Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1284: Test Theory 2 Boundary Jump

Infinite Supreme Wizard Chapter 1284 Test Theory Two Realms Jumping Audio Novel Online Listening

The orc society is composed of four types of creatures.

When the orc's mushroom spores germinated, the snivel was the first to rot.

They instinctively cultivate and take care of mushroom fields.

Then Squigg was born.

Squigg plays the role of a omnipotent animal in the orc society. The orcs' needs for life, from eating to using, can be found in them.

After Squigg, the goblin will be born.

Goblin and Goblin, which is widely known in the DND universe, are quite similar in length.

However, the Warhammer Goblin, unlike Goblin of DND, is simply the grindstone and experience pack of the new adventurer.

At least the Goblin of the Middle Warhammer has several powerful characters. Even the orcs are very convinced and regard them as bosses.

However, in the Warhammer 40K universe, goblins and snivel are reduced to absolute supporting roles with no dazzling performance, so that people use the concept of ‘fart essence’ to summarize those who are smaller than normal orcs.

Although the goblins had no powerful figures, no independent forces and battle gangs, and could only rely on the orcs, they still tried their best to show their sense of existence like their counterparts in the medieval Warhammer.

Canned homicide is a success in this context.

Most of the veterans of the Imperial Defence Force who had been fighting with the Orc Corps were impressed by this weapon. Not only because they are highly targeted light infantry killers, but also because their style of action is very different from that of ordinary orcs.

The big orcs are basically reckless and irritable, disdain to use tactics, and even feel that wearing too much and too thick armor will become brave enough and suspected of being timid.

The killing cans of the farts are different. While they are cruel and vicious, they are also deceitful and mean, and even a little cowardly. Often take the advantage and run.

And letting them take advantage of it often means that someone was killed alive by a canned murderous man who was attacked indiscriminately, or the torn limb was broken.

This kind of situation often makes people very hot. After all, after witnessing the tragic death of the robe, it may even be killed for saving themselves.

However, the canned killer can't keep his hands and slips when he takes the advantage. Some soldiers often can't control their emotions, or are too hyperactive (usually novices), they will chase them to death.

Then, even if they were not led into some kind of temporary trap by the canned homicide, they will find that the combat effectiveness of the canned homicide is not weak at all, especially the light infantry, and it is really very disadvantageous against it.

A very important reason is that this kind of gadget that looks as tall as the orc's overweight boss is almost the same as its inferior version, but it is actually a vehicle!

Vehicles often mean more available space, better weapon platforms, and most importantly, mechanical force.

Canned killing is a type of orc marine weapon that is rarely driven by pure mechanical force without adding flesh and blood power.

After all, his physique is only equivalent to that of a child in his 10s or even a little thinner, but he is indeed weak.

If you have a more in-depth understanding of canned killings, you will find that its luxurious enlarged version turns out to be a mecha!

So killing the canned food, watching the teasing, stumbling, and walking, because the pure mechanical limb does not consider any ergonomics at all, that is, as a simple imitation bipedal creature walking upright, so it shakes left and right, and also sends out a ``choke'' The sound of choking, in fact, whether it is a weapon or a mechanical output, is not much more than an overweight boss.

The Caucasus Legion, because of its legendary tyrant Mao Disheng, and has seen the market, so not only has it rare to engage in brother mechas, but also the rarer killer tank driven by pure fart.

Generally speaking, people refer to cans of murder, but they actually refer to cans of fear. The fear tank can be said to be the orc version of the fearless mech, the driver is a mechanic kid + fart.

There are also larger giant fear tanks, and giant shock tanks that are responsible for repairs.

It can be said that the canned series is a very well-known and dynamic weapon series in the orc group.

And its name is the smallest one, the killer jar driven by fart.

Because of this weapon, the large metal barrel box in the human logistics supplies, plus two piston power legs, is the foundation.

Then we welded individual heavy weapons on one side and power pliers or power saws on the other side as melee weapons.

Operating this device is like being housed in a metal coffin. The orcs hate this feeling. Even if they can get in, the farts are very eager to get the opportunity to drive this equipment.

After all, most of the time, the manufacturing power of the orcs, or production capacity, is not so wide that even the fart can get armed with their own characteristics.

And the orcs engaged in the Legion of Caucasus did indeed, even the fart spirits were armed, and a variety of cans including killing cans rushed into a pile.

These humanoid equipment and equipped weapons look even more powerful.

Melee, chain saw, electric drill, power series of punches, pliers, axes, claws, etc.

Orcs in the middle distance re-fired.

This is the signature weapon of a canned killer. Learn from humans. Promethium fuel is added to the burning agent. There are also blue parts. Various magical reforms are added.

Orcs are quite talented in killing and setting fire. After all, weapons manufacturing is instinctive for them, engraved in genes.

Without learning incompetence and humor, it also means that the mind is not constrained by the known knowledge, the thoughts are empty, and all kinds of combinations and collocations that human scientists cannot dream of have actually been made.

However, behind this, there are also a lot of failures, terrible accidents, and various unreliable sequelae.

It can be said that if the loss in this respect is replaced by human beings, it has already been sputtered into spittoons by public opinion because of high casualties.

But the orcs were able to expose it with amusement. It can even be an entertainment program.

The orcs, like humans, are gloating over others, and are happy to see others unlucky.

But unlike humans, the orcs made no secrets about this, and even the gangsters came out and still had a bunch of orcs watching jokes. Even if the big brother is angry and angrily kills one or two vents, it can't make the situation much better.

In short, the orcs can always come up with their own perverted version based on the invention of human weapons.

Re-spitting fire is one of the most representative weapons. It has a high temperature and has the characteristics of napalm bombs. It is difficult to extinguish...

In addition to re-spitting fire, the killing cans were also equipped with long-barreled guns and orc rockets.

Even the big ones were equipped with bombs.

The fried cannon can be said to be a small version of the Waaagh cannon. The shells fired are actually spherical and will explode, which is very powerful.

As soon as the cans were on the scene, no matter what was happening, all the bombs and bombs were directed at the area where the wizard was in order.

It was brutal enough to look at the effect, and flesh and blood flew, but in fact the injuries were all orcs fighting the wizards of order on the front line.

Of course, more of the orc corpses that had been killed before are now being abused in a scrubbing manner.

The orcs were very calm about this.

Think about it too, where the orcs have always gone, wherever they bring fungal spores, no matter where they are.

While alive, the dander spores scattered everywhere and continued to grow; after death, the flesh turned into mushroom fields and turned violently.

Like this incident, the orcs have been contaminated into fungal domes, and mushrooms can be seen everywhere. It is also magical to see the water and the obvious sunlight, and actually grow well.

The orcs canned and bombed wildly, but the order wizard was calm.

As an elite warrior of the First Order, the Order Wizard is not afraid of such films.

Kane designed them to exist like diamonds, hard but brittle.

There are two ways to kill them.

Or, the point attack strength exceeds its defense threshold.

Or, find its door, attack with weakness, and kill it.

In addition to these two, other methods are not very good.

If the order sorcerer cannot be killed simply and neatly, the order sorcerer will be absolutely ignorant.

Under the smoke of gunpowder, the Order Wizard appeared in the turbulent fire and waves of explosion shock waves. The lightsaber was like a lightning thunder in the dark clouds, and occasionally flashed, it was bound to attract attention, and it followed the big movements.

This great movement appeared as death in this battlefield. Their lightsabers are like super-heavy powered swords of the Titanic armor of the human empire, giving people a super sharp sense of nothing, and the cans of various orcs that have been beaten in the past, in front of these flying lightsabers It’s no more than the orcs who beat before. It’s also a sword, one cut in two, the incision is neat, and the high temperature melts, even the blood is gone.

"These girlies with shining swords can't do it anymore, boys, rush up and hack them!"

What kind of boss there is, what kind of little brother. Engaging in Caesar's deceit, his big men's ability to talk nonsense is not bad.

Obviously how many people died, just like a meat grinder, no matter how much it rushed in, it will soon become sparse by the sound of guns, explosions, and shouts of killing, but it must be said that the enemy has been taken down. Too.

Maybe this big guy wants to rely on the corpse to squeeze out the enemy or seal it in that area.

The orcs who were engaged in Cassel all the way from victory to another victory, they never knew what fear was, and they always seemed to have high morale.

It doesn't matter how many orcs rushed in front of it, it seems that they are in a hurry to reincarnate, fearing that they will delay good people.

And the big guy, at the end of the channel, quickly organized, so that the orcs have a certain teamwork, rather than a swarm of bees.

But that was the first cooperation, and before waiting for the time to break in, he was killed by the order wizards chopping melons and vegetables.

Interestingly, the wizards of order did not show the urgency of advancing. When the orcs rushed into this area, they killed.

When there were more corpses, the Order Wizard used psionic power and waved his arms, and light fog was generated. He swept the corpses and flew down the passage towards the boarding ship.

The space door opened on the boarding ship, like a black hole, can be swallowed no matter how much it comes, and it does not delay the appearance of more order wizards.

In fact, there are no more than two hundred order wizards at the two landing sites.

Even so, the orcs must continue to send up their fighting power to barely control the advance of the order wizard.

The orcs are no longer expecting their enemies to kill these enemies. They hope that enough orcs on the issue will drag down the enemies, or drag them to Caucasus with a hammering power arrival.

At the same time, Kane received the news of the completion of the mission sent back by the order wizard on the Bu Zhoushan, which had already completed the 180-degree turn.

"Efficiency is not bad, then implement the second phase of the plan, first remove the personnel."

Following Kane's order, the Order Wizards created a group of psionic incarnations on the battlefield, and then quickly evacuated the same way.

These psionic avatars are similar to the shadow avatars of the Naruto world, which is equivalent to one-sixth of the order wizard's own combat power, but with more weaknesses and a time limit.

It was in this situation that finally the orc broke up the psionic incarnation.

"Haha! That's how I compare, these guys are made of light and fog, but they were still killed by me and dissipated, uh!"

The orc was not happy for three seconds, and was killed by another psionic incarnation flashing diagonally.

But in any case, this is a huge difference between can and cannot.

Can be killed, there are two.

The orcs suddenly became excited as if they had hit the chicken blood.

The performance is also more crazy and fierce.

Then the second, third, and Nth psionic incarnations are destroyed.

Looking at the number of enemies getting smaller and smaller, the big-headed guy brags on the Fleet Channel to boast Caucasus and all other orcs:

"Boss, this time the enemies are indeed tough and hard, killing many of us, but the victory still belongs to us after all. They have been almost killed, soon..."

The following words could not be spoken, and suddenly lost contact.

Because of a very special big explosion, it happened just now.

It was a star-like explosion that collapsed into a black hole. There was no sound or fire, but the destruction was true and unstoppable.

Eldar Ling's vortex weapon?

No, it's sharper.

However, Kane did refer to the technology and related data of the spirit race vortex weapon after taking down the Ostala Ark, the mobile base of the Death Army.

Moreover, powerful transcendence can only be dealt with by transcendence.

So this seems to be a high-tech display, but in fact it has a considerable part of the use of extraordinary power.

This explosion did not completely destroy the incident.

The basic embryo of the event is a congenital magic weapon. If you really want to destroy it completely, you will be hindered by some special forces.

For example, such a coincidence accident happened.

In short, it is difficult to succeed, often at a great price.

Kane did not want to bleed and die, so he played a little trick.

Don’t you have the characteristics of traveling between subspace and physical universe? Take advantage of this feature to come to a black-hole subspace banishment.

And this action, including Kane's technical verification, bold attempts.

It is embodied in the principle of the banishment plan.

He believes that the basic embryo hulk of the event is able to wear through the two realms because it has a kind of balanced concept of power behind it.

A simple understanding is that when some special power is collected in the physical universe, it will enter the physical universe as if it is mixed with oil in the oil and sinks into the water; and when it is obtained in subspace When the special power reaches a certain level, it floats back to the surface of the water like purified oil, and returns to the physical universe.

It is precisely because of the chance that the orc mastered this seesaw-like operation that the dwarf planet-like behemoth can make a sub-space jump.

Otherwise, if the ancient saints hung the orcs back then, their technology could not be unscrupulous to the best level out of nothing. In one series, the giant monster can jump through the'demon engine', and then there is a similar method to open the race space undead.

However, the planet-level super-large creation world engine it created, but also borrowed the ancient Saint's network, only to achieve a leap.

It can be said that even if the Ancient Resurrection is resurrected, it is absolutely difficult to engage in such big moves.

Otherwise, they can bring their own homeland to the whole universe, and the star **** + the fearful are not enough to surround them.

It is precisely because of this lack of ability that the ancient sage talents are destroyed. At least one of the reasons.

Well, the ancient sages can't do it. The cannon fodder races made by the ancient sages can be done by "I am thinking"?

If you add chaos theory and compare it, then you have to study hard and seek knowledge. Why would everyone just rely on it?

However, the facts are in front of us, the orcs are indeed driving a dwarf-star ancient junk, and there are a bunch of accompanying ships, including boulder ships.

When Kane learned this news, he didn't complain that God gave this kind of hang to the orcs. Instead, he was thinking about it. In reality, what happens is reasonable, and there must be a valid reason.

So he wondered.

And he really figured it out.

And with the success of verification. Kane undoubtedly received a huge dividend ahead of schedule.

Simply put. The phenomenon that happened on the event line proved that his set of explanations was theoretically feasible.

In other words, according to the cat and the tiger, since the event can jump on both ends of the subspace and the physical universe, he can build a neutron war star, and then jump back and forth between the physical universe and the subspace to break through the bridgehead of the subspace, That's it, and it's a super fortress bridgehead that can be crafted in advance...

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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