Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1349: IQ lost to luck prosperous

Kane believes that, to be fair, Olaf's performance is still above the level.

Take some details:

Nicolas knows how to use the rope slip knot technique and the use of pulley blocks. When all four of them are at the bottom of the ditch, the rope pulley blocks anchored to the tree are all in his bag.

And even in this case, Olaf did his best to clean up the scene, trying to cover up the traces caused by his party as much as possible.

Kane felt that this was remarkable, reflecting that the person’s IQ was online and the mentality was better.

However, his rank is too low and he has no home court advantage, but he has to drag the fuel bottle. The result is basically that he will die when he sees the enemy, which is really **** difficulty.

This situation, even from Kane's point of view, is nothing short of survival.

Then hung up.

There are ditch in the forest, hole in the ditch, and universe in the hole.

To Kane, this is the secret of jumping off a cliff in World of Warcraft.

Such a plot naturally made Kane feel aesthetically tired and boring.

But he still found some interesting situations in the boring plot.

It looks like Yakali is not just a good-looking oil bottle, but also a mascot and lucky star in the team.

The drama in front of me is a story that often accompanies the lucky stars.

He fell down the ditch and found the entrance to the cave.

For ordinary people, just a throw and roll is extremely dangerous.

After all, like this kind of deep mountain and old forest, there is a raised rock on the slope, or three or two tree stubbles that look like stubble spears. It is absolutely normal, but if a person is hit by unsuspecting fast rolling, Gee...

Yakari’s slippery **** and accumulated leaves are used as mattresses. There is no danger. What is this not luck?

Later, the inconspicuous entrance to the cave was discovered, and it was even more frantic.

Anyway, the leader of the hunting team lapped his legs. When facing the entrance of this cave ten minutes later, his cheeks twitched, and he got prostatitis and felt depressed as he couldn't urinate.

But at this point, not to mention the cost, the mere "difficulty of meaning" makes it impossible for him to easily say the word "give up".

In the end Luoquan leg swore a curse: "Follow up! Even if this cave leads directly to the deep rock continent, they will be dug out!"

"Yo yo!" Kane sighed in secret: "The knowledge is quite broad! You still know Deep Rock Continent!"

Before Deathwing made the cataclysm, the Deep Rock Continent was a name that had never even heard of most intelligent beings on the surface of Azeroth.

And as Deathwing quickly scrambled the event to the extinction level, and was defeated more quickly in the battle to invade the Temple of Wyrmrest, with the death of the body as the end of the event, the Deep Rock Continent is just an hearsay fashion. The concept, as simple as the celebrity lace news, was quickly forgotten by people.

But now that Luoquan legs can apply this concept to the mouth when full of complaints. Kane does not think that this is deliberately showing the mastery of remote knowledge, but most of them have related experiences and have a profound impact.

"It is said that there are dragons and crouching tigers in the city. Even if this person is not a dragon or a tiger, his background is not very simple. Foreshadowing the drama of'playing the young and coming old', is this arranged?"

Of course, Luoquan's legs are not like the kind of person who has a cow-breaking father. The feeling with Kane is more like being promoted by a follower, or a deacon who has made some heads out, serving some or some big people. For example, do some dirty work.

Although this kind of chamber pot is not on the table, the dogs of big people are also more expensive than ordinary people. This is a phenomenon that can be seen in many civilizations.

"Alright, at least from this layered foreshadowing arrangement, it can be determined that the Son of Destiny is indeed in this small gang, and the possibility of premature death is unlikely."

In reality, the four of Olaf and the others are completely dead-end.

One disadvantage of the cave for the pursued is that there are too many roads to be a dead end, and after walking for a while, I find that I can only look back.

Olaf and the others have experienced this situation several times. Not to mention the physical consumption, the key is the feeling of suffering caused by a little bit of shattered hope in the heart.

In the end, all the forked roads that could be walked were finished, and the four of them once again returned to the concentrating hall of the tunnel extending in all directions, looking at each other, speechless.

After a while, Nicolas sighed: "I'm really unwilling!"

Grum was already in a semi-collapsed state, staring at a stalactite in the top corner of the underground hall in a daze.

Olaf is still as calm as ever, and his emotions are not obvious.

What made Kane a little surprised was Yacarly. At this time, she didn't even sell like a competent vase to show off the protagonist's unhurried, wise and martial arts.

Kane knew that among the four, except for Sacco, it was Yakari who was injured the most. Not to mention the stumbling and stumbling along the way. When he rolled down the ditch, Yakari was not unscathed, but a fall in the final stage. In the middle, a piece of wood buried under the rotten leaves broke two ribs.

That's why Sacco stuttered when she asked her about the situation.

On the one hand, he is not very sure about the situation, on the other hand, he doesn't seem to cause trouble to others.

It’s really not a big deal for Yacari’s injury to be placed on someone like Kane who has extensive relevant experience. As long as you stay a little longer and don’t deal with it for dozens of hours, it’s okay, and it doesn’t even affect normal actions. .

But Yakari lacks knowledge and experience in this area, so Saka's situation is similar. Even if it can't be handled in time, she should be less active and rested. There is a reason to have to exercise, so the injury continues to worsen.

But the girl had been silently enduring it, even the careful Olaf didn't see it.

"Could it not be the'living achievement' of Jinwu Yangjiao after being caught by the Son of Destiny, but the true mistress?" Kane, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help thinking again.

In Kane's eyes, the predicament in front of him is of course not a big deal. It's just a matter of looking at the face. Whether it can be discovered in time depends on the luck of Olaf and his party.

Then, as Kane expected, the gang mascot and lucky star Yakari once again performed well. Tiredness and pain, as well as the boredom in the cave, made her sweat. Now she is basically sitting and waiting to die. The girl's habit of cleaning has occurred, so she went to the pool in the corner of the hall and wiped her handkerchief with water.

"Ah! There is something in the water!" Yacari said in surprise, her hand shrank when she touched something slippery in the water.

"Is there something?" Sacco looked over with concern.

Yacari said embarrassedly: "It may be a fish."

Olaf asked at this time: "Sure it is a fish?"


Olaf ignored the embarrassed Akali, and while walking towards the pool, he said to Nicolas and Grum: "Help prepare, I'll go into the water and see."

At this time Nicolas had already reflected, and there was light in his eyes again. Grum looked dumbfounded, "You want to enter the water?"

Sacco explained: "Fish live in living water, there may be passages underwater."

When I heard that there was still a way to go, Grum was also refreshed, as if he had a spring under his butt, he jumped up, and flexed his hands: "Sacco, what should I do?"...

The preparation process was fast, Olaf went quickly and returned quickly. The sentence "There is a way" completely ignited the passion of several people.

Olaf once again acted calmly, reminding his friends that the water is a little bit cold, and exercise his legs and feet to avoid cramps after entering the water.

In addition, he also built a simple airbag with a leather bag, which allows people to change their breath at least once underwater. This item is very important. Without it, it is difficult to dive successfully if the water is not good or the body is injured.

In terms of underwater lighting, there is no problem because of the Sacco's energy gem pendant.

Then the diving began. Olaf was the most painstaking in this small link, guiding and assisting underwater, and returning airbags, swimming back and forth several times more than others.

In Kane's eyes, this link also fully reflects Olaf's extraordinary luck.

This waterway is actually far more dangerous than what it showed at this time.

Not only the waterways and hydrology are complicated, but also ferocious and extraordinary creatures live in it.

Olaf and the others use only a small part of the huge water system, but it is the safest and shortest part.

The first entry point is good, thanks to the lucky star Yakari.

But it's okay to choose the escape point, this is Olav's credit. This support is not very eye-catching, and even looks like a dead end. Olaf could find him, and he chose it among the many choices. Kane felt that he could only use ‘good luck plus one’ to explain it.

In fact, Olaf didn't find a way out at once, but started his action based on the idea of ​​‘finding a transit station first and avoiding chasing soldiers’.

After finding it, he didn't even explore further. He didn't expect this ‘transfer station’ to be unexpectedly good.

Kane perceives the entire area early in the morning through divine consciousness. After analysis, it is speculated that this hidden underwater tunnel entrance is a ‘valley road’ in a dungeon, which is also one of the sewage channels.

Borrowing the river to drain away garbage is a design in many cities. It's just that the dungeon city has long since become a relic, and this valley road is not very filthy.

Soon after Olaf and the others left, Luo Quanju led people into the hall that extends in all directions and seemed to have many forks to choose from.

One pass is easy to find, but nothing is found.

Generally speaking, at this stage, the villain should vent angrily, then put down a few ruthless words, retreat in anguish, and come to fight again.

But what if it is not general?

The Luo Quanju gang performed what is meant by "fighting with the son of destiny, we should take a long-term view, otherwise we will not survive three episodes".

Luo Quan's legs are not bad in wisdom and imagination. He emphasized: The four big living people cannot disappear out of thin air.

However, he did not waste manpower indiscriminately, and showed distrust of his opponents, and asked his subordinates to search the searched places carefully.

His approach is to organize people, let them use their brains, substitute the point of view of the predator, and see if there is any way to escape from the dead, not afraid of being absurd, the key is to let go of thinking.

In the end, it was himself. He saw the person next to his neck "grumbling and gurgling" drinking the water so sweet, so he thought of the waterway from the water, and then looked at the inconspicuous pool. He felt that there was a certain possibility, so he sent A superficial probe of a good water player.

This subordinate quickly reported with surprise on his face: "There is a way!"

His "there is a road" is not the same as Olaf's "there is a road". He means that there are waterways under the pool where people can sneak, and the evil is not an exit or a cave for people to live in.

But even so, it was enough for Luo Quanju to determine his own judgment.

He was also very proud of this: "Are you lucky? But I am very capable! I can find this way, which means you should be in my bag!"

This stands, with a strong scent of begging to beat his face.

Soon destiny will tell him what is meant by ‘divine power is difficult for the enemy’s luck’, not to mention the ability of him and his friends is far from being a magical power.

This underground water network is really dangerous, because it is covered by a legendary creature, or it is its territory.

This legendary creature was distorted due to the sewage discharge of the dungeon, and after years of growth, it has its present weather.

So looking at it from a macro perspective, this is a typical story of ‘if I do something, you wipe your ass, I steal a cow, you pull the horns’ story.

Olaf and their underwater diving had already alarmed the monster, and when the people with the legs got into the water and started to explore with great fanfare, the monster was completely on fire.

Olaf and the others gained the benefits of the dungeon, but the people who had looped their legs were killed by the monsters produced by the sewage from the dungeon. This is basically equivalent to the thief eating the cow. pot.

Specifically, whether it is Depot, the son of destiny, or the villain's **** and terrifying death, the villain is killed in a **** and terrifying death. In Kane, it is not good for Low, and it is far less interesting than playing "Guess what".

In the end, because of the exposure of the injury, Yakari made a wave of favors with Sacco and Olaf.

Nicolas became more and more interested in this girl, and Olaf's favorability changed from friendliness to respect.

Grum was fascinated by the ecstasy of'getting rich'. In the end, under the persuasion of Sacco, he decided not to rush to pry the gold and gems inlaid in the facility. Even if the archaeological value is not considered, he must consider the possibility of happiness and sorrow in case the magic prohibition is triggered.

In fact, just the wealth that can be taken away can not be shipped out by four people at once.

In the end, Sacco selected some treasures that were easy-to-handle materials and prepared to go out and exchange them for money to serve as gang funds.

Sacco's biggest gain is to withstand the value of the entire dungeon.

Among the four, he was the only one who had the means to handle this matter properly.

He said that if you rush to redeem your wealth, you will definitely have to share a piece of the pie for those who master the channels, and it is likely that most of them will be scored.

But if they want to use the easy-to-sell treasures here to get ahead, and then hire reliable white gloves, then this treasure can be digested by them.

All in all, this is a project that is easy to delay but not easy to rush, and it has been operating normally after more than ten years. Of course, the most important thing is to obtain the strength and status that match the treasure, otherwise the wealth is a reminder.

In this respect, Olaf has a deeper understanding than Sako.

His family was attracted by a big man because of an ancestral treasure.

The big man said, ‘Orcs, half-orcs, what real ancestral things can there be? Didn’t the ancestor steal it or **** it? ’This eventually led to disasters, and he had his own doggies, ruining his family.

So he totally agrees with Sacco's approach.

Although Grum was a little reluctant, on the one hand, he had to give Sako's face, and on the other hand, Olaf had the greatest credit for discovering the treasure.

But Olaf said: "This treasure is owned by the four of us" is tantamount to setting the tone for the equal share. Considering that you can basically sit and get more money in the future, it sounds very good.

And when it comes to money, Grum's IQ is online. He knows that the most important thing now is to strengthen the friendship with Nicolas and Olaf, rather than rushing to go against the tune.

So he looked at his sister again, and his matchmaking mood became more and more urgent.

However, Grum is the kind of person who believes that "money can make ghosts", so he realized that with money, Olaf's family might be able to make a difference.

If Olaf really makes a comeback, it would be nice for his sister to marry Olaf, after all, Olaf's house is a general. Although the generals of half-orcs are not so noble in the kingdom, their status is not comparable to that of craftsmen.

Olaf’s gain is knowledge and strength. In Kane’s words: "The Son of Destiny, finally set sail."

As for the price Olaf paid for this, Kane basically ignored it.

In his eyes, it was nothing more than a really unlucky person who played the ring grandfather.

The difference between a really unlucky guy and a general unlucky guy is that the really unlucky guys are often turned over at the last moment. After years of hard work, they eventually become others' wedding dresses, and they are finished in the ultimate unwillingness and regret.

Therefore, what Grandpa Ring should do most is actually self-reflection. It is obviously not good luck to fall into the step of rebirth. What's more, the Dao of Heaven pays attention to the cycle, and it is impossible to die and refuse to enter the cycle of reincarnation. To the Dao of Heaven, this is a stone. How can we expect the destiny to be added? If bad luck is added to the body, it is very likely to die hard.

With Grandpa Ring, Olaf gains the post of war and embarks on the path of transcendence, relying on horses to wait. With strength, money, status, etc., soon followed.

So Olaf has gained a lot.

But Kane believes that the biggest gain is Yakari.

To be honest, Jakalie's first impression of Kane was very ordinary.

Kane is not very cold to humanoid forms such as cat ears, but the non-pure-bred opposite **** is not very common. Yacari’s temperament is not any of the several types he likes, and upon closer inspection, she will It was discovered that although Yakari was pretty, she had a bitter look, that is, when her lips were lightly pursed, the curvature of her mouth was curved downward.

But this girl is not only lucky, her temperament has also repeatedly exceeded Kane's expectations.

Kane even wanted to vomit: "Should you be taken here after an hour?"

Of course, this is ridicule, Kane is sure that there is no hidden secret in Yacari's blood.

But Yakari is neither the temperament of everybody's lady, Xiaojiabiyu, nor the simple but shallow-eyed or even stupid temperament of most low-level women in this era.

For example, she didn't see the shiny things and couldn't walk.

The four chose gadgets as a souvenir.

Under the guidance of the ring grandfather, Olaf naturally selected the most conducive to growth item, which looked like a small gadget like Nicolas ancestral pendant.

Nicolas also ridiculed this: "It seems that the emergency lighting function of my pendant is very enviable by someone! Haha!"

The memorial selected by Sacco is an exquisite mechanical object. Although it is only a toy, the technology used is not simple.

Grum is more greedy for money, and he fancy a gold pendant with gems, indicating that it can be used to play and show style at ordinary times, and it can pay back the money in emergency.

But in fact it was a storage artifact. It can only be said that the four of them are lucky enough at this time, and they can get good products by choosing anything.

However, Grum’s luck is better than that of Yacari. Yacari chose the only item among the pile of treasures that is not made of precious metals or gems, but it is also the most valuable one. Pieces.

In Kane's eyes, a hundred such treasure troves are not worth this item.

If he is not mistaken, the peach-core gadget that Yakari picked should be the heart of the world tree.

There are several World Trees in Azeroth, the most famous one is naturally the "Crown of the Sky" Nordrassil on Mount Hyjal. And Teldrassil, where Darnassus, the last of the night elves, is located.

In detail, the world tree of Azeroth has inheritance, and there is a difference between Zhengshuo and branch.

The earliest is the world tree mother tree Garnier, this world tree is the tallest.

Next is its Zhengshuo Nordrassil. The sacred tree of Ganir was destroyed in the War of the Ancients. Its tree species was collected by Alexstrasza, the red dragon queen, the oathbinder of life. Later, in order to prevent Illidan Stormrage from stealing the eternal well, it was made in Mount Hyjal. Magic lake, and plant this tree.

Nordrassil is blessed by the guardian dragon, and is a sacred tree species, so the force is also high.

The next few will not be

Andrassil, the crown of snowfields, was corrupted by Yogg-Saron because the roots of the tree hit Yogg-Saron's cage, and eventually had to be destroyed.

Its remains fell in the Grizzly Hills, which was later called Vodashir (Broken Crown).

Saladrassil in the Broken Isles was tragically corroded by N'Zoth's nightmare power and became the base camp for Xavius ​​to build corrupt forces.

All in all, these world trees were planted by the druids who collected the branches of Nordrassil, and were not blessed by world guardians, guardian dragons and other Titans, so they were ill-fated side branches.

As for the one in front of him, Kane speculated that it belonged to Nordrassil and was produced before Archimonde destroyed the tree.

Because after that, although Nordrassil was back to life again, he did not have enough power to breed trees.

However, this tree species was not born to give birth to a new world tree, but to seal power.

Because Kane discovered that the surface of this tree species, which seemed to be a naturally generated texture, turned out to be a Titan rune.

In Azeroth, existences that can use Titan runes are absolutely rare, and Kane doesn't think it is the tree species that exists. He believes that the tree species should be born from the mechanism of beauty.

Some of the secrets of the Titans in Azeroth are not even known to the Guardians.

For example, in the ‘Secret Chamber of the Heart’, Raiden, the highest-ranking guardian of the Titans, did not know its existence.

To know that Raiden is the indestructible wreck of the most powerful sub-shaar among the ancient gods who is entrusted to guard it, it can be seen that the Titans trust him.

The world tree species in front of me is different from the secret of the ‘Secret Chamber of the Heart’. Kane believes that what it represents is the type that is hidden in the law, except for those who really know how to do it, the rest are not even sure about its existence.

Metaphorically, it is like some computer programs that occasionally trigger flash operations even in the background program system.

And this seed represents the existence of this hidden law.

What it seals is naturally an extraordinary power. This power is enough to make a legendary special fighter.

And Yakari chose such a woodcarving-like thing with the characteristics of patina, which made Kane quite speechless, he could not think of the reason.

As a result, in the question and answer between the friends, Yacari said it herself.

The question was Olaf. He asked: "How do you like it."

It sounds like you know what it is. Kane considered that Olaf was also a person with Grandpa Ring now, it was not surprising that he knew some secrets.

However, he bet that what Grandpa Ring told him was only the surface secret at best, otherwise the true value of this world tree species would never be just asking in this tone.

Yacari said: "Choose a I think it is very special, and it is more eye-catching, so choose it."

Olaf said: "I heard that things like this that are incompatible with other things around are either sealed off or cursed. In short, it's not simple."

Kane said in his heart: "I heard? I just heard from Grandpa Ring, right?"

Yacarly looked worried: "Then I don't want it."

Olaf said: "I just talk about rumors casually, which is not necessarily reliable. Moreover, the thoughts that exist here are not short. Even if it was once a magic item, as the energy dissipates, it should be invalid, and it is acceptable to be a memorial."

At this time, Grum murmured complainingly from the side: "I have loved collecting some weird things since I was a child. I don't know who I am following with this problem!"

Yakali said with a magnificent expression: "I just like it..."

Kane in secret frowned and counted.

He is calculating a possibility, is Jacarie capable of reincarnation?

If it is, then Olaf, who looked most like the Son of Destiny before, is probably ready to go!

Ruthless snob?

Kane felt that this matter could be judged by ‘the Tao is ruthless but sentimental’.

Go away, at least you can live, and with the wealth in this treasure house, you can live very moisturizingly.

But if it's not the son of destiny, it's hard to blend with the major events of the times...

Please refer to the people around the real protagonist. How many people started and ended well?

Most of them have become burial objects of major events of the times and stepping stones for the protagonist.

Kane also saw Olaf's eye for him, so he could get rid of him before he could get rid of him. But for the ring grandfather, if he is not the true son of destiny, he will have to be skinned if he does not die.


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