Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1321: Cthulhu has different perspectives

The terrifying Demon Prince Mage Group was unknown. Seeing that the situation of the first wave of Demon Engine Battle Group became the wrestling point, it did not seem to have deteriorated further, so they believed that their top bull operation was successful, and continued to output energy.

These purplish-red extraordinary energies originate from subspace energies, which are impure due to emergency pumping, so they appear mixed, rather than pure scarlet colors.

However, as a demon engine for large animals, the skin is durable and not picky. Of course, this refers to the general situation.

The current situation is extraordinary. Under the control of Kane, the demon princes' hard-working energy output is equivalent to adding wood and fire when cooking meat. With such a sufficient firepower, it is effective for efficient cooking. Good meat is helpful.

At this time, the gamma-ray cannons from the stars no longer irradiated bombardment, but instead turned into waves of rain-like dense high-energy energy beams.

The star after Dyson's spheroidization is like a super battleship, with both super main guns like gamma-ray guns and high-energy rapid-fire guns that can be used to attack by quantity.

Coupled with the spherical fortress around the star gate, and the star gate loaded with pendants to become a gunship, the demon engine battle group is obviously at a disadvantage on the opposite side of the firepower, and it can be described as painful.

Under this circumstance, another shortcoming of the Demon Legion is seen, that is, the high level of weapons.

Especially compared with the first-order weapons, which are exceptionally long and short, they suddenly fell into proficiency and sparseness. The shortcomings are not too short but they are still used by opponents. The longboards are not long enough to cause enough threats. The result is reduced to waste.

Many demon engines couldn't help making a depressed roar, but it was a pity that in the deep space of the universe, yelling through the throat, the effect was gone.

More demon engines, stubbornly believe that as long as they can ride their faces, they can look good to the enemy.

However, it is not the case in reality. There is still a lucky-level demon engine, which is very close to the spherical fortress after being delivered to the position, so that the face riding action can be completed quickly.

But when they wielded huge and powerful arms and fists, and even various strike weapons tried to smash the flat spherical fortress three or five times, they realized that they wanted to achieve this goal.

It feels like you don't need to squeeze a hard fingernail on both sides, just relying on the belly of your fingers, it is difficult to pinch fleas.

Although the spherical fortress is huge, it has a 360-degree jet-type posture control device with no dead ends. It has a very strong ability to unload the force. It can follow the direction of the enemy's strike force and even if the escape force is added, the demon engine can hit the cotton. A sense of inattention.

Moreover, most demon engines use a bionic structure. One of the disadvantages of this structure is that the force is limited by the structure, there are dead spots that cannot be hit, and the force is difficult or impossible to achieve.

This situation is not particularly serious when fighting on land. After all, if you step on the ground and rely on tonnage alone, you can play seismic attacks, and the big guy has a large enough firepower platform to deploy weapons to deal with threats from the sky.

But in space, the Big Monster set seems very clumsy.

In the past, the demons were always able to bully the weak, relying on a short-distance jump projection technology, directly riding on the face, the target ship has no arms to parry, and lacks the dexterity and swift small-range displacement ability, so it can only be rounded by the devil engine. All kinds of smashed arms.

But when he really met a powerful enemy, the unconventional and exotic design became a fatal loophole.

Although the scale of the demon engine battle group is not bad, the actual result is very low. Instead, it is reduced to a living target. It depends on its thick skin and good anti-strike performance, so it is not harvested in the first time.

Seeing this, the treacherous demons finally took action.

They are not pitying the lives of the creations of the horror horror group, but they don't want to see those demon engines of such low value being bombarded into scum.

"Even if we are going to die, we must become a stepping stone for us to win!"

The treacherous demons confidently believe that they have been fighting for a long time, have mastered many detailed reports of their opponents, and learned a lot of experience and lessons.

The First Order also admits that the treacherous demons are really good at knowing and correcting mistakes. The same mistakes are hardly made a second time, but the problem is that they always have new mistakes to make.

Like this time, it was obviously overcorrected once again, too superstitious about ‘saving one’s life, there is output’, and failed to integrate one’s actual situation.

It's hard to say, and I don't look at the grade of my own weapons. The accuracy is obviously not enough and the hit rate is touching. I just want to play remote peering.

As a result, ammunition was wasted in vain, and they did not achieve the long-range fire support effect they expected.

Without strong long-range fire support, most of the artillery units on the First Order side can concentrate on annihilating the horrifying demon army within range.

Although the demon engines are hideous in appearance, and many of the energy cannons they carry are also quite numerous, a demon engine is equivalent to an artillery brigade or even an artillery division.

But these energy guns, both in firing frequency and firing accuracy, are much worse than the first order.

There is no need for professional statistics, even if ordinary people watch the scene for a while, they can see obvious differences.

The devil engines give people the feeling that they are bluffing, spraying light, breathing fire, and jumping wildly, but like a lion and dragon dance performance at a celebration, where you play, you don’t see anything bright The results.

The weapons of the first order side give people a sense of horological precision, even the displacement is full of rhythm, but it also makes people feel boring and rigid. But the effect is very good.

This is actually a tactical evasion action designed by Miranda based on the massive amount of relevant data collected by the multiverse. The principle can even be traced back to the saying that "the projectile hits the same point twice with a very low probability" before World War I.

As far as the First Order is concerned, the demons are not high-tech armed enemies, and it is difficult to deal with such enemies, including predictive predictions such as bombardment trajectory predictions.

After all, even the enemy himself has a strong improvisation component.

This way of giving the process and results to luck and feeling to a large extent is already a kind of chaotic operation.

Using precise algorithms to speculate on the possibility of chaotic operations will only drive you to death. Especially in this kind of non-home universe where there is still a lot of unknown information that cannot be collected, even if the Creator can pinch it, he dare not say that if you gamble on luck with mortals, you will definitely win.

Therefore, another set of operating logic is needed, using some universal principles derived from the multiverse.

In general, the saying "more wins, less wins" should be accepted. Although the treacherous demons also "forget it", they are not counted, and they have no rules.

Without rules, it means there are laws but no rules, and the system is poor.

The reason behind it is the old troubles of intrigue and separate actions between the treacherous demons.

If it is a treacherous demon, who can convince multiple horrifying demons to obey the command willingly, most of them will be eye-catching.

It's a pity that there are not many ifs, so it seems that the treacherous demon's action was fairly timely, but he failed to successfully stage the love in the "love and kill" to save the horrible evil demon.

A large number of demon engines are like beasts locked in an electric shock cage. Although their skin is thick and powerful, they are hard to hit and make a big movement, but in the end they fail to beat the electric shock cage and are constantly being Electric shock consumes, and finally can only be defeated.

The first order is not interested in tame animals, and the result of losing is death. It is often a beam of highly condensed holy light energy that ends the demon engine. After the bombardment, even if the demon engine is still shining with extraordinary energy, it will be completely silent, because the demon as the key core has already died.

After the consciousness dies, what is left is only a bunch of special flesh and blood.

Although these mountain-like wrecks are huge, with the digestive power of the first order, the scene will be empty after a few hours, or there will only be debris left, which is when Kane came to Gradius again and saw it in space. Of those floating residues.

This kind of residue naturally has an impact on ship navigation and weapon shooting, but the first order can overcome the impact to a considerable extent by relying on high technology. The devil side is worse, so the impact on the devil is greater. The first order deliberately Do not clean up.

The battle was almost over here, and the total duration was just over half an hour.

More than two-thirds of the Horror Demon Legion did not appear. But war is not a gambling, and the horrifying demons are not gambling ghosts. They have to lose all the money in their pockets before they are willing to leave the table.

They also depend on the situation, the cards are not good, and they feel that they are not in the state, or the opponent is too angry, then do not follow, keep the chips and let's talk about it.

Although Fear of Abuse is domineering and temperamental, he is also proficient in the professional field, and will not embarrass his subordinates because of this. After all, the opponent is the powerful enemy who has been hitting Qi Qi without a face, not abusive food.

Seeing that the treacherous demons had not been able to help the frontline horror and abuse group, they had to withdraw it, and they had not been able to take advantage of the opportunity to kill many first-order weapons, so they could only end in angrily.

As you can imagine, looking back at them, there are some noises.

The state of the treacherous demons can be described as two extremes, but the result is the same.

It was arrogant at first, but now it is questioning, but the result is that it is unable to solve the problem firmly and down-to-earth, and is full of self-righteousness.

The entire battlefield quickly fell silent with the efficient harvesting of the First Order and the devil’s no longer "add oil".

This also made the battle between Kane and the Demon Prince Mage Group particularly prominent.

In fact, this time of wrestling, there are more followers.

The four evil gods did not fall, all of them devoted a certain degree of attention, paying attention to the changes in the field.

After all, this is the first time Kane has taken action in a large court (referring to war). He wants to analyze Kane's means to understand his style and style, and even confirm his roots.

But when Kane really got his hands, the four evil gods couldn't help frowning.

can not read it!

This is a bit scary to think about.

The evil gods have already known in advance that Kane uses the power of the holy light as the main power through their respective channels, and have also heard his statement about ‘light conceives darkness’. He also has his own views and understanding of the principle of "light and shadow as one."

Saying and doing are sometimes two different things. Kane is bragging and cannot achieve the unity of knowing and doing, or he is just spreading false information to mislead people. If you stretch out your hand, experts will be able to tell the general idea.

But now they have stretched out their hands, but they have not been able to see the way, and they are even more shocked.

Of course, it's not that the doorway is not seen.

The four evil gods still have their own experience and comprehension.

From the proficiency of Kane’s use of the power of darkness, Trick believes that Kane and even his master are probably the kind of "sugar-coated poison", using the holy light to confuse foolish mortals and manipulate their will. In fact The heart is very black and corrupt.

Lunii and Yinqi's views are somewhat coincident, but he is more concerned about the characteristics of power, but the means. He discovered that Kane’s methods are just like the feeling given to him by the First Order. They are all very sophisticated and sophisticated, with the characteristics of being light, smooth, and calm that can't be obtained through practice.

To be honest, Lunii is curious and envious of this set.

The evil spirits spread from the speed of light of the Holy Light Sect and focused on the First Order and Kane behind it.

Sexuality is the one that is most interested in the belief system among the four evil gods. The Holy Light sect has demonstrated its level of skill in this regard. Under the background of the state religion of the empire, the proper demeanor of masters, even take refuge in him, and become the emperor. During the expedition, he came up with the unscrupulous kneeling and licking style to hold the master (the predecessor of the state religion). The Devourer Legion Gene Primal Roga set. Although it was a great success, it was still far inferior to the Holy Light Sect. .

From the perspective of hindsight, Se Nie felt that Luo Jia's set was too "sweet and greasy". As a result, many mortals were ‘jumped’ to stay away.

Of course, Luojia's set is not only licking, but also spicy, including the current state religion, which has a strong compulsive taste.

The results of it?

In agricultural terms, the typical wide-growing crop is low.

Look at the current Holy Light Sect.

One of the points that Luna envy is that even if there is a huge demand gap, the Holy Light sect has to let the apprentice pastor enter the battle, and the apprentice pastor is divided into up to ten levels, and its professionalism is still higher than that of the chaos believer. bird.

Of course, Seinie noticed those methods used by the professors and pastors of the Holy Light Sect. They were concise and exquisite.

But more importantly, it is the person who uses the method.

To be more precise, it is human consciousness and state.

Pastors of the Holy Light Sect have exceptionally good consciousness and state.

They seem to have a very good set of skills to recognize people, they can always tap talents from the ordinary, and even if they are truly ordinary, they can quickly and efficiently develop their potential.

There are more than one case of wise eyes and wise eyes in the intelligence that Luniye has on hand, and he has been directly promoted from the humble and poor, even beggars, and slaves, to the archbishop and the ruling party.

The most surprising thing is that the character who has directly crossed N multiple levels and has achieved a dramatic increase in social status can actually live in'fortune', without the face of a nouveau riche, and no show of trembling~www.mtlnovel. com~ Lack of self-confidence, incompetent, but an extremely high level of performance when you come up, as if you were not a beggar or a slave before, but you were in the workplace, you have developed a strong professional skills, just waiting The appointment of the British master.

There is another kind of example, the kind that is generally not favored, and I have performed very badly. With the hands of the Holy Light sect, but the stone is turned into gold, the energy is so strong that people are jaw-dropping, saying: How can he be so awesome ? Could it be installed before?

All in all, Lunai is concerned about playing tricks on people's hearts.

The power traits that Kane exposed, made him think about Kane's behind-the-scenes means of creating the Holy Light Sect, an impressive belief organization.

The perspective of the fear of abuse is mainly the power trait.

He noticed that Kane was very proficient in using the power of light and the power of darkness, and the two extreme powers were free to transform, such as the use of hands. Although the light and shadow are in the same body, they are two extremes that diverge in the opposite direction. How can the scale between the extremes across domains be like a transition, directly from one pole to the other? He is coveting the method behind this!

What Nurgle saw was chaos. This not only reminded him of what the **** of death Sauron had said to him:

"I was born in response to the destiny of heaven, to deal with the chaos and nothingness that has explored the claws of this universe. Evidence will soon appear, and you will see how the chaotic force that encompasses everything and swallows everything displays its concrete power in this universe. of……"

Nurgle felt that he saw it today.

It came from Kane.

Therefore, this Kane is not the spokesperson of the primitive **** who controls the power of the holy light at all, but the chaos minions, the **** of the death **** Sauron who eats the universe for a living!


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