Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1306: Cthulhu outside the comfort zone

At the beginning, when Kane was trapped in the dark HP universe after being reborn, there was a feeling that the more he struggled and the deeper he sank, the way forward was exhausted, and he would die.

Later, he walked out of his psychological comfort zone, basically gave up the foundations he had opened up in the dark HP universe, and ran to the Medieval Warhammer universe to start anew.

Therefore, the sentence was answered: a way out, a way out, and a way out.

After Kane went to the Medieval Warhammer, his main job was to sell his set of war insect farming settings.

But because the Medieval Warhammer ‘people are stupid and have a lot of money’, they quickly dug up the first pot of gold after rebirth.

This pot of gold is to absorb its essence (mainly based on mysterious elements) from another cosmic egg, so that several gods, including family members, will have enough nutrients to thrive.

What is the concept of cosmic eggs appearing in the universe? It's like a double-yolk egg, one hatched, and the other one didn't have time to hatch, so it was absorbed by the one hatched first.

This absorption process must start from a certain point, which is the core stage of the Medieval Warhammer universe, the ancient Terra world.

Kane was also studying the almost endless chaotic eruption phenomenon in the world. He went deep into the ground and found another cosmic egg crack.

Then he built a vote of the "dark pyramid" and ran to the underground closer to the crack to play the closure project.

In the beginning, of course, it could only gain some benefits, and then became stronger and completed a complete closure.

It was precisely because of his operation that the Medieval Warhammer universe, including the four evil gods, failed to grow up.

At least compared with the four evil gods of the Warhammer 40K universe, there is a huge gap between the hungry people in Ethiopia and the strong man in Russia.

He not only took most of the essence of the universe egg as his own, but also successfully obtained a large amount of primitive information contained in it.

It is the long-term analysis of this information that laid the foundation for him as the creator. At the same time, it also became a strong guarantee for him to devour the medieval Warhammer universe.

There is nothing other than that, the Medieval Warhammer universe is not orthodox, but a parallel world.

After completing the devouring, he summed up a message, that is, if the multiverse is divided into attributes, then he and his secondary clones have never been able to escape the category of dark attributes.

In other words, in these universes, either tragedies have occurred or are about to happen, and there is no third situation.

This gave him a feeling of "your father is always your father". As the spokesperson of the darkness, while enjoying the benefits of the darkness, he is also bound or cursed by it. It looks like the wandering of the heavens, but in fact it is still nothing. It was rolling in the black cement pool. So from the perspective of detachment, he, the dark creator, is still in the stage of ‘the road is ahead’.

And now, someone inadvertently laid a shortcut for him, allowing him to understand the hidden secrets of the Warhammer 40K universe more quickly.

Kane's first reaction to this was not ecstatic, but slightly upset.

Soon after he came to this universe, he warned himself that although the ‘prophet’s memory’ related to Warhammer 40K is of extraordinary value, it cannot be fully believed. Instead, he must carefully verify it so as not to be constrained or even trapped.

But with a series of ‘every word must be spoken’, the vigilance in this regard has been lowered unconsciously.

As a result, he believes more in the memory of the prophet and has not yet compared the pattern of the medieval Warhammer universe and boldly hypothesized.

If it hadn't been for this sudden incident, he would have been analyzing Warhammer 40K as a simple single universe for a long time, and would ignore the possibility of a "double yolk egg". In that case, it is likely to suffer on key issues.

"Although it was unintentional, I still want to give you a ‘kind reminder’ and express ‘thanks’!" Kane thought so, which decided Carlos’ fate.

At this time, Carlos, the fate weaver, was caught in a panic about his unknown fate.

It is not dead, or rather, it is not dead yet.

As a great demon who can count among the billions of demons in the Warhammer 40K system, Carlos naturally has his own physical body.

In Kane's theory, this body is the container, the first tool, that is more suitable for the soul to live in by incorporating mysterious elements.

Now the container is ruined, just like the old driver has lost his car. Of course, it is a heavy loss, but if a person is still alive, everything is possible.

While Carlos was panicked, he instinctively wanted to escape from the'car accident scene'. Even if Kane put aside the pressure of the Creator, he still has the nihility of the original predator attribute of the old evil spirits, and Carlos is instinctively afraid of seeing the wolf like a rabbit.

But it can't run away. When it tried to peer into Kane, the consciousness was led into the dark dimension.

At this time, unless the consciousness connection is cut in time and the price similar to Voldemort's self-cutting soul when he made the Horcrux, it will only get deeper and deeper.

It is a pity that Carlos himself does not have this ability, and Yanqi also failed to make a timely move.

It is worth mentioning that Kane did not suddenly burst out of character, his ability to show such a personality is mainly because of the "well of eternity."

The well of eternity, which Yan Qi regards as a forbidden mysterious treasure, is actually the wreckage of the cosmic egg.

The Warhammer 40K universe has a similar base pattern to the Medieval Warhammer universe, and they are both ‘double yolk eggs’.

However, the path of evolution is different.

Compared to the Warhammer 40K universe, the Medieval Warhammer belongs to the kind that broke out in advance of the ‘Colorful Stage’. The life of any universe has a beginning and an end, as well as troughs and ups and downs. Kane likes to use the term'huacai segment', which describes the essence of the song, to compare the evolution of the universe as a period of magnificent, ups and downs. .

According to Kane's observation rule, generally, the scale and peak of the explosion in the middle and late stages of universe life are relatively high. Among them, whether life is active or not is an important judgment factor.

Like the Warhammer 40K universe now, life plays a role similar to a catalyst that accelerates chemical reactions, making the ultimate life of the universe shorter, but it will also form a more brilliant glitz during the explosion period.

For the Creator, guiding the evolution of the universe is like a researcher doing experiments to control the intensity and timing of a chemical reaction. It is an operation determined by a research project.

In this regard, the Titans of World of Warcraft are very representative. However, they are not creators, but creators, and they have not been able to jump out of the universe to become real chess players. Instead, they are in the game and play a role. In this way, they will be affected by the fate of the chess pieces. At the same time, the pattern is relatively limited.

If we can compare the Medieval Warhammer universe devoured by Kane in a comprehensive and impressive manner with the Warhammer 40K universe in front of us, we will find that the current human civilization as the Galactic Hegemon is not in the same line as the human empire of the Medieval Warhammer. But there is a gap of about 10 billion years.

In other words, the Terra planets in the Medieval Warhammer universe faced the cosmic environment ten billion years earlier than the Terra planets in the Warhammer 40K universe.

It was precisely these tens of billions of years that made the "double yolk egg" absorbed in the Warhammer 40K universe almost completely digested. The remaining part is the well of eternity.

The Well of Eternity is the most mysterious and stubborn stone in the Warhammer 40K universe, the original information of the universe.

The original information can be called the mother of all things. Carlos's foresight is to use the original information and follow the evolving information chain to find the corresponding possibility.

Of course, because it is a "double yolk egg", the accuracy of prediction is not particularly high. The more you want to see the details, the greater the deviation.

The Well of Eternity has made Carlos, but it has also put an invisible shackle on Carlos.

And now, Kane has become its father directly.

There are two reasons:

1. Compared with the universe that has evolved over tens of billions of years, the matter and information in the cosmic egg are more primitive, more powerful, and simpler.

2. Before completely devouring the Medieval Warhammer universe, Kane had already completely controlled the Cosmic Egg, and he had studied it for a longer time and gained more.

These two reasons led to a phenomenon similar to the high control of the ancestors of the blood race over the first generation descendants.

Although the first generation of kinsmen are extremely powerful, it is precisely because of the strong and powerful power bestowed by their blood that the ancestors have more control over them, just like a company, with someone holding more than 80% of the equity.

After more than a dozen generations, the power of the bloodline is more like an intensifier, becoming a stimulating extraordinary medicine that induces individual talent, rather than the main source of extraordinary power.

Correspondingly, the control is lower.

However, in reality, control is not achieved through one way.

After a dozen generations, the blood race is only stronger than ordinary people. Ordinary people who have developed their physique to the limit of the human body can interact with them. It can be said that they are about to fall out of the threshold of transcendence and meet the ancestors. Level, naturally there are ways to concoct.

As for those high-ranking blood races, because of their powerful strength, they need to be genuine in order to get it done. Even the ancestor-level state is not always at its peak, and when the master is weak and the servant is strong, accidentally overturning is not something that is absolutely impossible.

Of course, the probability of a car rollover between Kane and Carlos is so low that it can be ignored.

Kane relied on his resolution and control of the original information of the Cosmic Egg, enough to say the phrase "Your father will always be your father!"

From the perspective of Tecchi, time has undergone a weird change in Carlos's wreck.

It seemed just a blink of an eye, and it seemed that tens of thousands of years had passed. Decay and rebirth, the original long process, condensed and completed in a short moment, thus forming a bizarre scene that is difficult to describe in words.

This kind of scene is not particularly rare in the subspace, but it happens to a big demon, it is very, very rare. At least, there is no similar situation in Yanqi's memory.

The reason is that at the level of the Great Demon, any major changes will involve its enormous power.

The birth of seduce is very representative.

And the big demon is equivalent to a few percent, or even a few tenths of the evil. It is conceivable that if it changes drastically, what kind of power will be involved and how far-reaching impact will it cause.

In the dark, Trick had a foreboding that the sudden change that happened to Carlos was not a good thing.

He used his divine power to check, and sure enough, there was a change in the Well of Eternity, and the total amount of energy that had never changed was rapidly reduced!

This situation made Xianqi feel terrified. After all, he knows what majestic power it is, and how mysterious it is.

He has no doubt that once the power of the Well of Eternity erupts, it can crush countless galaxies the size of the Milky Way into dust and turn into cosmic dust in a very short time.

It is precisely because of this that when such power is mobilized, He will inevitably panic.

He felt the connection between Carlos and the changes in the Well of Eternity. Carlos seemed to turn into a heart, or a special pump. Every pumping is the swallowing or transmission of water from the Well of Eternity.

As for where it was transmitted, Yin Qi also had some guesses, but he didn't want to believe that it was true so easily.

He is a **** who has experienced the birth of **** evil. He doesn't believe in the saying that a great **** suddenly pops out of the cracks in the stone.

There are always signs, there are always traces.

In other words, if he believes that there is certain consciousness, from conception to birth, completely out of his awareness, and suddenly becomes the fifth evil god, a great existence that is higher than the four evil gods, then it is equivalent to It is a total denial of Himself.

But he also inevitably thought of a message about Kane. This message was said by Kane himself.

According to him, he is also the messenger of a certain high existence, and his actions are an extension of the will of existence, and he is protected by it...

Yan Qi had originally sneered at this statement. The reason is that he does not think that in this universe, there is a **** born or existed, which can hide his observation.

But what if it was a **** who existed before his birth and has been silent until today before beginning to show his power?

You know, the four evil spirits were born at the latest, and the other three were basically born in the same era.

To be more precise, the birth of Nurg, Tricky, and Horror (the second birth) is directly related to the abuse of psychic energy by the Old Sage.

And why did Old Sage abuse psionic energy? Naturally because psychic energy is their main means to fight the Star God.

That is to say, the star gods are the oldest beings in this universe. They are energy beings born in the ancient physical universe and are almost isolated from subspaces.

Analyzed from this perspective, the four evil gods are just juniors. If a universe evolves, there will always be strong people, each leading the way for hundreds of millions of years, then the four evil gods are just the tidemakers of this era, what about the older generation? The Four Evil Gods didn't shoot the front waves to death on the beach, and then came to power. They are born by nature, and after birth, they start to toss with instinct.

Therefore, Trick is unavoidably guilty, wondering if he used Carlos to spy. As a result, Carlos met Kane, but indirectly connected to the ancient existence behind Kane, so that he was now talking to the ancient existence. , Each use a spokesperson to play chess?

If this is the case, he is very passive now, and everyone has already made moves, but he has not yet responded decently.

How to do?

This is a real master game, mysterious and mysterious, and it is completely different from the past mode of him condescending and sending a dozen or a few dozen demon army up to abuse food.

But he has never played such a game before! Even if it is the fear and abuse that is the least to deal with him, the game between the two is nothing more than tearing down each other, and winning or losing is nothing more than saving face and fighting power under his and the present one is a gap. Work hard, and winning or losing seems to be a gambling level!

Moreover, he didn't prepare anything in advance, and he didn't rush to ponder now!

Tan Qi was anxious and angry. In the past, Zhizhu had lost a trace in my compelling position, and his appearance was not much different from ordinary people.

If Kane saw this scene, I’m afraid he would comment: “He is accustomed to bullying and abuse of food. Let alone encountering someone stronger than himself, that is, fighting at the same level. Will not subconsciously shout: "It hurts!"..."

Indeed, the Four Evil Gods have been the existence with the highest strength since their birth. They have always bullied others, and no one can bully them.

Even if they don’t deal with each other and often tore each other, in the eyes of Kane, who has experienced all kinds of cruel wars, they are just playful, not hurt at all, and there will be no life or death. There is an experience like'great horror'. Isn't this what a joke?

Of course, because they are rich enough, the scene of hundreds of legions PK fighting each other at every turn, from a human point of view, is definitely the level of a race to survive and die, which is quite shocking. But this kind of pride, to a certain extent, is just a young man who sells Yetian. It is born to be rich, rather than earning a penny. Therefore, the glitz of the scene is on the stage, but the connotation is much worse.

At least Kane, a self-made man, looks down upon the shady and rich. This is also the reason why Kane always has a certain sense of superiority when it comes to the four evil gods.

Now, the facts have also proved that there is no unreasonable cow ratio to pull the four evil gods out of their comfort zone. They will also be at a loss, behaving poorly, or even stupid...


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