Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1345: Layout the future first

Search and rescue in the dense forest, this kind of thing is a concept of ‘focus’ for those close to the person being rescued, which covers all perceptions.

This kind of emotional coverage can even make people trance, ignoring time, fatigue, etc.

Grum is in such a state now.

Plus I didn't like Olaf. As a result, Olaf made a few words on the road, and Grum didn't care at all.

Olaf naturally noticed Grum's absent-mindedness, so he didn't bother.

The luck of the two of them was not bad, they walked crookedly, but squatted straight, getting closer and closer to Yacarly.

At this time, Yacari also went from the initial state of confusion to another state of panic and worry. She began to taste the fear of loneliness and powerlessness, and became more and more unbearable over time.

Therefore, when he heard Olaf and Grum's call again, he could no longer care about the others, and responded hoarsely.

Kane has always relied on powerful soul perception to monitor the entire area, seeing that there are really no factors that may complicate things, such as bad guys and beasts. Without these, he knows that Destiny did not arrange the Son of Destiny to be at this stage. In the face of disasters, they did not try to embarrass them.

So Yakari met Olaf and Grum, and then Yakari plunged into Olaf's arms.

Kane whispered in his heart, and he has a deeper understanding of the word'girl outgoing'.

Grum was naturally very unhappy about this. He deliberately brought Yakari and Sacco together.

It's not entirely because Nicolas has a good family background, and Olaf's family is in trouble, and the possibility of a reversal is extremely low.

Grum actually has his own analysis. The economic conditions are one, and the family is safe. The other is that Nicolas is extroverted, has high emotional intelligence, is not bad in speaking and doing things, and the skills are just right. If Jacari can marry Nicolas , Her own life will not be bad, the family will not say how much she will follow, at least she will not cause lawsuits or trouble.

In addition, Grum and Yakari’s father is not capable and a bit greedy. Grom and Yakari have been suffering from poverty since they were young. If their mother were not virtuous and capable, they would take up the soul of the family. More difficult.

And their mother’s only shortcoming is that they are illiterate and superstitious, like the situation in Olaf’s family. From their mother’s perspective, they can hide as far as they can. One is to avoid getting bad luck, and the other is The chaos in the elite circle is so dark that ordinary people can't afford it.

So whether it is from an economic perspective, an elders perspective, or a love perspective, Grum thinks that Sacco is the more appropriate one.

And Olaf, regardless of his family background, just talk about his personality. Grum thinks that his city is deep, so people can’t guess and can bear it. This kind of person, how he thinks, is not a good match for Yacari. Friends should be more guarded.

Seeing what Akali was doing at this moment, Grum was very angry, but he couldn't explain it clearly, so he said that what Akali did was not:

"I said I won't let you come, you want to follow. Just follow, you are a little wary when you go out! Tell me why you run so far? How about being a home?"

Olaf persuaded from the side: "Well, I guess Yakari also lost her way and walked so deep. This forest is also a bit special. It doesn't look dense and makes people negligent..."

Grum took the opportunity to scold Olaf: "Don't excuse her, I'm also doing her good. This time I was lucky. I found it in two trips. Next time..."

Yacari whimpered with tears and pouted, "Don't worry, there will never be another time."

Grum snorted: "Look at Xuan! Please prove me wrong with actual actions!"...

The three of them just accompany their mouths, turning back to join Kane and Nicolas. On the way back, neither brother nor sister noticed this detail of how Olaf distinguished the way.

Kane had noticed that Olaf seemed to have a talent for ‘path finding’, but this talent alone was not enough to determine whether Olaf’s bloodline was natural affinity or some other extraordinary inheritance.

But it is still helpful to further determine the identity of the son of destiny. The sons of destiny generally have great potential to be tapped, which can be regarded as the experience of Kane's reincarnation.

After the meeting, they naturally took off. When the four of Sako and the others came out of Lakeside Town with a stomach of dissatisfaction, although they said,'I would rather sleep in the wild than enter a human town', they were angry. .

If you step back 10,000 steps, even if you really don’t enter the town, it’s safer to sleep in the suburbs instead of a place where you can’t find a shop in front of the village.

Then at this moment, Yakari whispered to Olaf with an embarrassed expression that she wanted it to be convenient.

Kane shook his head secretly. It was not because of Yakari’s loss of the chain, but Yakari’s choice to tell Olaf about such things. Obviously, he was not regarded as an outsider. This meant that after this incident, Yakari told Olaf. The favorability has soared.

Well, you can always get the favor of beautiful women inadvertently, and even enjoy the treatment of being chased by beautiful women. This is also the son of fate.

Of course Olaf would not choose to be a flower protector at this time, so he whispered a few words to Grum. Grum took a few glances at Yakari, but in the end it was convenient to accompany Yakari.

Olaf walked over and said politely to Kane: "Sorry, you bother, and it took time."

"You are polite. My time is not so expensive." Kane said with a smile: "Besides, who doesn't have a little girl who is loved by everyone? As far as the result is concerned, there is no danger, but for Yacarly It’s a lesson, a growth. The harvest is also okay."

Olaf nodded frequently: "Well, I am indeed Nayakali as a little sister, my sister is only half a year younger than Yakari..."

Obviously, Olaf’s words were meant for Nicolas. Regardless of whether Nicolas was really sad when Olaf was evoked, the role-playing of the best buddies is in place. He came up and patted Olaf on the shoulder and persuaded him. : "We must be able to find Leona."

Basically, such information was revealed, and no matter how much, Olaf and Sacco would not say anything.

And Yacari was quicker this time, and the five quickly got in the car and headed for the three forks.

In Kane's memory of the prophet, Sanchakou was a pure transportation hub.

If we have to say that there were people living here before, then the only permanent population, that is, in the sentry tower on the side of the Red Ridge Mountains, there are a few long-term guards.

And their main job is not to guard against the undead on the Twilight Forest, nor the Syndicate bandits and wandering wizards on the Irvine Forest, but the kobolds on the Redridge Mountain.

These kobolds did not dare to attack the lakeside town, but always harassed the trade road nearby. Once the humans sent troops to suppress them, they would retract into the mountains.

Although kobolds are primitive in terms of facility construction, they are after all a semi-civilized intelligent race. They can dig holes, build simple barriers with the help of mountains, and even make some simple metal weapons.

Therefore, even if the army comes, it is difficult to destroy them. Even if they break through their simple camps, they still have a maze of mine caves to drill. And because of their short stature, some tunnel kobolds can pass freely, but humans cannot. .

In desperation, we can only establish outposts at key points, often patrol, often deter, and often clean up to ensure the safety of trade routes.

But now, the situation is very different from the past. It is said that it started when the kingdom stationed troops at Sanchakou.

Close to Irvine's side, Sanchakou is not far from the East Valley Logging Field. The logging farm is actually a famous horse breeding ground, and most of the horses of Stormwind Kingdom come from this place.

Moreover, the Sanchakou garrison can rely on convenient roads to rush to the west of the Red Ridge Mountains, the northeast of the Twilight Forest and the east of the Irvine Forest at any time, and it can effectively deter the nearby Xiaoxiao and protect the business hub, which is very cost-effective.

With the deployment of the army, logistical support was gradually implemented, and then the hawkers who were engaged in military business changed from mobile to fixed, and finally there was a military town. Over time, the military camp is still there, but the color of the military town gradually fades. , After all, the hard-hitting barracks and running water soldiers, the soldiers have changed a lot, but the residents have settled here for generations.

Therefore, the current Sanchakou is a commercial town with strong population mobility across three places.

Really because invigorating business requires flexible policies, and the high mobility of the population often leads to poor public security, and there is a sense of negligence in geography. Therefore, there is a mixture of dragons and snakes and the social environment is very difficult.

Olaf and the others also have a certain understanding of this, after all, in this era, in the Kingdom of Stormwind, Sanchakou is not good, and it can be regarded as famous.

They originally planned to stay overnight in Hupan Town. They had a good meal the next day and walked in the morning. They basically didn't stop at noon. They went all the way through Sanchakou and arrived at Yese Town shortly after nightfall.

As a result, Hupan Town did not live in, and it was too early, which was more painful. Sleeping on the outskirts of Sanchakou, in Kane’s eyes, is a more reliable choice. Entering the town at night is easy to cause misunderstandings, especially a group of half-orcs, who may be targeted by a gang with rich nightlife. Up.

Perhaps it was because Olaf’s choice was indeed correct, or because fate was willing to let them quickly enter the main story, instead of the lengthy prelude like the "California Hotel", the overnight stay at Sanchakou was relatively safe from beginning to end. What happened.

Kane also waited until the latter half of the night, when the probability of seeing an incident dropped greatly, and then he made another act, but it was not a fuss, but a supper and a good meal.

Olaf and the others didn't have a good dinner, precisely because they stayed in a hotel with a combination of board and lodging, and then had an argument with the locals during the meal, and then left with anger.

Young people have a lot of appetite and are hungry fast, but because of Jacarli's work, it consumes energy and energy, and is already hungry.

It is because of lack of travel experience. I was clever and didn’t even buy a few pancakes. When I rested at night, I was naturally hungry and hungry. The simple camp and the relatively awkward car also let people rest. not good.

It can be said that, except for Kane, they basically took a nap. After the tiredness was relieved, they woke up from hunger, and then they could not sleep.

In this case, Kane conjured delicious food, which naturally won the hearts of several people.

"Come on, don't ask, want to eat, this is my specialty, you can beat me if it doesn't taste good!" Kane said deliberately with a little smug.

To be honest, the food is not very good. It is brown, like arthropod arthropods, but Olaf and the others can't think of any arthropods with such a head and limbs.

But the faintly smelling scent of food really stimulates their appetite and makes them willing to try.

So I learned from Kane, used stones as cutting boards and hammers, smashed the arthropods, then peeled off the chitin shells and ate the meat inside.

The taste is similar to that of crab meat, delicate and chewy, but more fragrant. The flavor of the meat itself is very unique and impressive.

"Come on, dip it with salt and pepper, it tastes better. It's uniquely prepared."

Olaf and the others didn't hesitate this time, they tried it, and it was delicious almost to tears. It's not an exaggeration, but it's really delicious. In addition, they are really hungry. Hungry itself has a sweetness bonus.

The food prepared by Kane is quite generous, in addition to barbecue, and stew. The stewed broth was praised by several people.

At this time, I saw the difference between several people again. What Saco cares about is the ingredients, especially the roots and fungi in the stew. They are all characteristic and very delicious. Don't even talk about eating before, but he didn't even see it. Have seen.

Kane didn't hide it, telling him that the root-shaped stone cauliflower (characteristic of Warcraft) is a potion that needs to be dealt with, but the method is not difficult.

The fungus is called blueberry fungus. An important reason for its failure to serve is that it itself is very small, clusters, and looks like damp, moldy mildew.

Like the arthropods that everyone eats, magic is the key to the reason why blueberry fungus can be served on the This is a kind of magic that can magnify objects. It must be a magical energy order. Substances proliferate rapidly, resulting in tens of times the original substance. The essence behind it is the conversion of mass to energy.

This magic was not invented by Kane, but a non-combat magic with the characteristics of Warcraft.

The food civilization of World of Warcraft is already very developed, and this ingenious idea comes from the fox people in the Wharton Desert on the three islands of Zandalar.

The foxman, known as the gypsies of World of Warcraft, is called a caravan pulled by alpaca, and the sojourner of the times. This kind of magnified magic between magic and witchcraft is based on the environment and Was born under the background of basic needs.

Kane’s main purpose for preparing this supper was to introduce himself to change directions. He was both a traveler and a young shaman who followed the ‘Ancestor’s Way’.

This was done to impress Olaf and the others, and also to get a psychological shot.

His personal needs determine that they will meet again in the future.

And the script he arranged for it was that Olaf and the others encountered something, they were in a foreign land, and they were helpless. At this time, it was a coincidence that they met him again, thinking that he was a shaman, he should have some ability. Then he asked for help, and the relationship would be normalized.

Yes, Kane is paving the way for the near future.

Nothing happened at the Sanchakou, so at around noon tomorrow, we will arrive at Night City, and this road is basically a smooth road. When he arrived at Night City, Kane would take the long-distance bus to Ping An Town, which is Crow Ridge, as Olaf had previously suggested.

Kane was naturally not prepared for ink stains, so he was suspicious and annoying. So tonight I will find an opportunity to settle the foreshadowing. Say goodbye to noon tomorrow.

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