Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1292: The Swordsmen Regiment has assembled

Infinite Supreme Sorcerer Chapter 292 The Swordsmen Regiment has assembled audio novels to listen online

The first order of the cult’s secret gatherings is not ignorant.

Although the sensitivity and timeliness of intelligence collection are not high because the global monitoring system has not been completed, the monitoring level of human activity areas is at least one level higher than the wildness.

Only to avoid public disgust and even panic, under the direction of Kane, First Order chose secret surveillance.

The name "First Order" originated from Star Wars and is the successor of the Sith Empire. It is characterized by close monitoring, high-pressure control, and abuse of violence.

At the time, Zhao Wenrui chose the name of the organization he built for himself, whether it was literal or practical, it felt very fit, and there was no lack of self-deprecation. After all, his memory background is that he has not experienced the life of the reincarnation and is like a new tender earth traverser. Compared with the Kane deity, it is also more emotional and cultural and qualitative.

Kane later used this name to commemorate Zhao Wenrui's contribution (heritage), as the name of the organization derived from him as the core.

Before that, he always used the blood worm group, the Lord of Death Star, etc., which sounded more awkward and second.

In any case, the first order is the kind of secret and shady. It is the official to think that people only need to know some information they should know, don't worry about it, and live their lives in peace.

An important reason for this is naturally enough confidence in one's own abilities.

Among them are operations that are close to phishing law enforcement, not afraid that Hold can't help but make the incident that could be stopped in time become a disaster.

This seems paradoxical. After all, Kane was worried that after the First Order received the official responsibility of Gradyus, due to the short time, he could not complete the duties he should complete well, and now he is so confident that he is letting the flames spread to the fire...

But in fact, it was precisely because he was not too confident in strategy, so he tactically adopted the strategy of waiting for the enemy to be completely exposed and then struck out again.

If you are really confident, then you will deal with it when you find it, and you will eliminate minor disasters in time. Because there is plenty of power to shoot frequently, I don’t worry that the mowing cannot be eradicated and the situation is frequent.

At present, it is limited in strength, and is worried about being used as a monkey by the enemy and being exhausted. This will sacrifice the safety of the people to a certain extent. Only when the crisis has erupted, will it be used for thunder.

This of course will make those who can be saved, who are temporarily blinded or have a fevered mind, join the criminal gang, and eventually have to pay an expensive price for their stupid behavior, and even affect the innocent, but also have the opportunity to follow suit and catch Even if the principal is behind the scenes, even if he is not dead, he will be hurt, and he will not be able to make waves again for a long time.

After all, manipulating behind the scenes is also about investing. Whether it is the total amount of investment or the continuity of the investment, it often determines the degree to which the pieces can contribute.

And generally speaking, behind-the-scenes hands actually have strong demands, not just looking at a lively one.

"In twelve hours, a number of cities around the world suspected of cult organizations underground associations occurred, and the duration exceeded the level of ordinary friendship. It seems that these gangs have played in the past to find the organization." Kane got the information, After a few laughs, he ordered: "Temporarily deprive participants of their rights and interests, monitor them closely, and discover behaviors that endanger society. They are immediately arrested and allowed to choose to be killed on the spot according to their level of harm."

With the order issued, the official spaceship immediately unlocked a series of new means.

This kind of airship with stealth function is an unmanned composite device. After the official announcement to increase the security alert level. They were sent out. Its main task is to cooperate with the official ‘Recommended Citizen Propaganda’ monitoring rallies.

It is recommended that the main content of citizen propaganda is nothing more than an official statement that there are instability factors that affect the safety of society. It is recommended that the public reduce outdoor entertainment and go home early after work.

Since it is only a recommendation, not a mandatory one, it naturally means that the alert level is still high enough.

Most of the functions of the spacecraft with powerful functions are also locked, only through thermal imaging, focusing on those crowd-intensive targets.

After all, this kind of goal is the most prone to disorder. Ordinary families, even if an abnormality occurs, the damage is very limited.

This kind of monitoring also focuses on gatherings in non-pubs and clubs. Miranda will even correlate the information left by the previous official to confirm the information of the venue provider, so as to estimate the nature of the gathering.

This is how the secret society assembly of the suspected cult was determined.

Now, with the temporary deprivation of the citizenship of related persons, senior monitoring is immediately executed.

Professional equipment was dropped from the drone.

These drones are subunits of the spacecraft, just like the relationship between fighter aircraft and early warning aircraft.

An air and space ship is often responsible for monitoring dozens of towns.

After the drone puts the monitoring equipment, these smart devices will be in place on their own. They only need to be attached to the wall to sense the weak vibration, including the normal pitch of the voice transmitted through the air, and then generated on the wall. The level of vibration.

After the information was transmitted, it was analyzed and restored by special analysis equipment, which made the official more confirmed that certain assembly activities were not only doing illegal things, but also very dangerous. The relevant combat power began to be deployed to prevent accidents.

At the same time, Kane and Albert have their own other actions.

For Kane, the chaos that cultists can do is, after all, nothing but ringworm.

After all, the upper limit of combat power is there.

Without heavy weapons, it is impossible to pop up a bunch of high-level demons at once.

It is not so cheap to ascend a demon, even if it is the Evil God who personally dominates and starts the local tyrant's mode of spreading money, it depends on the qualifications of the believers this time.

Doing more is just a group of light infantry masters with extraordinary abilities. In Kane's eyes, the main destructive force of this kind of enemy lies in surprise and chaos.

Now that the First Order has taken sufficient precautions against this and can strike the Thunder at any time, he does not need to worry too much.

The main precaution is still unknown enemies that appear in other ways.

Underground and wild, the power of evil cannot be detected when it is brewing, and it is often too violent after the outbreak. If the distant water does not quench the thirst, it may cause great losses.

So Kane rushed to the training camp to personally check the training situation of the Gradyus version of the Stormtrooper, the elite warrior named Sword Fighter.

First Order built one hundred and twenty training camps in Gradyus in one go. Even after completing this batch of personnel retraining and assessment projects, more than half of the training camp will be demolished after three years.

According to the mortal standards of the first order, sword fighters must receive at least 720 hours of training before they are expected to become talents.

But it must be said that there are always amazing things, or talent is just right for this bowl of rice.

The talent here refers to the characteristics of temperament, not the ability to run and jump.

After all, the First Order has mastered high-end biochemical technologies. If it is unfolded, it will be no problem to establish a system of extraordinary power levels that can compete with evil spirits.

This group of people is particularly outstanding in spirit, with a flexible and sharp mind, a firm and tenacious will, a normal view of three, and a political review, and these people who have passed the virtual comprehensive test with excellent results are called the Gradyus Defense Elite. The elite, no exaggeration.

Kane did not hesitate to give this outstanding military talent with a total of less than 200 people.

When he personally met these people before, he said something like this:

"Gradyus, with beautiful natural scenery and rich products. But this is not a good place, because before the arrival of mankind, there were already intelligent ethnic patronage, and left many secrets and troubles."

"You represent the power of Gradyus' pioneering people. This humanity has been inhabiting the planet for more than two thousand years. Whether you can become the second home of the pioneering people, your performance is crucial."

"I reserve the title of "Sword Fighter Teaching Group" representing the highest military strength of the Gradyus to you. I hope that you can prove that you can match it with great achievements. I also hope that one day, you will become a well-known war in the empire. The regiment allows countless people in the empire to colonize the world to know the name of the swordfighter teaching regiment."

This time, Kane personally checked the transformation and adaptation of this champion team.

Although in the virtual world, these warriors have fully tried the feeling of obtaining powerful power.

But there is still a gap between the virtual world and reality.

One of the key points is the so-called muscle memory, which is the filling of information from the neurons of the limb.

For the First Order, this can also be done manually, but it requires the cooperation of the parties and cannot be achieved overnight.

In the specific fine-tuning process, there are always such problems.

According to Miranda’s previous report, there were about 20 people who showed serious discomfort. Although the first order was very patient, it was impossible to keep dragging it. If it cannot be improved within the time limit, then these people can only regret it. Returned to the original army.

The strictness of the Sword Fighter's teaching regime is comparable to that of Monk Astarte. Ning Que is indispensable, in order to make this IP a hit and set an example for future generations, making it always a symbol of the professional pinnacle of the entire army, and even countless imperial soldiers.

Shortly after Kane arrived at the No. 1 training camp, he received a report. In the end, eleven people failed to meet the standard within the time limit.

Kane thought about it, and finally decided to see off these people himself.

Although the Swordsmen's Instructor is only a supernumerary of the First Order. Its individual combat power can only be ranked at the countdown in the sequence of various combatants of the first order.

But it has two characteristics that make Kane look at it differently.

First, it is a fighting force composed of spiritual life, not a puppet.

Second, Kane tried to absorb the most essential part of the Warhammer 40K universe human empire, that is, the fighting personality cultivated by the tens of thousands of years of war history and the bed of billions of people.

Kane hopes to obtain elite fighters more in line with the style of the first order by deliberately recruiting training. However, in the form of big data information, the personality characteristics of these elite fighters are collected and stored in the information database for future use when needed.

This kind of program called the "Spirit Plan" has been implemented a long time ago, which is why the soldiers of the First Order are always exceptionally capable.

Although the puppets of the First Order have no spirituality, they often represent the personality of the most shining soldier of an era. Such outstanding characters are themselves favored by fate, and their personality often has some mysterious traits that have not been completely resolved. It is more reliable than the so-called perfect warrior personality pinched out by brain holes.

The difference between the two is quite characteristic of the performance of modern planted forests and natural forests in terms of resistance to natural disasters. Natural forests are not only more complex and diverse in terms of ecological environment, but also have some unresolved characteristics of human beings. Brain hole programming personality and natural birth personality have similar characteristics.

Therefore, after Cain noticed this situation, and inherited more information from the legacy of Zhao Wenrui's programming puppet at the critical moment, he became more and more inclined to the collection of elite personality and heroic personality.

The constant characteristics of the Warhammer 40K universe have made Kane feel that the resources in this area are relatively rich, and it is worth his effort to collect them.

Interestingly, the most well-known monk of Astarte in the Warhammer 40K universe, Kane instead looked down upon. In his words: "The body is demolished and the soul is brainwashed. This artificial warrior that is too deliberately created is in my eyes a defective product with many hidden dangers."

It's too late, the Star Warriors see this problem for Kane. The series of operations that seemed to have been talked about a lot and the screening process was also harsh, was still too rough and violent in Kane's eyes, and the most disgusting thing for him was the extremely uncontrollable new, look at the face by luck The fact that the traits are too strong.

Kane believes that when he was a reincarnation in the past, he did so because of various last resorts such as immature technology. After becoming a senior reincarnation, he abandoned it. Ning Ken uses a relatively poor level of strength, but a more reliable and controllable puppet.

This perception has not changed even today.

Take the Sword Fighter Teaching Corps as an example, its members are excellent, and for the First Order, they are only the periphery. The key must be Kane’s awe of spirituality, or distrust. Not because they are indigenous to this universe.

The high-level swordsmen who already have the reputation of champion seeds have great respect for Kane.

There are two main reasons.

1. Exalted grace. It can be said that Kane gave them almost ascendancy, so that they can show their strengths. Many of them have not been able to see their strengths and strengths before this, and they are so muddled.

They confess that without Kane, they will spend most of their lives in mediocrity. Even if it is possible to seize the opportunity to make some achievements, it will never be as high as the present, and a bright future.

2. The gift of strength. The body modification based on genetic modification has not stopped until now. According to what Shangfeng revealed to them, there are at least twelve levels waiting for them to climb.

They simply can't imagine how powerful they will be at that time. After all, what they have achieved so far is already a dreamy height for many of them. Their strength is beyond their dreams.

They know very well that they can make a tremendous change in this power, their status, treatment, etc. They and their families will therefore have an excellent life and be respected.

Kane gathered these people and affirmed them. After encouraging them, he said that the tasks that would allow them to prove their worth would be released soon, and be prepared to let the name of the Sword Fighter Teaching Group skyrocket.

The father of distortion, Albert, is now walking in the wilderness that is not yet reached. Specifically, it mainly follows the subspace cracks and holes.

The place was tossed by ancient holy gods, star gods and space necromancers, and it has a somewhat fragmented taste of space.

If something extraordinary happens, it is very likely that the Far East Star Zone will add another chaotic zone where the subspace and the physical universe coexist in disorder.

It has to be said that there are really many chaotic zones like the Far East Star Zone.

In addition to the bottomless caves where the cruel Orson lives, there are also rebellious fissures, the heart of darkness, the pole of hell, the Celtic melt, the speed of van Grose, and the scale and intensity of which are second only to the eye of fear Maelstrom.

The main reason is that the Far East Star Territory was the battlefield area where the ancient Saints and Star God and Space Necropolis met frequently. The victory or defeat of this war can be said to determine the fate of the Milky Way for a long time.

And Gradyus is a biological experiment base of the ancient saint.

This is why there are actually Catachang demons and Kruit hounds.

Katachang Demon, also known as the jungle ghost, tropical rain forest, devil-level horror creature, extraordinary mystery, these three label concepts are merged together, which is almost the characteristics of Katachang Demon.

The Kruth hound is famous for the Krut.

The Krut is a humanoid that evolved from birds. They have a beak similar to a horror bird, which is quite different from the ordinary bird's beak. Relatively speaking, they are not as sharp and narrow as the ordinary bird's beak. When they are updated, the beast clip has sharp and hard teeth.

The Kruth also had gorgeous feather hair, which looked like burrow burrs, in clusters.

The most commendable feature of the Krut is that they can acquire the physiological abilities of the target, which is achieved by swallowing.

This is a bit like a blank DNA strand with a special shape. But the Kruths are not as thorough as the aliens, and the advantages of the target have been integrated from the embryo. Their acquisition is more like a predatory imitation.

For example, a creature can produce a **** substance with a monolayer-like characteristic, thereby obtaining sharp claws and horns. The Kruth can successfully acquire this ability, which may be slightly inferior to the prototype, but it is absolutely It is practical grade and performs well.

The Kruths are even affected by the temperament traits of the targets they devour.

For example, they devour a dark race. If UU reads for so long, their temperament will become more gloomy and brutal. vice versa.

This characteristic of the Krut originates from the peculiar ecosystem of its parent star Parker.

To a certain extent, this system is very similar to Zeruz where the protozoa of the Zerg swarm of the SC universe live.

The evolutionary path of Zerus's creatures is full of the characteristics of biomass engulfment of weak meat and strong food.

The Parker star is similar. Many of the existing creatures, including the Kruth hound, are said to be distant relatives of the Krut.

The animals and beasts of Kruth's envoys, such as riding beasts, pack beasts, falcons, and hounds, are all Krut creatures that have entered the so-called evolutionary trajectory.

The Kruths, at least until now, proved that their line of evolution is correct, humanoids, higher creatures, and marching like a higher order.

It will take a few more years for the Krut to be absorbed by the upper clan of the Titans and become an important source of ethnicity.

The Kruger hounds are of the rhinoceros and elephant type, with thick and long limbs, sharper mouths, deeper mouths, sharp teeth and strong bite. There are bone spurs on the short tail and spine, not the kind of bone spurs that grow along the spine, but the feather-like spines of the semi-bald pheasant. Bone spurs do not rely on skin and flesh, so the back spur of the Krut Hound grows like this, which means that its back is an armor-like bone plate, which is quite resistant to beating.

The speciality of the Kruger hound is concealment and penetration, and they are smarter than dolphins, but they are not as sensitive and fragile as dolphins, and they are a semi-intelligent beast.

Albert’s target this time was the Krut Hound. Use it as the base embryo of the Chaos Egg.

Katachang Demon is naturally better. But being able to be called a demon naturally has its horror, and without strong combat power, Albert can't afford it.

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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