Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1325: Light appeals to save all beings

At the beginning of the birth of the God of Guangming, he was besieged by powerful enemies, which made him feel angry.

The Howl of God's Evil, even if it is only a side effect of the explosion of the power of the soul and the mobilization of huge energy, its power is still a thousand times greater than the power of the well-known "Howl of the Banshee".

Many lives in the Gradius star system were killed by the fish, including the outer combat power of the First Order, the Swordsman Legion.

Due to the powerful farming of the First Order, the chaotic forces that also fought in the space war were speechless, thus ensuring strong logistics capabilities.

Even if the subspace storm is raging, the First Order can still consume the huge energy accumulated at regular intervals and forcibly establish an energy field, thereby ensuring that the star gate can be opened in a short time.

Although this energy field also interferes with the star gate, the risk is relatively much lower. Many Gradieus citizens moved away under this background.

In addition, more than one-third of the more than six billion Gradius people who were encouraged to leave due to the first order taking over Gradieus in the early days.

Later, the treacherous demons who had repeatedly failed basically gave up on space and the Lord of the First Order, and turned to the surface and underground warfare. For the Gradius, this meant that the war became more cruel.

The First Order was also anxious that the evacuation rate of personnel could not keep up with actual needs.

For this reason, more than 400 million people died in the war. It can be said that it was the darkest moment of the Gradius.

Later, the space undead was awakened.

When many people thought that the war would be more cruel because of this, the Space Necromancer unexpectedly reached a cooperation agreement with the First Order.

And this agreement, the greatest benefit to the Gradius people, lies in the void force field matrix of the space necromancer, which is extremely effective in restraining subspace storms, which allows the star gate to remain open for a long time.

As a result, the ship group is like weaving, and the First Order has completed a large number of external interactions, not only personnel, but also some continuing materials and equipment.

Tan Qi was a little bit slower because he was tearing up against Carlos who had turned his back.

These few points represent more than a week of ‘diamond time’.

It was a few breaths that let the first order breathe. The depression caused by subspace storms has been greatly reduced.

Then there is the cruel tug of war against the Star Gate.

Although the void force field matrix of the space necromancers is powerful, but it is expensive, and they wake up from their long sleep, their logistical foundation is quite weak.

This is also one of the important reasons why they actively cooperate with the First Order.

Without the First Order to help them alleviate the logistical pressure, facing the devastated world of Gradius, and the powerful and diverse Chaos combat power, they can also pretend to be an expert for a few hours, and then they will be weak and dying.

During the early years of cooperation between the First Order and the space necromancers, both sides were very painful.

The main pain of the First Order lies in the great burden of the Gradius people. Although they have tried their best and experienced the darkest moment, there are still no less than one hundred thousand Gradius people who die in the war every day. At that time, the First Order still had more than 3 billion people on hand, waiting to be evacuated.

The pain of the space undead lies in their arrangement when they were asleep, which can be called the three caves of the cunning rabbit. This means that any cemetery is completely destroyed, and it does not affect the overall situation.

But this arrangement is now pitted to oneself. Some people are awake, and some are not. The equipment warehouse, resource warehouse, etc. are not all in one place, but the demons are being hit by the orbit of the first order and the combat power is delivered in time. After being overwhelmed, he became more and more in love with opening up bridgeheads underground, and then suddenly engaged in internal flowering strategies and tactics in human cities.

This makes the space necromancers equivalent to being surrounded by divisions, and many of them are harvested by demons in their sleep. This situation is also painful enough.

Fortunately, time is on the side of the coalition of the First Order and the Space Necropolis.

As far as the First Order is concerned, as long as the situation is not such a big collapse and snowballing, then the situation will get better day by day.

Powerful farming brought sufficient supplies, and the suffering of the war also enabled the Gradius people to grow up quickly and unite closely around the First Order.

As for the space necromancers, they are looking for the same race. Basically, they have a target. When they dig a precise, the demons are more random. They use subspace rifts or holes to open up passages. They have to be lucky enough to have the way. The benefits of'open the treasure box'.

Moreover, the "treasure chest" of the space necromancers is not so easy to open, after all, it is the first population of the native technology in the Warhammer 40K universe, and it was able to tear with the ancient sages. From a certain point of view, the demons are just a by-product of the old sages being forced to look impatient, regardless of playing crooked ways.

Therefore, unless it is carefully targeted preparations, those who want to win Warhammer 40K, the dungeon professional space necromancer's tomb, are lucky enough to burst.

The several lost cemeteries recovered by the space necromancers were called to the police because the cemeteries were invaded, asking for help from all the active members of the same race on the planet. Then the first order directly played orbital bombing and projecting. The potholes of thousands of meters were drilled out in minutes using gamma-ray energy as energy, and then the combatants entered precisely.

There are space dead spirits as the leading party. In the tomb city, the coalition forces naturally have the home field advantage. Not only are they familiar with the road, but also can use the various institutions of the tomb to defend against the enemy. Therefore, there are few examples of the tomb city completely falling into the hands of the devil. Many were activated by the invasion of the devil and then almost completely fell into the hands of the coalition forces.

As time went by, the fact that time was on the side of the coalition gradually became prominent. The evacuation of the personnel of the First Order gradually stabilized, and even evacuated from one direction, becoming more and more frequent.

In addition to the observation group of the human empire, as well as mercenaries who have excess sense of honor, may have war addiction, and are attracted by the recruitment benefits of the First Order, there are also Gradyus people who have thoughts of revenge and hatred.

A large proportion of these Gradius people come from those who first left Gradius with the idea of ​​‘breaking the world’.

I have to say that character determines destiny. Those who dare to dare to fight, no matter where they are, whether they succeed or not, the road to life is branded with hard work.

The First Order also did not treat these people who have returned to their service without hesitation. The special foreign aid group of fighters would rather double the cost of armed training and ensure that they can become qualified combatants. Of course there are also non-combatants, and the second line also needs people.

So today Gradieus, strictly speaking, has no more people. The First Order completed the evacuation of more than 5 billion people in a few years.

And now on Gradieus, the total number of first-line combatants and second-line logistics support personnel is about 180 million, of which more than 20 million are imperial soldiers and quasi soldiers from all over the world, and the rest are Gray Dieus.

As far as the First Order is concerned, this time the people affected by the light and gods are mainly the eighty million people.

According to big data statistics after the incident, more than 20 million people collapsed and went crazy on the spot, causing permanent damage, and there were as many as 40 million mental patients who were no longer suitable for participating in the intense activities of war.

Excluding personnel injury, the financial loss caused by personnel abnormality alone is equivalent to the first order's production capacity of about ten days (only in the Gradieus area).

Of course, if Kane asked Miranda to execute the emergency stop loss plan, the loss would be even greater, and one month's production capacity may not be able to stop.

Moreover, the howl of the gods of light also has the characteristic of ‘inspiring’.

Inspiration is also hierarchical.

Like the Lich King in World of Warcraft, when Kel'Thuzad was attracted thousands of miles to cast, it was a low-level perception. Only the will with a strong soul and a high frequency can perceive the call of the Lich King. Be attracted by it.

For those with higher levels of invocation, it’s usually a little brother who is supported by a certain **** king. This little brother has no name and no soldiers or generals. The **** king will let his priest hold a large-scale induction consciousness. A little brother, a new god, squeezed in, using his divinity and priesthood as the source, looking for life with the same frequency.

In this case, people with a high degree of co-frequency will suddenly find that they have found the meaning of life, or the part that has always been missing, often put aside the affairs at hand, or even abandon their wives and children, and go to the place of calling.

These people are often the seed candidates for the original clergy, and as long as they have some talents, they can be of good character, and they are very likely to be in high positions in the future. Even becoming the Holy Spirit is much more likely than others.

And now the inspiring of the gods of light belongs to the highest level, and it also has the characteristics of erosion and pollution. It is similar to the characteristics of Buddhism refuge in some fantasy worlds. It seems to reduce karma, reduce evil, and show goodness, but People always feel something is wrong, and then they are extremely afraid.

If you are no longer you, then the new you are evil or good, what to do with you?

This is the evil result caused by the evil spirit of the light. His temperament changed drastically, most of which were in the next few weeks, through various means, broke away from the first order, and went to the bright gods.

Of course, there are factors in Kane's deliberate indulgence. He mainly feels that at this stage, the hatred between Guangming God and Cthulhu is not very stable, so he is not in a hurry to single out to fight the Guangming God, otherwise, according to his usual coldness, these inspired people will be cured. , Or be eliminated, there is no third article.

The First Order suffered heavy losses, and the space necromances were equally difficult.

The First Order followed Kane, which was mixed with the multiverse at any rate. He had seen the big world, and he didn't panic in this situation. Space necromancers have never suffered such a powerful, unreasonable, and indiscriminate spiritual attack. They were beaten up at that time, and for a long time afterwards, because of the endless emergence of defectors, and the general, mild or mild Serious mental illness and long-term depression.

The living metal shell and the extraordinary gift of the star gods at the time can only guarantee that the space dead have a body that is difficult to completely destroy, but they cannot guarantee that their spirit will never be abnormal.

Extreme temperament is a kind of mental leakage, because it is easier to be irritated. This characteristic causes them to have a very high proportion of strokes in the howling of the bright gods.

If it were not for the long years that made their general souls strong and powerful, the final result would be even greater than the peripheral combat power of the First Order.

The most ironic thing is that even the Chaos forces have attracted many recruits.

From the demon lord, high-level demons, down to the Chaos interstellar warrior, Chaos believer, and monsters, there are all classes. It really means, ‘take off the Taoist robe and put on the robes, shave off the troubled silk and respect my Buddha. A bunch of villains, who are still cursing'Niang Xipi' on their front feet, and then they turn their mouths full of'it's kind of good'. The style of painting is simply amazing.

On the side of the chaos forces, the demons and chaos believers do not have so much patience and tolerance when facing the inspired.

Traitors are most damned. This one is equally popular among the chaotic forces, and it is extremely cruel.

So the fight started on the spot.

Then the demons suddenly discovered that these former colleagues are much stronger than they used to be.

The treacherous people suddenly became brave enough to fight, and even called brave and fearless. Just by putting together a few of them, they could play the sturdy momentum of unparalleled mowing, making the demons shudder.

The horror-torture system became cunning and wise, even unparalleled. In a few words, they made a fuss and caused chaos in the noisy barracks.

In short, because of the voice of the gods of light, the chaos within the camp of Chaos forces has also become a pot of porridge, and there is a growing trend.

The lives of other third-party camps, such as Gradius natives, subspace creatures, etc., have also been affected and exhibited varying degrees of abnormality.

In short, as long as life in the Gradius star system is affected by erosion, even the underground creatures have not escaped their bad luck. And the more intelligent, the more affected by it.

Correspondingly, under the control of Guangming Shenyi, the light pit showed a crack in the universe and space that looked like lightning.

This crack is continuous, stable, and even has a sense of permanence, and its existence is extremely strong, as if the universe on this side is a super huge glass cover, and it is the crack on the cover.

In almost an instant, the crack of light spanned a distance of tens of thousands of miles, and the light cocoon of the demon prince was wrapped in Unicom.

The combined force of the three evil gods also crashed down at this moment.

Divine power collision, light brighter than 10,000 suns erupts from the collision point, and the energy released in an instant reaches the level of supernova explosion, but as an extraordinary force, the proportion of absorption in the physical universe is very high, and the spread range is far It's not comparable to a supernova explosion, but when it comes to failure, it's nothing more than to give up.

Of course, this only refers to the explosive mass, and the quantity cannot be compared with the explosion of a star.

But even so ~ ~ this kind of energy release is enough to sweep the entire star system.

A few minutes later, the energy shock spread to the vicinity of Gradius. The first order of a large number of space creations detonated on their own in the impact, and it seemed that they were not very different from being destroyed.

The electromagnetic field of Gradius star can't withstand this power at all. The atmosphere, and even the large amount of water and soil on the surface of the planet, are blown away in a direction like water vapor in a strong wind. The effect is like using a fan to blow steaming steamed buns.

Kane simply estimated that for this wave of energy storms, the material lost by the Gradieus star would be calculated in tens of billions of tons.

The loss of the First Order is naturally very huge. It can be said that from space to the surface, especially where the planet faces the explosion point, all creations have been devastated.

Thanks to long-term ground and underground wars, the old cities were basically destroyed as scorched earth ruins. The main facilities of the First Order on the Gradius star are all underground. Otherwise, only this wave of strikes can make The First Order worked hard to farm for many years and went straight back to the pre-liberation period.

Kane himself was fine. The Burdington was on a voyage around the world. When the energy storm swept over, it happened to be on the other side of the planet. In addition, he opened the barrier of God's Domain, so it was only a shock and no danger to turn back against the tsunami The courageous canoe.

What made Kane most concerned about was that somewhere on the surface of the planet Gradius that could be observed on the Burdington, the barrier of God's Domain appeared at an appropriate time, protecting an area from being devastated by the energy storm.

Kane ignored the report on the loss of the First Order that Miranda had begun to think about, but pointed to the Gods Domain barrier and ordered: "The landing point of the Burdington is there."


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