Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1266: Chaos in the big show

"I’m Captain Hessier Akkad, and the intelligence has confirmed that, not far away, our imperial navy is fighting with the forces of chaos. I don’t want to say that sensationally, each of us has relatives and friends directly or indirectly. Chaos infringement, like this kind of battle, as long as we catch up, we are obliged! Now I command, loyal and fearless, charge!"

Akkad announced the battle order with full of emotion, then the four large engine nozzles at the tail of the loyal fearlessness, and the four small engine nozzles added by the magic reformer, all emitting a dazzling flame, and the hull suddenly followed. The earthquake began to accelerate, and then formed a light trail of ten kilometers in space.

May be able to clearly distinguish the specific situation of the two warring parties from the instrument, already more than half an hour later. It took half an hour to get to the battlefield...

The distance scale in space is too large. From the discovery of enemy situations to the entry into the predetermined battlefield, the efficiency of the loyal and fearless, even if it is placed in the imperial navy, it is a first-class level.

It is a pity that they are still late, and basically only have time to watch all the mess.

"God, that’s the navy’s retribution-class battleship. Its yellow eagle’s bow looks like the design of Master Mikael. When I was young, I studied painting many times. I won’t admit mistakes. I didn’t expect such a powerful battleship to die. In such a place."

"There are more than one ship, look over there, it is also a retribution class, look at the gap that was bitten by the dog, this is the result of a lot of heavy whirlpool torpedoes. The whirlpool torpedoes were privately traded by our merchants with the spirits and then sold to the navy. , How can there be chaos?"

"That's more to say? Of course it's a traitor! Looking at this battlefield, there is no sunken battleship on the Chaos side. If it's not a traitor, how could the Imperial Navy break both retribution levels here? I don't know which fleet ."

"The Gothic Star Zone is directly under the fleet. The Hazy Star Zone has only their two retribution levels. The U-shaped bow is painted in sapphire blue, not holy white."

"Then they are miserable. I remember there are four battleships in the Gothic Star District, and the other two are Emperor-class?"

"Yes, the Advanced is the flagship. The Shenquan is changed from an old ship drifting in subspace for more than 10,000 years, and the seafarers are very disgusted."

"I'm disgusted if I'm changed, then the ship is a grievance nest. Don't want to sleep on that kind of boat, and feel bad luck. Our crew is the most afraid of bad luck. Even if the hero is in the world, even if it is unlucky Was pitted alive."

"Yeah! The Gothic fleet is really unlucky this time, and it's a big loss. It was only a while ago that they heard that they took the light of Saint Kane and replaced a batch of refurbished ships, but they were all boats.

"The fight is gone. It is estimated that the captain will soon issue a search and rescue mission. Look at that ship. Is that the Overlord-class battle cruise? Has the long-range firepower of the battleship class. The fire at the damaged hull has not been extinguished, indicating that there are still Oxygen, maybe there are living people."

"I'm afraid it's not so optimistic. Didn't you notice the complete deformation of the power zone? Think about how big the explosion was. The shock wave has a very good transmission effect in the area where there is air. The crew is probably shocked to death. Alas It is undoubtedly confirmed by the traitor's sneak attack. Only at close range can several heavy torpedoes be caught in one breath, causing such damage at once!"

The crew on the loyal and fearless were talking in their own small circles. They are not warships, there is no restriction on working hours and no chat, and Akkad’s command style is not rigid and disciplined, but a burst of passion, usually in a state of sorrow, and it is really a whisper. It is a typical type. Arrogant and powerful.

Unlike Akad’s loyal and loyal traitors, the crew on the loyal Intrepid were all loyal to the Empire, and many even retired from the Navy. This is also an important reason why the crew are familiar with the Navy.

Moreover, from the point of view of the captain, Akkad is really a good citizen of the empire, and basically has no situation of releasing water in combat. In addition to the fact that the achievements needed to be famous and faked at the beginning of the opening, the rest are based on the ability to eat, there are really two brushes.

Of course, the harm he brought to the empire was also real. In fact, he has been active for thousands of years. The black expeditions past Abadon, and four times after the intelligence provided by him was adopted, caused heavy losses to the military and civilians of the Kadia fortress.

Such an old bird is naturally treacherous, and he also thought of whether someone would show him this possibility.

To this end, when he dispatched a search and rescue team, he specially arranged that Malati also participated.

The daughter of one of his acquaintances, who claimed to be just a sailboat, was actually an enchanter (actively using himself as a container for the devil to come).

Enchanters are not rare, but they are highly integrated and still return to human form, but they are very rare. This is because not only the body fits, but also the soul. The environment and education received since childhood made few people's souls share the same frequency as demons.

Even Erebas, who claimed to be the first worst of the Warhammer 40K, bewitched the mutiny of the Legion of Legacy, and was the initiator of the Horus mutiny, failed to reach such a high degree of the same frequency as the soul of the demon.

This woman was OK, which made Akkad awe.

The specific identity of the woman is not very clear, but as a representative of the forces of chaos, and the force is very high, this point Akkad can be sure.

Since it is so sharp, it also has a series of unspeakable secret tasks. Arkad didn't mind using the other party at this important moment.

It is up to the judge to decide whether to act or not. If something goes wrong in the future, there is also a pot to throw away.

It must be said that Hesse Akkad is still in a state of good fortune and good luck, so even if he encounters the god-level Kane, it will still be vaguely uneasy. I think this scene may be a pit.

With a long and beautiful appearance, even the interstellar warriors are drooling (actually, the interstellar warriors have reached the **** after surgery, and there is no need in this regard). The enchanted angel, Angelis, has a lot of luck than Akkad. It's much worse.

Although she didn’t even need to move her hands, she could kill Akkad with her eyes, but in front of Kane, the combat power of 5, and the battle of 50,000, there is no difference, as long as Kane is willing to pay some price, all It was the end of the spike.

Only luck can show the difference. Good luck, follow-up don’t pay special attention to it, and can struggle to live a little longer; bad luck is to take the initiative to deliver food, Angelis is not considered bad luck, although she was pitted by Akkad , But Kane’s main purpose is to exercise, so she will not be pinched to death like a worm.

As for the rescue of the survivors, Kane's game, and Kane personally hosted in the town, with extraordinary power to escort, how could Angelis find the flaw?

Of course, Luwansberg is also credited. Although Kane promised to compensate with the new ship, the loss of two retribution-class battleships at a time will not only bring a real weak period to the fleet, and a series of problems such as a sharp drop in morale. It is bound to be held accountable by the Naval Headquarters and replaced by other advisors. Such a decision may not be necessary.

In terms of crews, they are basically the scum that was found during the recent census of the Mobinga population, as well as the victims of the plague and the mentally ill criminals from Luwansberg.

The empire had the habit of using criminals as cannon fodder, but mentally ill criminals were obviously not even suitable for cannon fodder. Only the Tribunal will ask to see if it is true mental illness or chaotic believers.

What makes people cry and laugh is that the always ruthless courtroom is very kind to the mentally ill criminals. If it is confirmed that it is not, it will be given a relatively humane treatment.

But in fact, the past appraisal methods of the trial court are not good, and often let go of the real scourge. After receiving Kane's support for "Dementation" and the meditation basin and water curtain presentation method, this situation naturally improved quickly.

But if you want to see the results in the real place, it's not enough for a while. These mentally ill criminals obtained by Luwansberg, through the earliest advantage of cooperation with the First Order, were cleared from the navy and other departments by pretending to be crazy and selling silly, and they almost avoided the chaotic believers.

The traitor is the most hated, and Luwansberg is not uncomfortable with the frustration and soul dissolution of these guys. It is now used for performances and needs to figure out the death of various space ships after being destroyed. After being tortured, Luwansberg felt that he deserved it.

Humans are real people, ships are real ships, including Chaos, Kane is annihilated in the asteroid group, but now it is just more valuable to make them destroyed.

As for destroying so many ships of all sizes, this is all money. Kane said that anyway, when the First Order was pulled back to the dock, it was also dismantled for use as a material, and it would not make sense to dismantle it here.

Visual feast, so much wear, including battleships more than ten kilometers away, when chaotic forces expedition, just faced with the human navy, a battle with this loss, can also be regarded as a fierce battle. This airspace will be famous for this battle and will be included in the history books, even if it is actually a drama.

In order to be realistic, Luwansberg is also inevitable. After all, it was he who stood out from the crowd and let a large number of "widely recruited officers and men" board the ship. As a result, there were chaotic believers inside, and the scene of rebellion caused heavy losses to the imperial navy.

Such a big mistake is not uncommon because of the strictness of the imperial military law. But as long as it is a human society, there is nothing that cannot be human.

There is a relationship in the court of Kane, and it is still a relationship of heaven. Keeping such an admiral and letting him "make a contribution" can still be done.

In order to perform the trick, Kane even arranged a sideshow.

The content of the side scene is a chase battle. The Gothic direct fleet also changed the ship for a good or bad. Anyway, the soldiers are good and the morale is high. The response is naturally quick, and at least the patrol ships respond quickly.

Therefore, they can quickly arrive at the scene to meet the situation.

Similarly, as the victor of this war, if there is no surviving ship in the chaotic forces, it is a bit unreasonable, then a small wounded small ship, a seriously injured cruiser, and a small navy rebel ship, Is more appropriate.

After all, this chaotic fleet hidden in the asteroid group is mainly based on small ships. Even if this battle is a sneak attack + a traitor, it can be beaten like this, which is enough for them to blow for a lifetime.

The fleet directly under the Goth sent such a fleet of nearly full-scale ships, and it was known as the plague claw to pursue the evil, but it was actually Xinding training.

The fleet directly under the Goth added a lot of ships in one breath, and the seafarers also adjusted a lot.

More specifically, it is naturally confidential. Antik Fortress + Earth Sea Star military settlement + First Order anti-penetration security coordinator. Now the Gothic Star Navy is more difficult to penetrate than the Imperial Navy headquarters. No one knows the exact number of seafarers except the gangster and several chief officials.

The Imperial Navy, and even the Gothic Star Navy, do not have a virtual reality training system.

It is logical to let the new crew get on board.

Of course, there is actually a degree here. Old generations are new, and generally there are many old people.

But it is not without exception. Heavy losses, or too rapid expansion, will inevitably cause an imbalance between the new and old officers and men.

This created conditions for Chaos believers to board the ship as recruits.

Luwansberg boldly launched new officers and broke the traditional ratio of old and new, allowing a large number of new soldiers to board the ship, thereby burying hidden dangers.

In addition, arrogance is also a major sin of Luwansberg.

Over the past year, Luwansberg has benefited from the rise of the First Order, and has achieved dazzling results in many ways.

So he swelled, as did the Gothic fleet.

After purging all kinds of enemies in the Gothic Star District, they began to cross-area operations and were active outside the Gothic Star District.

This hunt for the plague claw is an action against this background.

They didn't really expect to catch the plague claws, that is, to train troops for reasons, even to show off their purpose, thinking that they were all large ships, and the enemy would not dare to jump out and challenge. Even if there are some problems with the new officers and soldiers, the excellent fault tolerance of the big ship can guarantee Hold to live.

Unexpectedly, there was a murderer lurking in the asteroid group!

The fleet of chaotic forces has always been famous for its high explosive but crispy skin. Accustomed to raid, strong attack, one-strike tactics.

The Abbott’s vanguard fleet also led the strategic mission of wreaking havoc, scorching the empire, and even numbness, deliberately making articles on strengthening output and maneuverability.

As a result, the behemoth suddenly inadvertently stabbed a deadly knife, coupled with the rebellion at the critical moment of the rebel ship, and finally successfully completed a battle for small to large, which thwarted the sharpness of the fleet directly under the Gothic Star District and even the Imperial Navy.

This is the main play arranged by Kane.

The side drama further strengthens the effect of the main drama.

So, the loyal fearlessness that the survivors searched and rescued at the beginning found the fighting signal, and it was also accompanied by the subspace jump signal.

Akkad was here to obtain intelligence, not to save the dead.

In this case, almost without hesitation, he said to the part of the people who had started the rescue operation: "Brothers, I will come when I go!"

It was really loyal and fearless to order the ship to go to the new battlefield at full speed.

In the distance, we saw the battle scene, two to three, two light cruisers in the Gothic Star District, one lightly wounded light cruiser, one lightly wounded assault ship, and one lightly wounded rebel frigate.

Akkad made contact with the Gothic Star patrol ship. It was learned that the two ships that were carrying out the border patrol mission received a request for help. Because they were the closest, they came first.

But it was still too late, only to launch a chase on the remnant ship on the chaotic side.

Fight first. This was written in the Imperial Navy Fleet Action Guidelines. It also meets the actual needs. After all, there were only two ships coming. The enemy ship was on the side, and they were all dangerous. It was impossible to give priority to search and rescue. Instead, it is entangled with enemy ships and waiting for more of its own fleet to enter the field, which is the first choice.

On the other hand, the chaotic side naturally confuses the enemy's thoughts. It no longer fights with the new generation of reinforcements, but departs with all its strength.

Here is a little story.

In the face of this situation, the imperial navy is quite kind. Generally, the injured ships will take the initiative to stay behind and let the lightly wounded friendly army leave, reporting good news or news.

And the forces of chaos, it is my ability to get rid of it, but you are out of luck if you can't get rid of it.

What Akkad saw was that the three ships fleeing and were beaten lightly.

The first is that the rebel ships are held in flames by the hated two ships.

Then came the lightly wounded light cruiser. It was the assault ships that basically ran out of ammunition.

"Ah!" Akade sighed. Acknowledge that this is chaotic. Obviously the victory was won, the situation was unfavorable, and the wolves ran wildly, fleeing independently, and even ignored the order.

When the loyal fearless feels that it can do, it will be left to help confirm whether there is a live mouth to see if it can catch a tongue or something.

If you can’t, you can try to find the ship’s voyage recorder. This black box-like gadget can indirectly explain the ship’s encounter. With a few more black boxes to summarize, you can figure out exactly what a war is like.

Not to mention, there were really a few live-mouths, some were stunned and wounded but did not die, and some interstellar warriors lacked the habit of self-sufficiency.

The officers and men of the two light cruisers did not know the real situation. So not long ago I saw the tragic loss of my own fleet, and my eyes were red at the moment. And in the process of capturing the Chaos interstellar warriors, they also died dozens of people.

Kane is also learning from Akkad, the key performance of the real performance. It is precisely because of this that Ren Akkad is no longer able to see that these people are acting.

Like a traitor, one could not hold back, but was torn apart by officers and soldiers on the spot.

Of course, the villains don't make a difference.

But Kane has seen more evil than there is in the universe. Akad saw the dying performances of the traitors, and admitted from the heart: "On the piety of chaos, I am not as good as them. On the ability to pull hatred, I can't match it!"

In fact, if Angelis is present, there may be a certain chance that the souls of these people are passive.

And, Angelis is really a fusion of demons, and knows more about what the evil filth of Warhammer 40K looks like, so you may find that these traitors act too full, so that the demons are not shuddering, but they are not very similar, at least cannon gray Chaos believers, not so Diao.

However, Angelis was not there, Akkad did not ascend, he was not capable, and his business was not aligned, and he was successfully blinded.

Chaos interstellar warrior, it is true.

The Star Warrior is difficult to be seduced by evil because of its purity, but it also appears to have a generally low EQ because of its purity. Once it falls, it is extremely deep.

This is yet another example of the saying "the strongest point is also the weakest point".

And Kane, also using the stupidity of the Chaos Star Warrior, only needs a little adjustment in time. This thing thought that it was still lurking in the asteroid group, and it was very inexplicable. No.

Many talkers are this urine, especially after the fall. This may be related to the fact that their priests had broken their minds all day and automatically cultivated their mouth skills.

This chaotic interstellar warrior did not have a door in his mouth, pretending to be indignant and filled with traces of Akkad, and naturally he successfully heard some more secret information, thus confirming that this is indeed a part of the Abbott Vanguard Fleet, or a position. Not the low kind.

At this point, the play is almost over.

After all, there was another escaped chaotic force assault ship. Looking back, Akkad submitted a confession, Angelis submitted a report, and the escaped destroyer officers and soldiers issued another copy.

Three in one, plus the follow-up feedback from the imperialist **** (Luwansberg was punished, etc.), Kane believes that even the treacherous guys under the treacherous gangsters involved in it, it is difficult to dismantle the play .

Speaking of the escaped chaotic force assault ship, Kane secretly spent a lot of thought.

Because his ambition is relatively large, he not only wants to make this drama realistic, but also wants to send spies into the chaotic forces.

To say this kind of thinking is not new.

The trial court and the assassin court of the empire had similar operations.

However, evil energy itself is an excellent protective screen, and few people can escape its corrosion.

Moreover, subspace is a twisted place where the laws are very different from the real world. Normal thinking can easily go crazy after a long time.

As of now, what can survive in subspace for a long time without being corroded is that the success rate of Star Warrior is still higher.

But the thought is pure, making them unsuitable for spying.

Another impediment to imperialist spies is that those who do not ascend demon are all cannon fodder. As for those who can ascend, no one has turned back to be a man so far.

Of course, there are actually more desperate ones. That is to say, even if the ascension is successful and becomes the so-called devil prince, devil prince or something, it is still not a devil winner.

Among the four evil gods, they are fearful of strangeness and sin, and they are very picky under their opponents.

And on this basis, the tyrannical temper is very tyrannical. Suddenly, because of something unhappy, he may hack the younger brother.

Adulterers can never guess their minds, but they like to play games like ‘Who is the most loyal’ or ‘True Truth’, and they will die if they lose half.

The **** pursuit of excitement, all kinds of abnormal SM games, the extreme operation of strangling together after flying completely, it is only normal in erotic, painful and fast, it is cool to death, and it is also a daily pleasure. In such a large environment, people who always play with people without being killed are by no means ordinary people.

Therefore, Kane asked the spy to act as a loyal believer.

Nali can be called by his followers as grandfather Nali, benevolent father Nali, father Nali, not only by their peers, but also because of the four evil gods, Na Na will later feel heartache due to the death of his men and actively protect his own believer.

Believe the other three evil gods, not only have a bunch of additional conditions, but also have to worry about being killed by the boss in a bad mood to vent his anger.

If you are satisfied with the scale, then you will not only kill, but also give the believer a long life.

Of course, any gain comes at a price. The price of new fouling is simply ugly and smelly.

Tolerance is philanthropic, all beings are equal, parasites and bacteria are also equal to humans, and should coexist peacefully, so the human body raises viruses, insects, all kinds of human and insect fusion, needle-like bristles, tumor muscles, worms legs What is rotten and salivating is a very common operation. Even if the body is dead, the insects and bacteria can still be raised.

In addition, they are still optimists. Since ancient times, they like to run a carnival. They are usually in the circus mode. They are happy to send the plague. Each time they will be warmly welcomed by poultry, livestock, cats and dogs. Calls and cheers endlessly, and then it's the National Assembly...

It is a pity that the more civilization advances, the more vanity people become, and their faces become mainstream, so that the 40K Na scale garden is far less lively than the medieval Na scale garden next door.

Kane feels that this department has potential and room for development, and is very suitable for doing things.

Negative spiritual energy that is born and satisfied is despair against hope, death against life, and destruction against creation.

The dark power of Kane's old bank is divided into destruction, death, and decay. There are many similarities and overlaps.

Nanoscale focuses on corruption. The tyranny of terror is similar to the nature of destruction. It is easy to conflict, but there is also the option of death.

To put it more bluntly, it focuses on the Word of Death.

The Four Evil Gods are not too focused on this, because pure death is not good for them. Death is a useful flavoring agent, and it can breed a lot of the negative spiritual energy they want.

The death can also have a relatively positive explanation: the end point, fate, and the beginning of the gestation stage before rebirth.

In many extraordinary worlds, death is a very important priesthood, generally ruled by the **** of doom that rules the dead.

Without the Ghost, even the most basic system of reincarnation cannot be established.

So the soul has no habitat, which leads to a series of problems. Including the birth of demons that feed on souls.

After all, this is the difference between order and disorder, and more order.

Faith, Hades, and Reincarnation, a complete set of systems, make the world after death more orderly. Just as civilization has established rules, relatively safe and secure systems in a natural and wild environment, it can better promote social activities.

This set is the most known. When you live, you have faith, just like being registered. If you dissipate between heaven and earth after death, you can also go to the underworld instead of wandering around.

As for reincarnation, the essence is the same as ‘Dream of a certain country’, ‘Drawing a pie’, and ‘Telling a story’.

The story tells a good story. The goal-oriented ‘walking program’ will take a lifetime, instead of huzhuo and doing things. This is good for everyone.

From this point of view, the four evil spirits are innocent.

Like the early capitalists, rich and powerful, and did not form a benign market competition environment, so they engaged in sweatshops.

It is precisely because of the Tao that the four evil gods are evil gods.

Evil gods are also gods, each collecting the corresponding negative spiritual power instead of swallowing indiscriminately.

This is the place where the four evil gods are better than ordinary demons.

Because if the visitor refuses, the consciousness will be confused, and there will be less and less time to wake up, and the self-consciousness that was finally born will be overwritten again.

After all, the key to self-awareness lies in ‘choice’.

The Four Evil Gods instinctively know what they want and don't need, which is the biggest concern in Kane's eyes. If it is really a half-joke sentence, "Children choose only adults," then the Four Evil Gods are ultimately just powerful fools, similar to those demons in the bottomless abyss, what they say is the master, in fact all No countertops.

Conversely, the four evil gods are indeed not easy to deal with, and the belief system alone does not prevail.

The Four Evil Gods are born with primitive gods, and they also understand ‘choice’.

This is like having money at home and having a good IQ and a normal EQ. In this case, it is really difficult for the hard-working and learning-oriented Diassi to catch up.

Another difficulty is that there is no normal order of competition, and it is not even determined by the market response of the product.

The situation is as bad as the lighthouse country where Mobil, Dupont, Morgan and other consortiums rampant in the early 20th century. Although these consortiums can make all kinds of tricks in private, they have to at least maintain their image. Evil God doesn't need it, it is brutal competition, everything is empty, everything is allowed.

difficult! But it's hard to do!

From the beginning of building an IP, you can start to prepare Kane chose to manage the relatively tolerant, or the temperament of the personality and poor time, as a'business incubator', don't worry Standing on the flagpole and establishing your own name, the company will be run first, the upstream and downstream will be straightened out, and the business will be on the right track, then it will wait for the opportunity to become independent.

Therefore, as always, he created a chaotic interstellar warrior gang named "Black Knight".

"Gangbang", with its name, it is not difficult to imagine what kind of organization it is.

The Horus rebellion of that year, although it brought a very serious disaster to the empire. But after all, Horus was killed, and the remaining evil escaped into the eye of fear.

Since it is an escape, it is natural to give up, not to give up, all more or less.

Therefore, if the main problem of ‘good canned food’ is the loss of technology and the mutation of genetic seeds, then the main problem of ‘bad canned food’ is that there is something wrong with all links.

The biggest problem is that the four evil spirits do not have a combat system that can better connect to the "Star Warrior System".

Enchanting is an option, ascension is a step further, but this is not specifically tailored for the Star Warriors.

From this perspective, the villains of World of Warcraft simply slammed the Warhammer Universe Evil God.

Among the four elements, the fire elemental king Ragnaros seduce Vandal deer helmet, a series of night elves, who can bring out the druid of the handsome wind, strength and obvious improvement of the flame; the Lich King can give those who betray the Holy Light The paladin of the road uses the power and system of the death knight; even the Twilight cult who worships the ancient gods can turn the shaman into an elemental riser...

The chaotic interstellar warriors, the organizational structure, combat methods, and combat techniques are basically the same as before...


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