Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1338: Unreasonable creator

The Pantheon series headed by Aman Sur represents the conservation of order.

Therefore, its creations, including the guardians of Azeroth, and specific coolies, such as mountain giants, sea giants, etc., are also creations with eternal characteristics.

Kane felt that they could be called eternal races, unless they died accidentally, they could indeed exist for a long time. There is not even the concept of death.

Without death, there will be no reincarnation, and can always act as the maintainer of order and the supervisor of sentient beings.

So the words of the blackened Sylvanas Windrunner: "This world itself is a cage." Nothing wrong.

Sylvanas has her own unique perspective, of course, ambition, and the arrogance that the Highborne are basically.

Of course, Kane also understands that there is a class of people with **** heads who never exist to please anyone, but they can always promote history, and Sylvanas is one of them.

However, for Kane, Sylvanas still has a fatal shortcoming from too low a starting point after all, even if fate opens it up wildly and gives it a chasing mechanism, it is still weak.

Kane even hopes that the world can slap him in the face with facts, for example, at a certain moment, during his exploration, Sylvanas has grown into a spokesperson for the Force.

If that were the case, he would only hurt his face, but he was more certain to win inside. After all, even if Sylvanas got the qualification to be'on the table', she probably didn't have much accumulation. A new king, in his eyes, is like a fat sheep.

Kane can think of Sylvanas mainly because of its power attributes, which makes it the most likely to remain independent in this harsh environment.

The environment of this place is really bad. Death can erode here, but it is not complete. It is not that the infection has not been completed, but that it seems to have been resisted by some force. In the end, it has undergone an abnormal change, as if eating half of it. The vomit that comes out again makes people feel more sick.

Rich gray tones, depression, haze, decadence, and dirt, these concepts are its characteristics.

Everything is dirty, the ground, the air, and the running water.

The gray water is thick as crude oil, and it is bubbling with white bubbles from time to time.

There were gray flying floccules and wisps of smoke floating in the air, they were alienated soul power residues.

For the soul, they are not a good thing.

A simple analogy, if the soul is a fire, then they are flammable.

Combustion is just a common way of energy conversion. These combustibles will change the nature of the fire during the combustion process.

Specifically, it adds some extra information, negative information, to the fire.

Therefore, for those who cannot properly protect their souls, contact with this kind of thing can cause depression inexplicably, cause permanent damage, or even go crazy directly, depending on how much contact and automatic absorption.

Kane's memory information contains information about this phenomenon and alien energy, but it is not detailed enough.

At the beginning, Kane Sun was unable to reach a place due to his limited ability, so he analyzed everything. Such harmful areas that would cause continuous wear and tear to him were often recorded conceptual information. Later, he left for good fortune and avoiding evil. Later, when he had time and strength, he might turn back and try to analyze, but obviously Kane could not wait for this kind of future.

At this moment, Kane is different. He has enough soft and hard power to continue to carry forward the calm and calm style of excellent hunters. He is not in a hurry to find the way or detect, but can start cracking on the spot.

In fact, the phenomenon here alone provided him with certain information.

For example, even for death energy, soul power is the most difficult type to transform.

The alien spirit power here can be understood as incomplete transformation.

Or in other words, at least the death energy didn't go so smoothly when transforming the soul power. This allowed the law power that resisted its transformation to seize the opportunity to generate this kind of alien energy, instead of just dead ashes.

There is one more detail, that is, the alien spirit power remaining here is all negative spirit power, so what about the positive spirit power, where are those related to hope, love, bravery, righteous conscience, etc.?

Is it consumed?

It is possible.

But Kane is also a master of soul research, if it is really consumed, he is confident that he can find the residue.

Because he can reverse the death energy when he turns on the Creator's force.

It's just that this is not only expensive, but also has limited meaning, just like filling a sieve with water.

There is no positive spirit power, and there is no residue. Kane believes that the greatest possibility is that the positive spirit power has been taken away in advance.

In other words, this is a pit of spirit power, and in terms of spirituality, it is dirtier than the old-style dry toilet.

"It's not good, the helper fell into the cesspit!"

The lonely Kane can always entertain himself with his stalks. The lines and scenes from "Journey to the West: Moonlight Treasure Box" are remembered, so that the existence of this precious creator can be calm in this environment work.

Kane gradually faded and then became indescribable.

He is switching states.

Although the vast majority of him will remain in human form.

But that is actually due to inertia of thinking and the deep-rooted humanism in human nature.

Unconsciously, he has been promoted to a life mode that mortals say they cannot understand.

As far as appearance is concerned, the indescribable form of the old branch is the one with the strongest and broadest adaptability. After all, the old ruler was born as a predator on the stage of the multiverse.

In other words, the old branch form is suitable for the early stage of exploration in the unknown universe.

Of course, Kane switched to this form not because of lack of confidence or over-prevention, but because of better performance of magic.

Although he has always used ‘the unity of science and magic’ as his signature, he also has to admit that in some special circumstances, the unity of science and magic may not work well.

Because the nature of technology is materialistic, it is based on material. It is a relatively suitable technology for the physical universe.

The nature of magic is ideal on the surface, but in fact it is only energy, supernatural energy, which is the foundation of magic. If there is no supernatural power, such as his hometown, then magic is magic, a false void, and a falsehood.

And the place in front of me is both material and transcendent. In theory, science magic is suitable, but it is repeatedly destroyed by some ultimate powers, among which death energy is the end in the end.

Therefore, there is neither a material basis nor a supernatural energy basis.

To carry out activities in such an environment can only tap one's own strength.

That is, bring your own material and transcendence, and establish experimental projects to obtain and confirm the detailed information here.

Under such demand, nothing is more appropriate than the old dominator form.

As a predator of the multiverse, the former dominators have the predominant and infinite beauty, but also the forbearance and hardship.

If the multiverse is a school of fish, then the single universe is the stream of whales and turtles that live alone most of the time, while the void is an endless ocean.

Moreover, the empty ocean is far more desolate than the ocean that people recognize. In the old days, the rulers often need a lot of time to find suitable prey. In the process, they can't get any supplies, and they can only rely on themselves.

This situation has created a complete set of internal ecosystems for the former dominators, which can be understood as a super long-distance starship with all internal organs.

After Kane switches to the form of the old ruler, he can use the technology system of the old ruler to deconstruct the world.

More precisely, it is the ruler of the dark old days.

Darkness is not only a compelling title, but also makes Kane a leader in the old branch, a survival hunter among predators.

As long as there is darkness, Kane has basic power at his disposal and can nurture light. If he still has some mysterious elements and true spirits in his hands, he can create things. When he is a **** of creation, even if he only creates a miniature universe. .

After switching to the dark old branch form, Kane, who possessed unique information, could no longer be fully interpreted by the laws of this world, so he created his own dimensions, and the world could no longer see its full picture, and the indescribability came from this.

Most of the body is shrunk in the kingdom of dimensionality, and the dark tentacles extend out, as if in the gap between reality and illusion, forming a weird effect between existence and nonexistence. They are acquiring and analyzing. It takes time. , However, in the Dimensional Kingdom, as long as Kane is willing to spend, then he can control time.

So for this world, Kane only delayed for a while before switching back to normal form. It feels as if he is a monster. He just stretched out a lot and accidentally exposed his original appearance, but now he is human again.

Then, he saw his hands interacting in the air, and a ball of light gradually appeared between his hands.

This sphere of light is translucent, with brighter spins inside, more and more, and also wrapped in golden runes.

This is a compound magic technique. If its details are disassembled, it is dozens of times more complicated than the assembly line of a Mercedes-Benz car.

Therefore, this magical technique can be completely understood as a series of disposable equipment. After it was built, it was pushed into the air by Kane. Then it started running.

The light sphere is not big, but produces a powerful gravitational effect, but it is targeted and affected by it, not ordinary things.

And the effect it exhibits is like a three-dimensional miraculous decontamination, just as miraculously recreating a deadly black and white world into a colorful and vivid world.

Of course, even if it is restored, the environment here is still monotonous and lacks aesthetics. But the feeling it gives people is magically restored, even if it is monotonous, but at least normal.

The light ball made by Kane is indeed transforming the environment here.

But that's not its main purpose, but just a side effect. Its main purpose is to seal the deadly abilities and abilities, which can be regarded as environmental cleanup.

It’s just that the force of this kind of cleaning is slightly higher. The process of ingesting death energy and abilities is not obstructed by material and energy, or even affected by the law here. It is like extracting elements, directly deprived, regardless of the deprived one. In what kind of situation and what kind of energy is buried in.

Fortunately, the existence of this space has already shown that its basic law mechanism is still there, so when Kane uses the ball of light to deprive the elements of this kind, the mechanism immediately makes this new self-consistency possible, and nothing happens. Time and space collapse and collapse accident.

Even, it is precisely because the light ball has taken away the death energy and abilities, the law mechanism here can operate more normally, and this has restored a bit of its original appearance.


A bead-like crystal is born from the light ball, it is gray, but the outer layer has a glassy texture.

The texture of this layer of glass is the sealing power, a state of the God's Domain force field, and what is inside is the sealed death energy and abilities.

Kane put away the sealing beads, and put away the light ball. This creation can still be used several times, and in the future, there are probably still opportunities to use it.

A teleport appeared at some end of this space, and Kane sank into the seed of the rock as if he had entered the water.

This is not an escape technique, but the use of unique information to bring unrecognizable compulsion, ignoring the basic laws of the world, so as to pass through all entities, or walk in an adjacent dimension that temporarily exists, to the world. All creations, this is the unreasonableness of the typical old ruler.

After walking like this for a while, Kane grabbed his hand and made a space in the rock mass.

Then he put the ball of light into this space.

The ball of light needs more interaction with this world in order to complete the absorption of death energy and abilities.

Soon, the ball of light condensed another seal bead, but this time it was iron gray, because the alien energy had less energy and more death energy.

Kane spent the next 100 hours in this boring and tedious repetitive When this work was completed, it was about 300 cubic kilometers in a roughly spherical shape. The space was cleared by Kane.

Kane did not intend to clear a clean area in the ‘dunghole’ and then put down his first lair in this world.

His operations are mostly based on observations and experiments, as well as the prerequisites for more ambitious operations.

Now, his goal has been achieved.

So using the Creator's Divine Art, the matter in this clean area is directly energized, making it a huge hollow body.

This is not taking off your pants and farting. If there is no front, even if the magic spell can be successfully used, the effect will not be good, and it will consume a lot of money.

Now he is responsible for his own profits and losses, and he doesn't know where or when the next supply will be. Of course, he would be more cautious and steady.

The energy, attribute and quality of the material transformation that hollowed out the entire area was not good, so he squandered it casually to support the existence of this space without being crushed.

Then, he made a large ball of light.

The principle is the same, the power is greater.

After ten hours, Kane was finally satisfied.

The first phase of the operation came to a successful conclusion. The pollution caused by the loopholes in the dead world door has been completely eliminated by him.

He did this, naturally not because of love and justice, but to eliminate an unstable factor and make the world simpler and more transparent.

The low-end stuff like dead energy involves unique information and cannot be parsed for a while.

Then kick it out first, so as not to become a variable for exploration and adventure.

The fewer elements, the fewer types of changes that can be combined, and the more convenient he can control.


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