Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1262: Looking back at humorous interpretation of ancient doubts

Kane quickly revealed the ultimate secret of the midnight lord.

The midnight lord realized that if he didn't do it again, he would be afraid that even the last point of courage would be extinguished.

It is a former think tank curator, a later primitive wizard, and has the ability to foresee. It can experience the hidden terror of Kane's unexcited surface more than ordinary demons.

"Hey, hey! It was it that won? No! It was us who won!"

The midnight lord simply saved the temptations of the first stage and directly transformed into the second stage.


This performance reminded Kane of the moment when Arthas, the world's largest filial son, wore the crown of the Lich King at Icecrown.

That is also very Gothic, also very Nordic, the cold world, the broken snow flying, plus the sad hymns of the little girls, the picture is beautiful and cruel, and the grid is instantly filled.

This is almost at hand. Kane is sensible and likes cool colors. The color of **** is too noisy for him.

"Oh ha ha ha! I finally came out!"

"Stupid!" Kane rolled his eyes, thinking that the midnight lord would come up with a wicked demon, and the result was a muscular brain of the terror department.

It's quite a pull. The enchanted power armor and the second enchantment are completely integrated into the body, thus obtaining the effect of half armor and half flesh.

Coupled with the further coarsening and exaggerated shape of the cone thorn, it looks more and more dire and precarious.

Of course, the key is still the effect of light and shadow. There is no light embellishment. Is it good to say that you are extraordinary? So the light of the lava is flowing, and suddenly added a mysterious force.

There is actually a big cloak with a fur collar. Of course, if you look closely, you will find that it is not fur, but materialized energy. All in all, the roots are fresh, fluffy and elegant.

A giant lava axe in his hand, with a red tooth blade, magic heat fusion weapon, the rod is thicker than the goose egg.

The big guy, the fattening muscle tyrant, the vulgar cruel style, the favorite of Europeans and Americans.

"Just you, go and clear this boat. Forget everything!"

So this man did not know what the reason was, after many years of surrendering with a magic tumor, and finally rebuilding the sun and the sky, he was completely absorbed in memory and became a puppet.

The **** version is completely forgotten, it is so domineering, especially in this universe has a bonus.

The purgatory muscles chopped monsters with an axe.

Kane turned back to the Buddington, waved away the'drama' and armor, put on a loose and comfortable bathrobe (popular in the Victorian British robe, not an ordinary bathrobe), and received Mirada Qi Honghong tea sat down in the sofa by the fireplace and began to take a nap.

What is comfort? The comfort is that the temperature of the three-volt bedroom is kept at 14 degrees Celsius by the central air conditioner, and then covered with a thin space cotton blanket to take a nap.

Kane is almost such a enjoyment now. The temperature in the room is low, nestled in a comfortable sofa chair, drinking black tea to roast the fire, warming the heart and warming the face, it is necessary to adjust this.

At the same time, the imperial navies who had been in contact with the plague ship were still on their ships, following the process of additional disinfection operations.

This process is a bit cumbersome, but it is very popular.

Stems from two points:

1. During the disinfection process, there will be a link of funing agent, which is holy water. This thing is more popular now, in short supply, ordinary people simply can't afford it. Although there is a certain quota for the light of the Hazy Starfield Navy and the Gothic Star Navy, most of them are still taken by the chiefs as favors.

This relationship is not too dark, but was discussed with the naval officers and soldiers, which probably means that the funds are used first, compared with the use of the Funing agent, to solve the navy’s most troubled ship problems and supply problems. The issue of salary arrears and so on are the key points.

As for the torment of the navy, it has persisted for so many years, and it is not bad for these six months and six months, right? While the holy water industry hasn't spread out yet, the value is high, it's good to be humane, sell money, make up the big hole, everyone is happy, isn't it?

So what can I complain about now that I can get rid of the holy water and relax my spirit like never before?

2. During the disinfection process, there is a physical examination procedure, almost a bottle of medicine. This is a first-order medicine that is very well-known for treating osteoporosis and other problems caused by long-term gravity-free conditions. It's Baishen again, and it's a very grounded benefit, isn't it fragrant?

So everyone lined up obediently, and by the way, every day shouted and praised the emperor's slogan.

Before completing the inspection and cleanup of naval ships, Kane was not in a hurry to deal with the ships contaminated by the plague.

Of course, some preparatory work is still being carried out in an orderly manner, such as gathering the ships instead of letting them drift around.

In the afternoon, the mechanical **** Paul II went online.

Because of technology, Paul II, as the chief manufacturer and can be described by big scientists, still has a common language with Kane and interacts more frequently.

However, this chat was agreed long ago, and soon the other two, Pope Duben III, and Augustus, the general representative of the Tribunal, were also online.

There was no nonsense to talk about, after Kane nodded and said hello, he directly said the topic:

"Let me talk about the general pattern of knowing. First of all, please understand these concepts, 1. The idea of ​​sentient beings. 2. The power of faith. The power of faith is a kind of idea of ​​sentient beings, a specific frequency of spiritual energy. , Because it can be produced, with more controllable characteristics, it is not as powerful as the idea of ​​sentient beings. This difference involves two concepts,'natural' and'true', we say that it is generated naturally , Sincere feelings from the heart are often more powerful. Not only because of pureness, but also because of conformity to the "Tao". As for the "Tao", it is the basic law of the universe."

"Subspace is the mirror and shadow of the physical universe. They influence each other. Here is an important point. In subspace, time is not linear. For example, Sister (Sin), forgive me for not mentioning the four names. They It’s far more powerful than yours. It’s not good for me to face them early."

"It is well known that Sister S was born after the horrific event of the Eldar Ling clan. But from the perspective of subspace, this is not the case. That position has been waiting for a long time. It has been gestating and accumulating, and its nature has been long since. Qualitatively, the catastrophe is only the last straw that killed the camel."

"Similarly, the emperor said that the concept of representation also existed for a long time. However, all things in the universe are unequal, all beings are suffering, and the mental energy is huge. Therefore, the existing N dad Old K (terrorist), then T big (tricky), and finally Sister. In addition to the negative direction, there is also a positive direction, the emperor can represent a part."

"Speaking of this, the state religion still needs to be framed. The deified emperor, there are fools and devouts. Although the emperor does not have a perfect belief system, the power of faith is gathered and converted into divine power. It is still useful to feed the people through the clergy, but in the end, the emperor is like the sun in the subspace, where the direct light of the emperor will evaporate, and even the evil spirits will not even look at the emperor."

"Of course, this does not mean that the emperor is stronger than the evil god, but that the evil **** does not think that such consumption is meaningful. The grassroots game is the key."

"Then talk about me. The category I belong to is not within this system. Furthermore, the extraordinary power I represent is not necessarily related to the years of sentient beings. It is a kind of subspace power."

"There are many kinds of subspace forces. We use people as a benchmark to distinguish between positive and negative, and positive ones are beneficial to people, and negative ones are harmful to people. Of course, this is very rough, because the actual situation is complicated. There are many. It can benefit others, but it can also hurt others. But human attributes are positive. I call them sunlight creatures. Naturally, they have a higher affinity for positive and a lower affinity for negative."

"Spiritual energy, as a special force, can influence and even control extraordinary powers. Negative spiritual energy is more compatible with negative extraordinary powers, and vice versa."

"The Four Evil Gods were born with negative spiritual power. It is the idea of ​​sentient beings, and the emperor is also influenced by the religious belief of the state religion. It is also based on the original idea to control the idea of ​​high affinity and the force of making affinity. Positive extraordinary energy."

"And I represent some kind of extraordinary energy, specifically, the Holy Light. It is one of the powers of light. This concept involves another kind of god, the primitive god, the power to build everything in the universe, and to breed the primitive god. But in this universe, primitive gods are difficult to breed because of the basic laws. The earliest primitive gods were not bred from extraordinary powers, but were born from the stellar wise star god."

"After the Star God, there is the ancient saint, the creator of the network, the lizard man is their assistant, and the Elder Holy Spirit and the Orc are the tool people they created. After the ancient saint, they are the fearful of the dead. Challenged the ancient saint, which is the first half of the legendary battle of heaven. After the failure, they went to the star god, who gave them living metal and transferred their souls to them to obtain eternal life. But this is actually a scam. Simple My understanding is that I promise to give you eternal life, but you who are not promised you are still personal after eternal life."

"But in any case, the Star God+Fear of the Dead defeated the ancient saint using magic+technology. However, the destruction of the ancient saint was caused by the subspace evil that was inadvertently released for the sake of victory."

"One of the leaders of the dead, the silent king, has witnessed the star **** use the extraordinary power against the original body of the dead after the change of body of the dead, and squeeze the power of life, enjoy it. So he knows that the soul and the living metal In fact, they made a mistake."

"This recognition led to the King of Silence having been deliberately preparing for the late stage of the Battle of Heaven. At a critical moment, they launched an attack on the Star God. At that time, the Star God was exhausted by the battle with the Ancient Saint, and then he was defeated. But Star God is a primitive deity, representing a basic force of the universe. Unless the soul of the universe is extinguished, it will not completely die out. So, the fearful people build a maze of thinking and imprison the fragments of the star god."

"After the battle of heaven, the feared dead became the space necromancer due to the unique curse of the star god, plus the great loss of power caused by the war, they were unable to contend with the lizardmen, the Elda spirits, and the Orc orcs, so they were silent. The king ordered the remnant city to be transformed into a stagnation of tombs, and the whole family slept for 60 million years before regaining the lost glory. Then the king destroyed the agreement to control his subjects and left the galaxy to seek solace and confession. "

"The lizard men have feelings and are the assistants of the ancient saints. They carry out the orders of the ancient saints, including their deaths. And they are very strong, and the evil spirits are not interested in the existence of this difficult spiritual energy that will not produce the negative spiritual energy they need. "

"Ok orcs are war machines, they seem backward, but cutting-edge technology + magic has been written into the genes by ancient holy, so they can often play science and magic products, all kinds of unreasonable but can be used if Only analyzing from the perspective of technology will make people doubt life."

"Ok Orcs have a simple mindset, and with this simplicity, they have created their own gods, brother and Mao, and fulfill each other. Stupid happy and alternative, Evil God is also not interested in them."

"The Eldar spirits are not bad. After the death of the ancient saint, their consciousness of freedom gradually came into being and became a self-spirit. What happened behind you is probably clear to you. I will not say it."

"Returning to the topic of primitive gods, the platform for me is primitive gods. It belongs to the same category as the star gods, but there is no need for life. Of course, there is no perfection, and light is not harmless. After all, light is born from darkness. It’s just As long as there is no violent consumption like God of War, it will not be extremely reversed. And the time scale of its existence is unimaginable for human beings. This is also an important reason for my low-key behavior. The gods are not afraid of things, but I’d better not It's troublesome, it's good for everyone."

"Then speaking back to the Holy Light. It is not a panacea, but human beings are sunlight creatures. It is more suitable for it and can benefit from it. But it should be noted that light is bred from the dark, and the Holy Light is refined from the light... …So, every divine light produces very dark.”

"What is darkness? The essence of darkness is actually pure. But it can be a hotbed of all evil. This is our world. There is always a threshold. If it is over, it will die as strong as the ancient holy. I think'moderate' It's still worth thinking about."

"Also, remind me that the 60 million-year sleep period of the space necromancer is not a few years. This is the main reason for my entry into the WTO. After all, the nature of the evil spirit determines that it is difficult to seal, not to mention the destruction. We can only It's just going to pass the day. Treating the people kindly, everyone is more relaxed. Of course, it affects the crop output of the evil spirit, and the evil spirit will not be indifferent."

"Okay, this lecture is here. The following is the question link. If you ask randomly, I may not answer all of them, and I may not be able to give a satisfactory answer."...

Kane chose these three, naturally because they can all match up with the extraordinary, and at the same time, the accumulation of information in this area is relatively sufficient.

If it's the executive court and the admiralty, it's hard to understand if it's just a lack of understanding. Moreover, it is these three **** sticks that can influence the direction of the empire.

Executives are also important, but as non-extraordinary, they are relatively uncomplicated and suitable candidates are easier to choose. The indispensability and image quality are ultimately worse.

Sentence explanation: The fantasy world in sci-fi leather is of course more extraordinary.

This lecture, because it involves too many secrets, Paul II and them, but there is a kind of daze not knowing where to start.

Seeing them speechless, Kane said: "I just copied the history and said the details, I don't necessarily know how much. I mean, you can use it as a program, and then compare the specific information collected, so It’s not easy to make the same mistakes, and that’s enough.”

"Since you haven't thought about what to ask, let's continue until the next meeting. I will answer some questions from your last consultation."

"The first is the problem of AI. The extraordinary unreasonableness determines that technology is tragic, and its end is nothing but scientific analytical metaphysics. But it is almost paradoxical. After all, the basic concepts and quantities of metaphysics are very idealistic. . So I don’t support the popularity of AI again, and auxiliary computing is its limit."

"The emperor's situation can be understood in such a way that his core will is indestructible. That is to say, even if the emperor is down, there will be the next emperor-style character born. It is just that human civilization may not be able to wait until that time. And The newly born emperor-style characters will not have the emperor's memory and the personality formed based on this memory. So, yes. The emperor's physical body is very important, it is its anchor point in the material world, and it is also the support of personality Once destroyed, the personality will dissipate without support, and the divinity will remain, waiting for the next birth."

"As for communicating with the emperor, it is actually not difficult. I can make use of the psionicist's shining light in the subspace to communicate with it in the form of light language. I also have a way to increase the brightness by condensing and to do what I want. , Back to you."

"Robert Kiliman, his soul is still dependent on the body, just sleeping, although his wounds are poisonous, but it is nothing. I can heal him, but this is mainly a matter of trust, do extreme warriors agree? You can go talk, you need to let me know when I shoot."

"A transitional navigation technology that does not enter subspace. UU reading I only have fruit here, no trees, and the hidden dangers are actually very large. In this respect, we can conspire about the inertial engine of the space necromancer, without the need to enter the superlight speed of subspace. Flying. They used this to fight against the ancient Saints with network technology. Looking back, they can dig a grave and get some ships to study."

"The Star Gate can be used first, but the output is low, and it is difficult to want a universal empire. Let's first target the popularization of the star field. The hazy star field is temporarily established in Korna, so that even if the subspace storm does not hinder Stargate parts delivered."

"3D printed space docks, considering the production of spare parts, can produce about one hundred sets per year. The most valuable of this equipment is data, and the remote management based on quantum entanglement can erase the data information instantly, and then reinstall it remotely. But. Since it is not so afraid of looting and destruction, the production area does not have to be too strict, and it is very expensive to raise troops."

"So much for now?"

Indeed, a lot of information is enough to digest for a while, and there are many actual projects. Star Gate, Space Dock, Ancient Pork Ribs, and the awake Robert Kiliman communicate with the emperor. For a while.

Shortly after the end of the dialogue, the Order again secretly went to Tyra, this time with Stargate parts.

The star goalkeeper will be located at Lagrange Point 1 in Terra, specifically inside a giant meteor star roughly barreled.

This will provide protection from the flanks for the star gate, as well as the starship that has just crossed the star gate and the starship waiting to cross the star gate. In addition, the meteorite itself will be transformed into a fortress, and the outer circle will gain gravity through rotation. Thus becoming a colonial satellite that can live for a long time.


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