Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1367: Bring money into the scene to impose a play

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The reason is not enough, it is a coincidence.

That's what Kane did.

And when it came up, the wicked complained first and asked Olaf why they were here.

Before they could answer, he continued to rely on the initiative to take the rhythm. Said, "This kind of wooden house can't withstand a few collisions with that kind of monster. You'd better evacuate to a safe place with me first."

"Good!" Nicolas said first.

He was already frightened when the Goremouth was slamming on the roof. Just now Kane smashed a big hole in the wooden wall and came in, which made him intuitively see the degree of decay of the building's building materials, and it was still faint. I heard Liang Zhu's moan.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not erect a dangerous wall. If it collapses and is properly buried alive, now it is hard to have a **** that can fight, naturally, he wants to evacuate to a safe place.

Olaf said, "There is another partner, Grum." Afraid that Kane might not remember, he reminded him that "it is the most handsome of us."

"Where is he?" Kane asked as he beckoned and motioned for the three of them to follow him.

"Go to the car to get the flares. These monsters seem to be afraid of light."

"Not afraid of light, but aversion to light. In fact, even if they rely solely on smell and hearing, they are enough to support normal actions, including fighting."

Kane said that he threw the double axe in his hand, and the two axes were rotated in the air to draw an arc, and then crossed at a certain point, a stern hiss sounded, and another goremouth monster was killed, and the crossed double axes Still spinning, and finally fell back to Kane.

Immediately, Kane's body surged, and in the next second, the two axes hit each other in front of him, and the sound of thunderbolt suddenly replaced the ordinary golden and iron symphony. The signature lightning chain of the elemental shaman shot out, and several lurking. Bloodmouth monsters in the nearby forest were hit one after another.

Due to the reduction of injuries this time, the first head was directly scorched, the second head was dying, and the third head suffered moderate injuries...the last head was just numb.

At this time, Kane cheatfully used one of the signature skills of World of Warcraft warriors, big jump, jump directly, and the battle axe with thunder and lightning smashed the paralyzed blood mouth monster. Then use another signature technique of the warrior, whirlwind slash, like a thundering whirlwind, passing over the blood-mouth monsters that were hit by the chain of lightning but not dead before strangling them.

Nicolas and Yacari were dazzled by the look, while the ring grandfather Charon explained to Olaf Kane’s tactics, enjoying the'electricity' feature of the chain of lightning, determining the position of the Goremouth, and looking at the best Killing, this is obviously the tactic chosen for the purpose of killing.

In the end, Charon pointed out that Kane is not only a powerful warrior with ten times the flesh and blood power of ordinary people, but also a fighting wizard with powerful spiritual power.

He is not very old, and he has such an amazing art industry. Not to mention that in this era, it is not common that it is easy to spawn powerful fighters in the chaotic era, so this person must have an extraordinary background to deal with. , Be careful.

After Charon gave Kane eye drops, he said that he would be silent for a while, lest Kane discovered his existence and caused Olaf any trouble.

Olaf is not a fool, especially after the accident in his family, the faces of his relatives and friends can be regarded as an important lesson for him. Therefore, Charon believed in his remarks, but at the same time he also felt something different. Thing, that is Charon's fear of Kane.

"Unexpectedly, I have fallen into this situation, and there is still no shortage of conspirators around me. What about this Brock? What is he plotting? Or is it really just a coincidence? Let's watch while walking!"

At the same time, the rustling sound changed from less to more, from far to near, Nicolas and the others seemed to see that more blood-mouthed monsters were rushing all the way regardless of the obstacles of the branches and leaves of the trees.

It was at this time that they had a rough estimate of the total number of Golems for the first time.

"So there are so many!" Olaf was surprised at the same time, but he couldn't help but be suspicious. After all, dealing with the Goremouth in the wooden house happened just now. Combining this situation, anyone who is not too dull can be aware of it. The Goremouth seems to be releasing water.

‘Beep...beep beep! ’

A very special wooden whistle sounded suddenly.

"Ha!" Kane roared, and both axes came out. This time it was not a maneuver, but a big move similar to that of the League of Legends World Glory Executioner Delevingne—the effect of spinning death.

The two axes are like plowing blade-tooth thunder wheels, rolling forward side by side at high speed, and they are very powerful. Only the edge of the power, they plow two clear scorched trenches on the ground, and they have a long range of more than two hundred meters. It was over in the blink of an eye, and its trajectory, whether it was a rock or a tree, was cut away.


There was a scream from a distance.

Kane shook his head and said, "Very cunning!"

Nicolas stepped forward and asked, "Did you whistle?"

"Well, it moved immediately while blowing the whistle, so it was just scratched by the energy blade of the skill. I have escaped."

"It turns out that you are so good." Sacco was obviously a little closer and even pleased this time.

Kane looked at him up and down a few times, and smiled profoundly, "You are not easy, you can barely enter the industry. However, although power is not divided into good and evil, there is a difference in attribute affinity, which is the same as being in the machine room every day. Staying, it is inevitable that there is a reason for the smell of engine oil. You are a little more vigilant."

Nicolas's face changed color when he heard it, but he quickly resolved his embarrassment and said in a thick and dark tone, "Then there is a chance, can you give me specific pointers?"

"Yes, at least for now, you are far from being the kind of existence that I vowed to purify. In the face of the same race, I'm still happy to answer the question of the art industry."

"What are you talking about?" Yacarly interjected, clumsily.

"Uh..." Nicolas didn't know how to answer.

To be honest, he is reluctant to lie to people close to him. Because of a lie, more lies are often needed to round it.

Moreover, the extraordinary power will be exposed sooner or later, and there is no way to hide it. If you lie about it now, it is tantamount to a backlog of conflicts and grievances, which will break out in the future, and it may affect each other's feelings.

But frankly, a suitable opportunity is also needed. Being revealed by Kane now makes him feel dilemma who is not prepared.

However, before Nicolas could make the final decision, Kane asked Jacarly in surprise, "Are you having any adventures in the past few days? Even Jacari has embarked on an extraordinary path, and the progress is higher!"

Nicolas couldn't help but said, "You can see it? Is it so conspicuous?"

Kane did not answer positively, but said, "It seems that you are just having adventures, gaining extraordinary enlightenment, but not inheriting skills, even the most basic."

As he said, he flew out two light stars with his fingers, flew slowly towards the two of them, and explained that "this is some basic knowledge, relax your mind and body."

Regarding this mysterious unknown, Sacco and Yacari were a little instinctively worried at first, but they also wanted to use Kane’s ability to pit them without this kind of indiscriminate means, plus they had After interacting, and now there is a life-saving grace, I just relax and relax.

For Kane, this is actually an attempt.

On the surface, it is indeed beneficial and harmless, and it is not a big gain like open air, but knowledge transfer. It's just that this is a typical transcendent version of ‘intentional teaching’, which will not lead to misunderstanding due to language, knowledge literacy and other reasons.

But going deeper, Sacco and Yacari were subjected to his technique, which was tantamount to labeling them, and it was easier to perform follow-up operations.

Kane did this, not to disturb the fate of the two Huang, on the contrary, but to give them a chance.

Like Yacari, in his opinion, if he does not intervene, this person will leave the team before Grum. As he just said, the progress of transcendence is higher.

After becoming a tool man, the qualifications of the son of destiny will be lost, and most of them will leave the team driven by the newly acquired sense of mission.

Kane now prefers that the effect of the Son of Destiny is apportioned rather than concentrated on one person. After all, Olaf's excellence, or being competent in the role of the son of destiny, does not mean that he can get along well with him.

Kane wondered, as long as the others in the four-person team do not make big mistakes and fall behind, then the luck will not be concentrated on Olaf, who is always outstanding and lasting, and will not become the son of absolute destiny, at least Not so early.

For him, dealing with the Destiny Group is actually easier than dealing with the Son of Destiny. After all, Olaf was a little suspicious and the city was deep, and he had Grandpa Ring beside him.

In addition, after the Emerald Dream discovered the dark singularity that was forming, his mentality also changed to a certain extent.

He is no longer particularly concerned about the success or failure of the project "Through the Son of Destiny, Participate in the Great Events of the Times", the universe feels not so good to him, and the more he understands it, the more dangerous it looks.

Of course, he was not afraid of it, but pondered. In this way, he needs to do his best to deal with it, rather than the semi-ticket nature of the previous quiet stage before the short storm on the side of Warhammer 40k. Make some achievements here.

So this project is good, but it doesn't matter if it fails. He will return to the Warhammer 40k universe and strive to kill the four evil gods again.

In this way, whether it was the Middle Ages or the 40k, the four evil gods of the Warhammer universe were killed by him once, and the key value of this series was even if he was completely shaken by him.

At that time, he took the war worms accumulated by the warhammer 40k into the universe of Warcraft and swept horizontally. He wanted to see what tricks those ghost tricks could do in front of the grandeur.

So the form is different, and now Kane is more open, vaguely breaking his wrist with fate, using his methods to compete for some screenwriting and directing rights.

After Sacco and Yakari received Kane's extraordinary gift, they only blinked a few times in reality before digesting their knowledge.

While lamenting the extraordinary magic, I also felt a little funny at my previous fear of the extraordinary. It turns out that in terms of entry, it is the level of children's numeracy.

Of course, they didn't know the truth of ‘thousands of false words, one word of true words’. The knowledge Kane gave them seemed easy to understand, as long as they were not mentally handicapped, but it was actually the culmination of hard work, simple and not simple. And it really means that it can only be understood and cannot be explained, as long as ordinary language cannot accurately express its rich meaning.

Extraordinary power is closely linked to information. Some information is in place, and the skills are naturally mastered. For example, perception. For the transcendent, it is like breathing in an ordinary person and can be grasped naturally.

However, it is very difficult to sing a small song, and it is a world of difference compared with Kane's spiritual perception.

After gaining extraordinary perception, they can see the world from the perspective of extraordinary energy. Nicolas and Yakari have a kind of surprise that blind people can see things at first glance, and they have a thorough feeling in everything.

Looking at each other and Kane again, he saw the doorway, and there was extraordinary energy flowing in his body.

The extraordinary energy flow in Kane is majestic and powerful, like a river rushing, vigorous and natural and free.

The extraordinary power of Yakari is also natural, and it feels very comfortable. Nicolas can even clearly taste the feeling of strength when Yakari exploded before, but it currently exists in a relatively soft and stable state.

However, the extraordinary power of Yakari’s body gives people the first impression of order. The order is even a little rigid, and it flows quietly, just like the water net that people open up in the field, with clear divisions and clear logic.

The extraordinary power in Sacco is still circulating, but the general feeling is obscure, unstable, lacking rhythm, and the power itself feels unfriendly.

"You..." Yakari said in surprise, she finally understood what the conversation between Kane and Nicolas was talking about, and because she also hid little secrets, she understood Nicolas's worries. So the second half of the sentence became "I can understand, really, but it seems to hurt you!"

Sacco was naturally happy because of the empathetic performance of the beloved sister paper, but because his situation was really a bit difficult to explain, he was impatient, but he didn't know how to explain it.

Kane broke the awkward atmosphere. "Two, are we really okay if we continue to leave Olaf aside?"

Nicolas and Yakari couldn't help looking at Olaf, both with impressive faces.

After all, after experiencing this, a few people have become more and more eager for ‘power’, and both of them have had a good start in this regard, but Olaf is clueless. What about the good and the blessed to share? However, in these few disasters, Olaf's performance is remarkable no matter which time it is which makes them even more embarrassed.

Olaf’s performance is as strong as ever. While walking towards them, he said, "It’s okay, to be able to embark on the extraordinary road. This is your chance. As a good friend, I am very happy for you. I share this joy for a reason. As for other things, you still act with me. This has shown your attitude, hasn’t it?"

"Yes, our original intention has not changed. It is still the person you know." Olaf said so nicely, Sacco naturally gave a positive response immediately and his emotions were in place.

Yacarly nodded vigorously. I thought, "As expected, this girl is the boy whom this girl likes, with a broad mind and understanding of others!"

Kane jumped out to splash cold water, "Difficulties and hardships, the feelings of withstanding the test are naturally deeper, but it is inevitable that someone will be left behind."

With that, he said to a bush, "Come out, you made a fatal mistake, that is, you were lucky and didn't take the opportunity to escape. Then I will give you a chance to understand the obsession."

The one in the bushes was also a bachelor. After being exposed, he appeared, and it was Grum who had gone but never turned.

At this time, Grum, in the eyes of Nicolas and Yacari, a flame-like black light rose all over his body, making his whole person look shameless.

Both of them quickly recognized their identities, and Sacco said heavily, "Poul!?"

Yakari asked urgently, "Where is my brother?"

Grum sneered "stupid question!" and then stared at Kane with scorching eyes. "You can guarantee that you will win?"

Kane nodded, "I have won."

As he spoke, the earth shook around Grum, and four elemental totems of pure energy appeared.

"I gave you a chance to express grievances, but I didn't promise you to take this posture!"


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