Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1326: Silent nun enters the hidden game

The combined attack of the three evil gods, the gods of light, horror, horror, and evil, despite the limitations of the physical universe, still caused a gamma-ray burst energy storm, spreading to the Gradius star system.

Among them, because the battlefield is relatively close to Gradieus, tens of billions of tons of material are taken away by the spreading energy storm and ignited, forming a super huge luminous cloud in space, making the entire area bright. To increase it.

Because such a huge amount of matter will burn for a period of time, a magical white night landscape appears from certain areas of Gradieus's surface.

It was against this background that the Burdington passed through an extremely thin atmosphere and landed in the area designated by Kane.

This land protected by unknown existence by means of God-like domain is a peculiar vast sea desert.

Literally, there is a lot of sand and water here, and the depressions between the dunes are all small lagoons.

The sand is white sand, and the lake is blue with different shades due to different depths.

Looking down from the sky, the scenery here feels unique, and when you look around after landing, you will feel the magic of nature.

Kane quickly learned the name of this place from Miranda. The Gradius called it ‘Quil Isma’. In a rough translation, it could be called the ‘God Abandoned Land’.

Before the Burdington landed, Kane knew that he was not the only visitor here.

Or, in other words, before the energy storm that the light gods and evil gods just caused to destroy the Star Gradius, causing it to be exposed to his observation, unusual things were already happening in this land.

Because one of the protagonists of the incident turned out to be the silent nun of the human empire.

"The target has been confirmed and arrived forty-three days ago as an investigation team of the Imperial Defense Forces."

Kane snorted and said: "The emperor's family, he likes to walk alone, he has already played with little secrets... Oh forget it, save people first."

The emperor has many servants, such as the Forbidden Army, and the Star Warrior Group. Among them, the Silent Sisters are the most mysterious group.

After the emperor sat on the golden toilet, the group became more and more mysterious. Although its work on the surface requires the participation of the major functional departments of the empire, it has always maintained detachment and independence. Information and projects are highly opaque, and they will not share relevant information with important institutions in the actual ruling system. .

Although there are few women in Silent Cultivation, they enjoy great prestige in the empire. Other servants of the emperor are in awe of them, including the gray knights who will slaughter the people who eat melons and the innocent people implicated by the incident during the operation.

The important reason why they have not been able to scale up is that, in addition to the harsh selection system, the most important reason is the talent of the ‘untouchable’.

In other words, if you want to become a silent nun, you must first be rewarded by God, so that you can get your job.

All things in the world, one thing overcomes one thing. The anti-psionic nature of the ‘untouchable’ makes them the nemesis of psionics.

They are immune to psychic attacks, spiritual erosion, and can interrupt psychic activity by relying on their own existence.

Psionics will feel unbearable for their approach, and direct contact will cause great pain. Therefore, the Silent Sister can identify psionicists who are hidden in the crowd and have not even discovered their own abilities.

Although they are mortals, the silent nuns rely on good training and natural anti-psionic talents to become dangerous enemies for those who resist being included in the imperial psionic management system and wandering psionics.

They are equipped with a variety of weapons and equipment specially designed to eliminate psionic energy and to capture psionicists. They are authorized by the emperor to kill or destroy any psionicists and psionic items they consider too dangerous to bring back to Tyra to be tested.

As far as Kane knew, the establishment of the Silent Sisters Group was very close in time to the birth of the Primarch.

Originally, there were official records of people like them, but it was not a system at that time, and at most certain powerful figures, they were invited to serve as special advisers to guard against the extraordinary methods of psionicists.

It was the emperor who set up a special organization to absorb these people and gave them a'noble' mission and great authority. At the same time, some academic terms were also confirmed.

For example, people with ‘untouchable’ talent, their genes are called ‘forsaken genes’.

Looking at the emperor and this matter from the perspective of a detached prophet, we can find some interesting content.

For example, the emperor's use and prevention of psionics.

Another example is the Emperor's worries about the genetic material.

In the cognition of the people of the empire, the emperor is a great leader, outstanding politician, and scientist. But his roots and feet are the soul condensate of many ancient great wizards. If there is only one human in the Warhammer 40K universe, who is familiar with all kinds of transcendence, then it can only be the emperor.

It is precisely because of this that the organization of Silent Sisters has been strong and efficient since its inception, including the weird precepts that it adheres to, which are of great significance.

The most well-known commandment of the Silent Sister is the oath called the "Vow of Quiet".

Once a certain reserve nun was nominated by the Sisters’ Association, and after taking the Peace Oath, they only talked in sign language.

Before that, they were allowed to talk normally.

What's interesting is that Brother Astarte is also very accustomed to talking in combat sign language, and most silent nuns understand this sign language.

Star warriors rely on genetic seeds for asexual inheritance, while Silent Sisters only accept women. This weird version of the boys' and girls' school system will naturally make those active-minded people dream up, but it must be admitted that both organizations are It is very successful, and it is also the two most eye-catching special institutions in the Warhammer 40K universe.

Silent nuns generally appear among the non-shipmen of the black ship.

There are roughly two types of black ships in the human empire.

The most well-known is the black ship of the trial court.

They don't have a high pursuit of privacy, and sometimes even deliberately make publicity.

The black ships of the Trial Court have the firepower of battlecruisers and the style characteristics of attacking cruisers. Generally, they will independently form a fleet to perform special tasks.

The black boat that the silent nuns boarded came from Xingyuting.

This kind of black ship is specially used to capture and **** psionicists in the empire to Terra.

As for whether he was sent to Terra through training to become a soldier for the empire, or was used as fuel for the star torch, the words here are a bit deeper.

In general, since it is governed by man, it cannot be free from the worldly society. Therefore, even if you are a psionicist, you must first learn to be a human being in order to have a future worth looking forward to, otherwise...

It is said that colleagues are enemies. With the emperor, the most experienced wizard in power, the lives of the human superpowers in the Warhammer 40K universe are significantly less free and arbitrary than their counterparts in other worlds.

But having said that, in Warhammer 40K, a desperate world where the flames of war never cease, how many people can really live freely and arbitrarily?

Kane thought he could count one. Under financial freedom, there is personal freedom. Above it, there is freedom of thought, and you can do whatever you want. Others can't control it, and they can't control it. The only restriction is his own three views and character.

To be honest, Kane didn't like Silent Sisters, because in his opinion, people in this group were sick.

At least now, after a long time, this group has accumulated too much ideological gimmicks in his opinion.

In other words, due to the repeated contact with psionics and related things in despair, it is easy to accumulate negative emotions. This group of women who lack the harmony of yin and yang in consciousness, the deterioration of the three views is normal. phenomenon.

But he finally chose to lend a helping hand. The main reason is that he is not interested in attacking the tool people who are themselves victims.

Since they are unwilling to take action and don't want them to do bad things, then temporarily being in control is the most appropriate choice.

At the same time, the silent nuns also noticed Kane's subordinates.

In fact, they were refreshed when they saw the Burdington break in.

The Burdington has an external appearance that is very different from that of the human empire starship. After all, when it was built, the idea of ​​missing the SC Constellation-class battleship was in it, so there were more elements of the StarCraft system and the silver British system, although it is also' Gun style', but more modern, rather than the steampunk + gothic style of the human empire.

This style is the only one in today's Warhammer 40K universe, it can only be a ship of the first order.

Moreover, based on the understanding of the First Order by the Silent Sisters, this non-standard First Order ship must carry important people or shoulder special missions.

Regardless of the two, it means that there are extremely powerful combatants to escort.

The main dilemma they are facing now is the lack of combat power.

The Burdington is also a ship with a length of more than 800 meters, carrying three companies of the Marine Corps, or guard of honor.

It was the appearance of the Resident Evil Army coat, nearly three meters high, which was a head taller than most Astarte brothers.

Erlian is a future warrior governor, and the T850 is also full of nostalgic elements.

Sanlian is a slender man named Bruce Lee, who knows that he is agile by looking at him, but he has no shortage of strength.

Originally, these three companies were really honor guards. In terms of combat, they were no better than the order wizards who invested relatively more mysterious elements.

The first order, the sorcerer of order can take the name of ‘order’ and is naturally the number one red stick of the organization.

But in the eternal well water incident of Tan Qi, didn't Kane made a windfall? For Kane, it was not too much to say, and it was not too little to say less.

Compared with the current dark HP universe ban project, it is naturally a drop in the bucket, but for the Warhammer 40K universe foundation that has been built from scratch for more than two hundred years, it is a table of luxury.

Although 70% of it was spent on the event of Kane's return, he still took a bite of the first order forces in the universe.

Among them, the main three destinations, the first is Miranda's physical base.

To put it bluntly, it is the core supercomputer, which is located in Kane's nest in the Big Dipper area.

The second destination is Kane’s common tools, Bu Zhoushan, and Burdington, including ships and personnel.

The third destination is the rest of the first order, such as the fulcrum of the management team, the team leader, the star gate, key equipment, and so on.

This kind of distribution method is naturally because although Kane is based on farming as its characteristics and means, his own existence determines the essence of the one-person civilization model of ‘man is the enemy of the country’.

He himself is the highest-end and final weapon of this force, so naturally everything revolves around him, and there is nothing wrong with this idea.

Regardless of whether it is daily or critical moments, Kane is not only the first order, but also information as the key element, so he has the money to first upgrade the server, which is also fine.

Such a distribution plan also means that as long as Miranda is not severely damaged, as long as Kane himself is not severely abused, no matter how great the loss of the First Order is, it is nothing more than branches and leaves. The main body is in good condition and will recover quickly. It may even be staged in the Vietnam War drama that the old will not go, the new will not come.

This is also the main reason why Kane is not very caring about the energy storm of the gods and the great damage to the foundation of the First Order in Gradius.

On the surface, you can do whatever you can, and no matter how much attention you put in, the loss will not be too small.

In fact, I still didn't hit the sore spot, otherwise it would be Kane's shot, and it would be a little bit more to save. After all, as a super existence, if Kane takes the shot himself, he can still save some of the situation. Even now.

However, he would rather let him go down and rescue the silent nuns who he didn't like in this unknown sand sea salt lake, instead of sitting in command of the first order post-disaster rescue.

Kane didn't even deliberately care about the final result of Guangming God's evil and the Three Evil Gods confronting Gang.

His reason is that after the passion erupts, it is the most sensitive moment of thought. Peeping at this time is not a wise move.

From a certain perspective, this fallacy is also true at this moment.

Because after this fight, the light gods are already in the state of people going to the empty space, and the light pit has shown an unstable trend. Under the self-repairing force of the law of the universe, signs of exhaustion are obvious.

But on the surface, it appears that the territory has expanded further.

If the three evil gods are well-known by Kane, they will find that this kind of expansion is just imaginary, and it has indeed become virtual,'shallowed', unlike before, giving people a deep and bottomless feeling. It seemed that the light was the more magnificent background, and this area of ​​the universe was just a closed glass cover. Once it was completely broken, you would find that the outside was full of dazzling light.

If you don't have enough knowledge, you will miss opportunities.

The three evil gods saw that their own forces did not succeed in a single blow eleven demon princes, then became the holy spirit in front of them.

And just like the gods of light, these holy spirits present a scene of infancy, and seem to have absorbed most of the extraordinary energy that had been exploded before, and they were filled with palpable majestic power of light.

Faced with such a situation, the Three Evil Gods instinctively believed that it was not suitable to make a hasty move.

Especially Nurgle has been silent for a long time, like a hidden weather vane, and silent ridicule, making them lose interest in the continued collision.

Trick said: "We are afraid that we have been fooled by the guy named Kane. He hasn't shown up in these years, so he just ran to his master to ask for credit. By the way, he asked his master to reward him with a special trap. Now, the successful will We got it."

Terrorist and displeased: "Are you accusing me of being stupid and becoming the leader of the trap prepared by the other party?"

"..." What else can Trick say? As an adversary who has always been disagreeable, isn't it a basic operation to misinterpret the other's meaning?

The young scumbag didn't want to mix up the messy things of these two daily quarrels, especially since he knew very well that now, whether it is a stranger or a fear of abuse, it is impossible to be in a good mood.

So He slipped silently.

As a powerful deity, Lunai actually noticed the god-like force field protection phenomenon that occurred somewhere in the Gradius star when the energy storm was raging, but he now feels that this is a black pit, and Trick and Terrorism are both pitted. It's so miserable, he still don't rush the muddy water rashly.

Didn't you see that Nurgle was always playing and disappearing? Although the sluggish old guy didn't have his appetite very much, he still had to admit in private that Nurgle still had a scheming side and was good at keeping himself safe and rarely suffered.


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