Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1305: Unnamed Creator

For Carlos, searching for the secrets that only it can see for the trickster is a regular task.

For a time, Trick made his clone change, using his feather as a pen and his blood as ink to copy Carlos's knowledge.

However, it was later discovered that although his feathers and blood can guarantee to a considerable extent that he will not have too much influence in the future due to his peeping, the overall cost of such peeping is still very huge.

This kind of price is not comparable to the consumption of the emperor's star torch fuel that consumes thousands of psionicists daily.

Tricky also discovered that the specific amount of consumption will be determined by the circumstances of the incident or the person she is watching. Generally speaking, the more far-reaching events and the more powerful characters, the greater the consumption.

And this also allows Trick to judge the importance of a person or event through consumption. After all, there are people and things that seem to be flaring their teeth and claws, which are very mysterious, but in fact it is difficult to achieve any big results. Others seem inconspicuous, but they are the beginnings of great events that have affected an era and even more far-reaching.

For Xianqi, the sooner a major event intervenes, the easier it will be to arrange it, and the greater the benefits will be in the end.

This time, he approached Carlos because after reading the information submitted by Orson, his intuition made him pay attention to Kane and his affairs, and he also thought it was worth spending a fortune. Check Kane’s Roots and feet, and what is currently happening in Gradieus, have any level of influence.

As a result, Tan Qi didn't expect that Carlos's water basin would dry up directly because of this.

The foreseeing water basin is the original face of the black water stirred by Carlos sitting in his right hand on the portrait of Yonqi like a picture of the Buddha.

It is a quasi-sacred instrument, and it contains refined eternal well water.

Whether it is the foreseen basin itself or the refined eternal well water, it is a treasure, even if it is a trick, losing such a treasure, it will take years of harvest to make up for the loss.

But now, all the water in the magical artifact rose up, and then burned into a purple flame in the air. It is foreseen that countless cracks will appear in the water basin, and then it will be like a car windshield, broken into a pile of small pieces of slag.

All the quasi-sacred tools ended up like this. As the caster Carlos, it is naturally impossible to retreat.

In fact, Carlos's two heads blew up directly.

Like Cha Kane’s roots and feet, this involves going back to the past; while looking at the current events on Gradius, it is a typical foreseeing the future. But these two pieces are all super-class difficulty.

Kane's Gradius is a creator-level item, and he himself, even if he doesn't mention the force of the creator, the traverser alone is already information beyond the universe.

Although Carlos is a great demon, when converted into a **** in the DND universe, he is very close to the existence of a powerful **** (above level 16 and less than level 20), but he is still far behind Kane.

Another point worth mentioning is that Kane can have today, Zhao Wenrui's legacy, which has played a huge role.

After all, Zhao Wenrui's career is based on billions of years, and he has destroyed more than one universe. The amount of information he inherited alone is an enormous and unimaginable wealth.

It can be said that until now, Kane is still digesting that knowledge, and there is still a long way to go to complete digestion.

One of the obvious benefits of Zhao Wenrui's legacy to Kane is that he concurrently served as the title of the "Nether-Normal Predator" of the former dominator, thus complementing the Lord of the Dark Dimension.

In other words, in time, Kane can become the second Atathos.

The title that Kane inherited is not a name that sounds cool, but a name that has the corresponding essence and the corresponding position.

Therefore, it is okay to regard Kane as a high-level old dominator. He is still inferior to Asathos, but he is only at the level of the three pillar gods below Asathos.

Since it is famous and real, then Kane basically has the characteristics of the old rulers. For example, one of the most praised characteristics of the old rulers: curiosity killed the cat.

Anyone who tries to peek into the secrets of the old rulers and grasp the knowledge of the old rulers will not end well.

Specifically, there is also a question of degree, which level is the spy and who is being spied on.

If it is a low-level old dominator like Ehud and Graki, and the peeper is an extraordinary powerhouse at the sanctuary level, then the old dominator can only rely on talent to force the status, and unexpectedly cause major damage. , The peeper still has the possibility of retreating all over the body at a relatively small cost.

And like Carlos now, it's very dangerous, it's good to be able to save his life.

After all, Kane has a high enough rank, but also has unique information characteristics. This information is not available in the Warhammer 40K universe. Therefore, Carlos can't detect it under the guise of the law of heaven. The cost of checking this is expensive. It's unimaginable, and you can't pay less for a copper.

This is like using the search program and folder functions in the start menu of the Windos system. The background is to search and compare several partitions of the hard board. The universe is so vast, and the entire search is repeated, and its consumption is naturally astronomical in the eyes of ordinary people.

Carlos couldn't pay, so Law collected the debt in other ways.

The body that hadn't been completely destroyed after walking in the Well of Eternity was not able to keep it this time.

Tricky on the side was also particularly shocked, and he did not have time to rescue him.

The two heads of Carlos first, then the upper body, directly exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and then the blood mist directly turned into majestic subspace energy, which gave the Fortress of Despair a shock wave sweeping...

Yanqi was there for about two seconds before he reacted. In comparison, it's as if someone stood stupidly for five minutes because of something.

From a certain perspective, for the first time in her life, Tan Qi felt like a person walking on the street and suddenly being splashed with dog blood. The first reaction was not anger, but ‘what happened? 'Unbelievable.

Trick also waited until he checked the state of Carlos's limbs and noticed the residue of the basin of foresight before believing that Carlos could not afford to pry and fell, instead of being attacked.

But even so, Trick still doesn't want to believe that Carlos's cause of death is simple. He doesn't think that this universe has the kind of existence that can kill Carlos just by virtue of position.

"It must be a clever counter-peep trap!"

This is the final result of Tan Qi's conjecture, or a conjecture that he is willing to accept.

The result of this speculation is not far from the truth.

It’s just that, as the one to be spied on, Kane’s role is not to dig a black hole, but to seem to be a coincidence, but in fact it is inevitable. It is precisely that Kane’s related settings have more than 300% targeted effects on Carlos, so Carlos’s The ending is so tragic.

When it happened, Kane was communicating with Luvansberg remotely to discuss the upcoming Twelfth Black Expedition.

Because Kane’s prophet reminded, the empire's reconnaissance and mapping department did indeed find some signs of subspace storms around the Gothic region.

The empires also paid special attention to this.

After all, the real destructive power of a subspace storm lies in its suddenness. If there is an advance warning like a weather forecast, the loss will be much smaller.

In this context, the first order reconnaissance fleet aroused the interest of the relevant departments of the empire.

That is, the Victoria, Elizabeth, and Margaret, this kind of mothership equipped with the Wheel of Fortune-class search and reconnaissance ship, is so powerful that it passes, and it is insignificant. With Kane's approval, the search and reconnaissance fleet shared a lot of detection information with relevant empire departments.

The relevant departments of the empire, combined with this information, figured out many unresolved matters, thus putting an end to many difficult hybrids.

Then it was natural to taste the sweetness. Realize that control and **** begin with information and end with information.

Just like someone said: it is Alpha and Omega, understand the information, control the beginning; check the information, there is no way out.

Although the official government of the Empire is far from insightful about the Gothic Star Zone, it has greatly improved its control and laid a solid foundation for further development in the future.

Most people in the know believe that the Gothic region in a hundred years will become the jewel of the entire hazy star field, and its prosperity is second only to the solar region where Terra is located.

This incident was seen in the eyes of the big guys, and they tried to thoroughly investigate this set of information that occurred in the Gothic sector and replicate it in the Sun sector.

Of course, there is more ambitious, that is, the various star regions and star regions ruled by the empire can all come this way.

But the Empire didn't have this technology, so they had the idea of ​​a reconnaissance fleet.

Things like this kind of good things in the first order have become more and more common as the creations of the first order enter the empire.

Kane was mentally prepared for this, but in reality, it was quite tiring and the experience was not very good because of it, arguing with people in the empire.

Kane didn't cherish his broom and was reluctant to give, but how to give and how much.

"Degree" is the most interesting concept in the relationship between people.

'Greedy' involves'degree','Shengmi Endou Miqiu' also involves'degree', and'Zhongshan Wolf' also involves degree. Advanced technology can indeed help the dying empire today, but technology is not a panacea, even If it is not used properly, it will cause the human empire that was slowly dying to die.

Kane understands these principles; Kane is wary of this possibility, so what technology, under what circumstances, and how to grant Kane involves a lot of energy.

After all, this kind of thing is still people-oriented, and people-oriented involves feelings and feelings. In this regard, the powerful Miranda can only be a high-level rational consultant who provides advice, and cannot handle it perfectly.

As for the human empire, he also took a multi-pronged approach, doing ideological work through Luvansberg, and through his early acquaintance with Kane, he has been cooperating harmoniously and playing emotional cards.

The two had just finished discussing business matters. Luvansberg was telling Kane about something new on the Sea Star, which houses the families of the Goth Fleet officers and soldiers, and a special warning appeared.

Kane pleaded guilty to Luvansberg, ended the conversation hastily, and then went straight to his own room on the Buzhou Mountain.

It is not so much a room as a small palace, covering an area of ​​3,000 square meters, and the actual usable area inside is more than 10,000 square meters. The whole is a pyramid structure with seven centimeters. It can be summarized from the internal functions and furnishings. It is an alternative mage tower with sci-fi characteristics.

Of course, it is also appropriate to call it God's Domain.

Except for a similar but much larger mage tower in the Big Dipper area, Kane only has such a palace on the Bu Zhoushan.

This is considered a home, the house of Khulna Star is very suitable for watching the snow, but it is a villa.

However, the main function of this home is not to make Kane nostalgic and feel the warmth of home, but to survive and function, mainly to allow him to obtain a relatively independent and safe space.

As the creator, Kane mentioned safe space, which is completely different from safe space in the general sense.

Mainly reflected in the specifications, and the high-spec standards are the isolation of the law.

It can be said that in this home, the Warhammer 40K universe law will have a very low impact on Kane, and it will continue to decline.

The main reason for the continued decline is Kane's unremitting research on the subspace ban in the Beidou Star area.

The prison that has trapped him for more than two hundred years contains a lot of information about the operation of the law that interests him. This information was originally relatively isolated and could not be studied, but as he opened up Kulner, he jumped out of the prison. As a result, research has become feasible and accelerating in comparison with all kinds of outside the prison.

And this Creator project, if it can confirm some of his speculations about the logic of the basic laws of the Warhammer 40K universe, then it is equivalent to clarifying the basic scientific theory, and it will be of great benefit to the speed of the entire research.

After returning home, Kane conducted routine security checks, confirmed that the isolation was up to the standard, and there was no omission, then he let go of his God's Domain power.

The so-called power of God's Domain is a set of laws weaving based on his core laws.

If the current Warhammer 40K universe law system, is a relatively popular Windows7 operating system, then Kane’s set can be understood as a Linux operating system.

The Windows system can achieve the purpose of running another operating system on its platform through software.

Kane's current operation is similar. His home is such a software that provides the most basic services for the operation of another system and maintains close contact with the main operating system.

This is the safe space in the Creator's cognition.

Only in such a space can Kane be able to perform some secret techniques with greater peace of mind, without worrying about being spied and leaked.

And what he was guarding against was not only existences such as the Four Evil Gods and the old enemy, but also this place.

Yes, the Warhammer 40K universe itself is also what he is wary of. Because information can be copied, some originally unique information, if it is not encrypted, as long as it appears, it will naturally blend into the current universe and become a part of its information elements. The so-called butterfly effect has its roots in this.

For Kane, he will use certain information, but he does not want it to be the source of the butterfly effect. So now this operation is just like the cleaning procedure for biological research before the start of work, which is a basic operation.

After completing this set of operations, Kane gave a message to Miranda: "The very interesting special energy disturbance turned out to be a unique information element in the Medieval Warhammer universe egg. It seems that in the Warhammer 40K universe, there are other A cosmic egg leaks its essence, which has an impact on the existing universe. This may even be the fundamental reason why this universe has the same characteristics as it is now..."


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