Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1358: The cost of gains and losses

"Time really kills pigs! Void elves, you can be regarded as halal, you have deeply understood the truth of the void, or admit that the dream is full, the reality is skinny, and it is shameful to compromise in order to survive. ?"

Kane's remarks obviously stimulated the hooded people, especially the three in the court who had faded their vestments. They looked like crazy tigers and attacked wildly. The tentacles of the light flowing on their bodies were also very good.

But the curator said: Although my moves are simple, they treat all kinds of madness.

Kane was also disdainful. He said, "I can't win my sanity, judge the situation, or use tactics. I hope I can win by going crazy? When the opponent is blind, such a big loophole can't be seen and used?"

Sturdy was beaten several times by the curator's fat. The one that jumped the most was the curator's charged round boxing. If it weren't for the tentacles to save his life at the critical moment, he climbed a pillar and became a free fall. The bottom of the tower.

At this time, the head of the Hooded Man also saw that the other party hadn't made any effort, otherwise just a curator would be able to beat them to death here.

Before he knew the victory or defeat, he knew that there was no suspense, so he called out in time: "Okay, stop, we admit that our skills are not as good as people, and apologize for the impoliteness before. But I also ask you to weigh yourself. The light-blooded bats are gone, not even a species left."

Kane also asked the curator to stop, and said with profound meaning: "Extinctions are all self-inflicted. The monsters blame you for finding a fool who doesn't know how to advance or retreat as a blood bat breeder."

The head of the Hooded Man secretly complained: "We want to arrange a smart one, but even if ordinary people can bear the erosion of the power of the void, they can't stand the mental torment of being crushed!"

Kane said at this time: "Karazhan is a land of no owner. I am going to find a place here as my camp. I understand the first-come, first-served rule, and I don't like the planetarium. But I also hope that others will understand that there is a price to provoke me."

After a pause, he said: "For example, you guys. Although you are very clever to stop in time, it seems a bit overbearing and unreasonable for me to forcefully fulfill what I said before. But there are punishments for playing tricks. I have already imposed on you. A kind of curse, once a day at noon and midnight, every quarter of an hour. I kindly remind you to prepare a towel and bite it in your mouth at that time, so as not to bite your tongue too much and forget about it."

The hooded people looked at each other, and said that they were cursed? Is Mao aware of it at all? But what Kane said was true. It didn't seem to be a fake, but it made Ji feel a little shuddering.

Kane snorted and said: "So, now are you going to make way, or are you going to the second round?"

‘Huh! ’The road was given way.

So the curator continued to take the arcane ball of light that had been suspended before, so that it hovered over his head in a following state, and transformed into a moving street light pole to illuminate Kane. The master and servant gradually gradually far.

As the saying goes, monks who run away can't run away from the temple. In places with dense voids and fissures like the Karazhan Planetarium, it is difficult to find a second place in the current Stormwind Kingdom. Based on this, Kane was sure that there would be no rush to deal with these darkened void elves in the future.

And the hooded people, especially the leader, didn't look as irritable as they were before. But whether it's true disposition, just do it, or a fake person sets up a reason to test, and at the same time makes the opponent underestimate the enemy, the ‘lost’ is enough to make all behaviors courageous and brilliant.

"The Void Ranch is destroyed, what shall we eat in the future?" A hooded man couldn't hold back after all and asked the leader.

"Seal all the existing blood bats with magic to avoid energy loss as much as possible. This can last for a while. During this time, we need to make a choice, maybe it's not as simple as we imagined..."

Freedom is the nature of intelligent life with self-consciousness. These former void elves are no exception, especially since they have all tasted the taste of freedom, even if it is relatively free, it is far better than the days when people are held hostage. .

In their view, since the time when they voluntarily used the power of the void as a source of strength, the struggle has never stopped, and at present, it is only the void side that has the upper hand, and they firmly believe that they can make it back.

Of course, they also know that what the void wants is complete surrender, and some time to play the trick of the eagle.

Void blood bats are an important magical food for them. Although eating this kind of food is tantamount to drinking poison to quench their thirst, it allows them to stay awake for a longer period of time, rather than crazy.

The destruction of the ranch will naturally have a serious impact, but as the leader said, bad things have happened, and the price will inevitably be paid.

In terms of nature, the price is nothing more than a certain degree of bowing, compromise, and concession. Or to put it more vividly, on the basis of debts already owed, further borrowing.

The feeling of being deeply locked in is naturally not beautiful, even if their lifespan is much longer than ordinary lives, it will inevitably produce a sense of despair.

and then? Dead?

Since you don't want to die, just live hard.

The leader, as a long-lived person, naturally knows some interesting life phenomena.

For example, most of the time, reality is far less beautiful than imagined. After putting it into action, it is discovered that there are a lot of problems to be solved.

But sometimes, the reality is not as bad as expected. It seems desperate, but it often turns around and finds a new way out.

It is this recognition that makes the leader feel that this mysterious villain who ruined their void ranch may be a new and not so bad choice. After all, the opponent is strong enough, and seems to pay attention to the rules, and he must practice what he says. .

This is a good thing, and it means that there is reason to follow, even if it is wrong, but who can make people have a strong fist and high ability.

These days, as long as you have the ability to solve problems for others, no matter how eccentric and weird, there will still be a market.

I have to say that these hooded men can be regarded as poor people who have been successfully trained by reality. When they were replaced by void elves before, they didn’t have such ideas, let alone blood elves, Quel'Thalas elves, and guards. During the high-level elves of the Well of Eternity, I was so proud, how could I be slapped in the face, and I wanted to find an opportunity to ask if there was any cooperation opportunity or job introduction.

As for Kane, the elves of Azeroth, although he doesn't like any of them, he also admits that good looks is indeed a natural advantage. After all, it is unintentionally pleasing to the eye and can make others Pleasure, this is what many people with aspirations deliberately want to achieve, but may not be able to achieve it.

Correspondingly, the original high-value existence has now become an ugly deformity, which naturally evokes the superficial sympathy of Kane's passerby, and for him, is it not easy to solve this problem? It is nothing more than the need to pay attention to the butterfly effect caused by this. Furthermore, Kane also understands the truth of people's ignorance and great kindness.

Accompanied by the curator, Kane came to Karazhan Private Library.

Karazhan’s upper-level facilities started from the exhibition hall originally guarded by the curator.

Below the exhibition hall, there is a transitional area, including the large terrace, and the bridge door passage on the side of Karazhan, all in this transitional area.

Further down, there are opera houses, banquet halls and other common functional facilities in aristocratic castles.

At the other end of the exhibition hall is the open library.

It looks like a square, and the bookcases, which are huge and numerous in themselves, are like ornaments on the corners and corners under the background of this empty environment. They are inconspicuous at all.

Looking up from here, you can see the criss-crossing long-span bridges. The large number of ghostly blood bats that were killed by the curator using Arcane Blast before, and the mentally retarded giant babies who were thrown off the bridge by the curator, ended up in this large square-like library.

In other words, this is not the bottom of Karazhan, but only the bottom of the upper zone. Even so, the height is more than 300 meters, which shows the huge depth of its internal space.

The large library has two more eye-catching, terrace-like passage areas, one leading to the exhibition hall and the other leading to the bridge.

And the private library where Kane and the curator are now, is the functional area of ​​communication at the first fork in the bridge.

The private library itself is a round hall, like a five-core mooncake, with a thick oblate shape. Originally, its inner wall was blocked by a bookcase full of books. Now naturally there is nothing, empty, dark, and cloudy. Shen Shen, like a tomb cellar.

However, it only took less than half an hour, and the place changed greatly under Kane's help.

He didn’t create on-site creations this time, but opened the portal. From the eco-ship where he stayed in the Warcraft universe, he brought in a corresponding item and decorated it into a house of mages with all five internal organs, like a laboratory. .

This kind of mage house can be understood as a simplified version of the mage tower. Most of them don’t have the money to build their own mage tower, and they don’t want to serve a high-level mage in exchange for part of the right to use the mage tower, but want to have a higher one. For privacy, poor ghost masters who do some research and invention on their own will often build master houses.

There are also many types of mage houses, which are generally divided according to the amount of property investment, but there are also other methods of classification, such as Kane's loan-to-post type, which obviously cannot be measured by pure property investment.

Speaking of which, this loan-to-post style is not uncommon in Azeroth. The famous city of spellcasters, Dalaran, has special services in this area and is also very popular with spellcasters.

But there are also the kind of hidden spellcasters that Kane now plays, who don't care about academic exchanges, the convenience of resource acquisition, and product sales, who don't buy Dalaran.

However, most of these hidden spellcasters have quite good lairs of their own, and will not play borrow-and-mail tricks unless...

The most common possibility is that there is some kind of dangerous experiment to be carried out, for fear of ruining one's lair, but the experiment itself has rigid requirements for the facilities, and the ordinary building is not suitable, then it will play the borrowing and sending style.

This is what Kane is actually playing now.

Therefore, the original private library was designed by him as a large working area or a small living area, which indicated that it was necessary to live for a long time, so it should not be too general, but it is mainly based on experiments.

After the interior was properly arranged, Kane set up the door area again. It was originally a simple and heavy wooden door, with a magic at most, but now it is taller. He is also a force that occupies part of Karazhan's facilities anyway. These aspects are too careless and seem abnormal.

The items are delivered quickly, and it takes time to adjust the details, and it is already early in the morning without knowing it.

After finishing the arrangement, Kane rested here for more than half an hour, then sent away.

Before leaving, he asked the curator who was staying behind, mainly to determine the tone of his attitude towards possible visitors.

On the Destiny Four, just as Kane predicted before, this is difficult for each of them, and it is also a huge change and a far-reaching impact.

This change and influence mainly comes from the building of the mind.

It can be said that the four of them suffered a series of post-disaster self-reflections, summing up experiences and lessons, and they all used their different fortunes to show off their power and merged.

It's a pity that this kind of internal trend change can be directly displayed, but after all, there are too few.

In general, all four people got up late today.

Three rods in the sun did they wake up one after another.

In Kane's eyes, Olaf's change was the smallest, but considering that this person has always been suppressing things, he is the introverted personality second only to the legendary facial paralyzed face, and such a performance is also reasonable.

Nicolas wore dark circles under his eyes. The report of Kane's Dharmakaya showed that this product didn't close his eyes all night, and was very excited. It was not until the sky was bright that he sighed in relief, and fell asleep with joy and carelessness. Obviously, he made very good progress in the Dark Magic Book last night.

When Yakari woke up, she was much more beautiful, mainly because the temperament of a village girl who hadn't seen much on the market completely disappeared and was replaced by a gentle, kind, sunny, holy, and sweet white temperament. Deepening in this direction, it is the Virgin.

Grum is the opposite. Although the child could not talk about much sunshine, he was as energetic and energetic as most young people.

But now, it has become gloomy and heavy. At first glance, it appears to be more calm than before, mainly because the words have become less, and the lack of mouth is not so prominent.

Each has undergone major changes, and when we get along again, it's obviously a bit more polite and a bit less honest. Kane can't help but feel a little embarrassed when he sees it, and thinks of the famous saying, "If life is just like seeing it at a lot. People and things become the past and never come back. I don’t know how many years later, when the four people think back to today, will they regret the loss of innocence, and what is it that they do not know how to sell at a low price? It's the rare gains and losses of innocence itself.

Perhaps it was the successful interpretation of the magic book that made Sacco become more confident and a little bloated. He even proposed to his little friend a plan to retrieve his tree-hit second-hand car, repair it, and go on the road.

Fortunately, Olaf is sensible online, and his emotions are relatively stable. He simply analyzed the necessity of cars. It is nothing more than having such a transportation tool to shorten the hurry time. This in itself reduces the probability of accidents, not to mention the existence of vehicles. It is also advantageous to cover up their sensitive identities as half-orcs.

But it also analyzed the drawbacks of retrieving and repairing the car, mainly because of the possibility of being caught up by the arresting team again, and another is a waste of time. Repairing a car requires not only tools, but also facilities. Tranquil Garden will definitely not work. You have to go to Night City, but Night City is the site of the capture team. Perhaps the capture team does not cover the sky with one hand, but they can't afford to gamble.

"I know, it's not just about money, you have feelings for that car. That's your work, it was repaired at the beginning, and it was shown to me for a full month. I promise you that I will wait until the urgent tasks are finished. , We launched an operation specifically for this car. It doesn't matter whether the car is still broken there, or if it has been dismantled and sold scrap metal, we have retrieved it and repaired it, even better than before!"

Olaf’s remarks finally moved Nicolas, the group of four completely left the past behind, set off on the road again, and rushed to their destination. Unfortunately, some things are always endless. Some people are always lingering...


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