainly revolves around Kane in combat.

For example, Kane's MA, Kane's fighter, Kane's chariot, Kane's puppet team, Kane's arsenal and so on.

It can be said that the Buddington is Kane's big private toy.

Although the entire First Order is his, Kane generally does not take the lead in violating his own rules, so the special ship alone is considered special.

After leaving Korner, the Burdington was only a jump, and reached the area 300,000 kilometers away from the incident. Immediately afterwards, he contacted the imperial navy ship staying here.

After identifying the password and confirming Kane's identity, the responsible person of the Navy here briefed on the situation, especially the current work progress.

At this time, the investigation system of the Burdington discovered the chaotic forces ships hidden in the asteroid group.

"Are you trying to get help? Well, no, it should be playing under the light. Who can think that the murderer is hiding at the scene of the murder?" Kane thought about it, or decided to hang on to solve the problem.

It is not impossible to challenge the enemy ship with the USS Burdington. After all, chaotic supply is all about robbing, and there is basically no construction and maintenance. Not just talking about it. In terms of productivity, they are not as good as the Ork who rely on "I am thinking". In this context, it is not surprising that there are many problems with ships.

Of course, authentic chaos is mainly for playing extraordinary powers, while Chaos interstellar warriors are good at catching the grudge, and persecuting those who are tortured by various tortures to devote their skills and labor.

For example, Abbotton’s upcoming twelfth black expedition gimmick planet killer. Abbotton overthrew the dark mechanistic lord Tykenos on the casting world Raki 4 in 978 years ago, 162 years ago. The mechanistic traitors there loyal to Abbotton , Follow him back to the eye of fear, and start preparing for the construction of a planetary killer.

In 982, the gang of traitor mechanical priests began to build ships, using the huge and unremarkable energy cannon data that Abbotton obtained from Rana Mogstein in the aura world. The planetary killer ship was built around this gun.

It can be said that aside from this cannon, the rest of the gun is not a sharp technique. It is perfectly suitable to say that it is a gun rack with a self-propelled function.

In 139 years of 41 years, last year, the ship was completed. It was completed in less than two hundred years and was quite efficient. 1 is because at least one craftsman who casts stars builds a ship. 2 The key weapon is just a gun, and the data is still available. 3 is the blessing of Toya space, allowing the law of distortion, some operations that the real universe cannot do, where it can be. 4 is that the technical content is not high, that is, the self-propelled cannon.

Therefore, the lords and princes of the Chaos Department can use what kind of vehicle, which is completely based on means and luck, not technology, they don’t care about technology, grab all races in the physical world, and then bless with evil energy, basically OK , Change it if it is broken.

This is the case, the following group of demons are relatively difficult, and you can't easily count on the change. The devil can have more ups and downs than life. Use whatever you have.

In this context, its ships are naturally worse than the ships of the empire in a different way, or can they interact with each other?

Once a ship like the Burdington is encountered, the scene of the **** fleet breaking the pirates and looting the ship group like the previous year will be staged.

The horrible and powerful image of the chaotic forces will also be cast a shadow.

And this is not what Kane wants to see.

From a chaotic perspective, this may lead to a major change in Abadon’s overall strategy.

From an empire perspective, whether it is to despise chaos or to place hope on some people, it is not a good thing.

‘Oh! 'Blink flashed, and Kane appeared on a destroyer-class destroyer. The main positioning of this type of destroyer is escort.

Near Kane's location, several celebrities stared at him in shock.

Rape is the main source of chaotic battleship seafarers, but it is also a technical arm, and the demons are not very fun.

Kane just glanced at them, and these human traitors collapsed and became vegetative.

In fact, a large part of the traitors are intertwined with remorse, provided that they are sober.

However, as the erosion of evil energy deepens, the time to sober becomes shorter and shorter.

Kane is not interested in using carved details to rescue this soul that is not far away from the complete loss of self. No matter how good the reason is, people have to be complicated for their actions.

This law favors the extraordinary, especially the powerful world. Kane is very powerful, can miss the eyes and kill people. The dead are like being judged by evil spirit knights, their eyes are hollow, their souls are destroyed, and they are dissipated in the world.

Kane's body intermittently released a wave of light, like a bat's sonar system, with diffuse scanning and strong penetration, and feedback information, providing Kane with good instant information.

‘Oh! ’Kane appeared in another part of the ship and saw Chaos Star Warrior.

Corrupted green paint, rusty iron border, the logo is drawn with three arrows radiating at the same point, and three skulls between the three arrows.

Kane smiled: "Oh, it's the death guard of the 14th Legion, whose original body is Motalian.

Several death guards were startled, then stood up one after another, holding a weapon in silence.

The legion did not have a battle roar, because they believed that death, like the plague, came quietly and left quietly.

The soldiers of the legion are characterized by calmness, courage and courage, and like assault tactics.

Compared with Kane, the Star Warrior has obvious advantages in both height and width, and it is full of oppression. But the battle had not yet begun, and these death guards were in turn locked up.

This is a relatively profound intuition. It seems to be protected by the invisible force. Once a few flaws are exposed, the invisible force will use it as a breakthrough and launch a fatal blow.

Generally speaking, the champion swordsman among the interstellar warriors can create such a feeling for ordinary interstellar warriors, but they are basically single locked. Kane locked everyone on the scene.

His costume at this time can be called gorgeous, seemingly thin and light, but the armor with amazing protection is an extraordinary version of power armor. After deliberately artistic, it has the grimness of the Gothic style and the complicated and gorgeous Baroque, as well as the Rococo style. Delicate and exquisite, one sentence explanation is cool and extravagant, inlaid with gold and precious stones,

In addition to the magic power equipment, it is the equipment of the Star Wars Jedi Wizard, sleeveless samurai suit, and the big cloak of the hood with the wind pulling the wind.

The hand is naturally a wand'knife handle' that is already in use in the dark HP world. This wand is shaped like the handle of the Star Wars lightsaber (non-mainstream, similar to Earl Ducuk's lightsaber), and can be sprayed like a lightsaber A semi-condensed high-density energy beam.

Ironically, Kane's samurai suit is iron gray, the big cloak is black, the lightsaber is scarlet, and the detachable helmet of the helmet is also a deformation of the skeleton. Under the light source effect in this ship, the entire People are so solemn, they are not like the justice side.

Speaking of the style of the chaotic side, it is very simple, scarlet + greasy, scarlet is blood, and greasy is horn, so when you see the armor or the ship is full of scary horns, and the color is quite bloody, it is basically the undoubted chaos.

These death guards were more terrible than before they had not betrayed. Instead, they were more pleasing to the eyes and the cruel beauty than the swollen, smooth tin canned Star Warrior.

However, there are not many gorgeous decorations. Obviously this is Xinding. I have not experienced the battle of glory enough to be decorated and decorated on the armor.

One of the death guards could not bear his temper and moved a little, then it was cut off.

Kane turned into a group of lights and shadows, the lightsaber was more like a match, the bright light was harvested at first glance, and the harvest was completed.

The big personality data of the Chaos Star Warrior pair is of no value to Kane because it has been contaminated by chaos.

With the death of the death guard, the rest felt that this was the only chance to break the lock of the degassing machine, and they started one after another.

Of course, this is an illusion. At first glance, close, then bright, close, bright, and even bright, all die.

After the battle, the dazzling light was like a short but gorgeous firework.

Kane ‘soo! ’Disappeared and reappeared already in the command module.

Taking advantage of the torture with the death guard, the wave of investigation did not stop, but found the command center of the ship.

Chaos forces use their fists to humble their inferiority, and few can violate this unspoken rule.

So the captain is the strongest in the whole ship, and this is fine.

Unlike most death guards who are trapped in subspace and slowly corroded to become firm foul loyalists, the Soul Drinker is a Star Warrior from the secondary formation that was pitted to death and fallen. .

Take the brother in front of me as an example, his lower body has been transformed into a scorpion, fighting with some of the scorpion kings in {Mummy Legend}, he still believes that he is fighting for the empire.

"You don't understand, what I did is the right thing. I'm saving the empire..." The captain of the captain felt half crazy and chatted to himself.

This reminded Kane of Sarperdon, the leader of the Soul-Drinking Warrior, who was spider-like in the lower body and always thought he was fighting for the empire.

This is why among the four evil gods, adulterance is always the most hateful, playing with people's hearts, insulting, ravaging, and blasphemy. But there is always nothing to do, so incompetence is furious.

Of course, the captain in front of him showed such a side, which just shows that it is more inspired than the previous death guard, and can truly appreciate the difference in strength between the two sides.

Seeing that Kane was unmoved, the captain was ruthless, and suddenly rushed up, so he almost shouted, "I'll fight you!"

Kane's figure flashed, and he passed by, and cut his head smoothly.

Immediately, the fist was gripped, and the invisible power was brought to a close. The **** in various positions in the command cabin was still in a stagnation state.

"Secret of Chaos! Call the Demon Fighter!"

The Spell Seal is a prepared spell that can be regarded as the base of the spell.

The exorcism madman corresponds to the exhort guard, which is based on the positive emotional energy of the HP world wizards to resist the invasion of negative energy units such as dementors.

While the demon madman is based on negative emotional energy, and can act as a butcher until he is killed or killed.

The most important thing in a chaotic ship is the negative emotional energy. In addition to the self-produced crew members living on it and the evil energy of the devil family, it also includes the grudges of the dead souls attached to the ship.

On the side of the building shipyard of the Antioch Fortress, every time a ship is repaired, it is inevitable to use a supernatural weapon to clear up a wave of remnants of resentment.

For this reason, Kane was stretched out in terms of materials, and pointed directly at Luwansberg to send the battleship of the Divine Power, before becoming lenient.

A little bit of the original force is used as a guide to provide a framework for the spell model, and the rest is ingested by the devil. The newly born Demon Fighter was nothing but a ghost image, but Kane was not worried that it would be a mission.

"Uh!" Kane teleported to an unbeliever-class assault ship, and a few minutes later, "Super-Secret Seal · Calling Demon Madness!"

Then came a Hellbringer light cruiser.

I have to say that the ships of the Chaos Force are really too complicated, the IWC. This makes Kane more tiring.

Because the IQ of the Demon Fighter is not good, it is extremely time-consuming to count on it to destroy all ship targets with its own search capabilities.

And the forces of chaos are not dead, can you beat but run? Escape boats, warships, and fighter planes can be used, and they can also inform colleagues to assist them if they have a chance.

Therefore, beheading and destroying the command module is a good start to understand the structure of the ship, and then share the information with the demon madman, so that it can take the stealth of the hidden raid. There are also orderly and prioritized slaughter crews necessary.

To achieve this, Kane had to complete the investigation of the target ship. For the Wanguo brand, it is not possible to apply the template that has been investigated, which is more laborious and laborious.

Cain regrets that he did not find the murder class cruiser ‘Plague Claw’, which was speculated by naval professionals. The flagship of this lurking fleet is a murder class sister cruel class cruiser.

It has a very classic chaotic appearance. On the basis of the original black Gothic warship, there is an extra circle of lava color, and at the same time, there are ‘chaotic bone armor’ that is scattered all over the grim angle.

Of course not bones, but evil energy (Kane's name for the extraordinary energy of affinity and negative emotions, including the power of filth). Their existence not only adds to the cruel beauty of the ship, but also has practical uses, such as the extraordinary energy of the solid place, which can provide the devil with a place to stay so that it can stay in the real universe for a longer time. As another example, those collision angles are like hot melt knives, which are regarded as extraordinary energy cones, which is convenient for chaotic battleships to play the game of “bumper cars”.

Many artillery guns blasted on the target's face, impacted at a high speed, and the Warhammer 40K world played a new level of this **** but adrenaline tactics, which was shot and queued more than the World War II line The line pair is happy.

Large battleships of chaotic forces are suspected of preparing for this type of combat mode, so the killing class has a conical bow, which is obviously different from the U-shaped bow and spear-type collision angle common to the empire.

This makes the ship of the Chaos side feel more sharp and sharp overall.

But now, waiting for the end of these latent chaotic ships is to dismantle scrap iron. Its performance is of no use to the first order, and its materials can be used as extraordinary materials after purification.

Kane saw the fleet admiral of this chaotic squadron in the captain's cabin of this cruel class cruiser. Also for Chaos Star Warrior.

This one's armor is painted in black and blue, and the logo is a thick X arrow plus a short vertical arrow (concentric), like a long rice. This is the background, and the pattern is the skeletal skull with **** bat wings on both Kane knew that this was changed on the basis of the original logo after joining Chaos, an exaggerated artistic brother The special style is very attractive to some young people who don't have a brain and just ask whether the visual effect is cool or cool.

Lord Midnight, the original Connor Koz, likes stealth, horror-ism tactics, battle roar: long live! Dominate the night! , Sometimes shouting: We have come!

The Midnight Lord is one of the war groups that the old Horus rebelled and rebelled against humanity. After the rebellion, they were scattered everywhere, and many were hiding in the eyes of fear.

Therefore, it is not surprising to see the Midnight Lord here.

However, the powerful foresight of the midnight lord Connor Kotz made its genetic seed successors prolific, and Shinto, rarely served as the commander of the fleet, consultants are common.

Kane paced easily, looking at the other party's rather luxurious exclusive cabin. He picked up a skeleton on the display cabinet and put it back again. He asked, "Lord Midnight, did you foresee my arrival?" "

"No, but your arrival is a surprise to me." The voice of this chaotic interstellar warrior is thick and thick, with an echo. It is no longer in the category of sounds that human vocal cords can make, and the process of enchantment is deep. .

Kane looked at it and smiled: "It is said that Lord Midnight is because he foresaw the ability to see too much darkness and despair of the future of mankind and the entire world of order, and he turned to chaos. I felt that, But it’s just greed, and a lack of demand for strength. You think that the magic tumor on your body is a further powerful treasure, but there is a slight deviation, and the real master of the magic tumor thinks that in any case, the winner It will only be it."


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