Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1324: The good fighters have nothing to do

The gods of light dwell at the bottom of that peculiar huge pit of light.

Kane knew why this was so.

Although the **** of light is man-made, the element of its birth determines that it belongs to the original god.

Primitive gods have some unique talents, and their characteristics are similar to those of warlocks in some respects. They are born with mighty powers, or other abilities or things that are envied by gods of worship.

And the **** of light in front of him, due to its ‘Warhammer 40K Cosmic Toxin’ characteristics, is a natural **** that is almost BUG, ​​that is, the kingdom of light, that’s right, it’s the pit.

The **** of light was born in the light pit, which also represents the characteristics of light pit, the two are closely related.

Born to have his own lair, this is another important reason why Kane is unwilling to destroy the other party. It consumes too much, and tries his best to make wedding clothes for others in the end. Why bother?

Therefore, even knowing that the situation is a bit out of control (because when the Warhammer 40K universe is absorbing the essence of the universe egg, it extreme choice to reject some of the essence and become the opposite, and there is a major loophole, but it is used as a **** by the unknown Kane. The element of birth made it natural to overcome the Warhammer 40K universe), but still chose to let it go.

The Burdington carried Kane further away from the scene, and the First Order units represented by the Stargate components were also quickly evacuating.

However, some units can't go away, such as the spherical fortress.

This weapon is very flexible due to its omni-directional posture propulsion engine, but it is not good at directional high-speed flight, let alone a jump engine.

Therefore, under the instruction of Kane, Miranda controlled remotely and decisively started the "Dead Hand Program".

With the operation of this program, the most important Cthulhu cells in the spherical fortress quickly lost their original functions like cancer, and then disintegrated the core part of the original mechanism, leaving the mid-to-high-end technology part and a group of seeded Cthulhus. Flesh cells.

Sure enough, just as Kane had expected, after the birth of the God of Light, he took action on everything around him regardless of the enemy.

Perhaps because in his eyes, everything in this universe is filthy and needs to be purified.

Or maybe it was because of the hunger at the beginning of the birth, and the mind of'allowing others to sleep on the side of the couch', in short, the divine power erosion operation of the light gods was quite neat, and it was earlier than the demon prince, but its means Relatively obscure, from the inside out, so it is not obvious on the surface.

Through this shot of Guangming Shenyi, Kane can be considered to see the characteristics of his supernatural power.

Everything in the universe contains light and darkness, in the way of immortality, yin and yang.

This also means that mastering the existence of the law of light and dark can induce light or darkness in the target body to achieve the effect of magic.

Kane can do this, he can even mobilize not only the dark power in the target's body, but also the dark side of the soul, causing it to explode.

It's just that Kane has been poor, and saving some ‘money’ also fills the hole in the big projects he thinks is very necessary. In addition, it has become a habit of diligence and frugality, and I am a little self-satisfied with my own'waste utilization' ability, so I always use some small means, relying on high-end technology to force it to make it very effective, and it is in line with the creator-level means, Large, poor controllability, rarely used.

The newly-born bright god, but he has a bit of boldness of'returning after all the money is gone', and his shot is extraordinary. Within a radius of tens of millions of kilometers around the light pit, all the spherical fortresses are inspired from within. The power of light, and the infection lights up.

As a result, bright stars appeared around the light pit. These light stars did not lose their weapon function, but were no longer under the control of the First Order, and became an extension of the limbs of the **** of light. Moreover, they are no longer projectiles, but beams of light energy.

These light ball fortresses immediately took over the previous work and continued to kill the demon engines within the strike range.

However, with the withdrawal of the First Order, these light ball fortresses are obviously not as high as the original spherical fortresses, and their flexibility has been lowered at least two levels.

This means that Guangming Shenyi's ‘remote control, multi-tasking’ ability has yet to be tempered. However, its supernatural infectivity is higher than Kane predicted.

The Cthulhu cell in the spherical fortress that has executed the “Dead Hand Program” is not only a seed that can secretly absorb energy and wait for mutations, but also serves as a “test device”. You can learn about the God of Light without Kane’s own sleeves. Divine power information of evil.

As for the possibility of'stealing chickens and losing rice', Kane is not worried at all. After all, Cthulhu cells are like the cells of the old dominators, with unique information that cannot be deciphered.

If he had not been tossed and turned through many opportunities, and thus became a member of the old rulers, he would still not be able to figure out the main points of the powerful and hidden dangers.

Now it is safe to use it to pit a new god.

When the spherical fortress began to shine brightly like a small sun, it was also the time for fear of abuse. This can be regarded as another manifestation of his good timing.

However, the bond between the demon prince and the light **** is beyond imagination. The connection between the two is locked to each other like blood. The light **** does not allow the demon prince to be taken away, and it is also due to this bond. Special priority.

Seeing the projection of the horror, when he threw his fist at the strange ship that the demon prince was accommodated, the ship suddenly burned with a bright white flame.

This energy flame seemed to make the ship a piece of hot red iron, and the giant hand of fear and abuse slapped on it, immediately forming an effect like vaporization.

Correspondingly, the flames on the ship dimmed, and the main point of divine power was neither scarlet nor bright white, but scorched black.

At this time, Kane controlled his itchy hands and wanted to mix with one hand.

Mainly in his eyes, the play of these two players is really extravagant, and the extraordinary energy that is scattered all over can catch up with the current harvest of the first order for nearly a month.

If these energies are gathered and absorbed, even if no additional mysterious elements are added, it will be enough to build a hundred-person order wizard team.

Such temptation is still quite sufficient for him, who has always been careful about key resources.

But in the end, he still did not take the opportunity to pick up on the excuse that ‘I’ve got enough limelight today, and I can’t make it to the stage again’.

Burdington continued to stay away from the battlefield. This exploratory ship was a specially built ship with very advanced performance. It was just a short while before it had entered the gravitational circle of Gradieus.

The First Order has a high degree of control over this universe. A large number of boat-class units are cruising and patrolling. These speedboats, which have no names but only models and numbers, are famous among the demons and are called'death thorns'. Many of the large ships of the Tecchi Demon, or the demon engines, died in the hands of these saury ships.

The Burdington did not rush to slow down, but slightly adjusted its downward direction and entered the orbit around the world. Through the principle of slingshot, the planet can become the accelerator of the ship, and vice versa.

Kane deliberately let the Burdington sail around the world, mainly not to save energy, but to observe the current Gradius star from the perspective of his gods, and then choose the landing point. He didn't plan to go to the stronghold of the First Order on Star Gradius, but went directly to the battlefield.

After all, the next move he arranged for himself did not require much ordinary combat power.

What's more, there are also warworms on board Burdington. Although the main role is to stand for him as a living prop, the combat effectiveness is still possible. Enough for miscellaneous.

At the same time, the second shot of terrorism fell.

The same huge projection bombarded the ship with punches, but the fists were completely wrapped in scarlet light, like a super huge fire hammer. Even if the battlefield is tens of millions of kilometers away from the Burdington, you can still feel the magnificence and grandeur, quite a bit of the smell of ants watching adults fighting from a distance on the grass stem.

The response of Guangming God's evil was the same as last time, still igniting bright white light on the surface of the ship.

This time, it was obvious that fear of abuse was slightly better, bright white flames, like a campfire that was scattered by a large pan, splashing around, and exploding a lot of fire-grey spark-like stars.

Kane knew that this was still a long-term view. If you zoom in, you will find that even a random light star has a diameter equivalent to the plasma fireball of a tactical nuclear bomb explosion of more than 100,000 tons, and its power is even better.

"What a waste!" Kane couldn't help muttering.

The divine power released by the **** of light was shot apart, and the ship was naturally not much better, and was directly bombarded by the volley.

Terrorist blows are no better than those demon engine swing attacks. Terrorist blows are essentially a supernatural bombardment, just like a gamma ray cannon.

And just by looking at the effect of the slapping down, you knew that at the scene, it was a blow at the speed of light. Otherwise, from the point of view of the Burdington, the striking effect will appear slow and clumsy.

"However, it is bright and evil that wins."

The facts really complied with Kane’s judgment. Although the second blow of Terrorism broke the ship to pieces and even wiped out in smoke, the eleven demon princes were like fruit pits, wrapped in light cocoons. Moving, and with the disintegrated hull, and exposed to the universe.

What is even more impressive is that the demon princes are obviously undergoing a certain transformation, a large amount of scarlet-based light mist constantly overflows from the light cocoon, and then merges into the twisted space around the light cocoon and disappears.

Bright redemption. This is the power of the gods of light to resolve the grievances entangled in the demon prince with his own strength.

In other words, the gods of light are feeding on it, taking in the core power of the demon prince-the power of negative emotions, and at the same time injecting erosion with their own divine power. The process is similar to that when a mosquito **** blood, injecting toxins to dilute the blood and facilitate absorption.

Looking at the eleven demon princes who were about to ‘convert’, they were transformed into the Holy Spirit of Light, fearing torment, and the entire projection form disintegrated, turning into a scarlet light, crashing down.

The third blow, the strongest one, can be said to have exhausted all the divine power that the horror had mobilized in a hurry.

And not only fear and mischief, but also a timely shot.

Suddenly breaking the barrier of the material universe, a sapphire blue light and a peach-pink light appeared in this universe, equally powerful, and naturally entangled with the scarlet light of fear, forming a three-color spiral state. The most sophisticated, showing the color of gold.

Seeing such a blow, Kane couldn't help changing his color, and Shenhun immediately gave Miranda an order to initiate an emergency stop loss plan for the relevant ships of the First Order.

This plan is much shorter than the dead-hand plan. Its core theory is to generate high-intensity energy through a self-destructive explosion to offset the blow of external energy, thereby sharing the pressure for valuable units that need protection.

As for how much can be shared, and whether valuable units can survive after sharing, these cannot be predicted in advance, and can only be announced when the results come out.

At the next moment after Kane gave the order, strange fluctuations instantly spread throughout the Gradius star system.

This fluctuation, ignoring the spatial distance, was delivered to every corner at the same time. And its nature can be understood as the howling of the gods of light.

Yes, its essence is actually the explosion of the power of the soul. It can be understood as the extraordinary **** version of the adrenaline rush of mortals to stimulate the brain and enter a hyperactive state.

Moreover, being able to be so powerful is also related to the Guangming Shenyi sitting on the pit of light. He is equivalent to defending the enemy in front of the country, so he has a fairly high home court advantage.

This "howl of the gods" is not easy to bear. All life in the Gradius star system has to undergo a very strict will test. If it fails, it will cause permanent damage and be buried according to the specific circumstances. The seeds of transformation, to the collapse of consciousness on the spot and other different degrees of spiritual damage.

And this is just a side effect of the light god’s madness. The main purpose of his howl is to explode the power of the soul, control the greater power of light, and also draw power from the entire Gradius star system. A performance.

The God of Guangming did not use his own power to fight the three evil gods together, but used his Light Keng Kingdom as a magic weapon to pass the turbulent divine power through the light hole to form a stronger horizontal blow.

The essence of light pits is the special scars, festering points between the physical universe and subspace. It constantly takes in the energy of the subspace and the matter of the physical universe, transforms it, and strengthens itself.

This piece, which can be called the "cancer of the universe", has a very large initial volume, so its transformation efficiency is very high.

It can be said that this light pit, which was born in an instant, is the first order that has always been proud of high-efficiency farming, and the amount of energy conversion achieved by farming in the years of Gradius's stellar coefficient is several times as much.

This kind of power, even if the three Cthulhus added together, the sum of their emergency pumping energy was incomparable.

Of course, Guangming Shenyi cannot use all the energy transformed by the light pit in a unit time for combat, but even so, he sits on such a kingdom of God, and he does have the qualifications to challenge any evil god.

If the Cthulhu wants to overcome him in this respect, he can only hoard his power in the material universe for a period of time and then smash it.

But the problem is that the light pit and even the light gods show that the most jealous of the evil gods is its bug-like growth rate.

Therefore, when the Cthulhu knew that he was at a loss, he still tried to stifle it, even if it couldn't. If it could hurt the opponent at this time, it would be more effective than attacking after preparing for it in the future. After all, no one can say that if the Guangming God is given more time, he will grow up.

In fact, Kane knew roughly the upper limit of the growth of the gods of light.

This is because whether it is a subspace or a physical universe, the light energy that can be provided within a unit universe has its limits.

No matter how powerful the light gods are, they are limited by this universe and cannot break through its limits.

What's more, his soul is his shortcoming.

An important reason why he tried to keep the Demon Prince was because the Demon Prince had an unusual and blood-like relationship with him, so he was considered a qualified sacrifice that had been stamped. This is why Kane likened it to an eggshell.

The chicks are new, and after eating this eggshell, they will be able to top up a wave. It is hard to say where the next meal will be, whether it is suitable for food, and the nutrition.

Although the **** of light is a concrete manifestation of the light pit, he has his own will. This will needs to be supported if he wants to survive. The light pit cannot provide this kind of support and he has to rely on himself.

Kane also came here back then. Although he is the spokesperson of the power of darkness, the power of darkness will not pay for his conscious existence. On the contrary, he will instinctively assimilate him to make him more compatible with the attributes of the power of darkness.

The light **** evil is naturally very high in terms of the fit with the power of light, but consciousness is a private property, and energy still won't pay for it.

Under such a background, the horror must move the first meal after the birth of the Guangming God. The Guangming God is naturally anxious and will not hesitate to take the light pit to hit him.

In Kane's eyes, Tricky and Sexual Sins belong to savage ignorance in the high-end field of theology. If they don't know it, they think that the light gods are born like this, and given time to grow, wouldn't it be more difficult to cure?

And they are not as good as being truly illiterate. If they really don't understand anything, they will have a good effect if they directly deal with Guangming Gods and even Guangkeng. I just saw something and realized the importance of the demon prince to the light and gods.

So in line with the theory of'whatever the enemy wants, we will prevent him from getting what', and work together to start the demon, it is very good, this is really no effort at all, it is in the energy attribute, There are huge differences, and now there is even more personal enmity, and since then, he has entered the confrontation mode! "

Kane couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

After all, from the perspective of the law of root cause, the biggest enemy of the **** of light is he who is naturally hostile. He is the representative of the power of darkness, but the evil gods are not.

Cthulhu represents the power of the soul, and then like oil refining, from the crude oil-like subspace energy, it draws an extraordinary power that is more compatible with the power of the soul that it represents.

Therefore, the four evil gods are actually born gods of the belief system.

And he and Guangming Divine Sins belong to the elemental gods, and the elements are the basic powers that make up the universe. The four element gods are also elemental gods.

In this context, the opposition between the gods of light and the four evil gods is not absolute.

Thinking that light and evil do not mean justice, on the contrary, any extreme is evil, at least from a human perspective. The ‘sin’ of God’s evil also comes from this way.

Theoretically, the gods of light can cooperate with the four evil gods, which is one singing the red face and the other singing the black face. Anyway, it is the pot of wisdom, life, soul energy.

Of course, the ‘toxin’ characteristic of Guangming God’s evil means that it makes him grow unscrupulously, and the final result is smashing the pot. But in a short time, you really don't have to be an enemy.

But now that he has become an enemy, the one who is most satisfied is naturally the initiator of Kane. As the saying goes, the good fighters have no magnificent merits, and he didn’t do anything concretely, but at the right time, let the light gods come out of the world, and then let go of the stage, the evil gods who are unknown here, just fell in, but Nurgle didn’t. Shot, this is a bit imperfect, and may even become a variable in the future...


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