Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1337: Multiverse circle

The Adventures of OZ is a childhood memory of Kane. It is based on "Alice in Wonderland" and tells the story of the adventures of the heroine Dorothy and Tin Man and other small partners.

However, Kane arrived through the Dead Realm shaft this time, not an OZ country.

Soon after entering the new world, he recognized where it was.

Nazmir in the Dark World of Warcraft.

Speaking of this place, he still has some connections with him.

Soon after he moved from the Dark HP Universe to the Medieval Warhammer Universe, he sent his first clone, Kane Zhao, to the SC Universe to obtain resources.

Kane Zhao's career was fairly smooth, but in the later stage, on the Titanium Wind planet that was about to be destroyed by the explosion of a supernova, he discovered a ‘thin-line sky’-style sky-grass space-time gate and entered an unknown world.

The adventures in this world, as far as Kane is concerned, there is nothing to say, after all, it is technically crushing, and there is no suspense.

But this led to an important figure, the **** King Eugen.

Eugen had a business and entrusted it to him.

Even from the current perspective, the commission for that business can still be considered a piece of fat.

In addition, Eugen kindly sent some information about Gao Wei, allowing him to view his destiny from the perspective of the multiverse for the first time, so he accepted the sale.

To this end, he specially prepared a special skill system for the clone Kane Sun.

Then he sent him to the universe called ‘Abyss’.

Then Kane Sun Youqi, his soul clone, went to the dark World of Warcraft.

In the end, the avatar of its soul reverberated again, and in a relatively tragic manner, it fell on the abnormal Zandalar Island.

Kane didn't obtain the information before and after his fall. He only learned the farewell message left by Kane Sun's Echo of the Soul Divide before starting the over-limit adventure.

To be honest, he is still very interested in some of the content.

However, it is not worthwhile to open a channel for this purpose. After all, the project belongs to the kind of project category that has less investment and may not be able to handle it, and the investment is too much, and the profitability is not guaranteed. For him with many investment projects, even if he has to try, the ranking is relatively low.

Never thought that this time it was even connected.


No, Kane doesn't think this is accidental.

Even if you don't need to think about conspiracy theories, just talk about probability, the probability of chance is too low and too low.

But Kane didn't think that this was another great power, such as the pit that the ancient **** dug for him.

Not to mention the difficulty of digging the pit, consumption alone is an astronomical figure, and the difficulty is absolutely greater than that of the fairy **** who uses the dark HP universe, and exiled him to the Warhammer 40K universe.

Besides, if it is a pit, it is impossible to reach this point, he has not noticed it yet.

If the opponent really has such a high shot, you can change him in a more efficient way instead of the trap that requires the cooperation of the target to complete.

Standing on the other side of the door, Kane pondered for about two minutes, and finally decided to target the door of the dead world shaft.

Black light gushed from his hands and completely wrapped the door door. After a while, when the black light dissipated, the door door's texture changed significantly, and it looked like it had a glass texture, like obsidian.

Dark crystal.

This is a substance created by Kane after analyzing the texture of the supernatural power door at the end of the Warhammer 40K, fusing his own technology and transforming mass to energy. Specially used to close the dead zone channel.

Later, he tuned his energy and used the craftsmanship of the creator to create an extraordinary version of the titanium alloy door frame.

Light, strong and stable, this door frame also looks similar to the Shenli door, but if you compare it carefully, you will find paradoxes. The key lies in the symbols and magic patterns used.

Kane's door frame uses the original text in the technical system he controls. There is not much difference in its function, and it has the same effect as the cosmic egg-fetal membrane.

After completing the transformation of the gates of the dead world, Kane performed another thirteenth-level magic technique-Shenyin.

The door of the dead world was hidden in the darkness and disappeared.

This concealment is not simply invisible to people, but into a temporarily created dark dimension similar to the plane of shadow.

Unless the opponent has a high skill and is not inferior to Kane, he will not even be able to call the door, let alone crack.

After spending more than half an hour to get it all done, Kane walked out.

Just as he was resting at the door of the dead world, he had already released his spiritual thoughts and scanned this place, so he knew roughly what it was.

Maintaining the speed of ordinary people on foot, Kane floated all the way, passing through caves and vaults, and finally came to a strange, semi-artificial, semi-natural cave.

The surrounding things, whether they are stalactites or underground plants, are gray-white and have obvious petrification characteristics.

If he is not mistaken, this should be G'huun's lair.

G'huun is called a man-made ancient god, and according to Kane's theory, it is actually a god.

Its characteristics are very similar to the light gods he created in the Warhammer 40K universe. It is a concrete manifestation of destruction, deterioration, and end.

Speaking of G'huun, one has to mention the ancient gods and their master Void Lord.

The World of Warcraft universe is a high magic universe. Extraordinary magic is always prevalent. As long as the power is mastered, mortals can win the gods.

In other high magic universes, even though there are similar theories, in practice, this kind of thing is rare, but in the Warcraft universe, this kind of thing happens repeatedly.

There are also star gods in the Warcraft universe, but unlike the Warhammer universe, the star gods are born in stars. All the star gods in the Warcraft universe are born on planets, or more precisely, the planet of life.

From a certain angle, the story of World of Warcraft is actually based on a star **** named "Azeroth" as the protagonist.

After the sequence of the Warcraft universe, the first star **** to awaken was called Aman Sur. He was also the leader of the later Pantheon (organization), the King of Gods.

As for why it is called the'Pantheon', some people think it is a self-assertion, some people think it is an'imaginary number' born under great joy, and some people think it is the name of the gods who foresee the future and know the definite number, even if the specific number is less than ten thousand, but In the heyday, it will almost be close, provided that most of the star gods can wake up normally without premature death.

Kane doesn’t care much about this. The establishment of the “First Order” organization is also a nostalgic commemorative element that is greater than its actual meaning. He thinks that the main function of the name is a code name, for his heavy dry goods and dry goods-based existence In terms of it, it's not worth writing in detail.

However, judging from the behavior of gods such as Amansur, the name of the Pantheon is still a bit particular.

Specifically, starting from Amansur, the search for similar activities began.

With the passage of time, the small team of Amansur has been increasing, Iona, Aggrama, Khazgros, Norgannon and so on.

It is worth mentioning that every star **** has his own unique skills. Like Amansur, he holds the power of time, while his spouse Iona holds the power of life, and so on.

From Kane's point of view, this is called a gift from the priesthood, and it is a fixed number.

That is to say, from the perspective of the creator and the creation god, the creation **** added too much subjective will at the beginning of World of Warcraft, unlike other universes, which only give elements and only do the initial How to develop pure randomness.

World of Warcraft is not like this. This kind of clergy is not a coincidence, but a deliberate arrangement.

Anyway, the Pantheon team headed by Aman Sur quickly figured out its own gameplay.

This kind of gameplay is called order.

The Pantheon gang began to order the entire Warcraft universe. This operation is similar to the procedure that the confinement center requires all pregnant women to follow the so-called ‘scientific eugenics and post-natal care, and help mothers and children’s safety’.

Through this set of procedures, those star spirits that have not yet been born, and their future fellows, can be born more smoothly.

And here is not only the purpose of giving birth, but also the intention of prenatal education.

To be fair, this is too much.

Create social animals and tool people?

What's more, is this making your own copy?

Isn’t the behavior of your friend Jackie Chan a bit too much?

It doesn't matter, who has the ability and first mover advantage.

But where there is oppression, there is resistance.

The universe was originally only chaotic, but if someone insisted on separating the color spectrum with clear boundaries, then the camp was born.

There is order, there must be chaos.

Note that chaos is not chaos, chaos contains order and chaos.

Sargeras, the first male in the Pantheon, fell to the chaotic camp.

Because the chaotic camp has a very attractive principle-no taboos.

This is not good, that's not right, all rules and regulations, there is nothing wrong with the rules, this is order.

White cats, black cats, catching mice are good cats, but the result is chaos.

Sargeras fell into chaos. There is a mainstream saying that he has been fighting on the front line for too long, and his mind has been subtly corroded.

You can't eliminate it, you can't kill it, and even the harder you are, the greater the rebound. Such a reality makes him question, who is wrong? Are these enemies, or us who promote order?

But Kane agreed with another argument, that is, Sargeras found the real enemy, and then discovered that the universe is actually sick, and the disease is not mild, the virus has already captured many important places, so it is not anxious. , It can only be a strong medicine, and it can survive. Even if this life is saved, if it can't survive, then you will die. It was originally a dead horse.

Therefore, Sargeras betrayed the order and built his own chaotic camp, pulling the inexhaustible enemies into his subordinates as cannon fodder, and going to war with the real enemy, with the taste of ‘crime biting’.

It is morally untenable, but it is the right thing, and even something that must be done by someone, so Sargeras stepped up, unscrupulously, even if it kills the unborn kind, never let it become an enemy in the future Eagle dog or sharp weapon.

Does this idea have a sense of sight?

That's right, Azeroth, the Eastern Continent, the North, the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Menethil dynasty, and the famous filial son Arthas used this idea when faced with Stratholme being infected by natural disaster toxins.

So there was the famous Stratholme massacre competition.

The natural disasters, led by the dreadlord Malganis, used sacrificial slaughter to transform the infected citizens into undead creatures and enrich the natural disaster army.

On the other hand, the purification party led by Alsace used destructive massacres to dissipate the souls of citizens and severely destroy the physical structure of their bodies, making them unable to be used by natural disasters.

So the Stratholmes were bad luck.

Sargeras quarreled with Aman Sur and the others, and the effect was similar, except that the stage was larger, the force was released for a relatively longer time, and the number of lives bearing this force was greater, so the individual felt relatively less sensitive.

The nature is the same.

Then Sargeras, who was the first to beat the men in the Pantheon and fought undefeated in the vast universe for millions of years, was cited as the enemy who was invincible and had to go to extremes to have a ray of life. what is it then?

The Void Lord.

This point can also be found in the Warhammer 40K universe.

If the Order + Chaos camp headed by Aman Sur and Sargeras represents the physical universe, then the Void Lord represents the subspace.

Kane missed this concept for a while.

He thought that the Void Lord represented the void.

It is the concrete embodiment of the infinitely wide space between the single universes.

If that's the case, then Maharaja Void's compulsion is too high.

After all, the void encompasses every single universe, and even closely connected universes like a pile of soap bubbles (such as the Marvel multiverse).

But later combed the research information, coupled with the great contribution of Zhao Wenrui's heritage information. Only then did I know that this Void Lord of the Warcraft Universe is different from Void.

It can be said that the relationship between the real void and the universe is the opposition of nothingness and existence.

The relationship between the Void Lord of the Warcraft Universe and Aman Sur is the opposite of light and darkness.

According to Kane’s logic, light is the sparkle bred in darkness, so relatively speaking, the characteristics of light are the essence, and darkness is the general trend.

The Void Lord of the World of Warcraft universe is very powerful, forming a pattern that devours everything is a foregone conclusion, and the hostile forces have a head to sleep but not necessarily a head to get up.

So Sargeras, who discovered this situation, got anxious.

This is the typical case of winning a lot, and not experiencing major setbacks. Self-confidence has become pride. Even in the face of a certain loss, I still have the illusion of ‘I can fight back’.

The specific one started with an intrusion and anti-invasion event.

At that time, the Void Lord sent his minions, the ancient gods, to invade a world of life in which the protagonists were born.

The practice of the ancient gods is actually much the same as that of the Amansur, they are also farming, and they are farming in order.

But from the perspective of human morality, it is dark.

Therefore, if the Void Lord and the ancient gods are divided into camps, they are actually evil and lawful.

Putting it into the DND system is the demons of the nine hells.

And Sargeras is the demons of the bottomless abyss, chaotic and evil.

In the DND universe, the comparison between the devil and the devil is an almost eternal topic, the endless battlefield, and its opposite nature is lawfulness and chaos.

Sargeras discovered that the ancient gods had polluted the unborn Star God through their own set of operations. At the moment of making a choice, his choice was exactly the same as Alsace's choice when facing the situation in Stratholme.

A sword slashed over, the ancient **** died, and the star **** was also beheaded.

"I would rather kill the people I love with my own hands than let them become evil minions and harm the world!"

This is a famous quote from Alsace.

Stratholms said in tears that they were represented and sacrificed because they were loved.

Whether it was a difficult decision without a better choice or a rough operation under subjective emotions, it is really difficult to tell, maybe there is a point. In short, after the incident, Sargeras did not regret it, even a little bit for his decisive decision. Being complacent, this is also very similar to Alsace's mentality after slaughtering Stratholme.

However, the number and trajectory of the Lich King playing tricks on Alsace are clearly identifiable, while Sargeras was not targeted by a better-skilled old Yinbei, but a sense of mission. of*.

So Sargeras didn't lead the Burning Legion to kill the Void Lord's lair like Alsace slew his army to Northrend, but instead played cleansing all over the universe.

In this regard, Kane felt that Alsace was happier than Sargeras.

After all, Arthas knew that the enemy was there and the lair was there, and his goal was clear.

Sargeras could only play cleaning and scavenging in the universe that theoretically belonged to his own territory, and Kane even doubted his ability to attack the Void Lord.

This is like in the Warhammer 40K universe, if the human empire had not invented the subspace transition engine technology, even if it knew that the four evil gods were the deadliest enemy of the species, and would rather have the courage to break the jade than to complete it, how would you go with the evil gods? ?

As a result, Sargeras' "unscrupulous" characteristics began to become prominent. Even if the starting point is good, the work is too careless.

As many members of the Burning Legion said when they boasted of the Legion’s ‘great achievements’: A thousand worlds are smoldering.

Listen, is this human? Those are all life planets, all of which have been barbecued. Compared with the Void Lord, it is really hard to tell who is more harmful.

Even if these destroyed planets were not saved, it was only a chronic poison for the life on them, and they were still alive for some years. As a result, as soon as the Burning Legion arrived, they were killed immediately and the ashes were raised.

And Azeroth is such a life planet that fits Sargeras and his Burning Legion purification reason.

The ancient gods invaded this world, and Sargeras felt that he was born a wicked species, so he should be killed as soon as possible.

Aman Sur and other gods said, wait a minute, maybe you can rescue...

How to rescue it?

It’s better than anyone’s fetal-teaching-big-law.

Aman Sur and the others are very confident about their own set of ordering methods.

However, when it was implemented, the Oolong incident was still created.

Aman Sur, when they dealt with the ancient gods who were already in place first, they used the rough method of uprooting.

But the ancient gods are somewhat like ticks, which are insects commonly known as grass crawlers that can cause meningitis.

This kind of bug cannot be killed like a mosquito, or it is finished if it is pulled from the affected area. Doing so will only break the part that has been nailed into the skin, and this part is still active , Will continue to harm.

The correct way is to roast it with fire, make it take the initiative to withdraw from the part fixed in the flesh, and then kill it.

The brutal behavior of Aman Sur and others led to Azeroth's situation similar to'amniotic fluid broken'.

Seeing that Azeroth was about to have a miscarriage, Aman'sul hurriedly used methods to make up for it. This method was the Well of Eternity.

Amanthul’s thoughts were that although this part of the essence energy that nurtured Azeroth had leaked out, it was still technically compensated, causing the flesh to rot in the pot, and the energy was applied to Azeroth’s life. And the orderly movement played by these lives is the song of Azeroth's prenatal education.

From this perspective, any star **** has the meaning of Gaia, the mother of the earth. Life begins, and especially ends. The soul is like a drop of water flying away from the river, and finally returns to the mighty river. The various things it carries during its flight, whether it is dust or gas, will eventually be brought into it. In the river and formed an impact.

Therefore, planetary consciousness is also the gathering of sentient beings' consciousness. The experience of life on Azeroth determines the nature of the star **** to a great extent.

After the Oman Sur and the Oolong incident, they felt it necessary to study the ancient gods.

Teams that are accustomed to orderly farming are basically like this, complete the structure, and start targeted.

So Aman Sur and they established a laboratory called Uldir.

At that time, Azeroth had only one continent called Kalimdor, the land of the stars.

The blood **** G'huun was born when Amansur studied the ancient gods.

Using the knowledge of structure, Amansur tried to create the ancient gods.

If successful, it means that they have thoroughly mastered the physiology and even numerology of the ancient gods. The result is indeed a success, the only problem is that it seems to be a bit too successful!

Some of G'huun's characteristics and talents are not even the ancient gods!

Aman Sul, they are not satisfied, where is the problem?

In the end they couldn't figure it out.

The reason was that Sargeras was involved in trouble again, and he didn't know which future compatriots to kill who had not yet been born, so Amansur went to fight the fire again.

But this time, I couldn't come back again.

Sargeras went further and further on the evil road, and finally became impatient with his brothers and sisters, so he dug a hole and held up the butcher knife.

On the other hand, Amansur showed the characteristics of ‘White Left’ and even ‘Mary Su’ that made Kane sneer at. Not only were they not mentally prepared for this trap, they even had no precautionary retreat.

In the end, the choice turned out to be to pin the hope of resurrection on Azeroth, a newly opened laboratory that was contaminated by the ancient gods and was not sure whether it was really safe.

As a result, the guardians who stayed in Azeroth, who once served as assistants to the gods, inherited some of the residual power of Aman Sur and others.

G'huun, the experimental body, also because of its special variety, Amansur was not willing to destroy it when they left, and was able to survive.

Time is a pig-killing knife. Nothing is immutable. After Amanthul left, the ancient gods became active, G'huun became active, and even the various lives on Azeroth became active. So opened the story of the World of Warcraft universe.


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