Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1340: Warhammer 1 year memorabilia

Land creatures have an instinctive fear of the vast ocean.

Kane’s roots and feet are a terrestrial creature. Before his humanity has completely receded, he was always afraid of the sea and the water. Even the weight of the bottomless abyss is not even for him, but his soul is deep. The mark of the place would still make him feel so uncomfortable.

In Azeroth, it is said that N'Zoth was imprisoned in a prison deep under the sea.

Why are you imprisoned in the sea?

Maybe the Titans hadn't thought about this issue too deeply.

But according to Kane's habit, he believed that there was a reason for the past.

Even if it is worried that N'Zoth's broken thoughts will affect all living beings, it is still a saying.

Of course, in fact, the ancient gods who were imprisoned in Azeroth were all able to talk, and even the Ajisha, who was "pulled out" by the Titans to die for the first time, could rely on the seven deadly sins and different types. The sha energy affects people's minds.

C'Thun got the Qiraji Zerg willing to be his pawn; Yogg-Saron, as a prisoner, convinced the jailer line represented by Loken; and then N'Zoth.

N'Zoth’s frontal combat ability is the weakest among the ancient gods, but the destructive ability is the strongest. From the power of twilight to the power of nightmare, from the guardian dragon to the naga clan, N’Zoth is in In the cage, a huge force of vassals has been built, which has set off a **** storm on Azeroth again and again.

As for the current Kane, of course, I hope that N'Zoth is still alive, a relatively familiar opponent, even if it grows, is better than a completely new strange enemy.

For him, there are already a lot of difficult opponents, and he is not interested in adding more.

Kane's life in the fairy palace was not leisurely.

People like him can always find something to do.

For example, the Titans who imitated the Pantheon created a batch of puppets to take care of the fairy palace.

Sometimes he also wondered whether the puppets he made, like those made by the Titans, would be eroded by the years and other external forces and gradually become completely different existences under the premise of his long absence.

To be honest, he was not very confident in the conclusion of this conjecture. After all, as far as the role of creator is concerned, he is a newcomer, and many subjects have not been tested in practice.

This is also one of the main reasons why the Creator created the world. The creation itself is a large-scale compound experiment that includes multiple sub-projects.

During the stay in the fairy palace, Kane also returned to the Warhammer 40K universe.

The process was not as difficult as he expected, but it was by no means a pleasant journey.

What made him a little surprised is that the time rate of the two universes is not much different. The 4:5 appearance, which is 4 days in the Warhammer 40K universe, is equivalent to 5 days here. Of course, the time unit is all Earth hours. This is already the standard time unit of the First Order, no matter which universe you go to.

The current situation in the Warhammer 40K universe gave Kane a feeling of a storm brewing.

The main characters brewing the storm are naturally the four evil gods, no matter what angle they look at, they will not just give up like this.

Kane felt that if the four evil gods had any big moves, they should join forces.

In addition, the Gradius star system, and even the entire empire, has not been peaceful for nearly a year.

And this is not very flat, it is a mode of calm on the surface but surging undercurrents.

Take Gradius's star system as an example. With the change of Cthulhu's thinking, the demon army no longer keeps going, and the battlefield has the meaning of a bit of smoke.

But in fact, the situation is more complicated.

Cthulhu didn't increase his troops, but it didn't mean to give up the occupied territory. On the contrary, since the change of strategy, the Chaos forces' control over the occupied area has obviously increased.

On the other hand, Miranda had calculated it at the beginning. It will take about a year for the First Order to restore the old view.

This statement was confirmed by the reality of the past year.

Of course, this also has a certain relationship with him not reaching out, otherwise it will be much faster.

The First Order was busy repairing and tinkering, and the Chaos forces changed the pigs to consolidate the territory by leaps and bounds. The atmosphere of the battlefield naturally declined all the way, and even the uninterrupted cold guns and guns in the past few years have become rare.

But in fact, the pattern of this region is more complicated.

It was originally the First Order against the strange demons.

On the periphery of the Tricky Demon, there are those Tricky Licking Dogs who come here especially, as well as a large number of opportunists, chaos believers, chaotic interstellar warriors, and even interstellar pirates.

On the periphery of the First Order are the official and private teams of the human empire.

However, with the occurrence of a series of major events after Kane's return, the fear of abuse of the devil has now occupied a place in this battlefield.

Although Sebastian didn't get any results during the war, he sent a team of elites and built a stronghold on Planet Fifth.

The specific method is to gather rocks with extraordinary power in the asteroid belt similar to Saturn’s rings, and build a rock base similar to the Casso’s orc boulder ship, and use it as a starport, and then the fifth planet is barren to nowhere. The most important area was opened up and built the Palace of Bliss.

This can be regarded as the standard model for building a bridgehead in today's general environment.

Because the space forces of the First Order are really too powerful, and have repeatedly demonstrated in actual combat how much sadness the enemies on the ground will be when they have obtained the right to control the track.

Therefore, unless it is a deep fortress, if you want to build a bridgehead, you must have a corresponding battlestar.

The empire also specifically promoted this, with the title ‘We changed the habits of demons! ’

The establishment of the Palace of Sexual Bliss, the biggest change brought to the chaotic forces of the Gradius star system, is that there is an extra place for entertaining and fighting.

If there is no evil element, then the fear of abuse element and the treacherous element are basically doing it when they meet, and they are fighting with real swords and guns.

With the evil line, at least in the Palace of Bliss, the two sides still converged. And as long as you come here to have fun and gather information, instead of trying to kill the other party, plus the paradise palace provides a relatively fair competition arena, and is very good at turning fighting into **** entertainment, so Successfully played the bond between the demons.

In this way, the horror of abuse and the treacherous element can communicate with each other to a certain extent, not to mention the help of each other, at least it is not easy to trick each other.

Speaking of this, in the first half of the year, the First Order used some simple but effective tricks, often instructing the horror and treacherous elements to pinch each other, just like a cricket fight, and the two sides began to pinch.

Except for the First Order and the chaotic forces with complicated internal components, the light gods were not idle.

After shrinking for a while, it may be that he was frightened by Kane, but he did need to lick the wound. But as the effect of the dark sky diminished again and again, the light gods became ready to move.

The style of Guangming God is feminine and violent. The tricks are very feminine, and once violence is involved, it is very violent.

Starting from the second half of the year, almost every day, people have joined the Pure Light Sect, either openly or secretly. This sect was created by Guangming God.

It seems that there is a kind of equal treatment. Members of the First Order and Chaos Forces are all targets of the sect.

From the actual effect point of view, the chaotic forces suffered more damage.

After all, even if the First Order counts all its peripheral members, it will at best end up with an evaluation of "good and bad". But the forces of chaos, tut...

The internal atmosphere of the chaotic forces is inherently bad, interests are paramount, loyalty is cheap, and many are pitted and cannot turn back, and there are no other choices.

Moreover, this kind of betrayal also belongs to the type that has repetition.

Therefore, when the conditions given by Guangming Shenyi were good, many people fell over.

In fact, it's not too generous, even just a deceptive trick that looks good, but it still caused a rushing effect in the chaotic forces.

The detailed reason is that Guangming Shenyi played a promotional trick of'getting the goods first, giving the money later'.

In fact, at the moment of taking the goods, it was already'life is my person, death is my ghost', but everything is afraid of comparison. Compared with the "Road to Demons" that the evil gods have always promoted, people generally reflect the God of Light Nie’s user experience is better.

When this happens, the demons of the ruling layer will naturally take action to stop it.

As a result, the crude and crude methods they had used for many, many years were only counterproductive, not only driving more people to the Pure Light Sect, but also indirectly promoting the effect of publicity.

Such as the famous Havel incident.

Javier is a hapless person, a very honest person, and was eventually engulfed in an evil sacrifice incident.

The real problem is his wife Shana.

Shana’s growth experience is more difficult to describe, which has created Shana’s extreme personality that is extremely vengeful. She didn’t read many books. She was shallow and stupid. She went to feasting places at a young age, met other people’s drunken fans, and thought about it. On such days, after all my youth was tossed out, I realized that I was empty-handed.

Then he took advantage of the saying of "women chasing men, interlayer yarn" and caught the honest Havel as a long-term meal ticket.

It's a pity that within a few days of my birthday, I was tired of the plainness of firewood, rice, oil and salt. I was stunned by others and joined the cult.

Havel was completely in the dark, but no one believed it. People said: "Couples who are sharing the same bed, don't you know? What's more, you usually look so loving..."

The empire's attitude towards this aspect of affairs has always been harsh, and it really is rather wrong and never miss it.

In this way, Javier was encumbered and embarked on the path of chaos believers.

I was not in a beautiful mood at first, and found that the top of my head was glistening green, and the most unbearable thing was that his son was sacrificed by Shana.

It was his and Shanna's own birth, and Javier felt that Shanna could do this level, in any case, she couldn't be regarded as an individual.

But in fact, even if he was forced to become a chaos believer, apart from fleeing at the beginning, he suffered a lot of displacement, his path was unclear, and he had no bottom in his heart. In fact, he lived well later.

After all, he has the skills and hard work and resentment. Such a person is needed by any organizational force. The most indispensable chaotic force is the chaos and the hardy working with corporal punishment and death coercion. What is lacking is the ability to do a job, love a job, and do a duty. Workers who do a good job in their own stall.

Javier is such a person, so he is still very quick. Although it is inevitable to be exploited, those who exploit him know his value, and naturally they will not embarrass him.

But a person's mood is not beautiful, no matter how good the other is, Havel has become a backlog of bad emotions since the death of his son, either lost in silence or broke out.

The pure light sect of the **** of light gave Havel a chance.

It's a pity that as an honest person, you really don't know how to lie, and you will miss out when you say it. However, Shana's betrayal of her husband for prosperousness is actually a normal exercise.

It wasn't until a high-level demon came to persuade Javier to change her mind, that Shanna realized that the reason why she hadn't been sent to be a soldier like some women, was played alive for a few days, was not because of her own abilities. , And just because she is Javier’s wife.

However, stupid diseases are difficult to treat. In other words, Shana has never really tried to understand Havel, so when Havel was indecisive, Shana actually offered the same routine of swearing and scolding, and spoke quickly of the two sons.

As a result, Havel exploded.

Literally, pure light erupted. The high-level demon who tried to buy horse bones for playing a daughter had no time to show decent resistance, and turned into flying ash in the extremely bright light.

For people like Javier, piety is relatively easy to achieve, and his character habits can help to achieve piety.

But the pure light sect of the gods and gods is not enough to have piety, it is extreme, similar to mad believers, but somewhat different.

In short, it is difficult to do, and there are very few who can truly achieve that state.

Javier made a mistake and fulfilled the conditions in an honest state of anger.

At this time, the power of the soul merges with the power of pure light, and it also carries the light toxin characteristic of the light gods, which is naturally very sharp.

Javier, who was in a state of rampage, was like another person, killing a god, and soon caused a **** slaughter that affected thousands of people.

This has to be set aside in a normal civilized society. No matter how good the reason is, the anti-social and anti-life behaviors will be completely wiped out.

However, in the Chaos forces, except for the suffering master, most people's attention is focused on the concept of "capture of great power and comfort."

Javier, a threatened chaos believer, without the power of chaos, without any extraordinary gifts, hard work every day, bullied by greedy bosses and treacherous colleagues, his wife is still a famous bus, suddenly It is too dramatic for people to block and kill people and Buddhas to block and kill Buddhas. At the same time, it also illustrates the power of pure light and the advantage of'getting the goods first, paying later'.

After that, although no one made a movement like Havel, but the "Pure Light Bomb" actually exploded a few.

Relatively speaking, pure light explosive bombs are much easier to achieve. As long as the mental state is extreme and the body just has the power of pure light, it can be transformed into explosive bombs.

In the words of the demons: This kind of thing is dangerous and disgusting!

Because of several examples, it was the bottom cannon fodder that the demons looked down upon to play this kind of movement.

Chaos believers, with a very strong nature of existence, their status in the chaos forces is really the bottom ant that can't be the bottom.

Now the ants had the possibility of killing the elephant, which made the rulers above them frightened, angry, frightened and helpless.

Miranda naturally took advantage of Kane's return and reported the situation.

Kane smiled and said, "There is our eyeliner in the Chaos forces, right? Reduce activity and prepare more. When will you find that there is a ‘light admirer’ in the Chaos Interstellar Warrior, then try to collect relevant information."

Mu Guang Zhe is a name for those who fall to the Pure Light Sect. The first order called out first, and later the Chaos forces followed suit.

In Kane's eyes, the establishment of the Pure Light Sect does not affect the development of the Light Sect, and is even beneficial.

The pure light sect is like a filter, choosing those with extreme temperaments away, and leaving those with a relatively fair and peaceful personality, which are more suitable for the path of the Holy Light.

Therefore, as long as the method is right, and many people who admire the light will eventually become the holy light ones, and because they have seen the pure light path, the holy light path will be more stable.

And the reason why he made Miranda pay attention to the Chaos Star Warrior to become a light admirer is because once it appears, it basically means that the light **** has made great progress in the belief system.

After all, the interstellar warrior can be said to be a sci-fi extraordinary biochemical warrior with Warhammer 40K characteristics.

Needless to say, the body, extreme selection + nineteen remodeling operations, if the emperor hadn't left his hand, it would be no problem to make him immortal. Sons like the emperor have been transformed for immortality. Unless they die violently, they can live forever. Whether they can really live with the heavens and the earth needs time to prove.

The mind, the mind of the interstellar warrior, is also a collection of a series of brainwashing. The extreme jungle law of **** has forged a powerful will that is far beyond mortals. Specialized techniques such as psychology + religion have further made his mind tough. .

It can be said that a qualified interstellar warrior who goes to the world of the old dominators will definitely become an excellent investigator. His resistance to all kinds of abnormal phenomena that drop the San value is very high, and it is of inhuman level.

Such a mind, unless it is a special situation, is difficult to be eroded.

Therefore, if the light gods can handle the interstellar warriors, even the chaotic interstellar warriors, it means that the control methods are greatly improved. At that time, Kane will have to prevent the light gods from dyeing the colonial stars and even the stars of the empire, and make The peripheral forces of the First Order rebelled.

In the Warhammer 40K universe for nearly a year, two other things have caught Kane's attention.

One is a series of events that can be collectively referred to as the "undercurrent of the empire", including some weird plagues with unknown origins of colonial stars, and the "True Demon Coming" where even the Holy Light Sect has suffered heavy casualties. In the same period in previous years, imperial officials’ rebellion harmed the people and endangered national security.

Although there is no evidence, Kane realized that this is the four evil gods getting rid of his game rhythm and starting to try to do things in their areas of expertise.

Human civilization is farmland to Cthulhu.

But if this farmland ultimately benefits the evil god's enemies, then the evil **** destroys the farmland, which is a normal operation.

After all, this is a method that even ordinary two armies would use when confronting each other. At any rate, the Cthulhu was holding the word ‘evil’, so how could he fall down instead?

Moreover, Kane felt that the Four Evil Gods were also warning him through this operation. If the Holy Light Sect continued to expand wildly, making the farmland of the human empire more important to the first order than to the evil gods, then the evil gods It will completely destroy the field.

The human empire is at best the overlord of the galaxy, and the four evil gods are not bad for this piece of grain.

And even if all the fields in this universe are destroyed, the Four Evil Gods can at least compete with the First Order.

So I have to say, from a certain angle, once the evil gods get serious, the shortcomings of the first order's shallow foundation will immediately become prominent.

For this reason, Kane also met with the empire leaders and discussed countermeasures.

Although the countermeasures are bitter, they are ultimately a solution.

That is, the development of the Holy Light Sect slowed down, and the Imperial government strengthened its internal affairs.

This is actually good for the empire. After all, the Holy Light Sect, and even the First Order, are based on crutches. If they can walk on their own, why should they use crutches? The empire's official strengthening of internal affairs can be regarded as recovery training to get rid of crutches.

It's just that, to say so, after it is embodied, it will inevitably endure hardships. The empire will endure hardships together. Among them, ordinary people who are on the front line and have poor ability to resist disasters can feel the pain the most.

In further detail, there are countless homes destroyed.

The empire leaders, on this question, have also asked Kane: "What if the evil **** gets an inch?"

This possibility is indeed very high. Cthulhu is like capital, and it is more despicable than capital without a bottom line. If you step back to it, or even if you dare to take a step back, it dares to push its nose and face. Isn't it normal operation?

Kane explained the conversation between Su Qier and the emperor in Zhou Xingxing's version of {Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qier}.

How many beggars are you or me? If it is Guotai Min'an, how many are willing to be beggars?

The situation is also the same now. There is great suffering in the world, and religion will flourish. If the evil **** plays too much, a large number of devout holy light followers will be born.

Kane even prophesied that according to the urinary nature of the evil gods, there will inevitably be a'pilot area'. He believes that when the time comes, the evil gods will even miss the Holy Light Sect, because the pure light sect will take advantage of the loopholes and the pure light sect. Count, talking to the demons is the real tip to the wheat.

In addition to the big situation surging under the current, another thing that caught Kane's heart was the war that took place in a star area not too far from Gradyus.

On both sides of the battle, one is the space undead who set off from Gradius to find the brothers, and the other is the Tyrannian.

Although he was late, the bug came after all.

The problem is that the undead in space can be regarded as one of the top ones among the civilizations in this universe, so it is a fierce battle.

In the end, the space undead rushed to wake up some of their compatriots and ran away because of a serious disadvantage in numbers.

As for the Tylens worm, it seemed to have been shocked by this encounter, and afterwards did not show their favorite blitz, but rested in place.

Kane felt that whether they were gestating or waiting, it would not be a good thing.

The Tylens is definitely the best-implemented population of the'Occam's Razor' theory in this universe. It has always been concise and clear, and will not look forward and backward or procrastinate.

And now that they have done so, there must be an absolute past reason.

In Kane's view, if he doesn't intervene, the Tyronn bug is currently the biggest crisis.

However, after comprehensive consideration, he decided not to take preventive actions.

On the one hand, the burden carried by the First Order is heavy enough, unless he takes the initiative, or mobilizes a large amount of power for the Worm Egg Project, otherwise there is really no spare capacity to open a new front with quality and quantity.

On the other hand, since it has determined that the development of the Holy Light Sect will slow down, it will inevitably allow the Cthulhu family to taste the sweetness and poison the creatures more vigorously within a period of time. Then, Kane would rather hold the butcher knife high than the Cthulhu. A series of.

In the Warhammer 40K universe, if the chaotic forces headed by Cthulhu are forces that add the label of'despair' to the universe from the spiritual level, then the Tyrann Zerg, from the material level, add the label of'despair' to the universe. Power.

However, this statement, in the original history, was only realized by sentient beings, including evil gods, through the invasion of the galaxy by the Tylens bug.

This is because, at the current time, the Milky Way is very popular. Even if other galaxies have intelligent life and interstellar civilization, they are not as large, large, prosperous and complicated as the Milky Way.

Therefore, the Tyrannian worms raged in other galaxies, and even Cthulhu did not feel deeply.

The original history was that the Chaos forces also joined the anti-insect coalition, and they were still abused, and only then did they realize the horror of the insect swarm.

Then the more you study, the more horrible you feel.

At the strategic level, the Insect Swarm has no flaws and can defeat them, it must be because the hard power is better There will be no other reasons.

So even Kane mentioned the Tyronn Swarm panicked, because once a full-scale war starts, the small but refined First Order will die without suspense, and it will be ugly. Even if he ends the game and hangs up, it is still not enough to fill the hole. , It will expose the fact that his family is weak.

Some people may say, isn’t the Creator’s compulsion to have no friends?

That's right, but the Tyranids are extraordinary, which means they have the potential to shake the Creator.

Even if the probability is extremely low, there are so many people, so many ants can kill elephants.

And the Tylen bug is not as literary as the Zeger bug in the SC universe. The lack of flaws at the strategic level means that it is difficult for Kane to use technology or strategies to eliminate the numerical advantage of the Tylens bug.

Of course, Kane won't really be killed. As the creator, he is indeed invincible. He can't beat him and he can still run.

But he ran away, only to solve his own safety problem, what about the others?

Kane wondered, he understood this because he had the memory of the prophet, and other people didn't understand it, even the evil **** didn't understand it.

Therefore, taking advantage of this is just the beginning, let sentient beings taste the horror of the worm coming. Moreover, the First Order also has a lot of issues about the Tylens, which need to be proved by sacrificing human lives. For example, what is the mechanism of the Tylens calling for reinforcements and responding to them.

If you understand this, you might be able to use fishing tactics.

However, even if the fishing tactic is successful, it will only delay the time for the full-scale invasion of the Tylen insects.

Just as a special existence said when evaluating the Warhammer 40K universe: The human empire, and even the Milky Way, the Warhammer 40K universe was finally destroyed by Cthulhu or by the Swarm. This is almost doomed, so it's desperate!


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