Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1339: Sky Beach Eco Boat

Come out of the cesspit, is the environment clear and clear?


At least after Kane settled the dead energy zone, he failed to reach a colorful life garden, but a messy life restricted zone.

What I see in my eyes is always vague, not like fog, but more like dust, with the dry characteristics of desert and Gobi, not the greasy kind.

What I heard in my ears were strange groans and groans that seemed to exist and disappeared, as well as murmurs that suddenly sounded and faded quickly, just like a mentally ill person babbling in a language he didn't understand.

What I smell in my nose is a rancid smell, which is worse than the smell of stinky ditch or stool.

If you breathe the air here and click your mouth, there will be a strange smell of sticky rotting things in your mouth, which can make people spit out bile.

The last is the sense of touch. If the skin is directly exposed to the air here, itching and tingling will always accompany it, making people want to tear their skin off.

So the dry flames rise, want to vent, want to destroy...

Kane has this situation in his memory!

After Kane Sun's Divided Soul, together with the guardian dragons, shuttled from the Atahaka Temple to the Dark Zandalar Three Islands, the first thing they came into contact with was such an environment.

According to the analysis given by Kane Sun Fenhun, this is G'huun's pot.

But Kane held a different opinion, and G'huun hadn't been so good yet, there was something going on here.

This is the difference brought about by the experience and knowledge of Kane and Clone Soul, and the difference in strength level.

When Kane Sun Dixun came over, it took a lot of effort to uncover the secrets about the fifth ancient god, Saratas. But at that time, many opportunities were already missed, and even the way was gone. After all, there are so many resources that it can no longer tolerate changes, let alone start over.

Kane was able to determine the pattern of the incident immediately, and his response strategy became very different.

Kane didn't stay in this corrupted place for a long time, but he didn't leave in such a hurry.

Even in areas where death can erode, he can make a purification article, thus constructing a world gate seal that satisfies him, not to mention the environment in front of him.

The situation here is actually much better than that of the dead energy zone, and filth is the main label here, not extreme silence.

Since darkness is a breeding ground for evil and filth, Kane is the father of this dirty power. He can control the power of darkness and sort it out to give birth to orderly evil.

Order can be understood as a set of laws, belonging to Kane's laws.

Back then, Black Kane used darkness and evil energies in the dark old universe, and built a huge dark fleet.

Kane can naturally too. It's just that he has a different style from Black Kane.

Black Kane has a strong sense of offense. From a certain point of view, he is actually insecure.

Kane is relatively more confident.

Although he would warn himself from time to time, pay attention to the possibility of capsizing in the gutter.

But he will not give up eating because of choking. He knows very well that, leaving aside ‘arrogance’, the existence of the multiverse that can defeat him can be said to be rare, and he has to make repeated mistakes to make him fall to death.

From this perspective, like Warhammer 40K and then World of Warcraft, it seems that there is something that made him make mistakes again and again. After all, when he was a reincarnation in his previous life, he already knew these two famous fairy pits.

And his real enemy, it is very likely that this is the plot. This is what the Buddhists call "knowing and seeing obstacles." Unconsciously, subjective conjectures are treated as objective facts, and they may be trapped at critical moments.

However, he wondered if he could think of this level, he would naturally have certain precautions.

Moreover, his move to return to the dark HP universe after acquiring the Eternal Well of Trick in the Warhammer 40K universe is equivalent to buying personal insurance. The rise of the waves may be a bit blown, but even if the clone is now dead, it is only a broken arm and requires a period of rest. It is not fatal to explore.

Because of this, when he returned to the Warhammer 40K universe, he changed his old style, dared to make trouble, and contributed to the birth of the **** of light.

Then he dared to personally go to danger and explore the dead world.

To put it bluntly, it is because there is a back path and confidence.

More light orbs are born from Kane's hands. They belong to the same magical series as the light orbs that have absorbed death and abilities before. The one-sentence explanation is ‘all in the Yuanzhong’.

There are some advanced ways here, because the ‘circle’ itself has the characteristics of completeness and perfection. In the hands of the Creator, it is the most simple and the most complex.

The divine magic orb that sorts out the power of evil does not need to be as high-end as the one that draws death power and supernatural powers. Specifically, it does not need unique information to be unreasonable, but to follow the basic laws of the universe more. of interaction.

This relatively grounded approach will naturally receive some positive feedback. After all, balance is a basic state pursued or maintained by most basic laws of the universe. If you follow the trend, you will naturally get the favor of the laws.

Kane is like a lion patrolling his territory, leaving marks from time to time as he walks. The lion uses his own excrement, and Kane uses the magic ball that helps restore balance in this area.

After these orbs are released, they begin to actively interact with the laws of heaven and earth, often moving to an appropriate position, and then starting to radiate energy like a small sun that spreads light and heat.

These spheres are not semi-permanent objects, but like mothballs, which eventually dissipate without a trace, but during this period, and even after a period of time, their impact is just right.

Kane spent more than two thousand hours patrolling, casting more than 30,000 magical orbs.

Although it seems that he is maintaining a rhythm, making magical orbs at a constant speed, and hasn't stopped sleeping for more than two thousand hours, but this kind of consumption is nothing to him. He can be hundreds of thousands of years. Go on like a day.

This can be regarded as a manifestation of the "one person is civilization" at the creator level. When he thinks he needs to be a big animal, his performance is still very impressive.

1.1.6 million square kilometers. This is the land area measured by Kane himself. Inner Mongolia (118.3), which is almost equivalent to the hometown, would add hundreds of thousands of square kilometers to the total area if the floating land islands are included.

This is a broken world that reminds Kane of the world of Draenor in the Warcraft universe, torn apart by orc spiritual leader Ner'zhul.

From the perspective of space, it has an irregular rhombus shape, with a large hole in the center part, and in this void sea are numerous floating land islands.

Although there are some on the edge of the Broken World, no matter the scale or number, there are not as many land islands as the Central Void Sea.

The place where Kane came to the beginning of this world was a mainland island closer to the center in the Void Sea, with an area of ​​more than 10,000 square kilometers.

The crushed Azeroth, the corrupted Azeroth, suspended in deep space, Kane could even see other fragmented worlds and the main world that was more than half the total volume of Azeroth. .

However, after some thinking, he did not rush to start a new exploration.

Instead, he intends to turn the land under his feet into a semi-permanent giant ecological ship.

So Kane cast hundreds of magic orbs.

Although this batch of magic **** is small in number, there is a very popular and famous "hand of the creator"!

With the cooperation of his servants, the Star God can shape the mountains and rivers of a life world.

What about the Creator?

Even without the title of ‘Creation God’, as long as he is willing to invest, it’s not a big deal for the Creator to squeeze out a planet like a clay artist.

The hand of the creator is the super giant used to shape the giant ecological construction pattern. In reality, it is actually a huge but controllable flow of divine power.

As a result, the thick rock formations are reshaped, and the gas clouds floating around are also gathered. Even from the cosmic scale, the changes can be clearly seen, and the details are how fast it is, you can imagine.

It gives people the feeling that Kane’s operation is not like a snowball, applying pressure from the outside to make adjustments, but more like shooting countless lines of elastic force from the center, pulling the matter back together, and then Organic integration.

Sixty-seven days and nights (Earth time), the main body of the giant eco-ship named "Xiangong" by Kane was completed.

That's right, it's the ‘fairy palace’ of the Asgardians in the Marvel Universe.

The name is largely due to the appearance of the eco-ship, which is indeed similar to the Asgard Palace.

The whole is in the shape of a dish. One side, when viewed from a distance, is an endless plain, but if you zoom in, there are still steep mountains, but there are no more than 2000 meters above sea level.

And its other side, which gives people the feeling, is the spectacular central lone mountain.

The whole world seems to exist to set off this mountain. It is the extension of the foot of the mountain and the ground base of the mountain. This super mountain has the highest peak in the center with an altitude of more than 180,000 meters.

It’s just that due to the overall dish-shaped feature, it doesn’t look like the Eastern style of inverted mountain peaks, but more like an oversized spinning top, which is the spinning top used by the protagonist in Inception to define reality or dream. .

In order to create such a piece of land, Kane deliberately used the hands of creation to grab a lot of fragments from nearby space as filling materials, most of which were ice.

When the light of the stars shined on the sky, the broken Azeroth looked like a mother duck with several ducklings.

They still circle the star, orbiting in a predetermined orbit.

Of course, this situation will not last long.

But this is expressed on the time scale of the universe.

As long as there are no major accidents, there is no problem with maintaining this pattern for at least tens of thousands of years.

The broken ground where Kane was, was originally the second-to-last ‘little duck’, but now it’s now the first-to-last, and the original one is merged.

Kane built the eco-ship, not only playing the sandcastle game for adults, but also analyzing the reasons that caused Azeroth to break.

In the process of comprehensively surveying and adjusting the fragmented world he is in, his analysis has improved. And when another broken world was merged, some inferences were basically confirmed.

He has reason to believe that Azeroth was not smashed or chopped, but more like a cracking of dead skin.

More vividly, a certain part of Azeroth is necrotic, and the power of law runs hard in this area. As a result, a series of abnormal phenomena occurred, including the loss of gravity and so on.

At first, this phenomenon was strange but novel, and it was a bit of fun.

But over time, the situation deteriorated, and it was no fun. The necrotic area became a nightmare place for life, and then it was soaring, or sinking and falling. It all depends on what kind of perspective to observe and analyze.

For Kane, this phenomenon is really nothing. After all, he had personally destroyed the Medieval Warhammer universe, various cosmic wonders, and saw a lot.

What he cares about is that the egg is broken, what happened to ‘AI Jiang’.

Ai Jiang, referring to Azeroth, the dwarf expects that Magni Bronzebeard will receive the Star God's thought wave through frequency modulation after it crystallizes, and then it will become the Star God's microphone.

In the words of Magni: "Azeroth's voice is crisp and sweet, like a diamond." Moreover, he also used the phrase "girl, hold on" to confirm the star **** born in Azeroth. Gender, even age.

Although it has been conceived for a long time, the time when Azeroth gave birth to himself is not long. Moreover, the star gods can be analogous to giant dragons. Their juvenile period is long, tens to hundreds of years, and they are still equivalent to the minds of human infants.

Curious about Azeroth's whereabouts or fate, but Kane was not in a hurry.

It has been almost half a year since he came to this world, even if he counts the skin, but in his perception, it is equivalent to half a day's delay in the cognition of ordinary people.

Not only because of the change in the concept of time, but also because after entering the state of creation, time cognition is different from human time cognition in the ordinary state.

In the state of creation, Kane would not, nor could he view time in the way of ordinary people.

From the perspective of ordinary people, Kane’s state of creation is very similar to the "entering into concentration" and "retreat" described in the immortal system. Once a retreat, more than ten years or decades have passed, but the person involved It doesn't seem to be much different from a sleep.

Among them, there is the factor of time perception difference.

After March and March, the name of the Eco-Ship Immortal Palace already has the meaning of naming it.

The power of evil, merges and transforms with the light and heat of the star, and becomes the force of nature. The residue was sealed.

Black Kane is very good at using this kind of residue as a special toxin. And they can indeed be understood as an extraordinary version of nuclear waste. With proper methods, they can become a weapon against the enemy.

The eco-ship is frozen forever and full of life. Kane regards the full of life as the top, and it is also the ecological restoration area of ​​Azeroth.

From the perspective of the laws of heaven and earth, the fairy palace is compared with the real Azeroth. Although there is a lack of laws, the foundation is still that.

Kane didn't make any changes, after all, he wanted to better understand Azeroth by restoring.

Among them, nature also includes the species of Azeroth. Many of them have completely lost their vitality. After Kane was completely deconstructed, they were cultivated by means of creation. A small part of them are surviving species Now they are basically adapted to the new home of ecological ships.

So in addition to the topography, the environment of the ecological ship is already very Azeroth. Specifically, it can be compared to the echo of the emerald dream, the dream forest Val'sharah.

After all, after many years of evolution, the basic ecology represented by vegetation has been greatly changed compared to the ecology of the ancient Kalimdor continent. For example, the ecology of the Mu continent can be reproduced without relying on enough plants and annual rings. Long, luxuriant branches can be achieved.

While restoring natural vitality, Kane even engaged in an ‘archaeological restoration’ in order to confirm that he came here and said whether the man-made remains involved were the Zandalar series. In other words, the Uldir laboratory established by the Pantheon.

After the restoration, looking at the style, it is indeed a strong Aztec style, but it is not like a research facility, but more like a functional building such as a material library.

Simply inferring that this part was probably the part of Lu Shen that was not too far away from the three islands of Zandalar when Ancient Kalimdor was split.

There is another point worth thinking about. That is the ‘last little duck’ that he merged with the hand of creation.

According to his reasoning, this last little duck was the area where the law collapsed the most, and it was also probably the origin of the collapse.

Then, combined with the memory of the prophet, the last duckling is the Zandalar three islands in its original form. The giant seal, the Uldir laboratory, and G'huun are all in the Zandalar three islands. There is a possibility of a situation. maximum.

However, objective evidence shows that the last duckling turned out to be on the bottom of the sea. The hand of the creator can collect a large amount of ice, which is not unrelated.

When it comes to the sea, Kane naturally thinks of naga, the former elf queen Azshara, who is known as the light of light, and the old Yin Bianzoth in the ancient gods.

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