Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1322: Gradieus situation

Naku's temperament is warm, but it is difficult to change what he believes.

When he determined that Kane was a threat to the Warhammer 40K universe, a truly vast war was inevitable.

Nurgle did not continue to watch the battle. He believed that knowing who and where the enemy was was basically enough. Too much observation made it easy to be misled by the opponent and fall into a cognitive trap.

Of course, intelligence collection is important, but if the opponent takes the rhythm because of this, and unknowingly enters the competition mode and rhythm that the opponent is good at, then it is far from getting some information that can make up.

To be fair, Nurgle has not formed the strategic and tactical concept of'you beat you, I beat mine'. But he is the kind of temperament that would rather suffer a bit and give full play to his favorite characteristic style. This leads to always achieve an effect similar to "You beat you, I beat mine", so that his plague corrodes. In the previous wars, I felt that the ink effect was slow, but the final result was eye-catching, even if it was him who lost. , The opponent is definitely a tragic victory.

Just as Kane once summed up: Most people have success and failure. Plague Corruption brought confidence and success to Nurgle, then pride and failure.

It is not easy to say which stage Nurgle is in now, but he does rely heavily on plague corruption and the strategies and tactics born around this concept.

This is the source of his thought that ‘knowing who the enemy is and where it is is enough’. After confirming that Kane and the master behind him were enemies that must be eliminated, he went back to prepare for war with all his strength.

For many years, Nurgle has been accumulating and preparing, and he has a lot of sharp plagues and toxins in his hands. He has been conducting laboratory-level evolutionary improvement research. Now, these cards will be transformed into real weapons, and they will Time to enter the battlefield and start a great war.

Sorrow was sent by his subordinates, but it was not against Gradieus, but the core of the human empire, Terra Star.

He is the one of the four evil gods, the one who is best at the way of'four-two-pull-thousand-jin'. In this operation, he also used this style, taking advantage of Kane and the first order to take advantage of his lack of time, and drove the assassins to make more raids. The clergy of the Light Sect were used for research and experimentation, and they also shocked the human empire, severely brushing a wave of existence, thus stimulating and harvesting a wave of spiritual energy.

There is fear and abuse in the rough and the fine, and at least one purpose has been accomplished, that is, to slam the east and build two bridgeheads in the Gradius galaxy.

One is on the fifth planet of Gradius, and the other is a lava dome of Gradius.

The fifth planet is a planet similar to Saturn, with a spectacular meteorite belt and numerous resource-rich satellites.

Although Kane and his First Order did their best to gather the resources of the Gradius star system, they still had too little time to operate.

After Miranda's comprehensive analysis, the primary focus of the First Order is on Gradieus's fourth gaseous star and the outer sixth frozen star.

Because ice water and gas are relatively easy to digest resources.

This judging perspective is naturally not the first order, but from the perspective of the primary imaginary enemy at the time-the Tyrann Swarm.

The insect swarm must be very hungry all the way. And like a camel after a long journey, when resting in an oasis, a lot of drinking water, digestible ice and gas resources can quickly alleviate the state of the insect swarm, combined with their own hoarded essence resources, constitute the insect swarm explosive camp Required materials.

Generally speaking, this wave of explosive troops can crush the enemy with an overwhelming force, and then reap wantonly. If it fails, the harvested resources are also put into it, and the second round of blasting is carried out.

According to this speculation, the first order to occupy the sixth planet first is also for the large and small ice meteorites in the outermost periphery of the Gradius star system similar to the Kuiper belt of the solar system to be collected more efficiently.

Specifically, the First Order adopted the ‘fallen’ collection method.

It is to use the gravity of the sixth planet to hit all the ice meteorites like the Kuiper belt on it.

Not only that, the First Order also applied planetary transformation technology to the sixth planet, using the gamma-ray cannon on the star Dyson ring (the Dyson ball had not been built at the time) to carry out drilling bombardment and charging bombardment, making it the sixth planet The earth’s core is heated.

The whole plan was named ‘Korean Plastic Surgery’ by Kane in a funny way. Naturally, the sequel was understood only by him, and it was nothing more than the meaning of ‘changing a living person’. After all, the earth's surface and core have changed at the same time, and the changes are indeed great.

According to Miranda's relevant calculations, this barbaric heating and fattening will eventually severely change the established orbit of the sixth planet and collide with the fifth planet, which will cause a more serious chain reaction.

However, the whole process is calculated in units of millions of years, and some of the first order is adjusted by time, if it is deemed necessary at that time.

As the earth’s core heats up, the electromagnetic layer of the sixth planet is formed, a large number of ice meteorites hits, and the irradiation of gamma rays make the sixth planet the furthest away from the star, but it forms a false prosperity in a short time, and the ice and snow melt. Atmospheric generation, continuous heavy rain, and extremely terrifying plasma storm environment.

The environment is extremely harsh, the crust is also unstable, and earthquakes occur frequently. Mountain peaks of thousands of meters are piled up by crustal movement overnight, and of course there are tens of thousands of meters of ravines.

However, the First Order relied on its high-level technology, and used it to take advantage of the opportunity of the formation of the new world to complete its own layout and achieve the purpose of planetary resource pooling.

Such a planet can be said to have First Order operations inside from the inside to the outside. At that time, Tan Qi and his subordinates had not yet torn from the First Order. They were only active in the Cruel Orc and Demon Lord Orson. , Also failed to poke the weakness of the First Order, therefore, the sixth planet was completely controlled by the First Order.

Later, the treacherous demon really hoped to use this planet as his home base in Gradius. However, he used soldiers several times and all the meat buns beat the dogs. Especially the action of opening up the bridgehead by the underground dome was put a long line by the First Order, and the big fish was dropped. The loss was so heavy that even Tan Qi could not forget the pain.

In this way, the so-called Gate of Gradius, or the more succinct "gate star", fell into the control of the first order, and it became a fact that even the demons acquiesced.

Gradieus is the second star of the star system. The distance from the star is roughly between Mars and the Earth, the solar system that Kane is most familiar with. The first star is similar to Mercury. Originally it was too close to the star and the environment was too cruel. , But with the formation of the Dyson Ball, the environment there also quickly improved.

The First Order has a comprehensive plan. This change of the First Star has long been expected, and it was also shot early. Therefore, the smallest planet in the Gradius star system also fell into the First Order without any suspense. hand.

Between Gradius and the third star, there was originally a meteorite belt similar to the edge of the planetary circle in the solar system, but the first order crashed onto the first star with a planetary engine. The specific operation is similar to that of Menstar, but instead of heating the core of the earth and establishing an atmosphere system, it has implanted and densely compressed Cthulhu cells to make it stronger, and then use it as a nest fortress.

Because of its role, the first star was called the "Insect Guard" by the First Order. Insects are the Worm's Nest, and Guards are the guards of the stars, but the demons more directly call it the "Nest Star", which was later called The term "Nest Star" is still widely spread.

Gradius means ‘sword fighting’, but the demons more bluntly call it battle star, or battlefield.

The fourth planet is a gas star, once the focus of the First Order and the demons.

After a series of occupation actions were declared defeated, the treacherous demon became angry and tried to ignite this huge other planet.

Unfortunately, the plan ultimately failed.

Today, the battle for the fourth planet has come to an end, and 40% of its resources have been drawn away by the first order for the construction of the Dyson Sphere.

In other words, a considerable part of the ‘clothes’ worn by the Gradius star is transformed from the resources of the Fourth Planet.

The remaining 60% is compressed, and the original largest planet has now become the smallest planet, and it has fallen into the ranks of dwarf planets.

This planet is a veritable resource star of the First Order. The devil calls it the "Blood Star". Blood transports nutrients to life, while the Fourth Planet provides resources for the First Order. In addition, its color is rusty red. name.

At the beginning, the First Order started work on almost all planets, including stars. Gradius, with billions of inhabitants, was extraordinarily consuming energy and material resources. The fifth planet, with its complicated stellar situation, could not be dealt with in time.

This is the main reason why it has become the focus of the current battle between the two sides.

Especially when the demons consumed too much resources and couldn't bear it, they focused on the fifth planet.

The treacherous demon, who once spent no cost, occupied a satellite rich in natural gas resources. The methane and hydrogen sulfide in natural gas are almost directly usable resources for the devil, and carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are equally useful.

Therefore, after occupying this satellite, the demon of Tecchi named it as satellite nine in a flattering manner, because the holy number of Tecchi is 9.

In addition to the No. 9 satellite, the Tricky Demon later occupied three other satellites. Although these three satellites were barren, they gave the Tricky Demon's huge army a place to stay. Of course, they are not harmonious inside, and they are all kinds of cynicism when they gather together, so they are stationed separately. This is the reason that the strange demons will not talk to the outside.

Today, Tecchi occupies a total of four satellites, and the meteorite belt of billions of cubic kilometers occupies the home field advantage. This is the main result of the Tecchi demons fighting in the Gradius star system for more than five years.

The First Order was once on the Fifth Planet, and it was very hard to tear with the Tricky Devil, but after occupying the ten largest resource mining sites on the Fifth Planet, it changed to a defensive strategy. The Tricky Devil gnawed several times. , After returning from the feathered feathers, he no longer used that brute force any more, but started a daily fierce battle with the First Order.

In the meteorite belt, on the surface of the planet, and in the underground dome, the elite soldiers of both sides come and go. It is often the devil who is very happy to gain face, and the first order to kill the vital power is the first order, but the scale is not large.

The Horror Demon Legion entered the arena with the momentum of thunder, but it failed to cause any waves. After all, what they seized was an area that the treacherous demons had won in the face war. It was a large island surrounded by the Gobi sand sea. Only this large island with towering mountains and rugged rocks was almost the size of Madagascar.

Another bridgehead successfully opened by the Horror Devil Army is in Gradieus. The same is to take advantage of the treacherous demon and eat ready-made ones.

But this unit is a bit interesting. After understanding their actions, Kane can even say their names in one go-the Soul-grab Legion!

The most active one in the fear of abuse is not the demon army, but the war gang.

And the most impressive thing about the horrific abuse war gang, except for bloodthirsty, is madness.

And the predecessor of the Soul-grabbing Legion, the Soul-grabbing War Gang, can be said to be the most abnormal one among the horrific and abuse war gangs with abnormal mentality.

The hobby and specialty of the soul-grabbing war gang is defense warfare.

Defense, defense, and war!

Many people will wonder, the fear of abuse is the most restless, bloodthirsty and warlike, they are more addicted to fighting than the green skin, how can they calm down and build fortresses, how can they stand loneliness and wait Where is the enemy coming?

The Soul Snatcher said that we have a way!

In order to participate in their favorite, close-range blood battle within the high wall, and sacrifice their own martyrs' blood to sacrifice terrorism (this is very important, these fanatics do not mind their own sacrifice), the battle of the soul-grabbing war gang The way can be summarized into three steps.

The first step is to find a suitable fortress.

It must be suppressed by the army and faced with great threats, it is best to be surrounded and helpless.

Then, in the second step, the Dimensional Claw team (special team, positioned similar to the high-end technical arms of the military, such as the chemical weapons expert group), which is well-known in the industry, will tear the barrier of the physical universe and establish a subspace channel. .

As a result, the Soul-grabbing War Gang crossed all material barriers and appeared at the core of the fortress.

They will start from here with the momentum of thunder, slaughter all defenders until they completely control the defense system.

Finally, in the third step, they sit in the blood of the defender, waiting for the arrival of the enemy that the defender originally faced.

As for who the defender is, and who is the enemy facing the defender, for the lunatic who can sacrifice their own lives and just want to fight in the mode they want, Is it important?

By the way, they tend not to survive.

Of course, this is exactly what these people want.

It is not easy for Kane to remember such a unique force.

Therefore, as soon as he heard a vote of terror to abuse the demon, he had raided a ruined town in Gradieus that was occupied by a treacherous demon and was being attacked, and he knew that it was mostly a soul-grabbing legion.

According to the original historical trajectory, the Soul-grabber Legion is truly known to the intelligent creatures of the real universe, and it will take several hundred years. Under the background of the Tyronn Swarm invading the galaxy, this horrific army is a well-known anti-worm. Zi Tuan, a sea of ​​blood and corpses killed by the Tylen insects, died of their own establishment, but the footsteps of the Tylen insects were also abruptly blocked.

Of course, it's still not as good as green skins. The main reason is that their military resources are not as good as green skins. Green skins are good leeks. They cut and grow frequently. The more the atmosphere of war, the better the technicians will be. It is inspiration that emerges, various amazing spiritual weapons emerge in an endless stream, and the birth probability of the hero-class green skin is also greatly improved under the action of the Waaaagh force field.

Kane felt that the addition of the Soul-grabber Legion would make the overall occupation much more interesting. After all, the long-term detections of the First Order showed that there are mysterious potential forces in Gradieus...


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