Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1265: Enwei and Shijing Nest City

When Kane arrived in Arkena, the first thing he did was to use supernatural power to blast.

This is the way that the shock wave spreads to deliberately illuminate the vast area.

Of course, if you simply use divine blasting, the result is a group madness.

San value dropped by more than 5 at a time, and people went crazy on the spot. Most can recover afterwards, but it is bound to leave permanent trauma.

Kane's approach is to use divine blasting as a casting catalyst to cast one of the classic spells in the HP world, "fainting."

As long as it is affected by divine blasting, it will naturally become the target of "fainting" surgery.

Therefore, as the invisible energy wave spreads, it is like a large number of cybers (fusions of humans and electromechanics) being suddenly closed down collectively, and the streets are full of people who suddenly fell and died like this.

The planetary defense forces operating in this area are naturally affected.

However, what they got was not the enemy BUFF effect of ‘fainting’, but the ‘fanatical excitement’ caused by deterring San.

This is actually a kind of injury. After all, it has permanently changed the consciousness of the target in the form of mental stimulation without the permission of the target.

And, even if it brings a positive effect to most people, it is a kind of physiological stimulation. It can also lead to dreams, wake up people, and affect sleep, but it is not a nightmare. It is relatively easy to accept.

Now the BUFF effect is very good, just like the literal meaning of the technique, it is exciting, and it can even execute commands zealously.

As for how to do it, instead of using Kane to talk, the cyber golems can handle it well.

What Kane needs to do is to use his ability to carry out a wider range of investigations to find those who may have the plague virus carriers.

It really does, including those who left with a virus without knowing it, and a few chaotic believers.

Chaos believers are just bewitched ordinary people, and even the supporting equipment of the aircraft and the cyber puppet cannot be detected in time (detection range, deliberately hidden, and sometimes poor). If Kane opened it in a demigod position, most would If it spreads, at least it will also lead to a biochemical accident that is one hundred times greater than the current loss.

The situation was quickly brought under control. Kane also had a little bit of meticulous disinfection. After cleaning the entire area affected by the plague, the relevant procedures were repeated. Although there were some risks, the area was isolated. No entry, 7-10 days, is enough.

But Kane couldn't feel relaxed about it.

Mainly because of the sad reminder of the Warhammer 40K universe tone.

On the pitmen, the dirt and its believers, that is really not too much, because as long as a small evil **** ritual is successfully held, a miniature subspace channel can be opened to obtain the plague virus.

And what does the evil **** ritual need? They don't even need chaos wizards or psionicists, just a little religious knowledge and enough piety.

That is to say, if a believer believes that he believes, then most of the time he can complete such ceremonies, as long as he is willing to use snacks.

How can this be prevented?

Not to mention the empire's present general state of misery, even if the people's rights and interests can be fairly protected + the prosperity of the world, there will still be people who have extreme thoughts due to family reasons, personal encounters, social problems, or pure luck. To engage in crooked ways.

It can be said that some things, as long as it exists, will definitely show its power.

Kane, even like Kulner and Di Haixing, can be said to be a new reconstruction of society, screening people, and supplemented with a humanized system and strict supervision system, they dare not be 100% sure that there will be no chaotic believers. Can you protect a world like Mobingo?

Therefore, at most, it is to increase the cost of the evil spirit, and to be disgusted, which is very uncomfortable. To really solve the problem, it is far from some advanced technology, which can bring people some hope, and can pull human civilization from a state of near despair.

From Arken to Moller, Kane simply told Fickwitt about the problem.

Finally, Kane said: "I will arrange a comprehensive census, and all the selected ones are those with higher psionic awakening, or those who have already awakened. Except those who are in office, the loyalty identification process will be reinstated after a short walk. The rest I will take them all, and their loved ones will not see them again. You can now prepare for the corresponding work."

Eliminate hidden dangers as much as possible. Kane felt that this was all he could do.

Soon after, representatives of the Trial Chamber, State Religion, and Assassin Court all came to contact him, claiming to be interested in this set of techniques for identifying people with higher probability of awakening psionics.

Kane naturally knew what these people were plotting.

Manpower is a resource, especially psionicists.

These three institutions, including the mechanical sect, and even almost some official departments, have operations to train their own psionicists. Including military training from an early age.

Moreover, the empire has always had a system that once it discovers psionicists, it must undergo loyalty identification.

This work is done by the nuns, a branch of the State Church.

Most of the combat nuns from orphans are searching for psionicists almost throughout the empire.

Those who pass the loyalty appraisal will be sent to the psionic school to study, and then join the Imperial Defense Forces and other organizations, and those who do not pass the test will become the fuel of the Star Torch.

Now Kane has a sharper way to find people with a greater probability of awakening energy from mortals. These organizational forces naturally want to take a slice of the soup to further strengthen their own strength in this area.

After all, Kane’s popular science not long ago has made the big brothers of all forces understand that technology in this world is, after all, only a younger brother.

It can even be said that the greatest enemy facing human civilization to the present is transcendence, and that civilization is once again brilliant and survives to this day because of transcendence.

"I can basically understand the reasons for all parties to obtain this technology, and I can also feel the urgency. But my answer is to refuse. Psionics is far from being able to speak to humans, and it is about the adaptive evolution of life, and For the future of the race, I can’t let you catch all the fish and raise the seedlings. Well, that’s it.”

Given the statement, Kane directly bombed these people away to show his dissatisfaction with the greed of all parties. In this matter, he realized that the big lords of Tyra were also a bit ignorant. When he saw him talking, there was a tendency to slap his face on the nose. He wished that he would clean him and fill the depths of the empire. pit.

Why is this pit dark and deep? Are these guys not responsible? In a word, we are helpless and want to expose all the mistakes. How can it be so cheap?

Since you are not fully aware of your mistakes, it may be better to cool down the interactions that seemed overheated before. After the Gothic War, start substantive interaction.

In other words, the benefits he got from him during this period, as well as those he had promised, were enough for them to digest for a while.

If the satisfaction of the answer cannot be given, the emperor is unable to abolish them, but he can.

Thinking of this, he immediately sent an extraordinary text message to the major lords: ‘I look forward to digesting the existing information and technology and making achievements. ’

Kane then stayed in Mobinga for twelve days. He did not leave until the census was completely over.

During this period, it naturally brought a lot of benefits to Mobinga. The most important thing is the environmental governance system.

Unlike the transformation of colonial planets in the Goth 8 secondary star zone, Kane gave Mobinga only one global climate control system.

It can completely rely on Mobinga's high-orbit planetary defense system and integrate organically with it. Afterwards, by regulating nature, to change the environment a little bit.

For example, through space-based geological weapons, making plate movements, and using volcanic fissures to process industrial waste.

Of course, the cooperation of wind, rain, etc. is indispensable.

All in all, the governance of the climate control system is actually to simulate a series of natural operations of the life planet before the birth of life, create conditions suitable for life reproduction, and in turn use vegetation to confine the harmful substances underground.

This is more representative, like the Siberia of the earth, under the frozen forest, although there is also natural gas, but these substances are originally harmful to life, including carbon dioxide, etc., after being converted and pressed below.

From a certain perspective, the exploitation of planetary resources by humans is technically inadequate, which has caused these harmful substances to be turned upside down again, or transformed or reduced.

The meteorological system assists the natural circulation ability, and then presses it down.

This process is naturally relatively slow. But it can still bring about a significant improvement, and gives people hope.

In addition, on behalf of First Order, Kane also reached some trade deals with Mobinga, providing them with more job opportunities, and changing the poor diet of the people at the bottom of Mobinga.

Kane also came from the fart people. Although the buttocks are now unconsciously sitting in the position of the ruler, they still remember the feelings when they were fighting for the small people.

He remembered an elder in his family who said that life is alive, nothing more than eating and drinking.

At first glance, it sounds very salty, but savoury food is fundamental. Because it is necessary for survival, and the quality of eating and drinking is very intuitive to reflect the quality of life. It is also the kind of content that can affect people's mood every day. That's why people say that food is heaven.

For the people of Mobinga to eat natural food, it is indeed not very realistic at present. Unless he takes the template and pushes down and rebuilds society.

However, the implementation of this model has very high costs. For the empire, it is completely inflated. There must be a more grounded way.

Under such circumstances, there is no way to live up to the best of both worlds. Then you have to sacrifice something.

For example, the exploiters are still exploited, and they do not even have to harm the interests of the exploiters. And through such concessions, the implementation of administrative strategies in exchange, and the relative stability of society. Even if this kind of stability is achieved by the rule of terror, it is also stable.

As the saying goes, don’t tame a lion without fresh meat. Moreover, it is necessary to consider the fact that the rise and fall of the people are the suffering of the people.

The exploiters’ interests are not compromised, and they even make more money. The people get a benefit. They will raise their body slightly and cultivate their heads, and he has also eased his hands, with more capital in the next one. Star zone, or a few star zones have opened a new mode of civilization, then sweep away the vampires of these old modes.

This is Kane’s idea. If you don’t play with a spark of fire, you can commit suicide and let everything out and smash everything. Even if the lucky day succeeds, you will have to start your life from scratch. The great environment does not give humans in this world such opportunities.

Whether it is a vested interest group in human beings, an alien race, or chaotic forces, human civilization will not have such a chance to turn bones and cure poison.

Therefore, those anti-imperialist revolutionaries have indeed advanced and open minds than most people. Their claims are not wrong, and they are indeed people of lofty ideals, but they deserve to die.

It is because they are not suitable, because they are out of date, and their success will only cause the empire to collapse.

Because they are out of date, most of them are used by evil spirits. They are more unreliable than ordinary unreliable ones. The more patriotic, the more sincere, the more dedicated, and the more harmful it is. Just like the Legion of Legacy, even if it has not been extremely converted, it is a mistake to give the emperor the right to build a shrine and invigorate people.

If human civilization was firmly on the road of materialism at that time, even if the extraordinary phenomena could not be explained, and the level of technology was not enough to explain, then the technology will take off and rise to a certain level, it will be like the former fear of the dead, even if it is with the true god. The transaction is pitted, and there is still room for manoeuvre with high-end technology. The inertial engine of others will exceed the speed of light without entering the subspace. In this case, what cost does Chaos want to find trouble?

And now, since it is already such a cruel wind, then cruel to the end.

Kane wanted to set an example for the world in cooperation with Mobinga.

The First Order has no intention of moving the cakes of the governors of the colonial stars. Cooperating with the First Order, those with vested interests can not only make more profits, but also improve the basic treatment of the people, stabilize them and continue to lie on them to **** blood. Isn't it beautiful?

That’s right, Meidi is very good, but if you don’t give the first order a face...

Kane believes that Lin Zi is big and has all kinds of birds. There must be die-hards, and he recognizes death as a reason, that is, he won’t let outsiders touch him, and he won’t let me touch him. property……

Kane felt that this must be encountered. At that time, let the people of the world see the other side of the first order. What does it mean to kill and kill, the chickens and dogs are not left, and it is a good ending to be able to die quickly!

During Kane's days in Mobinga, one more thing happened when the plague claw was found. In addition, the other half of the Chaos Vanguard fleet was discovered.

These half of the fleet are all big guys, and the asteroids can't hide them at all, so instead of playing under the lights, they stay with the plague claws.

The distance between them is a hazy star field, near the unnamed star system in the wilderness area of ​​the Salem Star District.

In other words, it is not far from Mobinga.

The star is a red giant that has entered old age for a long time. There are only two planets left in the star's orbit, and the rest are swallowed by the expanding star.

And one of the two planets, the environment is like Mercury, not too far away from being eaten by the father of the star, and the other is quickly entering the terrestrial environment because of the light and heat of the red giant star. There is liquid water, although it is dissipating towards the universe every day due to the lack of magnetic pole protection, but it is also able to dissipate for so many years. The surface temperature of the planet is slightly stronger than that of the general barren planet. It is the kind of light and heat killing during the day (no ozone layer) At night, it can move dead people, but it can still breathe. It is very suitable for extreme sports people to make dead clothes.

Chaos forces have a large lair on the planet, and there is no shortage of chaos believers and slaves. Actually also managed a somewhat civilized weather.

Kane was not surprised. After all, he had already figured out a long time ago that chaos is also order in chaos, not complete chaos.

As long as there are rules, even if they are very rough and often overturned, certain social activities can still be guaranteed.

For example, big fists are rules. Then the one with the biggest fist will become the rule maker, and before he is overthrown, the rules he laid down will be basically observed, and in this context, social activities such as trading may be possible.

Kane was not in a hurry to find these guys.

He knows that from the perspective of a large chess game, chaos is now in the dim star field, and the power has shrunk greatly.

If you continue to cling to the forces of chaos and knock them into death, you will bring huge changes to the situation due to the total loss of one party's forces.

This is not in his interest.

With the passage of time, at least in terms of force, the Gothic Star District has gone through more than half of its disadvantages, and has more than enough power to exert its force outward.

This is a good thing, after all, he has the world in mind and does not mind the further spread of the successful experience of the Gothic Star District.

Pirates, spirit races, orcs, human rebel forces, reckless areas, occupied human colonies, lost contact with human colonies.

These concepts have not been played in the Gothic Star Zone, but in the Hazy Star Zone.

Then there is the Cartier Fortress.

Although the empire had already transfused blood over there, he was insignificant to that extent.

Not only did he want to **** a bite of the Kadia fortress, but after the twelfth black expedition, he backhanded into the eye of fear and gave the chaotic forces a ruth.

Why is it that every time you look at me, you can attack me, not me.

In response to this wish, the devil's red giant's lair could not move lightly, and even had to play a show for Chaos, with Ann Abbott's heart, to ensure that it could launch the 12th expedition as scheduled.

"Now that the VIP audience has been found, the show should start."

The day after Kane left Mobinga, everything was ready, the timing was right, and the big show opened his eyes.

On this day, the Salem Star District, the loyal and fearless cargo patrol, encountered a fleet battle.

The name "cargo patrol" sounds awkward, but it explains the origin and current main purpose of this ship very well.

Once a cruiser, it is now a cargo ship, and it is owned by the merchant Akkad.

The name loyal and fearless is generally not available for registration and will not pass the trial if it is willing to spend. And Akade can get it, naturally there is a story.

When running a single gang, fighting dozens of times, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com destroyed two cruisers, one destroyer, and one battleship of Chaos forces. It is impossible to count the damage to the artillery.

Is this record bullish? Many well-known generals of the Imperial Navy have no record.

According to the relevant regulations of the empire, Akkad has the right to obtain some weapons from the destroyed enemy ships as a reward.

So although Akkad is a merchant, his firepower and power of this ship are no worse than those of a warship.

Since he was granted the name of loyal and fearless, he has even become a business card of the empire, and thus has achieved more legends. How many enemies want to become famous by stepping on him overnight, and the result? He is okay now, enough to explain the problem.

However, Akad's true identity is a chaotic believer, and he can successfully ascend at any time. At present, it is just to save more achievements. Fortunately, when he ascends in the future, he will become a prince and prince.

Kane was also the gang of chaotic interstellar warriors who slaughtered the black trick under the lamp not long ago.

Kane said it was deep and warhammer.

But is it boring to just like it?

It's fun to use it.

It happens that this one focuses on the hazy star field and mainly runs the Kadia fortress route. It is affectionately called by many Kadia soldiers as'our true logistics officer', but in fact steals countless'loyal and fearless' military intelligence of the Kadia fortress. No. ran again to work in hot areas.

Kane thinks, how can people get disappointed?

This is obviously that some of the half of the chaotic forces under the black lights are unable to contact for some days, the chaotic forces are anxious, and the big men are too conspicuous, so they contacted this eye to check.

If you want to see it, let you see it!


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