Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1283: Open the door to board the ship

Infinite Supreme Wizard Chapter 123 Opening the Door and Boarding the Ground Meat Battle Audio Novel Online Listen

The boarding ship launched by Bu Zhoushan looks like an ice cream cone, with a conical shape, but the pointed side only ends, and the big round mouth is the head.

This kind of vehicle that uses dark matter and dark energy to fly does not have the characteristics of a traditional working medium engine at all.

They even have an external effect that seems to be always in the shadow world.

At the same time, it is indeed possible to reduce or extinguish live ammunition and energy.

However, Demi Blow, the orc legendary navigator, discovered their existence in time.

This is not only luck, but also because of the h force field, Demi blows and engages in the issue of the organic integration, making it possible to use the special attributes of the issue of the issue.

As a bunch of innate instruments that can shuttle through subspace and the physical universe on their own, the Event is indeed quite supernatural, even unexplainable.

Engaging Gaso, after getting the warning from Demi Blowing, he went to find Mao Disheng, and asked for a big killer that could mine the enemy who was about to board the ship.

But he did not forget to instruct the younger brothers to intercept.

Many of the boarding ships that were previously thrown out and tried to lie on the Zhoushan Mountain without being touched by the side, became the existence of interception orders.

The Orc Fleet headed by the Troublemaker has a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per second anyway, so in a short time, it passed the boarding ships that had flew out before, and used its own stern and the sky-class craft. , Forming a siege pocket for the fast-catching enemy boarding ship.

As for why the stern of the fleet can also be put into the battle sequence, it is naturally because the powerful ship engine, the scorching energy, has formed a flame stream over 100 kilometers in space, which acts as a super flame jet Still no problem.

The orc's boarding ship is also a wonderful flower, actually equipped with combat weapons, and even can launch space torpedoes.

Moreover, engaging the Caucasus orcs, the use of explosive weapons is more fancy than the humans who invented them. There are fiery bursts and psionic bursts.

The fiery concept of the fiery explosive bomb was achieved by the three sounds of promethium.

In Warhammer 40k, man-made radioactive elements produced by neutron bombardment of neodymium or nuclear fission have been widely used.

Including high temperature flame jet weapons, hot melt bombs and so on.

And the orcs combined it with the oxyphosphorus gel, and they had their own style of hot explosive bombs.

Of course, the same kind of technology is also better than the use of larger caliber running.

The psionic burst missile is the gun version of the psionic cannon, but the orcs have always liked large calibers. For human weapons, 20 is already the limit caliber of the gun. Generally, they are anti-equipment weapons. But for many orcs, this is just the caliber of the pistol.

When these bullets lifted a wave of light in space like a pouring rain, and flocked to the boarding ships launched by the Bu Zhoushan, even if the comprehensive index of those boarding ships was quite extraordinary, they could not bear to pass, and they were destroyed.

After all, with their small size, they can be equipped with energy engines that can't drive evil spirit tentacles. In this context, their own high speed has greatly enhanced the power of enemy weapons.

Kane turned a blind eye to this situation.

In fact, his creations are not cheap.

Today is not the same as before, Kane is no longer the commander who is relying on waste picking and picking up broken battles. Matching high-end technology is often expensive materials.

Explaining with his set of theories, ordinary materials cannot hold large amounts of high-quality information, and the volume is insufficient.

What should I do if the capacity is not enough?

The extraordinary method is naturally the three elements of magic, mystery and mystery that are often talked about, or simply summarized as a mysterious element.

The means of science and technology are all kinds of unintelligible technologies, micro-control, quantum mechanics or something. If you go deeper, it is difficult to express in human language. In short, it is very bluffing.

No matter which kind, it is quite difficult to get it.

Therefore, the mention of Kane's puppets does not necessarily mean that there are more than one legion per day.

For example, the order wizard, the output has never been up. There are even about 3 key parts that require Kane to personally participate in the manufacturing.

Only this one is a restriction.

After all, Kane has only one hand. Even if you turn yourself into a machine, you can't make many sets of precision equipment every day.

Of course, he can also take the low-end route.

But he knows the qualities of the Warhammer 40k universe. If he chooses that path, it is really a life of war, a battle that can be fought all day long.

Like the Imperial Defence Forces, like the Astatt Regiment, tens of thousands of years of warfare is either taking a rest or fighting, or is on the way to the battlefield, or unexpected battles are about to happen.

After playing for so many years, is there a result?

Obviously not.

Looking at the current stance, there will be no results after playing for so many years.

Just like the famous saying in the radiation series: war, war will never change!

Unlike the orcs who were glad to hear the war, Kane was reluctant to fall into the vortex of this war. Not only is he not oversight of the ultimate method of dealing with problems, but more importantly, he knows that once he falls into it, he will unconsciously lose his detached mentality, and focusing on the war, the Warhammer 40k universe has Unending battle.

I don't want to fight, but in the Warhammer 40k universe, avoiding war is undesirable. Then build a super combat power. Once you do it, it is slaughter and annihilation. There is no tail, no scourge, and there is little leakage of military intelligence.

Kane felt that this was the most appropriate option. So the First Order took a few elite routes, and now there are few ships and a few people, but it is absolutely powerful.

Conversely, because of the high cost of elite, the loss is also quite painful.

However, the loss of this Bourdon ship was only a loss of equipment.

With advanced transmission technology, coupled with the golden staff, Kane did not make the traditional assault coffin, death canned.

The boarding ship itself is not manned, but is equipped with a reliable transmission anchor point device. Once a boarding ship successfully reaches the enemy ship and deploys the anchor point device, personnel will enter the enemy ship endlessly.

Of course, it depends on the boarding part.

Like the power zone, it is a target worth a lot of troops, and the flow of the cargo compartment is purely a bad place, especially with the ship volume of this level, once it is landed in the cargo compartment area, it must be prepared. The Normandy landed, but some hit it.

After being struck by the orc-style stray bullets, there were only four shipboards that eventually got caught in the event.

Two of them were abandoned by Kane because of their poor location.

The so-called poor position does not mean that the target area of ​​the chicken ribs was cleared, but that it encountered the too thick part of the ship and simply failed to get through.

This is not common in general gang-hop battles, but it is normal for incidents to happen. It can even be said that Kane's luck is also okay, and four successes on board the ship is quite good. After all, the volume of the event alone determines that its shell is really thick.

Weak points are also relative, often thicker than the front of most battleships.

And from the outside, it is difficult to accurately estimate where the weakness is.

The design of the orc is enough, easy to guide, and unreasonable, plus the particularity of huk itself, it can be said that if it is understood by the structure of a general ship, it will probably be pitted.

Kane's boarding ship can open two channels, also because the boarding ship's ability to open holes is really strong. Hundreds of meters of high metal content ore-like hulls are simply for melting channels. When working, the issue number is like a bleeding beast. The lava iron is sprinkled along the outlet of the outer edge of the boarding ship. Spray into space.

At the right time, he was following Caucasus, driving a combat off-road vehicle without a large gun to the Dean of the Madison laboratory, trembling, and then crying face to engage in Caucasus: "Boss, although the boys tried hard to kill the big Part of the boarding ship, but the other two have successfully boarded the ship. I feel uncomfortable with the incident, and two small holes have been opened in its butt!"

Gaso Wenyan hummed: "Look! I'm right!? The event has never been opened in battle before. Enemies want to get on board, they all use the side of the event. Invaded by the launch channel of the warship. There is no launch channel of the warship on the buttocks, which is very safe. But now, the enemy has a way to open the hole in such a short time, which is very powerful. The dude cried to me and said that they could not block the enemies on board."

Indeed, while engaging Gaso and Demi Blow, the teleport anchor equipment was already deployed, and the order wizards appeared one after another in the light shining, and then followed the channel that had not been completely cooled into the engage. The power zone of the event.

The reaction of the orcs was still timely, and the big guys in the area came with more orcs.

On the front line, there are already many common orc arms, such as the orc boy with a striker and a meat-cutting axe.

This is the most common and largest number of arms among the orcs, just like the ordinary large-headed soldiers of the Human Empire Defense Forces.

However, the orcs who are engaged in Gaso are a bit fierce. They are all strengthened by the severely painful boys.

The Pain Kid is a hero unit promoted on the basis of the military doctor boy. He is often active in the battlefield and can use the treatment needle to pull up the orcs with serious injuries. The effect can be described as immediate.

The only problem is that the price of this kind of treatment needle is very high. Only successful people among the orcs who are overweight and bosses can enjoy it.

The reason behind the orc legion in Caesar is that the number of severely painful boys exceeds the standard. The reason behind this is the legendary master of Mao Disheng.

The transformation of the ordinary orc boys is also based on the premise of the legendary technical masters, and they organize the pain of the boy and give the ordinary orcs the welfare.

In Mao Disheng's words: "You can only become the best among the tyrants by vigorously exercising your skills. Moreover, when you are doing things, being idle is also being idle."

Therefore, the orcs who are engaged in the Caucasus are open and have strong combativeness. Seeing the cool and orderly sorcerer, he did not have cowardice or indiscriminate charge, but formed a team of five or six people with a tacit understanding to launch an offensive.

From the human's point of view, the strikers in their hands are basically hand guns, with a large caliber, great movement, and great power. If you compare the power of an ordinary blasting gun to the power of 9 pistols, then the striker is a 50-caliber Magnum bomb.

The orcs are booming! A very rhythmic shooting, holding a meat-cutting axe high and howling towards the target, except that because of its different structure from humans, it even shook left and right when walking or running, and it seemed a bit lame.

Also, there are strange gun boys covering them.

The weapon used by the strange gun kids is called a sneeze gun.

The strange gun kids attached countless so-called treasures to the barrel and the clip, and there were various gadgets and mechanical parts on it.

It can be said that each sneeze gun is a unique magic weapon.

For other non-orc intelligent creatures, the impressive thing about the sneeze gun is that this combined weapon can fire flame cloud ammunition, plasma explosives, and rocket-propelled grenades.

Because the Legion engaged in the Gaso had torn through so many battles with the Chaos forces, it obtained the chaotic subspace grenades technology, and was launched as a grenade by the strange gun boys. The power is quite impressive.

Now, the order wizards must first face a wave of explosive bullets from the strange gun kid.

Raging shock waves, rolling fire clouds, blasted iron scraps, and even affected the orcs who charged on a certain level.

However, the orcs were obviously accustomed to the situation of being affected by the fire of the friendly forces, and suffered some minor injuries. Instead, they were more bloodthirsty and excited, and screamed.

Compared to the noise of the orcs, the order wizards seemed unpredictable. They also know how to join forces. After the connection of the spiritual field the strength is increased, the cost is lower, and there is no loophole.

This force field is invisible, but if you look carefully, you can still find anomalies.

After the physical bullet enters the force field, a significant deceleration effect will occur. And the energy blow will quickly faint like ink into the water. This spillover effect will greatly reduce its power. Many shimmering robes of the sorcerer who could not even touch the order had disappeared.

The lightsaber waving in the hands of the order wizard is the most eye-catching, making a buzzing buzzing sound, and the continuous glory and practice in the air up and down the range, like dancing a long tail flag.

But in fact, the real fierceness was the empty hand of the order wizards.

This hand to show the magic is the key to attack or counterattack.

Often just a vain quote, and the orcs will get out of control, flutter over and be crushed by the vigorous lightsaber, or simply die on the spot.

Order wizards are naturally moving, and can even be said to always move forward.

The orcs who approached were often danced by a series of lightsabers with their footwork, and they all beheaded on the spot in three or five seconds.

Obviously there are a large number of orcs, but it is an obvious order. The sorcerer pressed the orcs to fight, one by one like a butterfly wearing flowers, grazing past, light and free, without the characteristics of too much force.

And so lightly, the orcs were cut down like wheat, and those orcs who were quite good at fighting close to the body were rarely able to make a move in front of the order wizard.

The orcs soon discovered that they seemed to have many people before, and after just ten minutes, they became a minority party.

Of course, if it were the corpses of pillows on the ground, they would still be many.

Looking at the war situation is about to collapse, the reinforcements arrived, rushing to the forefront is a big canned murder

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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