Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1346: From bright to dark

Nicolas pays attention to materials and is willing to ponder. He obviously wants to cook his own food and even use it to make money.

Yacari is more true to what she is eating, Kane told her, a kind of small spider. In exchange, she shuddered and squirmed, but she didn't see her so she ate less.

Grum also showed a lot of attention to the ingredients, but when he heard that it needed to be processed by magic, he immediately lost interest and focused on enjoying the food.

Olaf focused on salt and pepper, and used it as the starting point for the topic, asking Kane some knowledge of wilderness travel.

Kane chose a part of the report, including the value of salt and pepper, which can be used for frying, roasting and frying. With it, simple processing can also make food tasteful. Traveling in the wilderness, only this kind of condiment is enough. .

After eating a pile of meals, Kane clearly felt that the four of Olaf had become more alert to him, but he was a little surprised that no one asked spell-related questions, so he was prepared in advance. The rhetoric is useless.

"Are you accustomed to those who have the ability to cast spells? Or do you think it's inappropriate to ask such questions in a shallow way?"

Kane didn't think too much, and felt that he would interact with each other in the future. He was really interested in this question, and he would be able to ask the answer later.

But then I remembered this moment today, but I regretted it a little. I felt that if I could say more, it would probably not happen so much.

It turned out that the shaman, an extraordinary combat position, was originally rare in the alliance because it was closely related to the cultural characteristics of civilization.

Like humans, gnomes, and blood elves, the cultural characteristics of their civilizations are incompatible with the shaman’s ‘all things have anim’, at least until today.

These civilizations, whether they are technological civilization, mechanical civilization, or magic civilization, emphasize research and analysis, and then control and use them.

Only the kind of population culture that admires or even exalts nature too much, and deified it, is more suitable for the birth of the war position of'shaman'.

For example, the tribal races, orcs, trolls, and tauren, in the process of interacting with nature, their materialistic efforts are obviously insufficient, mainly manifested in the lack of scientific and systematic awareness and methods to analyze natural phenomena.

So they try to achieve the face through the idealistic method, which has the saying that ‘all things have anim’.

The key point of this statement is not that they respect everything in nature more, but that through this statement, the assumption that everything can communicate is established.

‘Living’ means having self-awareness, knowing good or bad and having emotions, so that you can interact like people and people, ask for help, and borrow power from them.

As for the non-response of the other party, either you have insufficient sincerity, or you have poor affinity and affinity, or lack of talent in this area. It's like some people can't speak, just offend someone with just one mouth.

Since it is such a "ideal" gameplay, even if this is a high magic universe, it also emphasizes the concept of "faith". As for the intelligent beings in the context of materialistic civilization, they put everything in a position equal to themselves, even if it is a stone or a blade of grass, it can be negotiated, and if there are contacts and exchanges, they can borrow but have to pay back. Yes, this is kind of ridiculous.

Why not dominate it, conquer the world, and dare to change the world? We have been doing this for a long time, and the results have been good!

So, the key conflict point is here.

Take the humans of Azeroth, their roots and feet are one of the smart devices made by the Titans to maintain the order of Azeroth. Later, they were cursed by the flesh and blood of the ancient gods, thus giving birth to the tall Vrykul people.

Later, as the continent of Kalimdor broke apart and dispersed, it gradually became smaller in the process of adapting to the local environment.

This is well understood. During the Jurassic period, the oxygen content was high, and all mosquitoes on the earth had a wingspan of a meter.

When Kalimdor was still in Mu, there was a huge difference in the environment after the collapse.

In any case, the humans of Azeroth were not "made from scratch" from the beginning, and they have not experienced the primitive age or the stone age. Instead, they have regressed in science and technology and lost the same set of technology they had when they were made by Titans.

The main reason for this was not the separation caused by the great changes in heaven and earth, but before that, the original immortal physique was destroyed by the curse of flesh and blood, and the knowledge inheritance mechanism that instilled knowledge during manufacturing.

Soon after the various human ministries merged into a nation under the political hand of Emperor Thoras, the predecessors of the blood elves, the Quel'Dorei, appeared.

Quel'Dorei was mainly due to its small population, and was overwhelmed in the long-term fierce battle with the Amani Troll Empire, so he chose humans as cannon fodder.

Humans had nothing to complain about at the time. If they wanted to gain, they had to pay. Quel'Dorei's knowledge of arcane arts was very coveted. It is precisely because of this national-level job that humans have a mage. An extraordinary career.

With the Quel'dorei as the teacher, the path of the human wizard is the arcane school that is more inclined to study magic in a scientific way, if it is not the warlock system that fights the ancestors' feelings.

Therefore, on the side of the Alliance, the Shaman warships are mainly draenei and dwarves.

Night elves are theoretically possible, but they are deeply bound by the way of the druids. The way of the druids and the way of the shamans even have some sectarian differences, because they are all natural, but the druids It pays more attention to interaction with other types of life, while shaman is a bit forceful, so it is more inclined to interact with elements, including the fifth element, soul.

In this context, the way of ancestors in Kane’s mouth actually refers to the path believed by the orthodox orcs of Draenor. The most representative one is the Frost led by Durotan, the father of Thrall, the greatest chieftain in tribal history. The wolf clan, and Thrall’s teacher, Drek'Thar.

Half-orcs are not tolerant of human society, nor is it simply that humans cannot tolerate foreign races. Half-orcs themselves have problems.

In Kane's view, half-orcs are more suitable for Shamanism, at least at this stage.

Because of the shaman's emphasis on the fifth element, it is relatively easy for them to become spiritual leaders of the race.

For today's half-orcs, it is precisely that spiritual construction is the most important.

Establish beliefs, build beliefs, unite the strength of the ethnic group, improve yourself, and improve the dilemma that has always been. After all, those who have power will be respected most of the time.

This is true for individuals, and the same goes for groups. It's a mess, and there is not even a top-faced character who can represent the group. It's normal to be bullied.

But in reality, Kane took it for granted.

He thought that among the half-orcs, more or less inherited some knowledge of shamanism.

After all, there is also the concept of'passing on through the ages and increasing suitability' in combat positions.

Like the way of the night elves in the way of the druids, when Cenarius, the **** of the forest, preached, it was quite difficult, but after tens of thousands of years of reproduction, most of the newly born night elves are naturally suitable to become druids, even Have great related talents.

This is not only the influence of the social atmosphere and the influence of the family education, after all, talent is innate.

The way of shaman is the same. As long as the blood is not contaminated, many people will have their own ‘psychic’ talent. To put it more bluntly, they can see ghosts when they are young.

With this condition, with a little guidance, you can embark on the road of shamanism.

Considering from this perspective, Kane felt that the battle position of Shaman, even if it was minimal or even non-authentic among the half-orcs, would never completely cut off the inheritance.

However, reality made a joke with him. At least for the half-orcs in the Kingdom of Stormwind, the shaman warship has really been cut off, and even its name belongs to remote knowledge.

The specific reason is related to a period in the kingdom. Roughly speaking, a certain exiled orc engaged in trouble, digging graves, and threatened the nobles including the king and the souls of the ancestors of ordinary people.

The meat drama is that the hostage rescue operation carried out by Stormwind Kingdom failed. Specifically, the strategy of turning the tiger away from the mountain and attacking the west was seen in time, so that the human side who was unwilling to be coerced could only attack hard.

Participants kept secret about the specific results of that incident. The focus of official external propaganda is only to emphasize that casualties are minimal.

However, judging from the cult cleanup and banned book investigations that were launched in the entire kingdom shortly afterwards, the human side suffered a lot at that time. Later, the ‘Ancestor is gone’ that came out of the gossip basically confirmed this.

Therefore, the way of shaman was basically eradicated in the Kingdom of Stormwind after the great investigation and suppression. Even though it could be passed down through word of mouth at that time, this kind of sneaky method was very hurtful for a subject that requires study and practice. In addition, the society as a whole is peaceful and stable, and it did not hesitate to manipulate The method of defining it as a cult also has the urgency of survival to gain some strength.

In this way, after hundreds of years, the shamanism disappeared from the folks.

Grum and Yacarly, who came from the bottom family, didn’t even have this concept. Nicolas and Olaf knew a little bit, but Nicolas believed that he had a high emotional intelligence, and said, “It’s forbidden to find such an underdog. Do you want to add a bit of mystery, as you please!"

So he complimented a few words: "Wow, it turns out to be extraordinary, amazing!"...

Olaf pretended to be deaf and dumb, mainly because it was a taboo in the Kingdom of Stormwind. He felt that Kane might be playing a little maverick, so he chose this term, which is cool and exciting. What I play is illegal, isn't it powerful? Is the road wild?

But he didn't want to get involved. The trouble in his family was already troublesome enough, and he could no longer have anything to do with cults.

As a result, the topic of shaman was quickly exposed. The four of Olaf satisfied their appetites, relaxed, and fell asleep one after another. They even volunteered to watch the night and even boasted of Gro. Mu, also quickly slept in the car.

Kane doesn't need to sleep, close his eyes and rest until dawn.

The situation on the second day was not much different from what Kane had expected. The only episode was that when he passed the Sanchakou, he was still made trouble by the local sheriff who was watching people with discriminatory glasses.

It may also be accustomed to endurance and patience. Even Grum, who is stupid and owed, is not like many young people of this age. Even if he has tolerated his actions, he can't help but be happy.

The sheriff and his colleagues didn't find a reason to go wild, and after a few more sarcasm, they let them go.

Later in the car, Sacco and the others thought that it was a wise move not to enter Sanchakou Town last night, otherwise they would not know how to make things difficult.

Although this episode can be described as a surprise, it also delayed time. Sanchakou is a bit far away from Yese Town. It set off early in the morning, and Biao had to arrive at full speed in the afternoon. Now, after a delay, when it arrives, it is It's too late at 15 o'clock in the afternoon.

Thanks to Kane's reintroduction, a few people were content to eat breakfast, otherwise their hungry eyes would be blue at the moment.

Olaf proposed to Kane to have dinner together. After all, it was not early. It was dark and early in autumn. Olaf and the others had their own car, and they were all going to rest for the night before going on the road. constraint.

Kane declined, saying that he had told them to report to them during the ride. Supper + breakfast was barely enough. If he interrupted, he seemed a little confused. Then coolly said goodbye to leave.

Looking at the back of Kane leaving, Grum commented: "It's still acquainted, if you ask him our food budget will be overrun."

Nicolas said: "I am a particular person."

Olaf shook his head lightly, said nothing, and said in his heart: "If it is left in my house before the accident, I must make friends with such a person."...

Night City is indeed a big city, its streets are prosperous, and there are many passers-by of all kinds, so half-orcs like Kane are also inconspicuous.

After separating from Nicolas and the others, he quickly found his prey, an old man who looked a little learned. Although he was an ordinary person, his soul was stronger than an ordinary person. Judging from Kane’s experience, this means that his thinking is active. If you use your brain to be higher than ordinary people, and accumulate it over time, it will have this effect, and it can be compared with the superficial academic temperament.

Although Kane’s skills are high, if you add a limit that does not harm the soul of the target, it will inevitably be inconvenient to read his memory.

Kane specifically used the more commonly used "Yellow Beam One Dream" style to let the old man have a dream and spend his life in the dream. During this period, he arranged some bureaus that involved Kane's interest. Then, the corresponding information, It was also reflected in the old man's choices and concrete actions.

As a result, before the play was finished, they realized that Olaf and his party had drove away from the night town.

What about taking a rest for the night before going on the road?

Kane just made some hands and feet in the food to facilitate him to roughly determine the position of the opponent. He believes that this level will not trigger a change in the law of fate. But correspondingly, it is not clear what happened to Olaf and the others.

Kane thought for a moment, and after all he decided to give up watching the "Life Drama". After all, he could create the "Life Drama" at any time. If the drama of the Son of Destiny was missed, he would really miss it.


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