Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1278: Sword selection, heavy soul

In the high orbit of a planet invisible to the naked eye, eight small celestial bodies are wrapped by solar sails in the form of octahedrons (diamond-shaped gemstones). They are connected to each other by an orbit, forming eight points of a regular hexahedron (cube). At each point, there is another track that leads directly to the central core.

This is the appearance of the newly built industrial base, the name is cube.

Compared with Gradysby, it naturally looks a bit small, but in fact it is a factory union that can accommodate a total of one million people.

Of course, there is no real need for millions of workers to work here, but a fully automated assembly line.

Because of the cheap energy, many people who are purely prosperous can be regarded as routine for people of this era.

For example, the use of short-range star gate transmission resources.

The stellar system where Gradyus is located has gas stars, other non-ferrous metal mineral stars, and frozen planets and asteroids.

Under normal circumstances, even if there is a star gate, it is not willing to use it to transport such conventional resources.

Because of the gains and losses, the energy consumption of opening the star gate once is very huge, and each time the star gate is opened, the star gate itself is also lossy. In general, only rare mines like Pandora's rare avatar (Avatar) have the value of Stargate transportation.

To a certain extent, the technology is prosperous, the energy is extremely cheap, and conventional materials can also be transported through the star gate.

In fact, technology is in line with the bucket effect, and the shortest board will always be a problem that restricts the overall level of technology.

On the contrary, when the energy is cheap enough to use Stargate to transport conventional materials without distress, other aspects of technology, such as micro science, etc., are equally brilliant to the point of being close to God.

The technology of mass-energy conversion is completely mature. Only when there is energy or any kind of matter, it can be converted into another kind. Molecular construction, even atomic construction, directly generate the required materials with energy particles.

With such technology, where else does Stargate need to transport conventional supplies?

However, the Warhammer 40K universe is a world of pseudo-sci-fi and true fantasy. This has led to some cutting-edge science and technology that are not suitable for use in this universe.

Because even the physical universe is overflowing with extraordinary energy and there is no way to avoid it. And the more cutting-edge technology, the more harsh the conditions reached. With the interference of extraordinary energy, the mass-energy conversion is prone to problems.

This is also an important reason why technology has no future in the extraordinary world. Without reaching the true extreme, transcendence is more compelling.

The Cube Industrial Base itself also produces resources and energy. The solar sails and connecting rails are borrowed from the spirit bone technology of the Eldarlings. They are light but tough, and the efficiency of using the solar wind, cosmic rays and energy particles has reached a certain level. Kind of extreme.

With abundant resources and continuous replication of industrial mother machines, 3D printing began after the scale was formed.

Although the final industrial transfer of the design, Kane did not use more advanced holographic printing, but the mature 3D printing system is still efficient.

The key is that this type of equipment has the characteristics of simplification, and only asks for product specifications, not specific content. You can print everything from pots and pans to aircraft cannons. Specifically, the printing production line is divided into five models: large, medium, small, micro, and giant. It is enough. What you produce, enter relevant information and materials, and replace the supply of raw materials. , OK.

In this way, a super industrial base with a complete range of products looks like an old-fashioned Internet cafe, in an orderly manner, or the same.

Appropriate mechanical arm, coupled with multi-function robot, the automatic production line is complete. The parts related to computing and information are all quantum communication point-to-point management. The supercomputer base station at the core of the cube is enough to deal with all aspects of computing.

Since the incoming and outgoing goods all pass through the Star Gate, there is no material or personnel circulation from the outside. The cube is just like a satellite in high orbit, solitary circle.

This is actually very good, greatly reducing the hidden dangers of regular people and logistics in the background of Xinggang and terminals.

The mature Stargate technology itself is equipped with a security inspection system and has a high degree of safety.

In the eyes of Rodriguez and others, seeing Kane’s command, he built a sci-fi mirror pyramid building in just a few tens of minutes, and then began to endlessly transport from the inside out All kinds of objects, as if it were not a building, but a cornucopia!

"Having lost contact for two thousand years, has the empire's science and technology reached such a level?" Rodriguez and others were surprised and looked at Kane and his entourage with envious eyes.

However, the representatives of the major institutions of the empire were sour in heart: "Just envy Kane, don't piggyback us, we are also looking at Xuan Qi's Turtle..."

The first to be built was the equipment used to evaluate and give birth to the "Sword Fighter".

The Swordsman is the storm guard of the Imperial Guard in Gradyus.

Kane's selection of soldiers can be said to only look at the soul. With regard to physical fitness, it is almost as easy to cultivate soldiers of various types and strengths at the height of the biotechnology he masters.

So, the big soldiers of Gradyus embarked on a magical journey.

They were told that before participating in the assessment, in order to test the true level as much as possible, they will be required to take a special medicine, which can make people get the most adequate sleep, and help regulate the body's function, so that the participants can maintain the assessment Best state.

Because it is not voluntary registration, but the whole staff assessment and qualification.

As for whether you are willing to become a member of the glorious sword fighter after obtaining the qualification, it is up to you.

Even military officers have relevant assessments to become a sword fighter officer. Even cooks and the like will participate. It is nothing more than a batch, there is a sequence.

In fact, the real test begins after taking the medicine.

Of course, it also includes procedures for investigating mixed chicken thieves.

Take Rodriguez's independent regiment as an example.

The soldiers first took two days off to solve private affairs and write home books or something. The next step is to take medicine to bed.

This medicine is actually not sweet for people to sleep, but for use with test equipment.

The soldiers thought that Meimei had a good night's sleep, and the next day he was refreshed and began to meet the assessment.

In fact, they did not wake up at all, but in a virtual world bridged with dreams.

This can be said to be out of the soul, and it can be said to be consciousness uploading. In short, it is only consciousness, not the body.

Soon, the assessment began.

The first level of the assessment, there is a famous, called difficult choice.

That is to identify a person's three views, temperament and mentality through a series of two choices.

This pass is very similar to a game called "Train Problem" that Kane played back in that year, but because of the virtual world, the simple train problem was replaced by a series of events, making people immersive as if Real encounter.

The choice given by the ‘train problem’ itself is philosophical, and it does not give too many thinking events. You must make a choice within a few seconds.

Now the assessment is almost the same.

Take a few train problems for example. The general meaning of this game is that a train running at high speed will inevitably kill some people due to loss of control. The electric switch for changing lanes of the train is up to you, how to choose it.

Choose one:

A staff who can always work according to plan.

B always has 5 staff who do not work as planned.

Option two:

A leader who inspects according to plan.

B. Three employees were forced to work overtime.

Choice three:

A two lost adults.

B lost a child.

Choice four:

A wanted prisoner.

Five heads of bears escaped from Zoo B.

Choice five:

A abandoned baby.

B. Five elderly people abandoned by the family.

Choice six:

A Discard the child's parents.

B abandoned ten old family members.

And so on, and the further back, the more human nature is tested.

For example, choose one of two hundred million dollars and one ordinary person. Choose one of your friends and people far better than your friends, one advanced medical machine, and five ordinary medical workers.

There are also some weird ones. For example, one ultra-high performance test robot, five mass-produced robots with average performance, etc.

The most funny thing is that at the end of a series of choices, the game tells you that your choices determine who and what will be loaded into the starship.

This planet is about to be destroyed, and you will embark on a cosmic escape journey with the people and things you choose.

In this long adventure, who you interact with and what materials are available depends on how you choose.

Since it is a game, not only are questions intensive, but it also seems to ask questions for questions.

Kane's assessment of Miranda's assessment will incorporate similar problems into the event as much as possible, and arrange the next relevant plot according to the choice of the assessor. The purpose is realistic. Let the parties think that this is their own experience.

This is both a test and a baptism.

Only those who pass the score will have the opportunity to enter the next level.

The second hurdle is to test the spirituality of combat.

In Kane's view, this is also a very important link.

This link is mainly to pick out those who are particularly talented and lack talent in combat.

It seems that Kane has always been used to it.

Of the three hundred Spartans warriors performed in the film, Leonidas does not accept Efaltes, who is not weak in his individual combat power but deformed, for the tactical unity of the team array.

Kane is going to make the next move, no burden, no hero.

Of course, in the selection of sword fighters, there is no need to be too strict. Those talented people are not really kicked out of the swordsmen, but are used as vanguards, just like the anti-terrorism team, 6-8 people, each with a unique skill, to perform special tasks.

The team of sword fighters is more elite than the ordinary soldiers, but still has not left the category of soldiers. It still emphasizes faith, discipline and organization.

"Sacrifice" is indeed a very good quality. But Kane did not deliberately encourage.

In other words, he proudly believes that his commanding human troops won victory without advocating sacrifice. After all, this practice itself, if accidentally, will be deflected to the cult brainwashing system.

As for the war worms under his command, or other puppet troops, they are weapons themselves. In order to complete their missions, they do not hesitate to do anything in their personal lives, but they are duties and procedures, not real sacrifices.

Sacrifice is a noble consciousness, but also a helplessness against life instinct. Its noble point lies in its rationality and sensibility, overcoming its instincts, and devoting its utmost to the ego. This is the glory of self-conscious intelligent life.

Kane believes that any unconscious sacrifice with guidance and bewitching nature is actually a blasphemy of this concept. It is a kind of motivated and deceptive.

From the perspective of the Imperial Defence Force, Rodriguez's independent regiment can be said to be quite satisfactory.

The establishment of the Imperial Defence Force consists of ten people in one group, two to five groups in one row, two to six rows in one company, and five to one companies in one group. There is no battalion level.

The independent regiments are all successful, with three squads as platoons, three platoons as companies, and three squads as regiments.

Monk Astarte is a team of ten people, a team of ten teams, a team of ten companies.

In other words, the independent regiment finally came down to a thousand people.

Of course, this refers to combatants, non-combatants are 1.5 times this.

The independent regiment of about 2,500 people passed the assessment and was willing to become a swordsman. More than two hundred and sixty people.

At a ratio of almost 10:1, Kane thought it was not low.

There are more than 30 mixed chicken thieves, and more than half of them have become non-commissioned officers. The highest-ranking officer is a major staff officer and a captain company commander.

This is shocking enough. After all, even people who don’t know much about military affairs can imagine how destructive these two positions can be if they are sincere in doing things in a military-obedience group.

Kane even believes that the invasion of the swarm may be imminent.

Because gene thieves don't count on personal and organizational honors and disgrace, everything starts with welcoming Wang Shi's cause.

In this context, if it is not for action, they will not have too much real power.

He is more used to saving the country by curve, such as taking a wife's route, writing articles on officials or rich family members, so as to gain a strong enough influence, and arrange for his own people to quickly grasp the real power when needed.

Be aware that the more spies you arrange, the greater the chance of exposure. Once excavated by humans, it will often alarm relevant departments and continue to track down, which will be very troublesome.

Only when the invasion of the swarm is imminent, as much real power as possible needs to be mastered, and it is necessary to exert force when it is critical, and then a remote garrison will be revealed, all mixed in with so many spies.

It can be said that it is entirely possible for these latent people to have a smooth attack, the independent regiment will be paralyzed for several days, and even the civil unrest will be muted.

Kane couldn't help thinking. After all, according to the information of the prophet he had mastered, there was no swarm invasion in this year.

"Is it because the empire is separated from Gradyus, so there is no official memorabilia? Or for some reason, the swarm failed to make a trip this time?"

He himself prefers the latter possibility. After all, according to his understanding of the current human power of Gradyus, as long as the swarm comes, there is no possibility of losing.

After all, the people here can't even jump out of the gravity well, and the worm swarm can easily obtain the right to make orbit, and then they can move forward and backward freely.

But if the human race fails, it is not that the official memorabilia has a problem recorded, but that the planet will be gnawed by the swarms into a hairless star, and there will be no later Gradyus.

Kane could not explain why. It can only be said that it is better to have a letter than a book. Compared with believing in the prophetic information, he is more willing to believe his own knowledge and analysis.

According to the activity shown by the genetic thief, he believes that the swarm has invaded soon.

Then, it is necessary to make arrangements according to the situation that the swarm will kill at any time.

He contacted Miranda to allow Bushan to start the construction mode at full speed and build more production lines.

This is to create more combat weapons and deal with possible wars. It is also to quickly digest the resources of this star system.

The first order first consumes or gathers the resources of the star system. When the Taryn worms start a war, they can only lengthen the supply line, and even fight by consuming their own reserves, in order to recover the consumption after victory.

No matter what kind of it is, it is equivalent to a long-term change.

If there is enough time, he can even try to make Dyson balls, except for the part of the sunlight and heat corresponding to Gradyus, the others are completely covered. Turn the star into a dead star (the one from Star Wars) that continues to release a weak version of the Destruction Ray.

If that step is achieved, the Swarm will have to post more reserves in advance to wage war. So, based on the simple idea of ​​the swarm, will you stick to your own plan, or will you give up Gradyus because you think the profit is low after accounting?

Kane knew that he could not rely on the enemy's benevolence if he could avoid the scourge of That's too passive.

But he still hopes that the Swarm will choose to give up Gradyus, not for the hundreds of millions of humans on Gradyus, but to worry about the rampage of the Swarm and wake up the space undead in advance. At that time, human beings will be caught between the two, and they will really lose their heads.

"Firepower, more and more precise firepower!" Kane has always been a supporter of the supremacy of firepower. Whatever this one, use as little time as possible to pour as much energy as possible.

If the light and heat emitted by the stellar billion-year calculated lifetime are released in one direction in a very short period of time, then a super weapon such as a human-controlled gamma ray burst would not be beaten positively for fear of sacrifice.

At that time, why was the Star God so tyrannical, it was not that their energy throughput was high. These existences that rely on stellar energy, each full-strength attack, may be able to achieve the gimmick of the 12th expedition of Abbotton, the main gun bombardment effect of the planetary killer when destroying the planet. It is through the use of this extraordinary brute force again and again that the technology is very powerful, comprehensive and fancy.

So with Kane's order, the bone crushing plan started, and Gradyus' planet companions began to be unlucky.

Rather than being squeezed by the coming swarm in the future, it is better to be squeezed by me now. With such ferocious thinking, Kane started farming with all his might.

To this end, he even established a large star gate connecting Korna, and notified the Beidouxing district over there, rushed to make equipment, and then sent it over.

There is no doubt that, in terms of scale, this has exceeded the construction of the original window world Korna.

As a result, the movement was too large, which attracted enemies, chaos, and Orc...


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