Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1359: Destiny team hits the road again

The Destiny Four is planning to go on the road again, and the first step is to start a car.

Not to mention the various benefits of having a car, Sako's leg injury alone made it difficult to walk to the destination.

In fact, Sacco's leg injury is almost healed. After all, he successfully used the Dark Spellbook, which is equivalent to an introduction to the extraordinary. And the extraordinary powers, once mastered, can always taste some sweetness, especially the dark ones, which are often immediate.

However, Sacco can’t be as perfunctory as Yakari. Yakari’s ribs are broken, which can be regarded as an internal injury. It is not obvious on the outside, and as a girl, it is inconvenient to check. Therefore, Yakari said: It may not be as heavy as expected." The other three finally chose to believe it.

However, Yacari also promised that once the situation was right, she and Sacco would both seek medical treatment and conduct professional examinations to avoid hidden illnesses and injuries at a young age.

Now the four of them want to build a car, but they are quite embarrassed to ask for it. It is inconvenient for them to show up, and the staff in Tranquil Garden are half fools. Let them do professional and well-behaved things. That's okay. But if it's shopping negotiations and adapting to changes, this is beyond their scope, let alone whether it is possible. To do things well, it is only a question of whether they can successfully manage and let them do it.

Regarding the staff of Tranquil Garden, Kane saw the most clearly. These people are equivalent to psychiatric patients who underwent anterior temporal lobe surgery. If it weren’t for industry discrimination with the characteristics of the world and the times, the abnormalities of these people would have been discovered long ago. .

However, it may be that fate does not want the four-person group to be too entangled in such trivial matters. The four-person group thinks about the car, and in the end someone sends the car.

Specifically, it is not considered as a pass-through, but the drivers of the funeral business complained that the road was bad and the car was worse, and they wanted to change a long time ago, but they couldn't find a suitable buyer, and were unwilling to sell scrap iron.

At the same time, the business that the driver of the funeral car pulled through is being arranged by the staff of Quiet Garden.

There is an ironic point here. Because they are semi-silly, in fact, the professional work done by the staff of Quiet Garden is very ordinary, mainly rigid. It has been the same for many years. Unlike the Ping An Town, they actively improve their business and are more friendly to the people and more grounded.

But the staff here have one good point, that is, they don't be lazy, and they don't take the opportunity to ask for bribes or other red envelopes.

As for professional things, who would be okay for ordinary people to accumulate knowledge in this area? It's almost done, the key is good price and careful service.

As a result, a bunch of half-silly jobs are very well received by ordinary people, who feel that they are sincere and traditional. Especially for the subsequent tomb sweepers, seeing that no matter when they come, the tomb area is clean and tidy, and I feel that the people here are kind and kind. But I don't know that their dead relatives, from the inside out, were thoroughly used by Poole.

Anyway, Poole's sudden death did not affect the normal business of Quiet Garden. After all, when Poole was alive, his apparent identity was just a cemetery guard, digging pits with a shovel to keep the cemetery tidy and avoid invasion by wild animals. The funeral process has nothing to do with it.

But now, Olaf and the others want to buy a car, and the funeral car driver wants to change the car. Both parties are very sincere, so they quickly closed the deal.

Nicolas also used Poole’s nephew’s identity to hope that the driver would help buy some clothes, but in fact it was completely unnecessary. The driver’s car was sold at a good price and he was already happy. Nicolas asked him to purchase the goods and gave the money generously. Just count. Make another money. In terms of the face of the money, the others are minor issues. Even though Poole knows this person, he has not even said a word for so many years. This kind of friendship is not even a nod. Relationship, what's the point of not mentioning it?

Olaf kept an eye on it, reminding people to buy clothes of the same model, only men's clothing, and a few more outfits. This is not easy for people to think of.

In addition, they need not only clothes, dry food, gadgets and tents necessary for travel, but they all need them.

I have suffered from the lack of preparation in this area before, and now I am not short of money, so I naturally want to check the gaps.

However, Olaf suggested that the wool should not stay close to one place, and rather stay in the Quiet Garden for one more day. The business here is also OK. It is not easy to wait for the car to come to the door. I believe it will not be too difficult to find a purchasing agent.

Nicolas and the others think about it, and they think it makes sense.

Of course, on the other hand, the three of them also have selfish intentions.

Nicolas knows the taste, and can't wait to continue studying the magic book.

Yakari also needs more time to master the newly acquired knowledge and power.

As for Grum, in Kane's view, this man was obviously moved by Poole and has entered a deep cooperation mode. Babudu stayed here for a while.

To say that Poole is also quite unlucky.

Anyone who can take the path of an extraordinary spellcaster will not have a bad IQ. Poole’s IQ is definitely one of the best among the half-orcs, but he used to be clever and was taught to be a human being. It was discovered that when a person loses the main usable value, the favor will appear weak.

This comprehension is very painful. Poole had to chew the rest at every quiet moment when he first came to Tranquil Garden.

This also became the driving force for him to work hard later.

Of course, the temptation of darkness is also indispensable. Not many people may work for a meager income.

In short, Poole drove through several dangerous levels with a grievance. If the dark element is not a prohibited category, Poole has already reached the level of being able to stand out among the casters.

As a result, before he waited for a blockbuster, he fell in love with the Son of Destiny and was annihilated. Even the back roads that were usually prepared were not used, and they had to choose the most panic way to survive.

Fortunately, Grum's young and insightful, not so beautiful growth experience made him more greedy than most of his peers, and eager to prove himself. So I chose to hold the thigh as a shortcut.

But there is a downside to holding the thighs, that is, the contrast is strong, and self-esteem has become a daily content.

If people are in middle age, it's okay to get used to mediocrity, but they are young and unwilling. Ask yourself again and again, "Why is he so good?" What am I worse than him? ’

Puerxin said: "It's okay if you don't admit defeat. If you are willing to be a salted fish, I will be the character of the allure, and I will show the blind people a pole dance!

As a result, the little gang was in Tranquil Garden. Grum was the happiest person. Under Poole’s guidance, he kept digging for good things from secrets. When he thought that these were his own, happiness became double the amount. of.

Kane watched and sighed secretly, not only for Grum, but also for himself.

He was able to get ahead in the Vientiane Gate system back then, also because of his unwillingness and hostility, which he brought from the real world.

For his career, he was old and he hadn't even talked about a decent relationship between men and women. If not, it will not be reborn from the fall of the female players.

He asked himself, if he met a big man like Poole back then, instead of a relatively long-term and fair Vientiane Gate system, would he perform better than Grum?

The answer is no. Even if you have a broader vision and a higher cultural literacy, you will not be able to jump out of the pit of desire, and you will still fall, but it will be more tortuous.

Unlike Grum at this time, the continuous success of ‘treasure digging’ has greatly reduced his defensive heart. After all, he was trapped by Poole, sat on an electric chair, and initiated a dark ritual.

Then Grum died.

Weareone failed.

Correspondingly, Poole failed to grasp Grum's information in a comprehensive and detailed manner by swallowing memory information. Using Grum's body, if he wanted to continue to mix with the small group, he could only play role-playing. It is a foreshadowing for the future to be exposed.

To say that Poole's replacement was a good time, Grum had the lowest status in the small gang and received the least attention, and Yakari didn't get close to him.

Now Nicolas is fascinated by the colorful colors of the extraordinary world, and Olaf is bitter and bitter + the ring grandfather Charon Kamizuna is online, and he has no time to be distracted and pay attention to the situation of other friends.

As a result, Poole figured out the approximate relationship between Grum and the other three through only ten hours of observation, and now he was a bit low-key and successfully passed the blunder.

In fact, Poole's biggest enemy is the ring grandfather Charon, who is a real bystander, especially an old world.

However, based on Olaf's reaction, Kane believed that even if Charon saw Poole through, he did not warn Olaf. As for the reason, Kane felt that the reason was very complicated, including the checks and balances on Yacarly.

Yakali's rune tree species are too big to see. It is estimated that Charon believes that the cooperation of Nicolas who got the Dark Spellbook and Poole who captured Shegrum may not be able to control Yakali.

In short, this small team is a typical four heavenly kings and five people. The internal relationship has become tangled, and it seems that it will become more and more tangled over time.

If the internal pressure is hard, the external side will give some sweet balance.

The fate seemed to be arranged in this way, so there was no accident. The car arrived and the other purchasing agents were also found. Not only did they get the travel items as expected, they also exchanged some cash in a very cost-effective way.

Cash is also very important to Olaf and the others. After all, half-orcs take out gems and gold nuggets when trading. The other party does not simply say'cannot find' to finish things, but will doubt the origin of these gems and gold nuggets. It's not stolen goods or something. Racial discrimination, that's it. It is reflected in all aspects. If you are forced, then there is nothing wrong. If you are strong, you will be suspected of having problems.

After being satisfied, the gang stayed in Quiet Garden for more than 60 hours and finally set off on the road again.

Grum, or Poole, sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect to say goodbye in such a way." After all the words were spoken, I realized that this should not be Grum's lines.

Fortunately, Nicolas and the others are accustomed to Grum’s unreliable mouths, and they say a few words from time to time. Not only did they feel weird at this time, but they felt that the previous Grum was back. Grum was silent and low-key these days. , They are still somewhat uncomfortable with the style of following the trend.

This time, the four of them were well prepared and vigilant enough, and nothing happened all the way.

Destiny likes to tease people so much.

Of course, for the parties involved, if smooth wind is also considered a trick, they are willing to be tricked forever.

At the same time, Kane didn't feel bored.

First of all, on Karazhan's side, the Hooded Men, that is, the deformed void elves, couldn't stretch themselves. They didn't even exceed 24 hours, so they came to visit. And it was very grand.

Low-key grand, a legendary powerhouse, but he did not reveal his identity, but secretly observed as an entourage.

So after thinking about it, Kane decided to give him a face, or that he was really intolerant of the social etiquette, red tape, and many contacts before he could finally talk about the topic. It was really boring.

In the past, it was often because of the need to go to the village to do what the customs did, so they could only follow this kind of process.

So when he was interviewed, he directly broke the strength of the legendary rank and asked: "Your organization has more power to speak if it is the big fist. If it is, then skip the temptation and go directly to the strong. Let’s talk."

The legendary step finally came forward fairly quickly, saying that he had the right of representation and was willing to take responsibility.

Then Kane asked the classics: "What do you want and what can you give?"

The legendary rank expressed that he wanted to restore his old view and was willing to give everything except freedom.

Kane said this is a bad sentence, and the concept of ‘freedom’ is too broad and must be restricted.

The legendary rank said the freedom that the void elves wanted.

Kane thought for a while and said, "Sorry, leaving aside these, what you can provide is too limited in my opinion."

In other words, the price is higher.

Legendary asked: "Is there a practical way?"

Kane replied: "It depends on how you understand the main problem you want to solve urgently. If you only care about appearance, constant deformation is good. If you want to stay awake all the time and reduce the erosion pressure, Occlumency will work. If If you want to completely restore the old view, then you have to find a way to achieve the magical effect of going back in time on your own body. I can't do this. However, I can introduce you to take advantage of the trend."

The void elves were a little stunned by the ridicule, and Kane said that. The problems that have caused them to suffer for a long time seem to be nothing.

The legendary step asked: "What is the concept of taking advantage of the trend."

"Of course it is the shadow of faith."

The void elves were a little bit angry when they heard it, the legendary stage successfully silenced everyone, and then asked Kane to explain in detail.

Kane asked, "Do you know the faith in Holy Light?"


"What about the World of Steel Draenor and the Holy Light Cult headed by Archbishop Yrel?" (In the Iron Tribe chapter, Yrel, who eventually grew from a small soldier to a major protagonist, later forced all intelligent races including the orcs to believe Holy Light, you die if you don’t believe it, even the chief Durotan of the Frostwolf clan, a former comrade-in-arms, died because of it. This is a story interpreted by the past of the Mag'han orcs, an alliance race of the tribal orcs)

"...And know some."

"Power has nothing to do with righteousness and evil. I believe this is also the main reason for comforting yourself when you chose the power of the void, or one of your beliefs."

"Yes, but..."

Before waiting for the legendary ‘but’ to come out, Kane said: "But it must be admitted that the environmental impact, extraordinary, subtle, dripping through the rocks, right?"

All the void elves nodded. Evil energy and the power of the necromancer can be substituted into this principle. Power is indeed not divided between good and evil, but dealing with dangerous powers every day usually results in no good. Those who are dissatisfied can discuss with Madame Curie the cost of studying radioactive materials.

"So, you actually understand that evil results are inevitable. What you have been pursuing is nothing more than delaying the arrival of the end of the day as much as possible through technical operations, so that you can use this dangerous power for a longer time. I am so Are you right?"

After a moment of silence, the legendary representative nodded and replied: "Yes."

"Well,'delay' is also a term of uncertainty. How long is long, and how short is short. I believe that everyone has their own answer, just like everyone has a way to sell oneself and serve others. The price of a part-time job is the same. What is really tangled is that the price is too high, but the price is too low."

Kane paused and gave the void elves some time to understand the meaning of what he said, and then said again: ‘I don’t know what price you were before, maybe it’s cabbage. You are called by people like dogs. It doesn't matter, I don't care about this. What I said is to follow the trend, just to provide you with a channel, the price is appropriate and inappropriate, you weigh it yourself, or if you feel that you are strong enough, you can talk to the other party. It has nothing to do with me. I introduce the channel and take the introduction fee. You think it is a good deal, and this transaction can be officially launched. Do you understand what I said? ’

The legendary level asked cautiously: "Can you find out about the seller you introduced to us?"

"Information fees, this requires additional money. Just kidding!" Kane said with a smile: "Actually, I have cryptically revealed the seller's situation just now. I asked you if you know the Holy Light faith, and since it is following your current situation, Naturally, I recommend you to Shadow Faith."

"But the technical service we need is not power itself." Legendary Stage argued.

"The one I recommend includes technical services. It has a godhead, a priesthood, and can bestow magical skills, but it has no self-awareness. The rules are all in the clear, there will be no additional requirements, and the amount of piety is completely linked. Give up and come back when you want to play, the door is still open. How about? Isn't it good and dreamy?"

Legendary Rank nodded: "If you said that there is no moisture, then it is indeed Fantasy Rank, and it suits us."

Kane laughed: "There is a pie in the sky, how can there be so many good things? There is a saying called "the right way in the world is the vicissitudes of life". This road is not easy to follow. It is straight to the heart, and can not tolerate the slightest cunning. . So the question is, even if this is the case, are you willing to go? You know, although Shadow Faith will not covet your extra dedication or take the opportunity to increase the price, my introduction fee is not cheap. You should go back and think about it. I think, at this moment, I am in a hurry, and everyone who looks back is unhappy."

Finally, Kane took out the classic lines of Lafayette: "Whoever makes me unhappy for a while, I will make him unhappy for the rest of my life."...

In addition to interacting with the void elves and ran to the Burning Plains to investigate the roots of the Four Destiny's dharmakayas, they have also gained considerable gains these days.

The matter of Olaf's family is not particularly complicated.

Olaf’s father is a general, pulling Olaf’s uncle, who is his father’s younger brother, to work in the military logistics department.

This kind of thing is not a big deal in the kingdom. To sound good, it is called juxian not avoiding relatives. To put it harder to hear, one person has the power to ascend to heaven, and develops to support relatives and friends.

As for whether the accomplices can do things well, as long as they don’t exceed the limit, no one will say more, don’t look at the face of the monk and the face of the Buddha.

But Olaf's uncle exceeded the limit, and Olaf's father couldn't help it. At the critical moment, his uncle ran away, and he couldn't even play a game of losing his car.

Then the trees fell and the humiliation scattered, but they fell so much that the family was destroyed and the family was destroyed. Some close people, represented by Olaf, felt that there were too many problems here and they should be framed.

Yes, there is no conclusive evidence. The army is no more than an ordinary unit. After the accident, Olaf was unable to see his father, but made judgments and speculations based on his father's usual style, temperament, and related knowledge of some relatives and friends.

As for going to the Twilight Forest, it was because of Olaf's uncle Shikap, where he last appeared. In other words, people disappeared there.

After learning about this information, Kane had to admit that Olaf said the incident involved was somewhat clichéd.

But it doesn't matter, the son of destiny often cuts in from the rotten vulgar event, and finally leads to the world crisis-level event. So be patient, I believe it will not disappoint him too much.

In addition, it is time for him to arrange the scene where he plays Brocks and the group of four meet again, and he must show his face from time to time to maintain a sense of existence, so that the fast-growing Son of Destiny will not be regarded as a passerby. A forget it, but treat it as a supplement to the team...


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