Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1279: Chaos Orc Legendary

Infinite Supreme Wizard Chapter 127 Chaotic Orc Legendary Audio Novel Listen Online

The energy fluctuations caused by the frequent use of large star gates are the main reasons for attracting chaos and Ork.

Needless to say chaos, they are sensitive to any large energy disturbances.

The phenomenon of attracting subspace predators like the light-gathering effect of the soul in the subspace is just one of the most representative examples.

Another important reason worth mentioning is that the place of Gradyus itself has characteristics similar to the eye of fear.

Of course, it cannot compare with the effect of the subspace and reality that Eye of Fear meets. And it is more like a screen full of holes, with space leaks everywhere.

And this loophole is extraordinary.

Or, to describe it in terms of holes and cracks, it is easier for people to understand the concept.

It is precisely because of this that there will be typical subspace creatures such as enslavers and spirit eaters.

Moreover, such subspace cracks not only exist on the surface of the planet, but also in the three-dimensional space including space and underground.

For a certain organized chaotic forces, such as the chaotic lord, the devil prince, or a chaotic interstellar warrior, the subspace predator, in some ways, is a beacon, as if the vulture hovering in the sky Next, there are large animals that are gluttonous or dying.

The brutal Orson noticed the anomaly in the Gradyus area through this breakthrough.

Olsen’s past is little known, and when he was widely noticed, he was already a war gang leader.

He has a unique power sword, the cross-drinking blood drinker. With this sword and the swordsmanship comparable to the champion swordsman, he gained a great reputation.

But later it was only recognized by people, and the cross-blood drinker was only his spoils. After being blasphemy, he was blessed by the blood of terror, because it is powerful, and has rare scarlet energy fields, not a handful. Light blue force field for power weapons.

Some of Orson’s actions are like the genetic protologue of Luo Jia, the four evil gods, he believes instead of focusing on one person. So when he became the Lord of Chaos, his combat power was more like an Imperial Defense Force with multiple arms, rather than a distinctive style of the Evil God Legion.

There are three powerful officers under his command, one is the Red Kill, that is, the Scarlet Slaughter, and the new name of the Scarlet Saber after falling into chaos.

The Scarlet Saber, which is also a subgroup of the Holy Blood Angel, also has the problem of genetic alienation of bright red hunger and black rage like the blood claw battle group that Kane is familiar with.

It is a pity that the Scarlet Saber does not have the luck like the claw of the Holy Blood, but has a little bit of his own sadness.

Of course, in the Warhammer 40k universe, there are several star warrior groups, and there are no small griefs or grievances.

In short, the Scarlet Saber fell, and became a Scarlet Slaughter, a gang with little name and relatively shallow qualifications.

Hammer Gokaras is an alternative to the Scarlet Slaughter. Instead of swords or knives, he uses a warhammer, a two-handed warhammer, not the Mjornir used by Thor.

There is also a hero-level unit under the command of Olsen. Albert, nicknamed the father of distortion, is a master-level character who makes chaotic eggs.

The word chaos has the meaning of the fusion of chaotic elements. The chaotic egg, plainly speaking, is a creature born of chaotic fusion.

Understand this concept, it is not difficult to understand that this is a monster with blasphemous features from inside to outside.

The third powerful assistant of Orson is the chaotic demon Zornholler, a surly disposition, a faction that the six relatives do not recognize, but it is indeed powerful, and is the first presence of Orson's combat power.

And Orson's usage of Zornholler is mainly based on the halo effect of his chaos blessing, rather than letting him lead the battle as a commander.

Orson, a general, a wise man, and a mascot, has developed his career very well over the past few years. Everywhere has its origins. The evil **** holds the advantage, and the smashing and robbing business of the business is also smooth and smooth. There is no empty hand.

Unconsciously, Orson has already had a bit of the phenomenon of ascending the devil and ascending to the position of the devil prince.

You know that the devil prince is much rarer than the chaotic lord. Once the promotion is successful, it will immediately be upgraded from a street stall to a branded one. With its own i, leaving a name outside the circle, it is not a waste of time.

So in recent years, Orson is full of enthusiasm. Always tell yourself: "This one! This one is your own promotion battle!"xx

This time, this feeling of meditation came again.

He said to his subordinate: "I really felt this time, this order will be our opening battle on the new big stage! Therefore, we must perform well and let the subspace and the physical universe spread our name. !"

The orc warlord and captain engaged in Gaso, as usual, accepted the guidance of the legendary navigator Demi Blow, and regarded Gradyus as a new target for looting.

Engaging Gaso himself is also a legend. After all, he did what a big warlord did to kill all the creatures on the green planet that were qualified to be opponents, and then won the legendary big messy orc civil war.

Then it faces a philosophical thinking, whether to wait for death on this planet, or to come to a joyous expedition

Of course it is waaagh!

In this respect, it is fortunate to engage in Gasoline. Unlike other warlords, it gives orders to gather pilot boys from all over the planet to try to build spaceships.

Because it was under his command, he found and caught a special huk in time.

The so-called huk, literal translation refers to large space junk. In the Warhammer 40k universe, it mostly refers to the wreckage of ancient battleships.

According to the principle of gravity, those large ship wrecks will gradually attract the boat wreckage and gradually gather together.

Over thousands of years, there will be acceleration, and barely enough hundreds of thousands of broken ships will attract each other into a mass of non-degradable garbage with dwarf planet mass. This is huk.

The various conventional engines in the huk, as well as the subspace transition engine, will be used by the orcs’ unique and lingering spiritual technology, plus the orc’s genius-level cottage technology, and the ancient giant waste is born.

However, the Huk obtained by Caucasus, whether it is the process or the Huk itself, is more special. In the words of Caucasus: "It is worthy of my legendary identity."

The special feature of this bunch of legendary huk is that it stayed in subspace for a long time.

As we all know, subspace time is not linear.

Because of this, it is difficult to say how long the huk, which contains ship wreckage, asteroids, ice floes, and other garbage, has formed.

But one thing is certain, it is the most top-notch treasure in the eyes of space garbage collectors of all races.

Like the dnd universe Feren Deepwater City, a dungeon in the black robe of the mad mage Herast, countless adventurers are greedy for the treasures, and then become part of the greedy treasures.

Of course, all kinds of weirdness in this kind of huk are more evil and dangerous than the dungeon in Herast, God knows what is inside.

However, there is the legendary skill leader Mao Disheng.

It is said that behind every successful warlord, there is a legendary skill master, and he thinks that the combination of it and Mao Disheng is destiny, and the first word of the two adds up to be crude and cunning. , Cunning and violently engaged in Mao Er.

It is precisely because of the existence of Mao Disheng, together with its wise command and the bravery that its orc boys take for granted, that it completely captured the legendary huk before it floated back into the subspace like a ghost ship.

As a result, there is a legendary ancient giant garbage, engaged in the giant battleship.

Then there was the legendary navigator Demi Blow.

In the era of big fucks, Demi Blow was hit by a shotgun bullet in his head, so that his brain was severely damaged. In other words, it has become a brain disability that humans usually say.

Fortunately, it did not fall into the hands of ordinary medics. Instead, it became the experimental product of Mao Disheng.

You must know that Mao Disheng is an idol based on the legendary orc legendary master and beast Kimid. Although I don’t know where Mao Disheng knew about the deeds of the beast Kimid, is it not enough to just listen to the name of Diao?

Fortunately, Demi Blow didn't become the kind of orc that fell into the hands of Mao Disheng and never appeared before him, but survived successfully.

Mao Disheng replaced Demi Blow's cerebellum with a modified biological device whose source is unknown, probably from ancient human equipment.

Just after this operation, Demi Blow believed and claimed that during the operation, he saw Brother Ge and Mao.

In other words, it is an orc boy blessed by two orcs. Well, it is a reliable thing for him to be the guide of the interstellar voyages of the orcs.

Therefore, the combination of Gaso Maudison Demi Blow became the new generation of the orcs who became famous among the orcs.

Although the end result of this kind of random interstellar wandering is often completely slagged by an opponent, or some assembled opponents, but since it has not happened, then it belongs to them, happy sweeping, and by the way. Time for snowballs.

In this way, I made a big news about Olsen and his three majors, as well as Fuxing Gaozhao, the unsuccessful so far engaged in Caucasus and two other legendary friends, and enough orc boy, in their own way And scored Gradyus.

To be honest, the arrival of these two forces disrupted Kane's plan.

Kane was bold in planning this time.

In other words, according to the performance of the chicken thief, he estimated a certain honeycomb fleet of the Taryn Zerg and the arrangements made on the way.

He failed to anticipate that the time of this non-famous Gradyus series of battles was advanced by almost a thousand years. Chaos forces and orc forces could come so quickly.

The reason is mainly due to the lack of detailed understanding of some methods of chaotic forces.

He thought that after he had slaughtered the asteroid fleet in the Athena Star Zone and slaughtered the half-chaos vanguard light fleet, the intelligence information he had obtained was relatively comprehensive. What is lacking in understanding is basically only the part of the four evil gods.

He did not expect that the chaotic forces represented by the Black Legion, stationed in the Eye of Fear, were not played in the mainstream.

Otherwise, in addition to the title of a hundred victories because of the failure of the twelve expeditions, why did there be a name of a literary youth?

All in all, the copy of Horus, which existed in the era of the Great Rebellion, Abbotton, has turned many of the rebellious interstellar warriors who fled into the eyes of fear into distortion. Later, due to various reasons and joining in, or other small forces, how could it get rid of its influence

So Kane really didn't know that the more powerful and regular forces of chaos, the most commonly used, was actually to sniff the past and then launch a surprise attack.

As for the orcs, there is really nothing to say about this. Anyway, it is necessary to say something from the beginning.

In short, the forces of Chaos and the Orcs are here. The arrival of the swarms earlier than Kane expected, and also abruptly.

At the right time, he didn't have many ships available.

The choices that Kane faced before were some of the choices that Kane Zhao faced when he was in the sc universe. Was the choice to start building a ship now, or was he crazy to rebuild the production line of the ship, and then to produce 100,000 constellation-level warships with a daily production The ship was built at a speed of 800 meters, and then no matter what enemy, it passed directly.

At that time, Kane Zhao chose to build ships now, because he cared more about the humans in the Koplu Star Zone. When he could not bear the mighty fleet a, he recovered only a ruined planet with no living people.

Kane chose to replicate the production line this time.

Of course, the specifics are actually non-combat engineering equipment. The purpose is to complete the three lights on the star system where Gradyus is located before the arrival of the swarm. Biomass, mineral resources, energy resources, nothing, or under his control.

This is called Caesar's bold.

Knowing that the powerful Taylor Zerg Hive Fleet will arrive soon, but he has not fulfilled his usual strategy of preparing more weapons, more powerful firepower, and more accurate shooting.

So that although relying on advanced detection equipment, consistent vigilance, and puppets managed by Miranda once again excellent performance above the level, the orc fleet was discovered relatively early, but it was quite weak .

First of all, the ancient giant garbage of the orcs is really too big.

In terms of mass, the ancient giant garbage in the Caucasus is almost equivalent to the mass of a dwarf planet with a diameter of nearly 2,000 kilometers, composed mainly of ice and rocks, and a small amount of metal.

Instead of Zhoushan, it is not a strategic weapon like the planetary killer, it is a giant tactical weapon fortress.

Therefore, Bu Zhoushan appeared to have some firepower in the face of the ancient garbage.

The orc fleet is not just an ancient junk.

Instead, they are accompanied by a large number of cruisers and several boulders.

The so-called boulder ship is an asteroid that has been hollowed out, equipped with an engine, a turret, and a residential area inside.

Generally speaking, boulder ships cannot travel through subspace.

However, the name of the legend of Gaso is not called in vain. It can perform sub-space transmission like a mother whale carrying a young child, or even a mother duck leading a duckling.

This is actually the main reason why Gasoline has never failed.

Generally in the cosmic wandering orc group, there is some embarrassment and limited military strength. At most, it can only be a successful plunder, and then leave a bunch of mushrooms for the locals to clean up, before they are heard by the enemy’s large reinforcement fleet Escaped.

As for quietly entering the village and not shooting, secretly planting mushrooms and then turning the locals in one fell swoop, this option is rarely adopted by the orcs.

One is because this obviously somewhat feminine scheme does not conform to the usual style of the orcs. The other is that the orcs are too capable of doing things, and have no patience to wait until the farming is finished.

All in all, the waaagh spirit of the orcs' excitement is a style that can die, but cannot hold back. Simple and happy, no matter how savvy and charming orc boss, can not violate this core idea, and orcs are trained as a group of old beep, or a cautious, solemn and serious warrior.

Even, even if it is really done, it will lose the gain.

This is evidenced by Kane's many experiments in the Middle Warhammer world.

The reason behind this is related to waaagh not only a spirit, but also an extraordinary ability.

Waaagh force field, this is a concept that must be known if you want to understand the orcs.

The orcs are happy when they hear the battle, and they are happy for the battle. Why do they run away and panic at some point, and they behave very poorly? Shouldn’t they fight back and die?

It is because of this waaagh force field.

A simple understanding can be regarded as a kind of extraordinary morale, produced by each individual, forming a group effect, which in turn affects each individual.

This determines that a good orc leader, even if the tactics are used like shit, must have a very strong personal charm. Its driving effect, or incitement ability, must be very cattle breaking, unlike humans. At the critical moment, the political commissar relied on murder to emphasize discipline, but to evoke the blood of the orcs through vulgar but earthy language including body language.

This kind of arousal is far easier than the brainwashing arousal of human beings. In just a few words, the orcs can believe that the ongoing war is the most coveted waaagh war, which is equivalent to the holy war of human beings. The kind that survives.

Of course, the orcs don’t talk about the survival of this population, they generally don’t think about that depth, and they don’t think rationally, but emotional thinking. From the perspective of sentiment, they feel that this battle is their own battle of fame or bone. Ground, and then the emotions from his heart rose.

Just like the feeling when human beings slaughtered dogs, UU read books www.uukanshu. Com dies and forgets life, focusing on the eyes, it is easy to play super play, and then infect the surroundings through the waaagh force field, and then all orcs are like this.

This is the role of the powerful orc boss, and once it is achieved, then the output of the orc's combat power, it is really God who has knelt down for you!

This is also the reason why the ancient holy people will make such a funny than race as cannon fodder.

In the original history, the great invasion of the Taryn Worm that made all the wise populations of the Milky Way tremble was also due to the waaagh spirit of the orcs.

Otherwise, with the power of several Tyrone insect honeycomb fleets to set off a world-wide tsunami in the universe, any race will have a deep sense of despair in the face of it. If you don’t fight, you will lose first. In the world, you have the advantage of killing the number of soft hands.

All in all, the orc warlords engage in Cassel, relying on the characteristics of the legendary ability to pull the boulder ship, often at the beginning of the war, they have enough orc combat power to carry out large-scale assaults, so they can launch non-looting nature, It is a near-extinction offensive.

By the time the support fleet arrived, there was only a mess left on the scene. Caucasus had already left with their needs, and the planet that had been attacked by them, even if there were still people, just clearing the mushrooms, it was a big project and wanted to recover , I am afraid not to operate in thousands of years.

It is precisely because of this that he has only gained fame in recent years.

It's just that in the place where the stepmother is raised in the Far East, even within the emperor's torchlight, the rulers of the empire opened their eyes and closed their eyes when they didn't see them. A bit far.

But this time, it was met by Kane.

I didn't know that it was his misfortune, and he still engaged in a lot of sins, and finally encountered retribution. div

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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