Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1263: Trained the pope to resolve the crisis

After finishing an important three-party video conference, Kane chatted closely with Pope Benedict III of the State Church for about an quarter of an hour.

The main content of the secret chat is about the past life, present life and future of the state religion.

Kane bluntly broke some old accounts.

"The birth of the State Church can't bypass the Legionnaire's Legion anyway. As the original body of the 17th Legion, Luojia successfully ascended to the devil prince, which is smoother than other primitives. The only point is that it is enough. Prove how many atrocities and sins the warrior warriors under his command have committed."

"The relationship between the evil gods is not harmonious, and the tyranny and the evil spirits are more tangled, and the scale and the evil are constantly at odds, as you probably know. But Luojia, who believes in the four evil gods at the same time, has received the benefits that the evil gods unanimously give, because of excessive piety. You’re probably not sure about the meritorious deeds. In addition, it lives in a demon world called Cecarus and continues to watch the army that commands it to fight around. You probably don’t know."

"Excessive piety is all that can be understood as Luojia's personal problem. He is the one who believes that there must be faith support, or that he must kneel."

"But this is an outstanding achievement, but it is not only the result of various damaging effects of the highly pure scum of Irebas. Someone was washing the ground for Roga, saying that most of the bad things were done by Irebas, and Roga is almost the same. It was forced to rebel, and Luojia was quite honest after the mutiny and did not mess around."

"But you know now that the reward of the Evil God is the best explanation, and it does not necessarily play a low role if you do not fight on the front line. And this merit is outstanding, including the leader of his leadership who has not betrayed. The burning of various classics, documents, and the establishment of the imperial church (predecessor of the state religion) represented by the perfect city (temple)."

"I'm pulling this with you, I don't suspect that there is a problem with the state religion. After all, since you have no objections to revive Robert Kiliman, apparently when he was sitting on the golden throne in the emperor and was represented by Kiliman, he had already talked to Kiliman. Achieving unity of opinion and deciding to use the state religion to allow the empire to gain cohesion to survive the period of suffering."

"Kiliman's faithful support of the emperor's core decisions (education is wise, technology promotes productivity) can accept the state religion after realizing that the world is actually a fantasy, and use it as a means of uniting people's hearts. There is no reason for such a magical choice to let humanity run black on the one-way street of technology."

"What I want to say is that everything has two sides, just as I tell you that the price of the Holy Light is the siltation of darkness. The encounter of the whisperer has shown that the creation of religion is also good for evil gods. The speaker is by far the only chaotic interstellar warrior that retains the priest’s class. These evil **** priests called the dark apostles are above the officers. The dark apostles are killed. The entire army will hold a martyrdom for the mass, and then the apostle’s company Of officers will be executed."

"In the jihad before the mutiny, the talkers had a slow progress, but the occupied areas were completely influenced. This style is still maintained. And because of the tradition of faith of the imperial people, after the conversion , Will soon become a qualified believer in evil spirits. This is also an important reason why more and more fanatic believers in evil spirits."

"And, you have to notice that the emperor can’t really respond to prayers and respond to it. Evil God is okay. There is no need for professional priests, as long as they are chaotic wizards, even if they have just awakened the psionic power to connect to the subspace. By calling out evil spirits or demons, people appear to be holy. These two are almost the difference between true gods and hypocrisy. So, don’t blame the imperial people’s beliefs. The belief is the double-edged sword, and now the situation is that the more dependent on faith , The greater the damage to the empire."

"Look back at this matter. When Kiriman woke up and contacted the emperor, he added up the total. Thinking of a charter, it really made Evil God fully understand the benefits of the power of faith and stabilize the supply, and made a prayer. The world of players is the bottom card, how can their opponents play?"

It is equivalent to dropping the number of Duben III, and the private chat basically comes to an end.

Kane's words were a bit rushing, but in fact it was good intentions, and he believed that Eduardo III's EQ could be understood.

Because the emperor and the emperor are not fake, but they are a little low in emotional intelligence.

He wanted a so-called emperor's means of entanglement and checks and balances. Even if the twenty sons betrayed, they would not betray half.

The emperor is also a materialist. When the time came to contact, it was not the emperor's strategy of screaming at the people, that the empire would return to the science and technology of opening up people's wisdom. Should it be implemented or not?

Why not contact him if he doesn't execute? The implementation simply cannot go on. Now humans are the main leeks of the Four Evil Gods, at least in the Milky Way. Human civilization follows the path of science and technology. Evil Gods use unreasonable and extraordinary cutting leeks, isn’t this looking for abuse? It is simply impossible to carry it out. After all, there are really ghosts, gods, snakes and gods, and there are extraordinary people. It is not clear that science can explain it. How do you let people be materialistic?

Therefore, the specific operation of this matter must have a statute, such as first waking up Kiliman, being good, then contacting the emperor, and then combing out a plan to solve the problem step by step.

Don’t be too quick, several projects are open at the same time, the Trial Court is in contact with the emperor, ordered to slaughter the State Church, what should I do? Kiriman also acted with the power of the State Church, and what did he do?

As for why the trial court contacted the emperor first, it should be known that in the original history, the trial court tried several times to remove the emperor from gold through aliens (such as the spirit clan death ambassador Ivni, there are aliens in the alien trial court). The toilet (the toilet's claim is because the Golden Throne cracked down on the broken network) was pulled up, and the result was that the self-contained Imperial Guards obstructed it and failed. So their enthusiasm for this matter is very real, and other aspects are hard to say.

Although Kane can now open high-level meetings by relying on some information that everyone wants to know and the benefits he wants to get. But in fact the relationship between these departments is not harmonious.

This is also the reason for the reminder. I really want the trial court to contact the emperor first, and I can't figure out what is happening.

The meeting of the gangsters is over, and the activity is over. Boarding the ship infected by the plague and inspecting it is also considered as a front-line investigation.

The main visit was the emperor-class battleship King of the Sword, and then selected several merchant ships.

The situation is roughly similar to what he expected. The serial sleeve is the main point. The first plague that killed people is the more powerful but has a short survival time.

They killed themselves soon after they killed the host. But they provide a living environment for another plague.

This virus can be understood as tuberculosis virus, which is mainly transmitted through droplets. The incubation time is 7-12 days. Although it is not fatal, it can cause permanent damage to people, making the respiratory system vulnerable and functionally reduced.

It can be said that once you get this disease, if you can’t treat it in time, even if it is cured later, people will be half a waste. What you must do for heavy physical work is not able to do it, and there are requirements for the environment, such as dust and exhaust emissions. There is no way to wait for the region, considering the general situation of the entire empire today, it is really bad enough, especially once it is popular in the city of Chaodu, it will trigger a humanitarian disaster.

The main resource of Chaodu’s export is its population. The living environment of people below the middle level is often very bad. Once the disease is pandemic, the main export resources are hit hard, but there are a lot of unworkable mouths to feed, making it difficult to feed people by foreign imports. Grim, by then, will the unscrupulous rulers of the nest be purifying? Then trigger the chaos believers to instigate?

"Miranda, what nests are nearby?"

Miranda quickly listed, and Kane glanced at the location and general situation of each nest, pointing to one of them: "Here, Mobinga!"

Mobinga is a slang term with a heavy accent called Gothic.

The human empire of the Warhammer 40K universe uses upper and lower Gothic. Upper Gothic is approximately equal to English with Latin features, and Lower Gothic is closer to Anglo-English.

However, with the Milky Way colony, which is also in Gothic, two different places can reach the point where they don't know what the other is saying or even writing.

Of course, for this reason, the policy of stupid people is also the main factor, otherwise it will not be so exaggerated, at least not in writing.

Gothic is more standard, but it is like an authentic London accent, and the number of people who play is limited.

Mobinga means Dashan-like factory, referred to as Changshan.

Mobinga used to be a factory.

It is an important production place for the military supplies of the Haze Star Empire Defense Army. It includes light weapons such as laser guns, shotguns, and blasters commonly used by the defense forces (the warheads are boosted by rockets, like the earth’s anti-equipment rifles, and have a large caliber, with various warheads, including piercing psionic protection), and other light weapons. Riemann Lustanker and various derivative models are mainly tanks, artillery, sentry mechas, etc., and of course ammunition.

Then the planet was squeezed out.

The mountain peaks were flattened to collect the ore. Rivers and oceans have become ponds for dumping chemical sewage. The fertile forest disappeared under the rapidly expanding giant structures and industrial plants. The man-made peaks are higher than the original peaks, and the reinforced concrete jungles are denser than the original forests.

The easy-to-mine minerals have been dug up, so look deep in the earth and deep in the ocean.

One day, the technology no longer supports deep mining and the cost is too high.

The earth is full of holes, the waste soil is desertified, the ocean is completely polluted, and the sky is almost permanently smog. The factories lined up have also become long ruins and ghosts, leaving only giant structures and a large population.

Live on? Well, there are countless years of man-made waste, including scrap left by factories. People gradually learn to extract value from everything they can find.

It can be said that if the indigenous people of the radiation world came to the Warhammer 40K Chaodu World and looked at the dilapidated world outside of the Chaodu World, they would cry out at once, and there was no chance to pick up the ruin!

In the world of Chaodu, it can be said that the same is the same. The characteristic is that the resources are exhausted. The originally good life planet has become a ghostly planet with a bad environment.

However, no matter how bad the environment is, no one can be bad.

The Warhammer 40K universe is called the Desperate Universe, and it is not called in vain. Kane experienced the style of cyber when he first came, and it is still good, at least the concept of cyber.

There are no cyberchaos in Chaodu, and no one harvests good organs. How can the poor live a life? you guess?

Cannibalism? almost. When it comes to the extreme, people eat people, but the way to eat is not to hack to death and just put it in the pot to cook. It is not that there is a trace of it, but that the way of eating is a bit extravagant and can be more economical.

labor. That's right, it's cheap to imagine.

The corresponding human resources are the last resources of Chaodu.

This is what the official sells to the outside world, and this is what the gangs are fighting for.

Then, different systems, different management concepts, and different social backgrounds caused by different historical backgrounds will distinguish the same nests that have nothing but humans.

Such as the first migration of the No. 8 Star District, which was jointly organized by the First Order, Empire, Gothic District Local Government and Gothic District Navy.

It involves several nests in the Gothic Star District.

In order to be able to immigrate smoothly, the First Order came up with a planetary transformation plan, the empire gave policy and loan subsidies (in the form of purchasing empire equipment), and the local government of the Gothic Star District also issued support policies to put the nests from a negative state. Pull it out, cut a lot of manpower, and change its bloated pattern while transforming it.

Giant cities are still giant cities, but the vast areas have all been converted into agricultural reclamation areas, pastoral areas, and seas. There are also sea vegetables, sea wheat, fish and shrimp agriculture, and then giant cities purchase agricultural products, processing, and export. This means eating by the sun.

At present, due to the first-order technology, the world has changed its colors, so in general, the big plan is proceeding smoothly.

Of course, the details are actually very complicated. Such a large movement affects so many people, so it may be okay? Especially those with vested interests.

However, the empire has always been tough in this regard. The army has political commissars and the private courts have all dared to shoot directly and dare to block the way. Then you want to die. As for the monk Astarte, they generally don’t care about these, and they are not allowed to manage them, but if the official needs, they can usually be transferred. And they have always worked at a pace that the six relatives do not recognize.

So what kind of groundless things such as the black gang's enmity, the history of nobility, Luo Zhuliangzhu, etc., can't be seen or paid attention to by Kane, so it doesn't matter, the pain of change is normal.

But this plague attacked the ship, but he had to turn his vision to this one.

After all, the Chaodu World is the easiest to detonate public grievances, and once the plague takes the opportunity to invade, it is the world most likely to cause mass death.

Empathy, if he is a chaotic force, after the merchant ship test, the next target must be Chaodu.

In the case of Chaodu, it is natural to choose the one that is the easiest to start, and it will have enough influence after the event is completed.

So much is Mobinga.

Without further ado, Kane ordered Miranda to send her a reconnaissance brigade from Kourna to spread out to dig the plague claw.

At the same time, an **** fleet was sent over to bring the attacked regiment back to the Antioch fortress to repair.

Because the ships were repaired there every day, and when leaving, each ship carried some cargo, and all the merchant ships attacked were taken away. As for the specific situation, you can contact the company or individual to which the merchant ship belongs, and let them discuss the treatment plan with the repaired ship owner.

As for the ship, the official sent the money directly, and then he returned the ship to the official, and then arranged separately. These details are not the focus, but they must be handled as properly as possible. Don’t get bitter because of these small sections, a lot of hatred broke out just like this. Kane still has this EQ.

Then he had to contact the branch of the imperial administrative agency of Misty Star. He had to go to Mobinga to do a temporary official tiger skin. It was necessary to give the official face and act more conveniently. The sage's face is not suitable for this kind of feather.

So just less than a quarter of an hour later, the first order search and investigation brigade emerged.

This unit was also just formed, and the ships used were all newly built.

Including three queen-class search and reconnaissance motherships, Victoria, Elizabeth, and Margaret.

Each mothership carries 36 fate-level search and reconnaissance ships.

This search and reconnaissance ship belongs to the light ship of the large Alcana series. Its shape is like an enlarged rudder wheel, and it is not a ship with a working medium engine.

Those parts that resemble rudder stocks and seem to be pointer scales are large energy generators. The principle is the same as that of radar, but it has extraordinary properties. So this kind of ship is actually a product of the combination of science and magic. In this universe, it can be classified as the ancient saint.

The search and reconnaissance mother ship is like a compact disc cartridge. Usually, the search and reconnaissance ships are inserted one by one, forming a neat row.

The front end of the mother ship has the shape characteristics of the front end of the killer whale, and the tail is a huge power system group, so that it can obtain a non-jump cruising speed of 50% of the speed of light.

Both the search and detection mother ship and the search and detection ship are unmanned ships.

Whether it reaches 50% or falls from this speed, the process is extremely dangerous for normal humans.

To overcome this danger, a special series of anti-load design is needed.

And if it is omitted, it will be a great simplification.

Of course, there are still automatic robots on the ship that can replace part of the human role.

Although the technology mastered by Kane is nano-system-wide, it is not a problem.

But combined with the actual situation, he did not come up with top-level technology, at least not immediately. UU reading

Traditional mechanical units and maintenance modes can be seen everywhere on the search and detection mother ship. It's just that if you don't have certain cognitive concepts in advance, it's not easy to recognize them.

These robots do not need to pay attention to the appearance in order to please the human sensory needs, and even deliberately design the human form. Their appearances are strange, and many are more like an ugly and changeable device.

But their professional skills are powerful. And they are all independent units. It is also equipped with an anti-superior corrosion system.

It can be said that it is simply impossible to expect a wave of EMP strikes, or a spell to continue, and the smart devices on the entire ship will be paralyzed or replaced with allegiance.

Moreover, these ships are not purely machine-controlled, but also equipped with manned control.

A dedicated remote control team uses quantum entangled instant messaging to control the ship. The military model and shift system are equally numerous. Occasionally they are handed over to AI, but even in that case, there are humans on duty.

Man-machine hybrid, this is already the highest level of routine operation that Kane said it can give. No matter how high, you have to carry his will carrier to make the ship further extraordinary.

Although there are many advantages in doing so, it is also a way for his enemies to peep into his own secret through capture and interpretation.

With the launch of three search and reconnaissance motherships, the three sides of the large net gradually spread out in the hazy star field.

According to the estimation of the Milan section, after 12 hours, it will be able to cover the vast space of the quarter hazy star field, forming a sparse and invisible invisible web, and then it will be a net-like advance.

At that time, the entire hazy star field will be filtered and marked, and the target can be marked, followed by a more targeted tracking search and detection...


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