Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1327: The legendary hero swears

The seducer slipped away secretly.

Fear of abuse but not reconciled to stop here.

Especially when he discovered that although Trick's actions basically indicated that he was reluctant to fight head-on with the light gods for the time being, he did not leave cleanly, but applied his power to some place on Gradieus.

Terrorist realized that Trick might have discovered the key to the Gradius series of events.

After all, there was a god-like domain protective force field there before, and he also noticed it.

Horror felt that when it came to the in-depth investigation of Gradieus, Trick was undisputedly ranked first among the four evil gods, and he must know some secrets.

Therefore, keeping an eye on the stranger is a feasible strategy for the newcomer.

As for the treacherous, cunning, and cunning, whether he will use his thoughts, fear of abuse is not without consideration.

If it is the past, then naturally you have to be more cautious, so as not to be used by the stranger.

Although he doesn't care much about the life and death of his subordinates, after all, he has mines in his house, and there are many people who are willing to work for him, but he is extremely disgusted by the trick to tease himself.

But this time the situation is a little different. The anomaly on the Star Gradius was obviously exploded by the aftermath of a powerful God-level battle.

Moreover, that kind of God Realm force field is obviously different from Kane's holy light, and even the light of the gods of light. It can be said to be a mysterious third party.

In this universe, there are very few gods, and so many suddenly popped out. There is always one that is particularly critical. Fear of the abuse realized that this third party is likely to be the key existence.

Of course, he was obviously wrong. If there is a key existence, it is definitely Kane.

The same point is wrong, and there is Qi Qi.

Trick is deeper. He has always believed that what Kane and his First Order came to Gradieus to look for was probably the key person or thing that Kane and his behind-the-scenes master are bound to acquire. This person or thing may even involve the roots and feet of Kane and his master, which is his fatal shortcoming.

But this time there was a force field like God's Domain, which made Yan Qi even more convinced that his speculation was correct, and he was one step closer to the truth.

After Tan Qi had this idea, he naturally spared no effort to invest in that area. This not only flattered the treacherous demon legion that was already here.

This treacherous demon army is called Moo.

Their slogan is: the world's oath can be broken, only the magic oath lasts forever.

Like many other high-end treacherous demon legions, the Demon Oath Legion is good at bewitching people's hearts and making them unfaithful.

But they have their own characteristics, that is, they like to start with the black ship of the human empire.

The reason is also simple. Xingyuting's black ship is aimed at psionicists, and its tough and rude behavior is a persecution for many psionicists.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

The high-level demons of the Sworn Legion often play a role similar to Murphy, the lead guide in The Matrix, giving psionicists more choices, understanding the truth, and still being able to make free choices.

It has to be said that this method is quite popular, especially when the parties begin to face the imperial psionic capture group dominated by silent nuns, when they are desperate, they will easily fall into the trap of the Oath Legion.

After a long time, Xingyuting and the Silent Sisters all discovered the problem here.

However, with the consistent urination of the various power departments of the empire, they did not immediately review whether their professional abilities were disqualified and outdated, but instead focused on external factors.

To put it simply, the Demon Sworn Legion always takes a step ahead of them, or coincides with the meeting, indicating that the intelligence work is excellent.

The intelligence work of the Demon Sworn Legion is doing well, which means that Xingyuting and the Silent Sisters have major intelligence omissions. To be more specific, there are likely to be traitors, and they are in high positions, or they can directly contact the key. Information person.

As we all know, the spy war is cruel. In order to dig out apostasy, the Star Whispering Court and the Silent Sisters have invested a lot in these years, but the results have been lost, and they have even been counter-used. Capable people.

Of course, this kind of mess is not easy to promote everywhere, so you can swallow it yourself. At the same time, they also became more convinced that in their camp, there are big figures colliding with the enemy.

And this Operation Gradieus was actually a targeted hoeing operation.

The main reason why I chose to join in the excitement of Gradieus is mainly because of Gradieus' fire in recent years!

Hot, red and purple, it is synonymous with mysterious, powerful, and epic events.

Anything that can be related to Gradieus is particularly eye-catching. The power stratum of the human empire was even agitated because of it, showing a trend of abnormal fanaticism.

The most extreme, of course, is that through the Gradius incident, certain people who saw the true strength of the Chaos System, the desperate remarks preached, and the various powerful performances of the First Order, I felt that this power should be soon Into the main center, thus saving the empire these two arguments.

But there are other arguments. Some are worried about the strength of the first order, and some are welcome to the empire's rapid absorption of the first order, and so on.

All in all, in the circle of powerful figures in the empire, Gradius is already a very fashionable focus. Salon parties, if you don’t talk about Gradius, seem to be out of keeping with the times.

And putting aside these flashy things on the surface, there are indeed many people wondering how to use the phenomenal Gradieus incident.

One of the usages is naturally based on the ‘meat grinder’ feature there.

However, powerful figures in the empire prefer to use the term "melting pot" to describe Gradieus.

"You said you are good? You can get Gradieus to walk around, whether you are the famous Astarte Brothers or the newly born All-Star Mercenary. Go to Gradieus for a walk. Come out round, and immediately worth doubled."

This statement has ranged from the approval of a small group of people to the approval of many people. It only took more than a year.

Gradieus is indeed a place for real gold.

But on the other hand, there is also a place to remove scum.

Xingyuting and the Silent Sisters used this principle to arrange the hoeing operation. The principal believes that with Gradieus' fashionableness, lethality and seductive power, it is bound to attract enemies into the urn.

Facts have proved that this idea is correct, but Xingyuting and the senior management of the Silent Sisters are a bit lacking in imagination.

Because the outstanding role model and war hero who presided over this operation is precisely a defector.

This senior Xingyuting official named Harlan wore the aura of glory of the ‘living legend’.

Gen Zhengmiaohong, his parents were loyal nobles who sacrificed for the empire, and when he was in the Zhongsi Academy, he stood out, and later entered the Imperial Defense Army and became a political commissar.

Then started the legendary political commissar career. There is a nickname called "phoenix".

But behind this glamour, it was dirty and dirty.

In the beginning, I could not die because of dirty politics.

In the words of a certain military leader, the empire now needs a hero. If it doesn't, then we will create one.

Harlan was selected because he himself was very close to the true legendary hero, the kind of existence that would become a prominent figure as long as he didn't succumb to death.

But in the battlefield of bullets, the Imperial Defense Forces, which has always used cannon fodder as the first label, it is really difficult to survive many wars (on the front line).

Haran was originally an upright young man, and he was a bit overwhelmed. Specifically, he is a diehard fan of the Empire like a fanatic.

It is this spirit that is incomparable to ordinary people, that has forged a will of steel, and has accomplished several extraordinary deeds that make ordinary people worship.

But at the same time, he also suffered from PTSD.

However, he is a political commissar, and he has proven his ability and loyalty again and again. He is already a quasi-hero and has many fans in the army.

On the front line, he has more prestige than a serious commander. However, the military elders who were able to use the power to suppress him in the rear were difficult to truly know the situation on the front line. Even if there was some abnormal feedback, they were lightly exposed. In other words, there is no perfect person, and the flaws are not hidden. Even some people deliberately spread unfavorable remarks because of jealousy, envy and hatred, which is a gossip...

In other words, Haran at that time was already full of holes in his heart. The passion of the past has been worn away by the negative content such as the tragic death of Paoze.

In other words, the juvenile blood is a stimulant-like stuff. The outbreak is indeed sharp, but it is not lasting. What's more, passion is hard to last, and no one can keep climaxing.

At this time, the most suitable arrangement for Haran was to disarm and return to the field with an honor. For example, to teach the team and get in touch with young and energetic rookies every day.

It's a pity that what awaits Haran is dirty politics and ugly transactions. The big guys need Harlan to continue to shine and set new highs, so everything changed.

It also led to a major change in Harlan's three views.

The once diehard loyalty included a lot of innocence and taking things for granted. After tempering on the battlefield again and again, the image of those monuments in my mind has dimmed a lot.

The reason why I can persist is actually a stubbornness and an ostrich psychology. The source of stubbornness lies in deep feelings. The ostrich psychology comes from refusing to admit failure easily, refusing to admit so many years of birth and death, as well as witnessing it. Many lives are invested, and what they defend is not the holy land, but a dirty land.

If you admit it, it is tantamount to denying yourself in the first half of your life. It contains so many memorable moments, glorious, and touching. The result has become synonymous with stupidity. The greater the glorious, the more stupid it is. This is Harlan did not want to admit the reason.

However, the dirty political-governance transaction ruthlessly tore through the last small piece of fig leaf of the mind, which paved the way for Haran to go from one extreme to the other.

Harlan's example is something Kane has always taken a warning. Belongs to the shortcomings of fanaticism. Unless there is a way to keep the opponent in the dark, or to use it for a short period of time, after a few rounds, the probability of apostasy is very high and the lethality is also very high for the former fanatic.

Dirty political-government transactions often do not end peacefully in a way that everyone is satisfied with.

After Harlan became a fake, he was initially despised by those who created the fake. This situation can be said to be non-contradictory at all. They may even say: "I thought you were a clank and iron man. If so, maybe you will be miserable for not cooperating, but from the bottom of my heart, I still Thumbs up, but you chose to know the current affairs, didn’t you..."

By this time, Harlan had no interest in the heroic ending.

So he began to save himself, and then came into contact with some crooked ways, and then because of the value of use, he reached a black deal with some existence.

After a while, Harlan also learned the fine.

Of course, from a wider perspective, it is still a used gun.

So the subsequent immortality originated from the dirty work that could not be told.

And entering Star Language Court was also very purposeful from the very beginning.

The demons have a long life. It takes more than ten years and decades to plan something. It is commonplace. Harlan is just one of the more representative ones.

Haran's fate is hard, and the empire is willing to set some examples. Anyway, it benefits and does not cost. As a result, there are such more worms in the empire's pillar system.

Many outstanding children of the empire have been smashed to death, and the hoeing operation is another time, and if it succeeds, it will be the most glorious one.

Because this time Xingyuting and the Silent Sisters will show the Tianjiao of the Times, if they are destroyed by the group, these two departments will be dimmed for more than ten years.

It can be considered a God Bless Empire, and Kane appeared at the right time.

The Demon Oath Legion can also be regarded as a powerful force under Yan Qi's command. In recent years, due to the powerful absorption of psionics, the legion has a strong basic strength and its ranking has improved rapidly.

Tan Qi obviously values ​​Gradieus very much, and the ambitious Demon Oath Legion sees it, and naturally doesn't want to miss this opportunity to show his face in front of the boss.

In fact, they are indeed one of the demon army under the command of Qi Qi, who performed well and made some military exploits.

To be more specific, since the beginning of the war, the deaths of nearly one billion Gradius people have been directly or indirectly related to them.

To be more specific, the Demonsworn Legion is playing the "barbarian control against the barbarian" set. Human traitors are often more brutal and destructive. The Demonsworn Legion is to make use of apostate psionicists to fight against the First Order. Main force.

Once they were ridiculed by allies. Many high-level demons said: This is an epic battlefield. It is extremely difficult for the demons to stand on the flagpole. How much better is a renegade psionicist than chaos believers? High-end cannon fodder? Can it be done by them?

The result was ruthlessly slapped in the face by the facts, and the one who knew humans best had to say humans themselves. It is true that the renegade psionicists cannot tear the soldiers of the First Order, but the First Order has the great burden of the Gradius people, and they can use it as a breakthrough.

This entry point was also discovered by other Demon Legions, and they worked hard to put it into action. The destruction of the surface of Gradieus into scorched earth is a testament to the fact that the weapons of the First Order have always been known for their precision and environmental protection~www.mtlnovel .com~ also can't do the job of turning one's own territory into a mess.

There is nothing wrong with the entry point, but the method is wrong.

The devil's aggressive and indiscriminate bombardment has repeatedly failed in front of the First Order, and even made the soldiers and civilians of the First Order closer together.

The set of the renegade psionicist often has miraculous effects. Incitement and separation are the tricks of treacherous demons, coupled with the spiritual erosion of psychic energy, with some illusions, and looking for a few childcare. In short, they use the characteristics of fickle human heart and unavoidable resentment in the face of suffering. And a soft knife stabbed people.

Although the chaos believers of other demon army are also proficient in this set of business, but there are few psionics, they directly use the extraordinary spells of the chaos system and the first-order detection and investigation system to teach life in minutes. But the spiritual power is different, it is easy to mix in the mental power field of the crowd.

If it’s a petitioner world like Osiris’ Kingdom of Underworld, naturally you won’t be able to confuse your eyes. It happened that the Holy Light Sect was still in its infancy at that time, and Kane was not there, so it was drilled by the renegade psionicists of the Demon Oath Legion. Loopholes.

And these are the scenery of yesterday. The First Order has successfully digested the burden, and there are no more people for the Oath Legion to play with.

So they are like other treacherous demon legions, and those with poor performance reports are ashamed to show them to the big boss.

Precisely because of this, they attached great importance to this scouring operation, and even planned to mount and mount to a certain extent, to create a good news. It is said that the formation of the first order has eliminated a combat force, even if it is still a peripheral force.

However, they accidentally participated in a real chess game...


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