Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1341: Law of Destiny 55

From plain and boring to exciting and interesting, ups and downs are the most common destiny and even the trend of event development.

Kane's encounter in the Warhammer 40K universe seems to be like this.

The 200-odd years of farming in the Big Dipper area began to explode after the establishment of the window world Kulna. It was the peak of the creation of light and evil and the use of darkness.

Then it quickly slides down the peak and valley, which is also a kind of brewing, like a roller coaster, descending, often in order to climb a higher peak.

The new peak is the gathering of the top forces of Warhammer's 40K universe, and then a result that can determine who can speak loudest for thousands of years afterwards.

Tylen insect, four evil gods, first order, or something else?

Kane's main hope is the Egg Project executed by Miranda.

The seeds have been sown, and the growth cycle will not exceed ten years at most.

Ten years, for the cosmic scale, it is really just a snap.

But as long as the plan is basically smooth, then Kane will no longer have to worry about the wealth of the Four Evil Gods and the large number of Tylen insects.

Hundreds of thousands of insect nests go hand in hand to start harvesting. The First Order will become the most efficient force in resource harvesting in this universe, and it will be a family larger than the sum of other families.

Once at that stage, Kane can say that he is invincible.

After all, the war is about the economy, and the thing is about the resources. No matter how powerful soldiers and good plans are stacked, it is no match for the general trend.

The total resources of the Warhammer 40K universe has its upper limit, and the production scale and speed of the First Order determines that it will eventually occupy the vast majority of the total resources, which is the general trend.

In order to establish a general victory, Kane created a light **** and gave up the stage, and used the dark sky to increase mystery. He even used the Holy Light Sect and the human empire as bait, and ignored the invasion of a Tylen insect. These elements firmly attracted the attention of opponents.

And he himself, after the layout, was immersed in the creator project.

In fact, from the perspective of the priority of things, his current priority is to find an energy source that can prop up a divine force field in the sand sea lagoon when the energy storm caused by the deity's rigidity sweeps Gradius.

After all, in the process of digging and exploring the divine power gate, it has been proved that the system does not have the ability to suddenly support the divine power that covers more than one million square kilometers of land.

This mystery means that the unpredictable impact is a problem that needs to be solved first for any chess player who wants to make the situation develop according to his own wishes.

Therefore, Tricky started, fear of abuse, and Guangming Shenyi also started. They are searching and exploring through their own channels and methods.

It's just that they lag behind Kane and his first order in all aspects, so there is no need to mention the technical aspect. Kane's "dark sky" deeply affected their cognition and thinking, which is the focus.

Cautiousness is just the basis. All three parties are eager to know the secrets, but they are afraid to catch fire.

Coupled with the First Order's control over Gradieus, the exploration progressed slowly.

In this context, if Kane goes all out, there is a high probability that he will be the first.

However, when Kane discovered the divine power gate and the dead world behind, his thoughts have changed a lot from the beginning.

Especially after discovering that the other side of the shaft of the Dead Realm, the Universe of the Universe turned out to be the World of Monsters, there are some unusual ideas.

The key point that is very different from the ordinary lies in the concept of'destiny'.

When it comes to'destiny', we must start with the information revealed to him by the **** King Eugen.

Eugen said that Gaowei's him is also very famous, but he was defeated. Now he is just a remnant soul.

This information is straightforward, but detailed analysis is very general.

At that time, and even for a long time afterwards, he didn't even understand what ‘high dimension’ was.

It is just to confirm that this ‘higher dimension’ is not the same concept as the theoretical fifth, sixth, and Nth dimensionality cognized by people on earth.

In addition, if you look closely at the remnant soul, you will find that there are a lot of words.

After all, Kane is very sure that his soul is complete, whether it is before or after rebirth.

Before rebirth, he was a human being on the earth, and he could be anonymous, and then he became a reincarnation. The reincarnation has a characteristic, that is, ‘as long as you don’t die, you can get ahead.’

He also made his fortune through this characteristic.

He was later reborn by the pit. Rebirth was actually a kind of replenishment. His soul swallowed the true spirit assigned to the original Kane Shafik by the dark HP universe.

Therefore, the Dark HP Universe is his second hometown, and it is completely okay to call him Kane Shafik. After all, after ‘weareone’ once, they no longer distinguish each other.

This is also one of the important reasons why he returned to the HP universe as soon as he achieved the position of Creator, trying to obtain all the information of that universe.

He has a deep bond with the dark HP universe.

Unlike the Warhammer 40K universe, the situation can't be worsened, and he can pat his **** and leave.

The dark HP universe is not good. He is not even willing to change too much the established development process of the earth human civilization in the popular universe. He is worried that there will be some moths that cannot hold before the information is collected, so he emphasizes harmony and stability. , Prevent micro-duty.

The topic turned back. Since he confirmed that his soul is complete, where does the "Remnant Soul" start?

He certainly wouldn't think it was because the **** Eugen spoke improperly or ran the train with his mouth full.

After reaching the level of a high-level deity, the export is basically a constitution, and there must be a corresponding.

Of course, the specifics are also divided into circumstances, at least when talking about business, you can't talk about it.

Moreover, the language used to speak on business matters is unusual. It can be said to be directly bound to the spirits and laws. This is why the words of the gods are so powerful in every word.

Against this background, Kane naturally tried to interpret the concept of "remnant soul".

Is it from the perspective of strength?

For example, the complete soul is very powerful, but now he is less than a point, then it is indeed a remnant soul.

This was already the most reliable speculation he could think of at the time, after all, lacking the corresponding information, it could only be guessing.

After maintaining such a guessing cognition for a long time, with the accumulation of knowledge, Kane has another perspective on the "remnant soul", which is destiny.

Destiny, as a superior law, is a kind of thing of fifty-five percent even for the creator who is proficient in this way.

There will always be an uncertainty of more than 50%, and no matter how great it is, it cannot cross the 50% line.

After having the perspective of looking at problems from the perspective of fate, a long time passed, specifically after absorbing Zhao Wenrui's legacy.

Kane confirmed the saying that'the main road is fifty, the sky is forty-nine, escape the one.'

This statement is confirmed not because it is a super insight common to the entire multiverse, but because Kane finally understands, or in other words, has a deeper understanding of the concept of "idealism".

I said yes, it is.

I believe it.

The earliest, the earliest, this statement just sounds cool, very embarrassing, and very domineering.

But after a series of deepening understanding of "seeing a mountain is a mountain, seeing a mountain not a mountain, seeing a mountain or a mountain, seeing everything can be a mountain", it finally transformed to the current depth of cognition.

At the same time, the concept of "high dimension" is also deepened.

This is also the main reason why the deity of Kane seems to have not seen it for a while, and there is no earth-shattering change, the main reason is suddenly able to open dimensions in various universes.

Because you understand and communicate, you can do it. It's not a matter of suffocating it, but when the effort comes, it will be a matter of course, and there will be no waves.

More precisely, it is enlightenment.

Extraordinary, what you play is ‘Ideal’.

The key is to convince yourself and believe it.

How deep is the belief, how true it is.

‘The place covered by my divine mind is my kingdom of God. Within my kingdom of God, I am the Supreme Dharma. ’

If you can't do it, or if you don't do well in the state described in this sentence, it can only show that the existence is still on the way forward and there is no success.

For example, Kane now.

As the creator, he can only stay in the core **** domain to realize this description. Going further, he will have to break the authority with the laws of the universe, and whoever says it is more important.

Of course, it involves important factors such as information control and resource consumption, which is quite complicated. It's really difficult to say it for the purpose.

The topic turned again. For Kane, whether the ‘Fifty Great Dao...’ is the ultimate truth is not the point. The point lies in whether this statement is part of his Creator’s legal system.

Yes, then it is his truth.

Some people may say, isn't this just lonely self-admiration, others don't recognize it, is it interesting?

The answer is yes.

As far as the Creator is concerned, as long as he exists, this truth is meaningful, and it is better if others do not recognize it. The truth will become rare information, unique information, and more powerful.

This is the fundamental reason why the existence of Hedao is easy to seal and difficult to kill.

All in all, this is the situation.

Moreover, Kane also realized that he could use the ‘Fifty Great Avenue...’ as the principle of his own legal system, which was traceable.

And this has a trace to follow, a simple summary: environment determines character, character determines destiny.

In other words, whether it is Gao Wei's defeat, or the current him, or his clone, some fundamental things are difficult to change and can be deduced.

To study the law of destiny and to be proficient in the law of destiny starts from this derivation.

So, as far as he and all his clones are concerned, who are everyone in this respect?

Naturally, it was Zhao Wenrui. He really lived long enough. The time spent as a floating object in the universe was thousands of times the sum of the years spent by the deity + all other split bodies.

Kane’s deity inherited Zhao Wenrui’s legacy. Even if the knowledge is digested, it is still like the richest man in Xihong City. He quickly went from a salted fish in a certain field to the market and has the qualification to play games on the table. The fat fish may be far away from the shark predators, but I don’t know how many layers have already passed.

This is like the comprehensive mentality of working class people who can never rely on thinking and want to understand financial freedom.

Zhao Wenrui's legacy not only boosted Kane's status in a rocket-like manner, but also allowed him to re-enter a state of rapid growth, making progress at all times.

Like returning to the dark HP universe from the Warhammer 40K universe not long ago, it seemed that he had just returned most of the spirits, and the returned Kane was much weaker than before. But if you talk about ability, it is a lot higher than before.

When the two are in opposition, you will find that even if it is 10% of the soul, the strength is stronger than the 70% of the past.

This is growth.

The dark sky was also cast under this background.

Putting it aside, even if it can be used in the same way, it will not be as easy as it is now.

However, Kane now is not too excited or proud of this kind of thing.

Because of his attention, he has focused on some concepts and problems that are more fascinating and ideal for ordinary people.

For example, his relationship with the defeated Gao Wei.

The in-depth grasp of the law of fate made him vaguely understand the relationship.

‘The avenue is fifty, Tianyan’s forty-nine, escape one’.

He who is high-dimensional is a great way, a powerful and unmatched creator.

Tianyan 49, Tianyan, is the part that can be explored in the law of fate, where the environment determines character and character determines fate.

And he is the one who escaped.

This, it occupies a fiercely 50% share of destiny, so that any existence proficient in the law of destiny, when it wants to kill an opponent through fate, can only be at most 50%.

This is the reason why Gao Wei lost his defeat, but he survived, and he is still alive now.

And this principle is also in his current system of laws. They are in the same line, there are always things in common.

Now he has seen the other side of perfection.

The dark HP universe is done, and the key closed loop is complete.

After that, every time he completes a closed loop (Dark Old Branch Universe, Marvel 20K Universe), he will be one step closer to the other side of perfection, thus achieving perfection.

However, the rule of ‘Fifty Great Avenue...’ has pros and cons.

On the positive side, no matter how bad the situation is, there is a silver lining.

On the other hand, the one that escaped was definitely not the ‘kite’ he deliberately released. It was not connected by any line, including the line of thinking.

In other words, I don't know when this escaped one will appear. According to his current state, this fear is already in the past.

But this time, Kane felt inwardly. His biggest opponent couldn't even mention the name, otherwise he would be induced and locked into the ancient gods, and it would be so big. This circle is really aimed at, is his escape one!

This was also when he discovered that the Dead Realm shaft was connected, it turned out to be the Warcraft Universe before waking up.

After all, when it comes to flying far away, among his many clones, Zhao Wenrui.

From Black Kane, to C Kane, to C Kane's soul-dividing clone, and after the soul fragmentation enough, Zhao Wenrui was born.

But the clues are elusive, but it is Kane Sun's family. Kane Sun’s separation of souls to the World of Warcraft is a big accident. Variable), but also with confirmed deaths...

Zhao Wenrui’s line has already been recovered, but Kane Sun’s line is broken, making it the most likely branch to be born.

Kane pondered that his arch enemy was also quite skilled in the way of fate, and it was not difficult to see if he ran into the dark HP universe time after time layout.

So, based on this information to reason, it is very possible that all the experiences of him and his clone were understood by the ancient **** through the technique of fate and some other high-end techniques.

Of course, this kind of insight is vague and general, focusing only on the key points, rather than the fact that the family love ethics series is as small as watching.

It is precisely because of the thought that the ancient god's plot was the one who escaped, and that he might be able to stop him first, that he was particularly concerned about the journey of the Warcraft universe. After spending a year in the fairy palace, nothing else Action, there are reasons for this.

In the end, he chose to face it, and the journey of exploration of Broken Azeroth officially opened...


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