Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1348: Predict failure

Olaf and his party, after all, failed to successfully complete a victory escape.

It's not that the car is not strong, but the road is bad.

It was not a big road, there were no street lights, but there were a few sharp bends, and Nicolas was not familiar with the road, so he drove at a speed of 90 mph, and still hit a tree after a mistake in judgment.

Although there are designs similar to airbags, they are still very uncomfortable.

Grum's nose was broken, and he hummed with tears and blood.

Yacari pretended to have a swollen forehead, her face value dropped by 20%, she was dizzy, and she was too slow for a long time.

The worst was Nicolas, the car body deformed, and one of his legs was squeezed. This one was enough for him, although the bones were not broken, it also affected his mobility.

The best state is Olaf. Generally speaking, in the face of a collision crisis, the driver will instinctively turn the steering wheel and use the co-pilot to meet the collision. But Nicolas was thinking of Olaf at the critical moment. In the end, Olaf was just a little dizzy and recovered quickly.

So next, Olaf was the most burdened, not only carrying a suitcase containing the important items of the four people, but also vigorously supporting the ill-fated Sacco, while the brothers and sisters of Grum and Yakari supported each other.

The four stumbled and drilled wherever the woods were dense.

The reason is also simple. After a car accident, if you still walk along the road, you will definitely be chased before you reach the Tranquil Garden.

Therefore, Olaf, who was still calm, and Nicolas, who had no trouble thinking, decided to go to the old forest, hoping to escape the hunt through the dense forest and night.

Sitting in the clouds in the air, Kane, who had a small snack and a nice drink, looked in his eyes, smacked his lips, feeling a little speechless.

I made a prediction not long ago, and I was beaten in the face.

According to the current trend, the possibility that Olaf and his party will eventually go to Tranquil Garden is already very low, but the possibility of going to the mine is very high.

What is there in the mine? The relevant information in the memory of the prophet, it is worth mentioning that the fallen werewolves and werewolves, if you dig this line deeply, it will lead to the Moon God's Scythe.

The Moon God's Scythe actually has little to do with Elune, which is a blessing of power. But what needs to be pointed out is that the power of the Moon God's Scythe represents the dark side of the moon, gloomy and ruthless, and is called the revenge system by the believers of Elune.

The most representative one is that Tyrande Whisperwind, the giant tree in his homeland, Teldrassil, was burned down by Sylvanas Windrunner who was the chief chief of the tribe. He was full of grief and indignation. Shi said: If you don’t give me strength, I won’t believe in you anymore).

Before Tyrande, there were many night elves who tried to gain this power, but they all failed without exception. The result of failure is complete death.

This harsh reprimand alone is quite different from Elune's impression of the world.

Obviously, Elune does not encourage his followers to follow this path, perhaps because he thinks that extreme extremes will eventually harm others and themselves, and are contrary to his core doctrine.

Under what background the Luna Scythe was born, it is no longer reliable. I only know that it first appeared in the hands of a certain night elf, and then was lost in the twilight forest area. That was a long time ago, when the twilight forest was not inhabited by humans.

The relationship with humans was the period when the power of darkness enveloped the twilight forest.

As if overnight, the werewolf appeared and began to wreak havoc.

Rotten Orchard was the hardest hit area. The predecessor of Yugan Township, Yugan Farm, was the most tragically affected area. Later it spread to the Sunshine Woods area to the west of Yese Town. It really couldn't be dealt with. One pass, but it was completely eradicated, but it was very later.

After how specific, according to the relevant information that Kane learned about, it was less than two hundred years ago.

As the saying goes, there are people doing decapitation transactions, and no one does losing money. Eliminating the werewolves completely will definitely be a loss-making business for a long time.

Especially these werewolves in the Twilight Forest, because their roots and feet are closely related to the druids, they generally have the talent of'wilderness identification'. If they are determined to drill the old forest and want to hunt, it is really difficult. .

At one time, the Stormwind Kingdom did not hesitate to spend the huge consumption of people eating horses and chewing, and pulled the net to clean up, but as a result, several layers of nets were broken through or exploited.

The reason why it can be cleaned up later is also because of profit. The Gilneas want to rebuild their country, lack of population, and are willing to accept this family of werewolves born under the action of the Moon God Scythe.

The pure stick failed to bring the werewolves from the later called the Moon God tribe to submission, but the stick + sweet date succeeded.

In fact, there is another objective reason for success. In the long confrontation, the wild generations of werewolves have died in battle and old age. The important members of the group have gradually become transformed pre-humans. Therefore, The thinking of the population has also gradually changed, and it is no longer the Fauvism that rejects and is hostile to civilization.

However, in Kane's view, the departure of the werewolf tribe only solved the problem from a macro perspective. Even if you don't consider the few lone wolves who like to fly solo, the root problem is not resolved, then maybe it will be another disaster.

But this time Kane refused to be a prophet. The destiny line of the Son of Destiny is not even for him. Why can he guess exactly? If he could guess, he wouldn't have to rely on the Son of Destiny to lead the way to participate in the drama of the times.

The chaser was almost five minutes behind Olaf and the others.

In Kane's eyes, this person is also a bit interesting. He feels like a powerful sect during the Warring States Period of Earth China. Although they are just small tricks, they are indeed close to everyone's expertise.

This time the show is a "dog nose".

"I can smell the blood, they are going over there!" After twisting some Grum's nosebleeds from the car, the man sniffed, and then sniffed his nose around. Say so.

"You lead the way, you, and you! Follow him, greet him, so that he can concentrate on searching." The one who gave the order was a short man. Because he was strong enough, he thought it was a dwarf if he didn't pay attention to it. In fact, he was deformed with short legs. , But not the circle, this one is very circle.

After the Luoquan leg was assigned a hand, he numbly climbed onto the back of a strong man. This strong man may have the blood of a Vrykul. He is extraordinarily burly. His height is two meters and five meters. It is a pity that he has a stupid face that reminds people The giant infant was also very gentle at this time, kneeling halfway to facilitate the pedaling and climbing of the coiled legs.

After Luo Quan's legs were seated in the basket chair carried by the strong man, the hunting team set off.

Kane commented: "This hunting team is pretty professional!"

In fact, this group of people really started as a hunting team. They belonged to the **** private hunting team that ignored relevant laws and regulations and hunted whatever they made money. Their network channels were also developed at that time. The times have changed, and their business content. , Also followed by changes, which can be considered to actively cater to market demand.

Now, even if it enters the night forest hunting session.

It's just that the performer was slightly unable to perform the favorite drama.

Olaf and the others were okay. Although they were only performing in their true colors, they showed the innocent and pitiful vigor of the weaker party, grief, anger, and staggering, making people subconsciously worried about their uncertain future.

The stalkers did not perform well, and did not perform the villain's badness and embarrassment in place. At this time, it should have come out and owe it. First, I was very dissatisfied with so many people who were unable to catch the target, and even became furious and cursed. Then the topic turned to how to ravage the target after catching the target. As a result, the audience hatred is stabilized.

However, this group of people are more professional hunting teams, confident, patient, and not so much nonsense. Although the trackers are relatively passive in theory, they are very stable, not fast, but not too slow, like an old hunter with a well-informed look.

Kane estimated that these people wanted to compare patience, foot strength, and skill with their prey. When they caught up, the prey didn't even have the strength to resist, and they had no choice but to catch them.

From this analysis, the hunting party has been half successful.

After all, people are grasping their own long-term plan, have clear methods, and the implementation is not bad.

Olaf looked much inferior in comparison with them, relying entirely on courage and grief.

Because of fear of being chased, the four of them gritted their teeth, which is equivalent to neglecting methods and relying on will.

This can be done in a short time, but once it is prolonged, no one can stand it.

The hunting team has estimated the situation of four people to a certain extent, so as long as they are not lost, they are not in a hurry to catch up.

Even through this kind of suffering, the spirit and arrogance of dispelling the prey is good for the smooth capture.

After Kane's analysis, he waited for the fate to open the door to the four. If there is no accident, at most 40 minutes later, the plot will be staged.

Kane reckons that it is unlikely to happen.

The main reason is that the Son of Destiny is still too young now, and experiencing bad things prematurely will make him black and crooked.

It’s not that you can’t abuse your host, you’re also divided into types. Just like the protagonist himself, it can be understood as the “Heaven’s ruler is the same as the people...”, but if he is directly related to his relatives, girlfriends, etc. , The result is often a dark style.

Of course, reality is not a fairy tale. If you don't do it, you may be miserable because of bad luck. The risk of doing death and making trouble and tasting human tragedies will greatly increase. Compared with those who can die well, there are bound to be more people who fall halfway.

Therefore, it may not be the protagonist of a certain period if it cannot reach the end. Moreover, even if it is not the protagonist, the dark main match can still be used.

However, knowing the truth does not mean that he has to watch it, just like knowing that some film and television works say that the meaning of expression has depth, but it does not mean that watching this type is the only correct choice.

Kane had already thought about it. If it is really to win the three-way talk, public humiliation, and the kind of steel teeth crunching, then he will take action, even if it is to change the protagonist, he will not accept Hexiang.

Thus, after half an hour of fleeing and steadily chasing through the stalemate, they watched Olaf and they were about to be caught up. An accident happened.

It was triggered by Yacarly.

This girl has the worst physical fitness. She was hit with a big bag on her head. She seemed to be fine, but she was dizzy and hard to pay attention to her feet. She was the most stumbling along the way.

In this way, she is the first to be unable to support it.

However, Grum was not much better than Yacari, and he couldn't take care of himself when he was weak in stamina and energy.

Yakali was tripped by a root of a tree, Grum didn't hold it, and Yakali fell. It didn't matter if he fell, he rolled into the darkness.

Olaf and Nicolas, who were walking in front, were awakened by Jacari's half-exclaim, and hurriedly looked back.

At that time Grum was already anxiously trying to slide down, but Olaf grabbed him.

I don't even know what is going on below, and if I just ignore it, it's not reckless, but stupid.

Nicolas and Olaf cooperated fairly well, and they were already calling at this time: "Yakali, can you hear me? Respond, then check your own condition and tell us..."

"I, I'm fine!" Then came a rustling voice.

Nicolas hurriedly said: "If you can, don't make any big moves, wait for us to go down!"

The four of them have only one professional lighting equipment, a horseshoe lamp using kerosene. However, Sacco has a family-renowned energy stone pendant, which can barely be used as a lighting device after activation.

At this time, they hung the horseshoe lamp on a relatively high place, and then dig out the ropes and pulleys from the luggage, relying on a big tree, and then they were ready to start rescue.

The specific rescuer can only be Grum.

Nicolas injured his leg and his strength was also affected, thanks to Olaf's hard work.

Moreover, Grum is relatively thin and weighs the lightest. He is a brother and sister with Yakari, so he is less Grum has a Sacco pendant on his waist to illuminate his body. Tie the rope, pedal the object as much as possible, and move it backwards.

Because there is a pulley block that Nicolas habitually prepares, it is considered to be a powerful tool, and the process of letting Grum go down a little bit is not so difficult.

And Grum took the opportunity to see the situation along the way.

It turned out that there was a gully here, which was hidden by horizontal branches and filled with fallen leaves.

Seen from above, it seems to be a naturally generated trap full of mischievous taste, while from below, it is a place with a natural roof.

Grum told Sacco and Olaf the situation.

At exactly this time, Nicolas and Olaf felt the lights shining on the other side of the road, faintly appearing in the dense forest.

It wasn't far away. After they delayed, the chasers were getting closer.

According to the current situation, they had just caught the brother and sister here, and the chasing soldiers over there just found them.

Moreover, even if there was no such accident, it would not take long for them to be caught up.

For more than half an hour of walking in the dark dense forest, they were more tired than normal walking for a few hours. They were tired and tired. In particular, Sako's leg injury has become more serious.

Although Nicolas did not say anything, Olaf was able to understand Nicolas’s hardships through the situation where Nicolas’ clothes were wet.

So even though Olaf knew it was a bad idea, if the group of people could chase them so deeply, they must have professional hunting methods, and they could not be avoided by hiding in the deep ditch of the tree hole. But in the end, he still proposed to ditch.

Nicolas also comforted him about this: "Come with me, let's be ground mice."

The result is a proverb...


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