Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1277: Lift the regiment and ascend strong armed

As a fortress ship, Bu Zhoushan also has the function of a base ship, just like a packaged industrial base.

However, in terms of production capacity alone, it is even less than a base ship whose volume is less than one-third, or even one-quarter.

The Gain fortress ship is relatively balanced in all aspects, it has complete armaments, and also has the function of the mother ship. It does not need to match other types of ships when traveling.

The rapid farming at Xinxiangxing actually showed the style of Bu Zhoushan in farming.

That is to provide the core package, and then select the appropriate environment to start, so as to start farming.

Came to Gradyus, this is the same set.

Due to the loss of contact for more than two thousand years, Gradius’s human civilization has experienced a more serious retrogression in technology.

When it comes to this issue, we can no longer talk about STC, the standard construction template.

This thing is a'star colonial crutches' invented by mankind for himself.

Of course, this is Kane's view of STC. In fact, the Warhammer 40K humans are quite proud of this invention of their own, whether it is past or present.

In the past, when the technology was prosperous, STC was hailed as ‘portable industry’. The main labels were fast, portable, and frugal.

At that time, if you were going to play the romance of the Star Age and explore colonialism, then one of the choices you should always face is what kind of STC and basic set to carry? Luxury set? General Edition, or Supreme Edition? Or simply save a set, and even in the early 21st century, save a compatible computer.

Because of the convenience and thoughtfulness of STC, most of the pioneers are users, and they cannot understand the principles behind it.

Think about it too, the technology has developed to that level, and the refinement of various majors is daunting. If you use anything, you must master its principles. It is estimated that you will study in your lifetime.

Even the technicians learned how to identify common faults and then replaced parts. As for the problem of parts, either throw it, return it to the factory, or simply send the equipment to the 4S shop. In short, most people don’t understand it, nor do they have the energy to understand it.

So once the problem of so-called human force majeure is encountered, all the claws are gone.

Continued subspace storms, even if it is such a problem. The colonial worlds have become isolated islands, and the logistics between cities in the 21st century is cut off overnight.

Later, STC became a black technology in the eyes of human beings, most of them were held in the hands of mechanical gods, and some were controlled by powerful people. Ordinary people could not look at a glance, only when chatting and blowing water. Talk about compelling topics.

All in all, even when human science and technology are most advanced, few people take a complete industrial system to colonize.

This means dependence on logistics. You can only complete a certain stage of development by yourself. For example, exploration is a stage; the establishment of primary semi-permanent settlements is another stage; identifying advantageous projects, starting large-scale immigration and production, and trading with other colonial worlds are at least the third stage.

Against this background, it is not surprising that the human colonists of Gradias were sadly reminded that they were unable to step out of the gravity well after two thousand years.

Although the empire was still in use by ships of 10,000 years ago, it was basically without shortage of repair and maintenance.

Another important concept is the cost of maintaining such equipment.

On the earth of the 21st century, how many people can raise aircraft carriers in more than two hundred countries?

Starships can cost more than aircraft carriers.

Gradyus is biased towards the nest-like world.

This kind of world is actually the Universe version of Foxconn, cheap labor, the factory is located directly next to the resource point, and then at a low cost, make hard money + sell raw materials.

It is said that first-class companies make rules, and second-rate companies make brands, so how many are these?

Therefore, when Gradius cut off from the outside world, he immediately wanted to cry without tears.

The conversion takes time and technology.

In the eyes, there are a large number of workers. The environment and technical conditions are not suitable for farming. The products they produce are piled up like mountains, and they cannot be exchanged for living supplies. What a desperate situation that can be imagined.

The Gradyus survived with difficulty but lost a lot.

Therefore, the locals represented by Spencer were wary of the guests of the empire, and even had resentment. Kane and the accompanying representatives of various empire institutions were understandable.

And Kane brought technical support for the Gradyus to the empire that was far from being installed. Of course, it also brought disputes.

The first is to deal with the genetic thief of Taryn which has become a tarsal maggot.

The name Taryn was created by humans, and it was named after the location where this horrible creature was first discovered.

There is a saying in the East that is called troublesome autumn.

This is a major event involving a year of hard work. Whether it is a bumper harvest or a reduction in production, it often becomes a big reason for the swordsmen.

The harvest is plentiful and the grain and grass are sufficient, which is suitable for expanding the territory.

It is not difficult to choose whether to cut production and not go to the grass valley to feel sad in winter, whether to die from famine or cold, or to go out and grab a chance to survive.

In the Warhammer 40K universe, the 41st millennium of the human era is considered the eventful autumn of the empire. More important events happened in this millennium than in the previous 10,000 years.

Tyrannosaurus invasion is one of them.

But that was the second half of the millennium. Now, at the end of 140 years, no one in the entire galaxy's intelligent population has seen the horror of the Taryn.

Even Kane's knowledge is broad, and in the face of the Tyrannosaurus, it is all uplifted.

There are two main reasons.

1. The Warhammer 40K Zerg, in terms of its nature, is more wild than the Swarm of StarCraft universe.

Taryn bugs don't have the same literature and art as Zeger bugs, and seek the meaning of life.

The Tarantula is a marching ant of the universe. It only adheres to one concept, and the people take food as the sky. Either sleeping or eating, or on the way to find food, it's that simple.

Moreover, unlike the Zerg Zerg, only very rare brain worms, queens of blades and the like are involved in different phantom energy. The extraordinary power of the Taryn worms is quite popular.

It can be said that the so-called Zerg biotechnology actually involves more or less extraordinary.

Even the lowest-level artillery swift worms can strengthen the claws with a single molecular layer if conditions permit, not to mention the power armor of the Astarts, which is the well-known Rand speed attack boat. .

2. The Tyrannosaurus is not as scientific as the Abasser, but it is a scientific BOSS that is a bit different from the Zerg race.

The Tyrannosaurus is basically a frontal battle, a stately teacher and three axes.

But these three axes are like the housekeeping skills of wild predators. The pure fire is good, or ruthless, because if you can't, you will starve to death.

Simply put, it is pure.

Don't play with any adaptive gene loading. In the case of Taryn, this approach is like the various series of weapons produced by Germany during World War II. It seems to have its own characteristics and advantages, but from a logistical point of view, it is completely a disaster.

The Taryn bug only grabs one core, and that is the specific resource throughput.

At first, it was a lot, and then more and more.

In the original history, humans, spirit races, titanium empire, and orcs all felt helpless in front of Taryn.

Obviously, one battle after another was won, but more and more enemies, so that those triumphant or glorious victories seemed meaningless.

The reason for this is that the focus was wrong from the beginning.

Tyrannosaurus is not afraid of dead people at all. Its cattle breaking mechanism allows them to make full use of resources, including the bodies of their own people and enemies, as well as non-ferrous metals, fuel, and so on.

Therefore, Taryn seldom tore with people in the backcountry, such as a decisive battle in the deep space of the universe between galaxies.

No, that is not the Tyrannosaurus mode.

The Tarantula will only start in the place where the supplies are abundant, generally the target home world.

The plate has long been stepped on, and the marching route has been formulated. It came suddenly, forcefully, and with great momentum.

Then the production line was built on the front line.

Brutal wars and crazy losses are nothing more than digging into the pocket, and turning the acquired resources into combat power, sending them to the front line, not afraid of death, as long as you can ensure that resources are being mined here.

This is the competition for throughput efficiency.

In this regard, Taryn is almost the ultimate in Warhammer 40K universe.

Therefore, the Eldarlings who walked the elite route and the monks of the Astarte who were known for their own empire in the human empire were very uncomfortable encountering the Taryn.

The Tyrannosaurus is not just that type. With the continuous acquisition of resources and the deepening operation of the War Machine, some very powerful demon monster-level bugs that can be called nightmares will also appear.

And even if the most basic bugs have enough resources, there will be a value-added upgrade, from the death at the beginning to the later dangers.

What's more, it is not without reason to name the lowest-level war worm after the velociraptor. They are very similar to velociraptors in the age of dinosaurs. They can be said to be very clever and hunters who use tactics. Their fangs and claws are much more fierce than wolves, and they have shooting weapons (crossbow-like biological weapons, meat drills).

The knife worm, which is one level higher than the velociraptor, although it does not have a shooting weapon, has the ability to sneak and penetrate.

This ability, described in terms of game effect, is that when the scalpel is close to the target group (squad or squad mode), the target group is often not allowed to perform guard shooting (or vigilant shooting), and the scalp worm is required to kill a wave.

This is very hurt, the typical first start is strong, and was killed in close wave. Substituting into reality, the target group is likely to collapse, and even an effective counterattack cannot be organized, and it will fall into chaos.

In the original history, IG's battle against the swarm has also confirmed this situation many times. In that situation, it is often necessary for the political commissar to shoot some people on the spot to save the decline.

The swarm's combat power is not weak, but it still uses a simple, tricky, and extremely difficult strategy.

Under this strategic role, most of the tactics are difficult to play their due role.

Kane thought that although he had also been known as the hematozoa swarm from the beginning, in some ways, he was finally less than the real bug.

Human nature, the habit of farming, the habit of creating rather than destroying, all become invisible constraints.

Even because he always travels through different worlds, he gradually gets used to the elite flow, and unconsciously substitutes this kind of thinking into his actions. This is clear to him.

The majestic destruction of the world like the Tyrannosaurus scuttled the world, but he actually refused from the bottom of his heart.

Because he subconsciously feels that like the life planet, this is part of the fruit of victory, all smashed, what is the picture?

So, compared to bugs, his thinking is too complicated and adds too much additional meaning to things. It is for this reason that he has more loopholes than the pureness of bugs.

To put it bluntly, the Taryn worm has been seen by him, and the nature is the most insect-like swarm. Pure, wild, not literary, is to devour all resources.

If Evil God is a spiritual nightmare, then Taryn is a material nightmare. It is this double nightmare that makes the Warhammer 40K universe particularly desperate.

It is precisely because of this that Kane has always seemed to want to deliberately, so that the big brothers of the empire can see the horror of the Taryn as early as possible.

So maybe it will be a little less intriguing and internally rolling?

After thinking about it, I'll forget it soon. Even if it is known, it is mostly regarded as a secret, and it is put in a high cabinet. It is not easy to let the world know, so as not to cause panic.

And intrigue or something will even intensify as a result, staging "After I die, which flood will skyrocket".

The external pressure is too great, and there is a lack of effective supervision. This is most likely to be the case when it comes to personal consciousness.

This is a shortcoming of totalitarianism. The demands on those who hold power are too high, and those who are not extraordinary can not really be competent.

Whether you can see the Taryn Worm and rely on fate arrangements, the result is that the fate is very good to the face, and then encountered.

Since it is also F4, indicating that it has been lurking for at least a few hundred years, Kane is likely to hire chicken thieves to attract worms to visit Gradyus to deal with.

Judging from the military power that the Gradians now say they possess, I am afraid that even shrimps and crabs will not be counted.

After some thoughts, Kane decided to investigate and execute the chicken thief hybrid as secretly as possible, so as not to damage it and cause great losses to human society.

He directly used it afterwards, and strictly controlled the initial number of people who knew the existence of chicken thieves.

Then there is the sweet jujube and the stick to retreat.

As in Xinxiangxing, the production base is not established on the planet, but in space.

Gradyus also has no satellites, but this time Kane did not rush to get a dwarf planet. Mainly because Gradyus is buried with many secrets, in addition to the undead in space, there are the remains of the ancient saint.

For this, it is better to have a certain amount of awe and vigilance.

You can get a small celestial body without dwarf planets.

Of course, small is only relatively speaking, it is a big ore in itself, planning, mining, at the same time, it will be built into a base.

The four nano-shaped warships with seized black bean sprouts are equivalent to the large labor force and technicians of the large-scale infrastructure, and the construction efficiency is considerable.

And long before Kane and his party descended on the planetary ground, the engineering project had already begun.

Investigate construction while conducting investigations.

In order to re-establish contact with the empire, the defense forces from Tyra and the navy representatives personally evaluated and selected our own storm soldiers to conduct investigations in various units.

Stormtrooper, also called Zhongsi Stormtrooper. As you know by name, all the soldiers come from Zhongsi College.

As I said before, the orphans of military officers and nobles are relatively easier to become imperial officials like political commissars. What about ordinary military orphans? Stormtroopers are a common destination.

Zhongsi College, as a military school with fully closed management and very heavy political courses, has trained most of its personnel to be loyal or even fanatical.

It is precisely this training that makes them often surpass the ordinary soldiers of the defense army recruited in the military.

It can be said that the storm soldiers are the elite soldiers with both political consciousness and professional qualities. Their equipment, compared with ordinary soldiers, also has similar differences between the earth special forces and field soldiers. Generally speaking, laymen can recognize at a glance that the empire has invested more money in storm soldiers.

The Stormtroopers are all from the Zhongji Academy, but for the IG Corps with sufficient resources and enough veterans, it is not difficult to build their own Stormtrooper-like troops.

For example, the famous Kadia infantry regiment, also known as the Kadian blitz, their Kashejin troops are elite, equivalent to the special forces regiments in the army, and they are not inferior to the storm soldiers.

There is also the famous Kriging Death Corps, they have a very old-school internal team called Grenadiers. It is also elite.

There is also the Katachang Corps, the only one with Tinis and the first regiment, all have their own elite troops.

Now the cake that Kane throws is to build such elite troops in Gradyus.

This is not just for the investigation of mixed chicken thieves, but really to be built.

This news naturally made Gradyus's garrison up and down and was deeply encouraged.

They were still uneasy. After all, they lost contact for two thousand years. After leaving the empire for so long, would the empire recognize them? Is it simply downgraded to a planetary defense force, or a strict assessment to eliminate all unqualified ones?

Unexpectedly, the empire received it all. And it will choose elite among them, the same level as the legendary Stormtrooper, how great is this glory?

What's more, UU Kanshu also heard that even ordinary soldiers will have better welfare, and there are dress ups, more advanced weapons and armor, which is simply good news!

This kind of news spread not only in the light infantry regiment, but also in different military units such as chariot regiments and artillery regiments.

The Star Warrior Corps led by Horus betrayed the greatest and deepest damage to the empire, but not the only one. It can be said that in the long history of tens of thousands of years, the Empire has experienced countless betrayals.

In addition, the rulers of the empire also have certain self-knowledge about their actions that do not take the lives of ordinary soldiers seriously, so the classification of the service is very strict, in order to prevent the rebels from mastering the functioning military power.

Like Rodriguez's independent regiment, it is essentially a light infantry regiment that does not even have a formal designation.

Their equipment is also lackluster, that is, bulletproof armor, and a laser rifle, even anti-infantry fragmented grenades, and anti-armored fragmented grenades, not to mention hot-melt bombs for combat vehicles.

Poorly equipped, it also means that there is a lack of training in other types of weapons and training in corresponding tactics. Simply put, Rodriguez’s independent regiment is actually a security force that can deal with a civil riot, not a field army.

However, with such a force, discipline is quite good.

Although the Imperial Defence Force has always emphasized faith, discipline, and sacrifice. But two thousand years after he was detached from the imperial administration, the state religion, and the military's spurred management, Kane still has such a military look.

"Cinderella becomes a princess, at least Cinderella must have that good foundation. This army's foundation is enough. I believe that the effect of becoming a princess will be particularly dazzling..."


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