Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1: When the magic storm is brewing

Infinite Supreme Sorcerer Chapter One or Two

Since matter and energy will become potential factors leading to transition accidents, generally speaking, starship transitions will be selected outside of the star system.

The wide and deep space of the universe, evenly distributed, can even count a few particles per cubic kilometer, and the impact on the transition is naturally low enough.

After the magic reform, the issue number also chooses to follow the unspoken rules of stellar transitions.

Compared with the previous incidents, the overall style has become more fierce and precipitous.

Among the many specific things that shaped this style, the fierce and sharp edges are the most eye-catching.

Kane did not mobilize the Zhoushan this time.

After the end of the war five days ago, Bu Zhoushan entered a ten-day maintenance and fine-tuning period.

Like many people, Kane once pursued once and for all.

Use extreme technology to create the ultimate creation, always strong and never outdated...

In the end, he realized that nothing but death was once and for all. And death means becoming past tense and being eliminated.

Why is life a miracle in the universe?

Just because it is ‘live’.

The typical characteristic of ‘living’ is evolution.

Evolution can be seen as a series of self-changes made in order to adapt to the current environment and even override the current environment and make better use of it.

So Kane understood that the so-called perfection is a living body that is always more than half a grid higher than the current environment.

Leading, overriding, using, and even controlling, this is perfect.

So naturally, this knowledge is reflected in Kane's creation through technology.

Bu Zhoushan is an example, it is alive.

This activity is not only reflected in the technical application of living metals and evil spirit cells, but also in the fine-tuning operation that was determined from the beginning of the design and will never end as long as it exists.

Therefore, the maintenance of the Zhoushan is much more complicated than the general ship, but it is specifically worried about Miranda, and the shipboard AI cooperates with the execution, so that it has reached a fool style, throwing it there and leaving it alone, you can become Stronger.

Compared with the Zhoushan, the newly-built ships of the Gradyus fleet have no such compulsion.

For such mass-produced ships, Kane is too lazy to be named. Although each of them is better than similar ships in this world's human empire, the fate of cannon fodder has been doomed since its birth. I would also lament that the same ship, the reincarnation is good or bad, the difference is huge.

This time, it was part of the Gradyus fleet that engaged in the issue.

Thirty-three warships of various colors left the galaxy at sub-light speed and resisted unscrupulous visits at the gate of the ‘house’.

Compared with the physique of the dwarf star, this half fleet does have the feeling that ants challenge the anteater.

But the matter of war is neither bigger nor smaller, which is stronger or weaker, and it has to be fought.

It is quite self-confident to engage in Cassel.

It is just now that it has no publicity and enthusiasm.

According to the normal Tera (Earth) time calculation, Caucasus stayed in subspace for more than seventy years and four months. During this period, it has experienced too many strange events that ordinary people can't dream of, and the body and mind have been greatly tortured and distorted.

However, these are far more severe than the loneliness.

Demi blew to death.

In order to reintegrate the exiled part, Demi-buki was sacrificed.

Mao Disheng also died.

In order to escape the misfortune of becoming the coffin of the subspace drifting, or in order to repair the timely issue again, so that it has the special ability to freely enter and exit the subspace and the physical universe, Mao Disheng was also sacrificed.

So he had his own spirit and got the two-phase talents from Demech and Mao Disheng, self-finding and self-evolution.

Both sacrifices are dominated by Cassel, but this does not mean that it is willing to do so.

If there are any choices, engaging in Gaso would rather be a living Demi Chuo and Mao Disheng to accompany themselves, rather than turning into special abilities to engage in trouble.

And even good friends have sacrificed, and other orcs on the issue are nothing.

Now, he is alone.

Of course, there is no shortage of combat power in the magic reform. Chaotic creatures and chaotic orcs are more powerful than in the past, but they have lost their original style and the most important Waaagh spirit.

Today, they are just one of the creatures of the physical universe eroded by the power of chaos. They are the expression of the will of chaos, the **** of evil spirits, and the mighty men.

Deep in the consciousness of engaging in Cassel, there is some time to miss the past.

This time it came back to Gradyus again, and there was a slight fluke in his heart, that is, some remnants of the orcs could be found near the battlefield.

And this fluke was smashed by cruel facts.

Kane itself pays great attention to details, and Miranda takes this feature to a new level.

The battlefield five days ago is now empty, not to mention the boulder ship and even the orc spores.

And this situation further stimulated Caucasus, its eyes flashing scarlet light, not much more than the light released by Mao Disheng's laser mechanical eye.

The chaotic orc warlord, whose demonization of the body has exceeded 60%, engages in Caucasus. At this moment, his heart has been filled with hatred of revenge. It wants to destroy everything, and this time it will not flinch.

Although few people know it, it must be said that the legendary value of engaging in Caucasus is already quite high.

But for Kane, it is still not enough to see, even if he knows the history of engaging in Cassel, and witnessed the crisis, hard survival, and high-gloss moments in his life, I am afraid that he will only comment: another one was Crazy.

Some failures deserve sympathy, and some failures deserve no pity.

Kane thinks it should be the latter.

Killing and setting fire to the gold belt, deceitful people are also deserved.

Now that we have chosen this path away from innocence, we will only discuss heroes based on success or failure.

Like almost all Star Warrior groups, they have their own tragic past, so don't make excuses for your depravity.

Orson the cruel man never made excuses for his depravity. He regards depravity as the choice to take the initiative to control his destiny. This choice starts with selfishness.

I don't know since when, he gradually feels aggrieved that he died for the empire and for mankind. They are not worth his effort.

And this idea starts with pride.

He felt himself superior.

Just as what the cult leaders now confuse and incite again:

"Lower creatures must be lower in the food chain and eaten or used by higher creatures. This is a natural law. Put away your superficial compassion and focus your attention on the great cause of higher existence."

"Now, opportunities are in front of you. As long as the task is completed successfully, you can get this evolutionary fruit. It is extraordinary, it is a rare treasure that does not exist in the physical universe, even in the mysterious subspace. It It can make life jump and formally open the way to becoming a higher creature."

"Some people might say that the risks of these tasks are not small! Indeed, but I have to ask, what is the risk of doing nothing in this world? Even if you are walking on the road, you may be hit by falling objects and hit by a drunk driver. .High returns are accompanied by high risks, which is a common sense in the world. So, instead of saying such high-risk nonsense, ask yourself how strong your desire to embark on an extraordinary road is."

"Some people may ask, what do you do if your mission fails? If you are unsuccessful, you will be defeated first, and you will be very down-to-earth and very mature. But I suggest that those who are down-to-earth will live a down-to-earth life and turn a blind eye to this brutal market. Work hard while praying that there will be no external force and destroy your fragile little days."

"And those who are committed to improving their lives and thus gaining more power and controlling their destiny as much as possible, don’t be distracted to think about what has failed and what to do. Instead, turn this worry into progress. The motivation of telling myself that there is no escape route, and there is no way to go. We must jump + climb to cross the ordinary and extraordinary chasm and start to climb the dangerous peak of higher life."

"This is the meaning of the leap. Do not take the usual path, run up, jump, and seize the opportunity to change fate." The leader of the cult once again raised the so-called evolutionary fruit in his hand.

The believers present stared greedily at the magical fruit of bright and dazzling color, and from time to time, many people could not help swallowing.

They did not know, however, that it was in the secret room separated by their walls, what was the result of those who ate the fruits of evolution.

"Sorry, I have given you everything. You haven't been able to carry it by yourself. You can't rely on me." A senior chaotic believer murmured as his friend turned into a pile of unrecognizable flesh and blood.

Beside him, there were several colleagues holding their shoulders and watching with cold eyes.

When the target ended the frantic struggle, one of them withdrew the shield and stabbed into the fluttering flesh with a profane dagger.

After a moment, the jewel that desecrated the end of the dagger glowed.

"Well, this flesh is okay, it can be used as a base for the eggs of chaos."...

Because of the need to engage in trouble, this cult voluntarily commended a group of people who usually performed well, and who had not yet accumulated merit.

The rise and fall of the cult is closely related to the founder's ability and the social climate, and extraordinary resources are undoubtedly a very important part.

As a terminal organization of chaotic forces, most cults are indifferent to loyalty, and milk is a mother.

Olsen, the cruel man, is not proficient in this kind of cult **** sticking to mortals, but Albert, one of his commanders, the father of distortion, was started from it and can be called business proficient.

In this extraordinary real world, most successful cult leaders are not scammers who seek pleasure. After all, with their miraculous abilities, if they are just greedy for general enjoyment, whether they are struggling in the national religion, forming a brotherhood or other association, or joining some companies, they can have a good harvest, there is no need to risk being cruel Penalty ravages, plus the risk of fire punishment, engage in cults.

Albert was originally an ambitious **** stick. In order to make himself strong, he self-taught many courses such as psychology and biology, and has a master's degree or above.

It can be said that if he takes the right path, it is enough to become a respected social talent, but he does not look down on the ordinary way of climbing.

His father was a cobbler, which determined that if he took the vulgar way of climbing, exhausting his life, he could not escape the fate of serving the nobility.

What's more, even those who are well-known nobles and privileged giants, in his view, this is not the case.

Its life is fragile, and subject to various unspoken rules, as well as more powerful figures. Although it can affect the life and death of many people, it can also be splashed by a thug in five steps, or died of a glass of poisonous wine and a bullet.

Of course, he also admitted that the road to chaos is not easy.

But he is always arrogant and confident enough. He always believes that as long as there is time and a way, he can reach a height where most of his life can only be looked up to.

Turning to Orson was nothing more than an expedient measure for Albert.

In the past two hundred years, he has mainly focused on the extraordinary aspects of life. In the end, he naturally wanted to get more time for himself. To put it bluntly is to pursue longevity.

At the beginning, he engaged in cults, which was to gather everyone's strength and wealth for his use.

Therefore, most of the cultists are not allowed to die, and the cult itself is overthrown, but his own end is okay, he has never lacked flowers, and the research needs are basically enough.

But later, after becoming a chaotic hybrid, it is more than ten times more difficult to obtain extraordinary resources than ordinary resources.

And Albert realized that if he wanted to live long, it would be better not to regard fighting and fighting as commonplace. After all, good swimmers drown and good combatants die.

Therefore, considering all the considerations, he found that he needed a thigh.

Tossing and picking, he selected Orson, who was just the newly rising chaos leader.

For a **** stick, knowing people and communicating are all basic skills. It can be said that a qualified magic stick is more than enough to be a personnel supervisor in a large company.

And Albert has great ability in this respect. Soon, he became an important assistant to Orson. The positioning in the battle gang is a military-like figure.

Then it was developed with the growth of talents. There is a little meaning of being a dragon's minister, but it is not a wise minister but a more straightforward use of each other.

However, both of them are decent people. Orson never asks too much, and Albert always tries his best to make Orson satisfied. It is a rare example of long-term cooperation and harmony among chaotic forces.

This time, Orson’s mission to Albert also fell into his specialization.

And Albert is indeed remarkable. The last time Orson secretly peered into this realm, he felt that Orson was bound to win Gradyus. So he began to act cautiously that day, successfully contacting the Chaos followers of Gradyus.

To be honest, the cult forces of Gradyus are a bit unremarkable. That is, individual two or three cult organizers, relying on themselves as psionic awakeners, the sect is still somewhat sexy, but at most it is just doing some small transactions with some low-level demons that are killed by Kaizi.

It can be said that if the human civilization on the Gradyus planet is not high, and it is isolated from the imperial logistics system, even if there is no official tracing and investigation by the trial court, there is no competition pressure from peers. It is difficult to operate in a benign way. After all, outdated foolish routines are used.

Nowadays, the mainstream game of cults is no longer a white wolf with an empty glove, but also a capital game.

Of course, to the extent that it is not free to share with the modern earth, burn money to cultivate the market, customer consumption habits, and then make money, it is also to the point that the audience does not see the rabbit and does not sprinkle the eagle, the mouth speaks the sky, and others are just huh.

Albert is this gameplay. It's just that his dry goods aren't real money, but for ordinary people, there is nothing extraordinary but rich in money.

Evolution fruit is one of them.

It is actually a simple copycat version of ‘Gift of the Brave’.

The gift of the brave is a gift from the evil god. At that time Horus rebellion, the interstellar warriors of the nine legions of chaos, everyone got such a buff.

As the name implies, as long as you are brave enough to enter the eyes of the evil god, you will get the blessing of the evil god.

Specifically, the ordinary interstellar warrior has not been forced to be marked and concerned by the evil spirit. Only heroic figures such as the first company commander deserve the attention of the evil gods like the Roman emperor or the speaker and the champion gladiator.

Even the focus on genetic primitives is mostly because the genetic primitives are the creation of the emperor, which contains important information such as the emperor's knowledge of the universe and the ideas and ideas he upholds.

The reason for paying attention to the emperor is not mainly because of his great achievements.

Even if the emperor can fully control the galaxy with his own strength, in the eyes of the four evil gods, it is not enough. After all, the entire universe, like the Milky Way, should not have too many galaxies. The gap between the 1K office workers and the business giants with a monthly income of over 100 million.

The reason why the four evil gods really pay attention to the emperor is the essence of the emperor. In other words, he said the spiritual qualities of the representative.

If the four evil spirits are negative emotions, then the emperor is positive emotions, which means that the earth worships God to teach the seven virtues and the seven deadly sins.

However, no matter the rank or the birth factor, the emperor is just a younger brother than the evil god.

The level does not say anything. After all, for the emperor platform, it is just a human race that can barely be called the current hegemonic race of the Milky Way. He is the positive light of the human race (not justice, justice is too narrow, and the positive direction almost includes All human beings recognize the good).

As for the birth factor. Take for example the sin, which was born at the expense of the Eldar Ling clan's dramatic prosperity, almost at the cost of annihilation.

But in essence, the negative emotional energy represented by the Sin Theory has long existed in the subspace.

Substituting the easy-to-understand gestational birth method, the negative emotional energy of the subspace that exists for a long time is the seed, and the corrupted (vertical) Eldaring tribe is the egg. At the expense of this group, the sin is born and becomes The existence of the cosmic level (and the Eldar Ling family has also initially explored the cosmic level, but it has a certain relationship with becoming unpredictable)

Looking at the emperor again, first of all, his core is not the positive emotional energy of the universe. It is the spirit born in the conscious polymer of the wizards of the ancient worries of the future.

The reason why the emperor can represent the positive power against the four evil gods to a certain extent is because the strongest will of the wizards at that time was the great civilization of human civilization, which itself is a positive and aggressive emotion, and the emperor is to a great extent Has inherited the wishes of the wizards, so even though the guardian (at the same time, experienced growth) has witnessed too much human nature, he still maintains a positive attitude, thinking that humanity is worthy of his devotion to guard And rescue, and guide.

This is a clear contrast with Kane.

Kane is also in the multiverse, and has witnessed humanity's good, evil, beauty, and ugliness countless times, but his start is not acceptable. He is just an ordinary person, and he is also cynical because of his silk background. So he kept swaying, even now, the first label is definitely not something to protect humanity, but self-improvement.

In general, from the seed point of view, the emperor is not the level of the son of the universe, but the greatest wish of the wizards, which belongs to the positive light, so that he has a more distinct kind of attribute.

Secondly, ‘egg’ does not work, and there is no key ceremony.

After the birth of the sin, why should I use the big call to die the countless Elder Ling clan, even the gods of the Ling clan swallow together?

This operation, a simple understanding, is born with fledglings, and if the mother bird is not feeding, the eggshell is the first meal.

No power comes out of thin air. It is also unrealistic to save a billionaire one by one, and it must be an unconventional operation. It is necessary to swallow the self-interest like a river in order to stabilize the position.

Therefore, if the emperor wants to be truly powerful, sacrifice humanity is a way.

Of course, the specific steps can't be the same as erotic, others are villains, and it is not against the rules to kill anything. The emperor's positive representation, even the sacrifice of humanity, must be human application resistance, and finally tragically withdraw from the historical stage, in order to obtain enough positive spiritual energy required by the emperor, in one fell swoop to the golden toilet Become a true god.

But in any case, the emperor is essentially the evil gods (conversely established), and as a human emperor, and the brainwashing of the state religion, it can be said that the human civilization is not destroyed, it is difficult for the emperor to be defeated Even if the Four Evil Gods can do it, the price will be unbearable.

In addition to the years of years, for the existence of the four evil gods, it is just the time for ordinary people to smoke cigarettes and drink a cup of tea. It is normal for the evil **** not to figure out how to engage the emperor.

However, there are still some instinctive operations, such as starting with genetic primitives.

Since the emperor is greedy for the power of the Asian space, then don't blame them for using this flaw to make trouble.

Therefore, the most heroic group of human power, the Warhammer 40K humanoid knight with the characteristics of the universe, turned over halfway.

In the eyes of Kane, the Four Evil Gods play pretty well.

Many empire mankind, when it comes to this matter, is how the four evil gods are despicable, the devil's lies, the deceitful deception, and the interstellar warriors are all blinded. Even the secret codes of some warfare groups record that Horus was awake when he was dying, and wept bitterly, saying what I did!

In the eyes of Kane, even if it wasn't a ghost, it didn't poke the essence of the problem. At most, it only recorded some superficial phenomena, and even mixed too many subjective feelings in it.

The real problem is that things must be reversed.

As much loyalty as ever, there is now much reaction.

Spirituality (self-consciousness) cannot be deceived.

If brainwashing is so omnipotent, has Kane been melancholy for the puppet's spirituality and loyalty for countless years?

So the root cause is not that genetic primitives such as Horus and Star Warriors are blinded, but a sharp rebound caused by cognitive indoctrination.

Only in this universe, few people realize this, most people only focus on the despicable and shameless of the traitors.

And the ‘Gift of the Brave’ also became notorious.

In someone's words: "The iron cans have been fighting for a long time, and their heads have been killed. Suddenly, the flesh and blood collapsed and were replaced by a real demon. What a blessing? Is this a curse? In the end, the result of such a tragic death is actually called the highest reward, which is ridiculous!"

However, those who know how to do things know that becoming a demon is precisely the ultimate dream of chaotic believers. That means not only tyrannical power, but also long-term vision. After all, the devil's true **** is dying in subspace, in the physical universe, and the only thing that is lost is the reputation of time and property. As long as there is life, there is always a chance to come back.

Of course, ascension is not the normal state of the gift of the brave Endurance, eccentric blessings plus wisdom and intelligence, and sinful blessings plus agility and perception

And the gift of the brave itself, like an actor sea election, is a method and a mechanism that the evil spirit does not directly participate in.

This means that this method can be pulled down and cracked.

Both psionicists and wizards use a considerable amount of sharp spells in a similar way, simplifying the magic of evil spirits into spells. So magic is derived from the saying of demons, basically no problem.

Albert mastered the simplified copycat version of the gift of the brave, but he did not express it in a way of law, but with things.

In this way, he will be able to use his biological expertise, to put it bluntly, through his changes, the extraordinary version of the biochemical transformation effect will be achieved.

Transcendence is always closely related to idealism, which is a bad thing and a good thing.

Whether bad or good things are related to the success rate.

Extraordinary unreasonable, brings uncertainty, as long as the extraordinary is added, the success rate of the technology part will drop sharply if the technology part is done.

But correspondingly, idealism means will and thought, and it is also an important factor in determining success or failure. As long as the new truth, pure thought, and strong will, then it is impossible to become impossible, and even a low success rate can become almost five or five. open.

Albert, who understands human nature, is good at guessing people's minds, and has excellent language skills, quickly opened up the situation by virtue of his ability and the mainstream gameplay of capital to dry goods. What happened in the secret meeting place of a cult in a certain city is just a microcosm. The entire Gradys, a city where similar events are being staged, has more than fifty, and a storm is coming.

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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