Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1372: Something about the Werewolf Kingdom

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Wanghai Town has a wide stone road street, because it is a relatively new town, the street is horizontal and vertical, the planning and layout of the buildings are also very reasonable, the residential buildings are on the periphery, the functional facilities and shops are all in the central area, and there is a big one. Square.

On the round table in the center of the square, there is a stone statue of more than ten meters high. It is a graceful and resolute female man. On the base stone below the front of the stone statue, there is a bronze plate with the name of this character etched on it. The founder of the town-Lorna Crowley.

Kane is very familiar with this surname.

The Crowley family was once the overlord of Gilneas, second only to the royal family Greymane. When it was passed down to the generation of Rona's father, Darius, something big happened.

The general situation at the time was that King Gene Greymane, after the second war between humans and beasts, played a strong strategy of shutting down the country.

This strategy, on the surface, was unwilling to bear the cost of the orc imprisonment advocated by the then leader of the kingdom of Lendanren, King Menethil, after the Second War between Man and Beast. In fact, it was initiated by resisting Lordaeron. The act of annexation is quite similar to the isolationist strategy played by the John Bulls in the history of the original world.

The most representative object of this strategy is the Greymane Wall.

This wall is not as natural as the English Channel, it is man-made, and considering the topography, it roughly divides the territory of the Crowley family in two.

The more representative lands that were allocated are Baron Silvalian's Castle and Burnwood Village, which later became Shadowfang Castle. It was a baronial territory above the standard, and Silvalien's loyal monarch was the Duke of Crowley.

In fact, even Seborcher and Ambermere were once the land of the Duke of Crowley. It's just that they have territorial disputes with the kingdoms of Lordaeron and Dalaran.

Far away, only to say that Gene Greymane used a high wall to brutally split the Duke of Crowley. Darius could not bear it and launched the famous ‘North Gate Rebellion’.

It’s famous because the incident is closely connected with the Werewolf Curse, Cataclysm, Invasion of the Forsaken, and other major events. Gilneas was also emptied of national power during this series of events, and eventually died and fled. The regime also went into exile overseas.

From the perspective of Kane’s bystanders, he believes that the Crowley family is blameless in the overall situation. After all, in the face of the national crisis, Darius, who had already been imprisoned because of the failure of the North Gate rebellion, was very happy. The two Genes reached an agreement to fight the enemy together.

The first thing he did was to contribute his secret arsenal in the Gilneas City. It was originally used to rescue Darius and overthrow the kingdom's power.

The second thing is that Darius contributed his own wolf soldier.

Yes, when it comes to adapting and using the werewolf curse, the Crowley family is ahead of the Greymane family.

At that time, because of political correctness, Gene Greymane, who had been cursed by the werewolf and had not lost himself, had to implement the national policy of ‘killing the bloodthirsty beast’.

The kingdom’s combat power was first greatly injured in the'North Gate Rebellion'. Before it was fully rested, it began to wipe out the werewolves. As a result, more and more soldiers were bitten and became werewolves. Later, the wounded barracks had to Change to a cage type, because many injuries often escape the camp in the middle of the night after experiencing a coma, and are already a werewolf when they meet again.

Then came the attack of the Forsaken, and the kingdom's fighting strength was struggling to challenge, and the result can be imagined.

So when the situation was most critical, Gene Greymane actually had no soldiers. If it weren't for Darius's wolf soldiers, Gilneas would not have been able to even make the final evacuation.

At that time, there was another point worth mentioning, because the kings adopted a resolute resistance to the werewolf curse and had an attitude of killing one. Therefore, the night elves who want to help, the first to cooperate with are more pragmatic. The Crowley family.

In other words, the night elves are indeed the life-savers of Gilneas, but as the ruler, the Greymane family has to accept a great favor from the Crowley family. After all, they are smooth through the Crowley family’s favor channels. The completion of the government in exile was excessive.

But Darius did not follow the government in exile as far abroad, but stayed and led his subjects to continue to fight against the forgotten in the ruins of Gilneas and the Silver Pine Forest in the form of guerrillas.

This is also an important reason why the Forsaken captured Gilneas, but failed to digest it in the later stages.

It is precisely because of these hidden secrets that Kane feels that Darius, as the lord, is not bad. It can even be said that the international image of Gilneas is mainly constructed by Darius, and Gene Greymane is just a front figure who has inherited his political legacy.

Regarding the person Gene Greymane, Kane complained too much.

In one sentence, Gene is not a qualified king. I won't talk about him for all the awkward operations before he lost his country. In other words, after losing his country, Gene did not focus on reuniting the hearts of the people and regaining the country again, but like an old wolf holding grudges, biting the forsaken headed by Sylvanas until the return of the Legion, and even later During the battle for Azeroth, it was still very targeted.

Although to it, the hatred of the country and the family is basically the same thing. But Kane still felt that he couldn't tell the priority. Merely disregarding one's own situation, arrogant and arrogant, insisting on revenge and hatred, Kane looked stupid.

To put it bluntly, when you own the kingdom, you could not win the Forsaken in local combat. However, in the context of almost all exiles, you are expecting to use the war resources allocated by the alliance to organize manpower to win on the battlefield in order to win by unscrupulous means. , Plague, fel omnipotent forgotten, what level of illusion is this?

As a result, there is a Gilneas exile community over the Rotten Scars of the Cursed Lands, Val'sharah in the Broken Isles, and a Gilneas exile community. Even the snow-capped Northrend Grizzly Hills has a Moon Creek. Werewolf...

Gilneas are like dandelions scattered all over the world, struggling to survive. Isn't this a qualified king, the highest priority to solve? As time goes by, people's hearts will become more and more scattered, and the team will become more and more difficult to lead. Don't you understand this truth?

Kane even felt that maybe it was because Gene died during the national war, so he had no reason to think about the future of the title of King Gilneas.

As for Lorna Crowley, one sentence: A tiger father has no dogs.

When Darius was in prison, it was Rona who led Darius's old ministry. While continuing to fight hard and soft with the king, he secretly raised and actively planned the rescue of Darius. Later, he became one of the key figures for the government in exile and the smooth evacuation of refugees from Gilneas. He was specifically responsible for a series of grounded command work.

Therefore, the founder of Wanghai Town is Lorna Crowley, which makes sense to Kane.

Perhaps because it had been standing in front of Lorna's sculpture for a long time, a woman in a poncho approached and asked: "Outsiders, you feel in front of this sculpture, is it someone who knows the Crowley family?" "

Kane glanced at each other. His long black hair was slightly curly, and his appearance was outstanding. At first glance, he looked a bit similar to Rona Crowley.

He shook his head, "I don't know, I just remember that era."

The woman said with some playfulness: "If I were you, I would say that I do have an old relationship with a certain Crowley. In this way, people in this town will be treated as friends. Knowing that the locals are quite exclusive."

"Exclusive, this is the most common common problem in the world. I don't care, I am not welcome, then I will go."

The woman didn't squeeze anymore, but said straightforwardly: "But I think you are like a great guy, so I want to keep you in place of everyone."

"Really? Where did you see it?" Kane asked with interest.

"Attitude." The woman said confidently: "The depression and panic here can be seen by fools, but you don't care at all. It's not a pretending attitude, but a strong heart. I hope this kind of inner strength is Because there is a good art industry. Because now Wanghai Town needs the help of powerful fighters."

The woman’s honesty made Kane willing to talk to each other for a while: "So, this is considered as a local people who are reserved and self-respectful, and at the same time don't trust outsiders, ask me for help?"

"Yes. Compared to the distress we face today, I really don't mind asking for help in a low voice."

"Well, you achieved your goal with frankness. I decided to help you, but I'm used to putting ugly things on the front. What can I get?"

"The friendship of the people in Wanghai Town, and the considerable financial rewards. Of course, it is mainly gold, silver and jewelry."

"Slightly boring, but I accept it theoretically."

"In theory?"

"You have to know what kind of pay it is?"

The woman uttered "Oh" and nodded: "Although I would prefer you to be the kind of hero who is so strong that you don’t care about specific issues and take over all things, but a pragmatic fighter is also good. My name is Sasha Crowley. , Currently acting mayor, welcome to Wanghai Town."

Kane was just right to be surprised, pointed to the sculpture, and asked: "This Crowley."

"Yes, but Wanghai Town has almost one-third of the population, all named Crowley."

"Oh, that's really prosperous. My name is Brocks Whiteclaw and I am a shaman."

After Kane said this, he saw Sasha's eyes lit up, and immediately asked, "That white claw of the orc Whiteclaw clan?"

Kane did not answer, but instead asked: "Mayor, you are not only knowledgeable, but also imaginative. Where did you know the existence of the White Claw? You know, even those who participated in two wars between humans and beasts, Very few people know this clan."

Sasha did not answer Kane's question, but nodded: "I was just a whimsical guess. I didn't expect to meet the descendants of the White Claw clan."

Kane came interested: "How are you sure?"

"It's still because of your attitude. In addition, your combat position is a supplement."

Kane did not continue to struggle with this issue, but nodded, "It seems that you do know the past of the White Claw clan."

The Whiteclaw clan is an ancient orc clan. After the Frostwolf clan led by Durotan failed against Gul'dan, the Whiteclaw clan showed sympathy for the Frostwolf while still opposing Gul'dan's change of the traditional life mode of the orcs. practice.

The result was naturally being killed by Gul'dan and completely annihilated.

The formation of the Draenor orc clan is different from the ancient tribal clan in the origin world. An important point is that they are cultural identity, better than blood identity.

Therefore, whether White Claw or Frostwolf, the point is cultural heritage.

This is also the main consideration when Kane chooses his surname. The person he set for this Bullock is the traditional culture of the White Claw clan, and the shamanic way it follows is a very pure orc shamanic way.

Someone might say that no matter how pure it is, it is nothing more than a barbaric culture born on the basis of rumoring and drinking blood. There are too many differences in cognition and identification with modern civilization.

Yes, but what Kane wanted to say is that Draenor orc culture is somewhat content. It is not that they are too bullish, but that they are caused by external pressure.

Know that before the rise of the orcs, they were just slaves to the ogres.

The ogres once established a pan-empire race that spread across the entire planet of Draenor.

In addition, the draenei who fled from Argus to settle in Draenor have an advanced magical civilization based on crystals.

In this context, the orcs can stick to their own path, bring down the ogres, and once live in peace with the draenei. Without the characteristics of their own cultural orientation, it is impossible to do so. The Shamanism is a warship with a strong religious color bred on the basis of culture, just like the native religion, Taoism, bred by the ancient Chinese civilization.

It is for this reason that even if Kane doesn't like Draenor orcs, he still has to admit that orcs' shaman warfare is taken out. At least from the perspective of his journey through the heavens and worlds, he has never seen a system, theoretically, more complete and deeper than the Warcraft Draenor orc shaman.

Sasha Crowley has a prejudice against orcs, but not power, as she admitted frankly before, at this time of crisis, as long as they are willing to help Wanghai Town are friends.

Kane also learned later that he could meet Sasha, and he had a good skill.

Sasha had always been commanding on the front line. Appearing in the town today, on the one hand, the situation on the front line has deteriorated and more materials are needed to fill the hole. She returned to raise money. On the other hand, there was a ship coming from Menethil Harbor to the wetlands today. She wanted to see how effective the method of recruiting warriors in the Dwarf Kingdom was.

If you have to say that there is the third reason, the family also has opinions on her, and it is enough to spread all of your heart and soul on the work, which makes the family unhappy. In the words of her husband: "This generation of mayor is busy and uses it, the price of cabbage, the scapegoat, and his life is in danger, can he be more frustrated?"

Sasha didn't take these things seriously, and even said with some pride that in very moments, very people must come out to take care of it, otherwise it will not last as long as a small settlement or a large country.

However, reality always appears cruel.

In other words, when a disaster is approaching, people with responsibility always seem to be insufficient, and it is seriously insufficient.

When Sasha returned to the town this time, she was far from able to obtain what she wanted, whether it was supplies or personnel, but there were a lot more troopers, ready to escape from her homeland again.

Until Kane appeared. Sasha felt that this was the only bright spot she saw today. At this time, she hadn't thought that this bright spot was the only bright spot that could save Azeroth from the darkness...

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