Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1366: Enhanced Elemental Demon Hunter

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Kane preceded Olaf and they discovered the "Bloodmouth Monster" and the control organization behind the Bloodmouth Monster. When Olaf and the others were looking for a breakthrough on the township road near the town of Jugen, they started to attack the monster. Deconstruction.

So I discovered the truth of the nightmare werewolf, and then a series of condescending creator operations.

Without moving the nightmare area, or even the wolf town, it just doesn't want to affect the organization that controls the Golem.

After all, this organization not only summons the Blood Mouth Monster from Wolf Township, but also some other extraordinary operations involving that nightmare area.

And they are the key villains who play rivals with the Destiny Four. Even if he has the heart to punish evil and promote good, he will not rush to tear down Destiny's screenwriter for a while.

Kane selected a few representative goremouth monsters from Wolf Township and sent them to the eco-ship for Miranda to conduct a comprehensive dissection.

He himself returned to the Twilight Forest, and while watching the show, he continued to perfect the Orc set for himself named ‘Brocks’ with a shaman position.

For example, he changed the external form of the earth and fire thugs that shaman can summon.

Through contract signing + energy restraint shackles, the two elements appear in the classic form of Fat Aladdin wearing a special gem wheel.

The so-called Fat Aladdin is just below the waist, which narrows quickly and becomes a cone wrapped in the energy of the corresponding elements. On the other hand, Kong Wu, who is strong and fat, is round and honest, and not so aggressive. Shape.

This form is naturally a tribute to the most classic elemental form of World of Warcraft in his memory. Nowadays, Azeroth's elemental creatures are rarely like this.

Kane was dissatisfied when he saw it, and felt that if he was not a monster, then he had to change.

At the same time, Grum, in the Destiny Group of Four, used his awakening, a wave of character, and was willing to risk going to the vehicle location to pick up the flares to do his dark and small activities.

The time is naturally a bit procrastinated. Make Olaf worry about them.

In such a context, the sheriff transformed.

There was salivation in his mouth, and he made an unconscious "hoho" sound, which had a somewhat ecstasy-like shaking effect, but the changes that happened to him were more frightening.

First of all, the cloth was broken. The original sheriff was just a thin and weak ordinary man. Now he really wants to become a monster with a head over 230cm and a weight of over 400 pounds. The clothes he originally wore were not the exclusive Hulk pants brand. ', of course, there was no discussion.

Then the skin thickens, becomes rough, and expands like a balloon.

At the same time, there seemed to be a wild monster trying to break through the pocket and bumping around, forming all kinds of weird bumps on the epidermis.

Then there is the formation of small eyes like a skin bag on a toad, and the formation of a big mouth in a blood basin.

To be honest, this kind of flesh-and-blood mutation with certain profane characteristics, when presented to ordinary people who are not mentally prepared, has a huge impact on consciousness and cognition.

Nicolas, who was the first to find out, couldn't read the words. While pointing with his fingers, he yelled to his companions to pay attention.

Yacari screamed halfway, and then she became strange.

Kane felt that what the half-scream represented was the original humanity of Yacari. As for the strange look later, it was that consciousness was affected by the power of the'Rune Seed'. There was an internal conflict, and the expression was unable to show this contradiction, so he had a strange expression on his face.

"The process of humanizing this girl's paper tool is a bit faster!"

The main reason for Kane's sigh was not a pity for Yacarly. As a creator who has killed countless creatures, he is fully qualified to say that he regards pink powder as a skeleton.

It is a pity that, according to this trend, the interesting speculation about who is the real protagonist of destiny, Yacarly is obviously going out.

Without the tools of self, it is almost impossible to be the son of destiny.

Even Grum, whose soul seems to have been swallowed, has a greater chance than Toolman.

Grum or Poole, at this time, had found Cole's dark magic book hidden in the driver's seat, covering the front of the book with one hand, Grum's eyes closed slightly, and his mouth was muttering words.

The dark power oozes out of the book, forming a tar-like sticky, greasy substance on the surface of the book, then climbs up to his receiver and penetrates through the pores, like a living thing.

Kane knew that this was an extraordinary power that was ‘trained’ by Poole. That is, after repeated tempering, it fits with his spiritual power.

Of course, it was still far from pure enough, and there was too much evil in it.

After this force got into Grum's body, it began to squirm and make noise. Soon Grum looked as if there were thousands of bugs squirming under the skin, and there was still black smoke.

This is the power of darkness transforming his body. Because of the large dose and violent transformation, it is extremely painful, which is not something ordinary people can bear.

Poole’s perception is more acute, and the intensity of the pain he bears is higher, but correspondingly, the will is stronger, and he is accustomed to bearing the pain, so he just clenched his teeth, clenched his fists, squeezed his strength, and supported him. When it was the most painful and unbearable, it was just a groan.

But it was this muffled sound that attracted two golems.

Grum is not the target of the Golem's owner, so the Golem that hasn't received special instructions can look directly at Grum and immediately rushes forward.

"Looking for death!" Although Grum hasn't completely adapted to it, he is no longer a weak and deceptive piece of wood. With his hand, he shot two black and purple shuttle-shaped light balls, directly leaping into the two **** mouths. Strange bang down.

Two spells were added immediately, both of which were instant.

"Oh, it's still the way of the Shadow Warlock, Shadow Bolt + Corruption + Sacrifice, and it can be instantaneous, so it can barely be regarded as a Battle Mage."

Although the blood mouth monsters are also a branch of the dark creatures, the energy of the shadow bolts is still excessive for them, and they are not supported by their shadow resistance.

Coupled with the burning effects of corrosion and sacrifice, it was obviously torment and ravages. The blood-mouth monster twitched all over and made a strange cry of ‘squeaking’. It was very painful to see the situation.

And Grum, whose eyes were beating with gloomy flames, showed a pleasant smile.

At the same moment, Olaf, Sacco, and Yakari were ashamed of the blood-mouthed monsters turned into by the sheriff.

The newcomer to the sheriff is the newcomer of the police. I don’t know if it was over-tension that led to a collapsed outbreak, or if he performed well on the spot. This is the characteristic of this newcomer. This newcomer is not like the unlucky person in the similar scenes of most film and television works In that way, while screaming, or not even this one-second close-up, he was killed on the spot by the newly transformed monster.

Instead, he shot the golem's head with the shotgun in his hand in time, then let go of the big gun and drew the pistol from his waist, ‘Boom! "It was two more shots (only two bullets), and then he picked up a piece of wood, and smashed it over...

The whole process was smooth and smooth, and it was like having practiced many times.

It's a pity that such a blow, to the Goremouth monster, is like beating a lion with a whip, which can only wound but not kill, but it has increasingly aroused its ferocity.

So the new policeman smashed the board with a powerful force, but was grabbed by the blood-mouthed monster, and then bitten into pieces.

The next bite snapped off a pair of forearms of the police Xinding who had retreated for a while. At this time, Xinding’s lack of fighting experience became more and more prominent. He was in a daze because of the severe pain and the sudden loss of his arm. As a result, even the headband and the shoulder were bitten into the mouth by the blood mouth monster, and then the crocodile or shark was eating. That kind of bite, the scene is both **** and tragic.

Olaf originally wanted to take the opportunity to win the door, but unfortunately his teammates were not so good. Nicolas was too frightened, adrenaline soared, and his legs were sore. Yacarly had a weird face and looked silly.

Olafra and the two fled together, they missed the opportunity, swallowing the blood-mouth monster who was half of the policeman’s upper body and did not continue to feast, but looked at Olaf and the others, letting the remains twitch and twitch on the ground. Gurgling blood.

The next scene is more inconsequential. The weapon in Olaf's hand is just a wooden plank he picked up. It may be that a hunter has brought some recently. He is ready to save enough to repair this hunter's house, so there are Several stacks.

The scene just now has proved that this kind of weapon can't deal with the Goremouth at all, and Olaf can't help it, it's better than bare-handed.

However, the fact is that the Goremouth was stunned. It seemed that Olaf, who was afraid of holding the wooden plank, let out an anxious growl, but he was slow to attack.

Instead, they tried to attack Sacco and Yakari, but because of the limited space in the big house and Olaf tried to guard against them, several attempts ended in failure.

This scene, like an eagle catching a chick in a children's game, made Kane dumbfounded.

"Well, it's time for the Sajia to debut. If I miss this stop, I am afraid that the next suitable opportunity will take a long time. It does not meet the plan of showing a face from time to time and maintaining familiarity."

To be honest, it is not a good time in Kane's opinion now. Stealing the limelight is secondary. The key is that the coincidence value is too high. If he is the one who has been wary of any strangers during his life as a reincarnation, such a high coincidence value can be secretly suspected.

However, he had already understood the drama arranged by the master behind the Blood Mouth Monster, and knew that the next step would be an important hurdle for the Destiny Four, and it would be the kind that would be difficult to jump in halfway.

Instead, he can make a fuss about the villain, such as becoming the unlucky person who has been tricked into being trapped in his semi-fortress villa (similar to the Drustwavikres family manor) by the villain.

But he was afraid that that would have a greater impact on the main line.

After all, many times, the villain is the engine that advances the plot.

What kind of wicked person to jump out and what method to use determines what kind of test the protagonists face, and what effect they will achieve after victory.

If, because of his group brainwashing operation, destiny gave up the important part of the original arrangement for this group of chess pieces, it would be bad.

So let's do it now, staged the World of Warcraft version of the Demon Hunter story.

Kane's character setting for Brocks this time mainly refers to the protagonist of the famous wizard series, Geralt the White Wolf.

In the wizarding world, the demon hunters are more infamous than ordinary mercenaries. The specific reasons are not only for their money and inferiority, but also because of their inhuman characteristics. It can be said that this characteristic is the basic price for their ability to hunt demons.

Kane feels that Geralt, who has his own values ​​and always adheres to the bottom line of principles, is not a good person, but is much better than many wicked and hypocritical people.

And the embarrassment of being excluded from the mainstream group and being disliked by people in various daily lives is very similar to the social role played by the half-orcs in this world and this era, so it is arranged like this.

"Take it to death, you evil and filthy monsters!" When Kane appeared on the stage, he also shouted a line that he felt a little awkward.

Then there is the mixed style of strengthening Sa + element Sa, holding two axes, one with the upper enchanted fire tongue, the other with the upper enchanted wind tongue, and there is thunder lightning flowing on the body, and a lightning bolt comes from far away. Using an enchanted axe to slash, the moves are open and close, no routine, but fast, accurate, and ruthless, just like the three-strike axe when hunting carnivores.

I have to say that occasionally it is quite fun to try this kind of battle after controlling the power at the 18th-line level.

The blood-mouth monsters also cooperated. Perhaps it was Kane’s strong and pure natural power and the'life' characteristics represented by the power of the elements, which caused the envy and hatred of these opposing monsters, and the master behind it also I don't want this kind of guy who looks like a trouble to merge with the Destiny Four, so the blood-mouth monsters are fierce, giving up their lives and forgetting their deaths, and they attack.

Kane strives to play the outstanding demeanor of an experienced shaman in battle, while constantly moving, using terrain, trees and other obstacles to break the siege of the blood-mouth monster, while looking for fighters, boldly counterattack.

The other is the use of totems.

In addition to the basic totems of Earth, Fire, Water and Wind, Shaman also has applications of functional totems such as static totem, trembling totem, and bound totem.

The basic totem is mainly to increase the BUFF, while other functional totems have their own targets, such as the trembling totem to eliminate the fear effect, the binding of the totem to slow down the actions of the enemies within the range, and the living water totem to continue to treat the wounded.

This is considered to be a major feature of World of Warcraft shaman, Kane naturally pretends to be a complete set, and must have it. After all, it is not only unique, but also very handsome.

Especially at night, different totems and different styles are not only affected by their functions, but also by race and even personal style. UU Reading is like the totem used by the orc shaman and the dwarf shaman. The external style is completely different. The totem pole of the draenei shaman is another kind, and so on.

Therefore, the combat position of Shaman is quite interesting.

What's more, the more fakes, the more attention must be paid to the ethnic style, which makes it very indigenous. The real aboriginals, in them, often don't emphasize these forms.

Kane yelled that line, naturally he yelled to Olaf and the others.

Olaf is a person who is more benevolent and righteous, or a more traditional and Eastern way of thinking. He does not cause trouble to others, and tries his best to solve bad things by himself.

Nicolas is more Western-style, you help me, I help you, the more you help, the closer you are, this is a good brother.

So they all heard Kane's shouts, and they all distinguished it was Kane. Olaf did not say anything, but Nicolas was overjoyed and shouted directly: "Brocks! We are here. , In the big house! Come on!"

Then he said to Olaf and Yacari: "I thought Brocks was not an ordinary person before!"

Kane, who was waiting for someone in the room to give the stairs, was very satisfied with Sacco's performance. Without Nicolas's response, he would be even more embarrassed to break into the big house.

‘Boom! With a bang, a large hole was smashed into the weak wooden wall somewhere in the big house, and Kane, who was wearing a chain armor with electric light behind him, broke in with great momentum.

The blood-mouth monster transformed by the sheriff was startled at first, and then rushed towards Kane like a stranger.

One axe trembles electrically, and then another axe burns, oh oh oh oh! The double axe slashed violently, just like a whole roasted pig was chopped after it was roasted. The Goremouth was chopped into several pieces at the moment, but the tragic death on the spot was not very bloody.

Immediately, the villain Kane first complained: "Ha, why are you here!?"

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