Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1347: Ticket test is on the road

Olaf and his party hurried out of town, indeed because of something happened.

Specifically because of Yakari.

To be fair, this matter cannot be entirely blamed on Olaf being the son of destiny. He has a humanoid calamity attribute. They are young and lack experience, which is also an important reason.

In this world, beneath the surface, there is a wave of undercurrents surging. There are evildoers in any world, but in the transcendental world, it becomes more rampant.

Take this residence as an example.

People who don't have much travel experience love to save on this. Xin said: "I'm just looking for a place to sleep temporarily, not for enjoyment, it's almost enough."

This is a typical failure to pay attention to security issues.

Olaf and the others are like this, because they are not rich in money, they wonder if they can save or save, anyway they just stay overnight and leave. But he didn't know that he had been targeted by a local snake who specializes in the business of ‘passerby’.

If Olaf and the others stayed in a good hotel, on the one hand, the hotel would not let those messy things infiltrate for their own brand, and on the other hand, they would be more worried about doing unscrupulous transactions. After all, their purpose was to seek profit, not to cause trouble. Just slaughtering the wrong sheep and causing trouble to manage official channels is expensive. Costs like this must be estimated in advance.

However, Olaf and the others chose to live in a cheap hotel, and they have a second-hand car. The interpretation of the snake is: the family took advantage of some money, but they can’t talk about how rich they are. Or, this is a few young people who came up in interest and sneaked out. of.

Generally speaking, this kind of sheep is between slaughter and not slaughter, depending on the specific situation, but with Yacari, it immediately becomes this single can be done.

The key is rare, half-orcs can grow like Yacari, there are not many, and the observers have eye poison, and they can see that Yacari is the original product, which will be very valuable to some abnormal wealthy men.

Fortunately, Olaf was more vigilant. He noticed the situation and discussed with his friends: "Did you see that thin man? When we were at the hotel level before, he sat in the corner of the lobby and stared at us. After a while, when we left the hotel, I noticed that he was still in the lobby, and now he is here again. Is it just a coincidence?"

Whether it was a coincidence, Nicolas and the others couldn't say, but Nicolas came up with an idea, and that was to give it a try.

So the four of them quickly settled their supper, got in the car and rushed out of the city instead of returning to the hotel. For them, the important objects were either on the body or in the car. There were only a few clothes in the hotel that were soiled because of the smearing of people last night.

In the end, I tried it out. The local snake was very concerned about this business, and would rather be discovered by the client than miss it due to negligence.

So Olaf and the others quickly discovered that there was a magic electromagnetic locomotive with a unicycle adorning their car.

This kind of car has the characteristics of World of Warcraft, and for people like Kane from the original world, you can see some tribute to the famous "Star Wars". It looks like a huge iron ring, the driver's seat Inside the ring, it is magnetic-like levitation, the iron ring is rolling while traveling, and the driving part always stays at the bottom of the ring.

This kind of unicycle runs faster than Olaf's steam locomotive, but it is obviously not enough to win Olaf and his party.

So the motorcyclist watched Olaf and their car were about to leave the city, and immediately overtook them, then hit the porcelain, deliberately causing an accident.

As long as Olaf and the others can stay in the night city, even if it is only one night, the local snakes will have a way to get a rough idea of ​​Olaf and the others through the official accident interrogation channel, and they will have the final say.

However, Olaf was not only calm at the critical moment, but also courageous, so he directly let Nicolas overwhelm him, even if he was charged with escape from a traffic accident.

Nicolas still hesitated, but Olaf, the co-pilot, slammed his foot on the accelerator.

When the motorcyclist looked at this situation, his life was a matter of course. As a result, the man rolled away, and the locomotive was rolled over and could no longer be driven.

Olaf and the others drove smoothly out of the city, but the local snakes couldn't swallow the breath. After a while, they actually chased after him. There were cars and vehicles.

Kane was one step ahead of the local snakes' convoy. After confirming the situation of the four Olaf in the air, he continued to float and watch the show.

At this time, he had basically guessed the ins and outs of the incident, and felt that even if Olaf and the others did not meet him, most of them would have to go through this after they arrived in the night city.

To be honest, he couldn’t think of how Olaf and the others would resolve the current crisis. There is no professional among the four, so Olaf has some foundation, but he does not exceed the scope of physical fitness, even the level of a first-class fighter. Can't detect.

In the chasing soldiers, there were two more spellcasters and one thief at level 5 or so. Although they were all in the wild, the thief still had hidden injuries, but it was more than enough to clean up Olaf and his party.

What's more, the chasers use magic locomotives, which can be understood as an extraordinary version of electric cars, which are obviously better than the steam locomotives used by Olaf.

Kane believes that if it were not for the chasers to leave the suburbs and start their hands, then now Olaf and the others have been forced to a halt by the chasing convoy.

This situation looks completely dead.

However, the good luck of the Son of Destiny broke out at this time, and Olaf and the others encountered a long-distance bus in motion.

Grum was still surprised: "Why are there still buses at this point in time?"

Nicolas said jokingly: "Do you think it is possible that Brox is in this car?"

Kane learned from the complaints of people in the bus that the car was seriously delayed. It broke down before. After an emergency repair, it was able to drive, but he dared not hurry.

With the existence of this bus, Olaf and the others got some respite. After all, there are more than 30 pairs of eyes on the bus. If the chasing soldiers do it under such circumstances, it would be too lawless.

Kane nodded secretly, and said to his heart: "Missing this best opportunity, the son of destiny has time to think about countermeasures. Then I am afraid that the pursuit of soldiers will be empty-handed, and I will lose some manpower if I am anxious. Huh?"

Kane realized that he himself was half of the people who came over, so he didn't think that these so-called sons of destiny, at least most of them were seriously inconsistent with the heroes and deeds sung by later generations.

There is too much water, especially the part of the deeds, which is filled with a lot of over-interpretation, many of which were made up by later generations, and the parties were not necessarily so smart at the time.

Take the current situation as an example. The way Olaf and the others came up with getting rid of the chasing soldiers turned out to be after traveling with the bus for a while, then drove onto the fork in the road to Serene Garden.

According to the cultural tradition of the human kingdom of Azeroth, a place with a quiet beginning is similar to a place on the earth with a heaven beginning, and generally refers to the grave area.

The two cemeteries in the Twilight Forest have had a dark history, and those dark rumors have risen again in recent years.

Therefore, Olaf and the others went there, their thoughts were self-evident, hoping to rely on rumors to block the underworld, which is unrealistic, then there is only one left, hoping that there are really gods and strange things that can be used to help.

"Who thought of this bad idea!?" Kane disdain to comment. In his opinion, it is better to continue to accompany the bus.

In fact, Kane wronged Olaf a bit.

There are two main reasons why Olaf and the others chose Quiet Garden instead of following the bus to Yugan Town.

One, the harsh living environment encountered along the way made Olaf and the others frightened. It really is the barbaric discrimination of villages and towns, and the insidious malice of cities.

Therefore, they were not sure that they would be able to solve the problem in Yugan Town. The road is too eye-catching, it is hard not to pay attention, but in the town, it is very different, especially the half-orcs, who cares about you. It's even more likely to get mad, or just out of the tiger's mouth and enter the wolf's den again.

Second, there are acquaintances of Nicolas in Quiet Garden. They are his father’s colleagues for many years. They are not good at professional skills but have good popularity. Later, this man injured his lungs due to a magical energy leakage accident and was unable to continue working in the workshop, so he went to the quiet garden in the twilight forest.

This is also a phenomenon that happened to the half-orcs in the Kingdom of Stormwind. In addition to those who are particularly good, in general, they have some skills, and they can also be assistants, doing some dangerous and harmful specific things. jobs,

Those who don't have the skills can only sell hard, or do some ‘low jobs’ that most people are not willing to do.

Human civilization in Azeroth has not yet progressed to the level of ‘industry equality, labor glory’. Industry discrimination exists objectively and is very serious.

For example, cleaning and grave guards whose main task is to deal with feces are all discriminated against. And the former colleague of his father who asked Nicolas for help this time was the grave guard named Poole.

For this reason, Xhosa also comforted his little friend: "Although the tomb-keeper is a low-level career, I believe that Uncle Poor’s popularity will not be bad for him. And when I was young, I also liked to pester him, because In my father’s unit, he is the most patient, and it’s not because I’m young, so I’m just fooling around..."

Therefore, the second reason is to go out and rely on friends.

However, even if Kane knew these statements, he would not approve of them going to Tranquil Garden. Because his reason is more sufficient.

Where is the most dangerous place in the southern part of the Eastern Continent, or even the entire Eastern Continent?

Some would say that it was Stratholme, which was completely occupied by natural disasters, some would say that it was Blackrock Mountain, which was entrenched by several dark forces, and some would say that it was one of the curses that became the landing point for several evil orcs to land in the world of Azeroth. Ground.

Kane wants to say that these statements are wrong. The most dangerous place in the Eastern Continent is Karazhan on Deadwind Trail. There is no one.

There are many reasons why Karazhan is dangerous, but one of the most important is that it is the leader of the Burning Legion, the former **** of war in the Pantheon, and the place where Sargeras operated.

After Sargeras failed to invade Azeroth several times, he was a little impatient, so he invaded in a way equivalent to a white dragon fish suit. The specific method is that most of the proportion of souls and souls are reduced to a law of heaven and earth to allow him freedom. In the weak body in and out.

Kane actually did similar things. For example, the body he used now was the body of Legend++ at one time, but the soul was as high as 70%. This is why he later returned to the dark HP universe and merged with the deity when he had a chance. One big reason.

However, Sargeras at the time was far inferior to Kane, with fewer back lanes, fewer cards, and poor insurance. It was a true solo ride.

Then I met Aegwynn, the guardian of the Kirin Tor Council, who was also the mother of the famous Medivh.

Sargeras capsized in the gutter and was defeated by Aegwynn. But there is also a second move, that is, through the way of seizing the house, the soul occupies the body of Medivh who is still a fetus.

However, for technical reasons and many considerations, Sargeras did not replace Medivh, but became his dark side.

Later, Medivh inherited Aegwynn's power, and at the same time inherited the title and position of the guardian, and wealth, status, and authority were successively obtained.

Then naturally it is to be a demon. The Cursed Land was originally integrated with the Swamp of Sorrows. It was a large wetland with lush forests. As a result, there was no grass growing because of the Dark Portal.

And the display of a series of dark technologies, including the Dark Portal, is not made out of nothing, nor is technology alone. It must be combined with the local environment, which requires a lot of research and experimentation.

This is a hurdle that even Kane, who has always claimed to be a high-tech player, can't get around. It's just that because it is really good, it is changed to information collection, and most of the experiments can be basically done by supercomputer virtual deduction.

Sargeras does not have the technical background of Kane's, so it has been involved in planning matters such as the Dark Portal for decades, and Karazhan is its mage tower and research institute.

Even if they have a certain understanding of Karazhan's past, many think that the Upwind Path where Karazhan is located was abandoned when the cursed land took shape.

In fact, it is not. The desolation of the Deadwind Path must precede the cursed land. It's just that the energy impact when the Cursed Land took shape completely lifted the cover of the last layer of the Deadwind Path, and it became like that.

Only a few people, such as Medivh’s friend Lothar and his apprentice Khajiade, can determine this truth.

And these people were all members of the crusade squad that year, that is, they killed Medivh, who was getting worse and worse.

It is a bit ironic to say that they can succeed because of Medivh's sober kindness and friendship with friends and students.

Therefore, although this is a heroic event of great significance to the entire world of Azeroth, the parties seldom want to mention it, or even think about it.

Especially after Lothar fell in the Burning Plains, he was even more reluctant to mention it, so as not to cause criticism and become a stain on the heroes who were criticized.

This is not just a matter of cherishing fame, but the most indispensable thing in Azeroth is the existence of telling right and wrong, causing hostility, hatred, confrontation, and war. For example, the Nathrezim clan who are proficient in this way are the important dreadlords of the Burning Legion.

Karazhan’s danger, in addition to the contaminated land and the remnants of a large amount of dark research, is the most important one is that there are broken law barriers and passages to outer space.

Although this passage guarded by the prince of the Eredans Maczal, for powerful beings like Sargeras, Kil'jaeden, and Archimonde, it is like an elephant facing a mouse hole. Drill through, but the channel is the channel.

The cosmic virtual spirits who like ‘break through the empty door’ and ‘dig a large tomb’ have used it.

Later, the Legion had a temporary period, and the Burning Legion had also made articles about it. The troops under the command of Big Eyed Watcher Viz Edem were even accompanied by several Fel Warships.

If it weren't discovered in time by the Allied forces of Azeroth and successfully countered, it would be the second passage to the Tomb of Sargeras (the main passage for the Burning Legion to enter Azeroth during the temporary period of the Legion).

These pasts are evidence of danger. Kane has reason to believe that even today, Karazhan is not a good place for those master-level combatants.

It's not that the cleanup and aftermath work done in the past was not dedicated enough, but for the intelligent races of Azeroth, the Burning Legion that crossed the Warcraft universe has an absolute advantage in technology.

The reason why the Azeroth coalition has been able to repeatedly win is because of good luck on the one hand, and on the other hand, the use of the Burning Legion’s shortcomings such as arrogance and arrogance. The key to the portal, and later the Illidari’s occupying the core of the Fel Hammer battleship, belonged to the Burning Legion, and Illidan and others could only use it, not make it.

In addition, the evil energy is like the darkness, which is part of the extraordinary, so it is very difficult to clean up. In this regard, there is a little meaning of ‘nuclear wasteland’.

There is an off-topic message here, since the fel energy is a part of the transcendent, then where has all the fel energy of Azeroth gone.

The answer is the ancient gods.

For example, the power of N'Zoth's nightmare, this kind of energy naturally does not appear for no reason, it is actually a manifestation of negative energy in the extraordinary power.

Going further, a sufficient proportion of negative spiritual power must be added.

Is it reminiscent of the four evil gods of the Warhammer 40K universe?

This is normal. After all, the main components that make up each universe are the same. They are invariably changeable. What changes is the form, the difference is the process, and the essence and the basic principles are almost the same.

In short, in the context of Karazhan as a sinister place, the dark age of the Twilight Forest region, although Tranquil Garden and Crow Ridge are both undead events, the nature is different.

Tranquil Garden looks slight here, it's nothing more than a banshee-level resentment, with obsession, unable to rest, and dead bodies and bones crawling out of the tomb, the strongest is just a ghoul. And the ghouls, in the plague land where the Scourge is raging, are simply cannon fodder troops on the rotten streets.

The ones in Raven Hill looked much more serious. They were Liches, Undead Army, Bone Warriors, a large number of Ghouls, Vengeful Souls, Bone Spellcasters and so on.

But from a qualitative point of view, Quiet Garden is more serious here.

Because it is a natural generation of classes.

Whether it is a banshee, a ghost, or a zombie bone, they are all born because of a suitable environment.

On the side of Crow Ridge, it was purely a man-made disaster. Someone took the opportunity to make trouble, and made such a big move.

In comparison, it is obvious that man-made disasters are better resolved, allowing sinners to fall in love with the law, and related systems to follow up, so as not to leave opportunities for those with unpredictable minds.

And environmental factors cannot be dealt with in a short time. Even if it takes great effort to rectify the seal, there is still a time when the seal is damaged. How long can such a large area be stable without solving the problem from the root?

The root of the problem of Tranquil Garden lies in Karazhan.

The two places seem to be separated by mountains, but there is actually a concept called earth veins.

Earth veins have certain characteristics of water veins, but they flow energy. To be more precise, they become a superconductor similar to superconductors after being corroded by extraordinary forces. They are especially suitable for the network of ore-like substances with extraordinary energy flow.

The essence of this type of material is the magic gem, which is often used by extraordinary craftsmen to make magical artifacts.

Moreover, the earth veins are not only suitable for the circulation of earth elements, but also suitable for the circulation of dark power and even evil energy. After all, darkness is a hotbed of evil, and even all negative things have a very strong attribute of ‘sediment adaptation’. Therefore, in the immortal system, there are such sayings as ‘clear sky and muddy’ and ‘yin evil turbidity’.

The Kingdom of Stormwind and even the Alliance have always been unable to fix the ground veins under Karazhan, just like the root system of the tree that has been sickened. The result can be Therefore, Olaf and the others chose to go to the quiet garden. Especially at night, it is not a good choice to look at it. The dark rumors there are likely to be true, even scarier than the rumors.

However, considering that the sons of destiny basically have the ability to'turn small things into big news in the end,' Kane felt that Olaf's bad ideas could be tolerated.

To put it harder, he still has to rely on the luck of the son of destiny to give directions? And the fortune of the son of destiny is often in the process of coping with the incident in a rolling and embarrassing process, and gradually become a witness of the great events of the times.

No, this Tranquil Garden, Fel Energy Vein, and Karazhan are the ticket series of major events of the era arranged by fate for Olaf, or a test.

So Kane continued to be a spectator patiently.

He knew that Olaf and the others were going to break the boat. To be more specific, it was Nicolas who wanted to show off the Azeroth version of "Fast and Passion".

Sure enough, shortly after turning on the side road, the second-hand steam car began to show its strength, and its speed jumped a lot in a short period of time.

At this time, the chasing convoy naturally refused to see the fat in the mouth flying like this, and hurriedly accelerated the chase. As a result, a locomotive collided with the car, and the driver of the car hit the steering wheel. A bit cruel, he drove another locomotive directly out of the road, and it was called a miserable one.

Fortunately, they are a team. An accident of this magnitude is not enough to make them lose their ability to pursue, so there is a front team and a rear team.

Kane watched it and sighed, and said in his heart: "Now I'm going to split my bad luck passively. You must know that in horror stories, the number one taboo is to be alone!"


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