Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1373: Walking in the Black Miasma Forest

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The weather was cold and dangerous. Even in the afternoon, there were no pedestrians in sight on the streets of Wanghai Town.

"Have you had lunch?" Sasha asked Kane.

"No." Kane answered truthfully.

"If you don't mind, please come to my house for dinner later, it may be easier, but at least it is hot food."

"It seems that it's already very difficult for the front line to have a healthy meal."

"The situation is really getting worse. If you have anything to buy, you'd better start now."

Kane smiled and pointed to the hiking bag on his back. "It's all here."

"Very good, I'll go to the government affairs office to deal with some things, and then we are at my house. The government affairs office is opposite." Sasha pointed to a big three-story house and said.

The main difference between this house and other surrounding houses is that it is a stone building, which looks very solid, reminiscent of a semi-permanent outpost in the Cold Weapon era.

Kane didn't have any special demands, so he was as easy as he wanted.

However, in the government affairs office, he encountered an unpleasant episode.

It didn't matter to him. Several people who were public servants argued with Sasha.

Kane sees a lot of people like this. They couldn't solve the problem, but they were good at picking faults and pinning hats. This time they quarreled with Sasha over the financing of materials.

Kane listened to a few sentences, and he probably understood what was going on.

Voodoo appeared in the depths of the black barren forest, and Wanghai Town's logging yard used for shipbuilding was the first to bear the brunt.

Some people represented by Sasha advocate sticking to the logging yard, while those who quarrel with Sasha advocate retreating to Wanghai Town. Both sides hold the same argument, each has its own reasons.

The background of this dispute was that Wang failed to withdraw.

The Black Miasma Forest can be described as deep pits and dense forests, not suitable for the operation of large forces. And the dark forces didn't follow Wang Zhenggang, who was rushing to deal with the problem, but dragged, wasted, and sucked in. It was not too much for dozens or hundreds, and three or two was not too small.

Later, the kingdom’s court mages were also dispatched, and the thunder attacked directly into the enemy’s nest. It is said that the darkness was purified, and then the class was triumphant.

But within three months after they left, the solid germinated here, and the situation got worse.

But this time, the kingdom refused to come again for various reasons.

Those who have opposed opinions with Sasha are actually runaways from Kane's eyes. The subtext is that they can't even deal with the power of the kingdom, and hope that we can succeed?

However, Sasha's faction has always refused to abandon the lumber yard, which is regarded as a defense against the enemy. For this reason, the people in Wanghai Town still have a little hope that the situation may be reversed. If you guard according to the city, you will be harassed and frightened every day, and the last bit of anger will be relieved in a short time.

As a result of arguing and arguing, the runaways were a little anxious, pointing to the direction of Kane outside the door and questioning "...what is it, relying on that kind of inconsistent bastard? Are you planning to deal with dark monsters? Use beautiful men?"

This is a bit ugly. Although Kane has the identity of a half-orc, his physique, appearance, and temperament are all the best choices, especially his temperament, which is exceptional, as impressive as those powerful warlocks who eat by charm. It's definitely not that type of fat powder.

Kane knew that there was a lot of jealousy from that person who killed him in this way. After all, with Sasha's appearance, ability, and prestige, no one would object to him as a celebrity in Wanghai Town. The man in the town It would be strange if there was no sense of possession.

As a result, Sasha is now with a foreign, excellent-looking man, and is still a half-orc, which inevitably makes people think.

Kane even knew that the more remote and backward the place was, the more powerful and unscrupulous the animal instincts in this kind of human nature.

As a result, many dark and brutal acts can be triggered, which is not at all incompatible with the sayings of "unpolluted by the earth, simple and kind" and other evaluations of mountain people.

After being insulted by others, Kane thought about it for a second and decided not to get used to these people's problems.

His voice sounded in the ears of Sasha and others, "I'm such an adult, but I don't even understand the truth of the disaster. I will make up this lesson for you today and teach you how to behave."

As I spoke, I saw the person who was utterly uttering before, and his lips swelled at a visible speed.

This person wanted to talk anxiously, and as a result, his tongue became stiff, and soon he turned into a tongue-curled lips, which was stupid and gimmicky.

And the two companions of this man exposed the nature of the runaway faction. No matter they ran away by stealing the door, they kept shouting "Witchcraft! Witchcraft!"

However, Kane was on their way to escape after all.

Kane smiled and said, "It seems that you two have not learned your lesson."

"Ah!" The two screamed, turned around and ran back, and then hit an invisible gas wall, fell down immediately and fainted.

Kane said to Sasha, "I travel around the world, and I don't encounter many people who are almost funny."

Then he said to the two guys who were pretending to be dizzy, "While I am not really angry, get up and take your comrades away. I just detonated his evil desires and fire, and applied deep well water to relieve them. You. The two will pretend to be dizzy again, I will let you two not hold up for the rest of your life, believe it or not?"

Before the words were over, the two goods jumped up and left the accomplice who had been swollen into a pig's head and couldn't open their eyes.

Sasha was a little bit unequal and said, "Do you usually do things like this?"

"Almost. After all, I strive to pursue strength, for the sake of being respected and happy, not for the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

Sasha saw that Kane did not feel guilty for abusing extraordinary powers against ordinary people, and knew that this was an extraordinary person who was not constrained by certain conventions in this world.

It's just that when you hire people, it's useless to talk more, and the topic ends here.

After the two went to Sasha's house, Kane knew that Sasha's father and brother had died. All of them were sacrificed for the public cause of Wanghai Town. One was because of the pirates who went ashore and looted, and the other was the dark power that had risen in recent years.

She lost her mother in her early years, lost her spouse in the middle age, lost children in her later years, and had three major misfortunes in her life. Sasha's mother shared the two, but this did not break her. She still lives with self-esteem and self-improvement and supports her daughter's work.

Kane even saw that Sasha's mother had a variety of diseases including rheumatism, but when Sasha asked about it, she pretended to expose it easily.

He did not discriminate against him, an outsider or half-orc. Instead, he secretly settled his daughter so that she could do her best to be a landlord and exchange her sincerity.

"I saw the backbone of Gilneas women from your mother's body." When leaving from Sasha's house, Kane said so, and took out a leather cord crystal pendant and handed it to Sasha.

This pendant works well, and the crystal selection is also pretty, but it is not eye-catching.

"As long as you wear it, you won't be troubled by diseases and toxins."

"It's too expensive." Sasha said, but she couldn't help but accept the gift. Obviously, she also knew more or less about her mother's health.

"This kind of item is only effective for the blessed."

Sasha said half-jokingly, "Am I eligible for this kind of blessing?"

"When parting, you will know."...

Around 16:30, a small motorcade left Wanghai Town and headed north for the logging yard.

The farther to the north, the more hazy it is, as if walking into the shady area of ​​the mountain, not only the light is blocked, but also a heavy and cold feeling will be produced.

Kane sits in the tank of a current steam truck with logs inside.

It sounds funny at first, but the logging farm that produces logs has to pull logs from outside.

But the actual situation is not funny at all. The trees around the logging yard have suffered a special curse. Not only do they surpass the iron stone, but they also emit black sap when felling. This sap is very corrosive and volatile. And once the felled trees run out of this black juice, they will soon decay.

The extraordinary man invited from the town said that this was the result of being cursed. It is a certain dark druid spell, which has become a trend and is extremely difficult to crack. Therefore, it can only be wood obtained by other means, and the magic pattern can be etched as the material for building the camp.

Along the way, Kane also noticed a phenomenon. That is, from time to time, you can see ravens resting on the branches of trees on the roadside, and they are not noisy. They just watch quietly. If they move their heads and blink, they think they are dead.


In Kane's view, the dark side is far more powerful than the defensive human side. Not only has it formed a general trend, but the opponent's every move is under his supervision.

These ravens are watchers.

So, with the power to capture Wanghai Town in one fell swoop, why do you want to play a protracted battle with humans in the logging yard?

This is what he is interested in now.

The steam truck traveled on the road that was not flat for nearly an hour, the logging yard was already in sight, and the sky became darker.

This kind of dimness is extremely abnormal. The sky above the head is gloomy and black, and the surrounding is rusty red, and there are black smoke-like clouds flowing fast. Looking at it flatly, it is gray. Thirty meters away, the basic scenery is difficult to distinguish. Now, the pungent and pungent smell pierced the nostrils, and it was difficult to tell whether it was smoke or mist.

Generally speaking, this kind of sight can only be seen when surrounded by forest fires. But what lies ahead is obviously the environmental distortion caused by transcendence.

"As soon as I came, I spread out and broke out. I was lucky."

Kane complained in his heart and asked someone to stop.

Sasha got out of a box truck and asked, "This situation looks weird. Did we rush all the way? It's only a few hundred meters away from the logging yard."

"It's not that simple. This is a corrosive force field. People and things will be eroded. You can't do it recklessly. Of course, it's not a big problem. Just crack it."

As he said, he grabbed a handful of crystals from his backpack. These crystals were crystal clear like frozen pure water. The thumb was thin and about ten centimeters in length. The two ends were pointed, like sharpened pencils.

Kane moved the three cars as close as possible, and then used it as the core to shoot the crystal into the ground.

After these crystals are activated, they emit a faint light, and they sink deep into the ground like a stone sinking into water.

Going around, projecting a total of twelve crystals, then cast a spell, muttering a word in his mouth, and raising his hands, a stone pile with thick adult thighs emerged from the ground.

These stone piles have etched patterns on the outside, and they grow to a height of about 1.2 meters before stopping.

Then as Kane waved his hand to release the lightning chain, all the totems were activated, and the bright blue lightning circulated in the grooves of the etched pattern. The circularly etched equal sprayed out the plasma flame, forming a vaulted, long loaf Like a barrier space.

'rustle! ’

The automatic purification in the barrier, those things that couldn't distinguish between smoke and fog, eventually turned into black dust and fell, and the pungent smell disappeared.

People clearly felt their minds clear.

"Everyone, staying in the thunder tent, no matter what you see, wildfires, or monsters charging, don't go out. Understand?"

The driver who was driving, as well as the few people who accompanied the car, were already shocked by Kanelu's hand, and naturally nodded obediently.

When Kane and Sasha left, these people opened the conversation.

Some people said that Kane's methods were immediate and stronger than the other extraordinary ones before, and the town was saved.

Some gossiping about the relationship between Kane and Sasha. Since Wanghai Town has been out of the situation for more than a year, it has long been widely known, so there are very few outsiders. Kane appeared in the town, was followed by secret attention soon, and the news spread.

But now people don't believe the previous version of the rumors of the'acting mayor's eyes know the hero', and they are more willing to believe that the two have known each other a long time ago and are a master specially invited by Sasha.

Sasha was worried that she would become a burden. As a result, Kane snapped his fingers, and a translucent blue-and-white light film wrapped her, and an electrical cloud formed under her feet, lifting her off the ground.

Then, Kane is like a hydrogen balloon tied with a string, dragging her forward with invisible electromagnetic force. When encountering trees or something, it will happen like a high-elastic bumper car. Outside the light film The invisible electromagnetic force field will first contact the obstacle, and then squeeze the main body protected by the force field lightly, making Sasha speechless for a while.

Kane explained as he walked, "With you, it is for you to gain insight, not for suffering. If you want to play the set of'sharpening and growing', you can arrange it yourself, and I don't need me to do anything extra."

"...You are really special."

"Otherwise? Risking your life and solving these problems nine deaths? We don't have that kind of friendship. That kind of reluctant way of making money is not what I pursue."

"It seems that this time I was really lucky enough to find the treasure."

"Not all, I was attracted by the darkness raging here."

Kane changed the subject and pointed to somewhere under an old tree and said, "Look at this."

When he flipped his wrist, there was a ball of electricity floating in his hand. This ball of electricity can be regarded as a 100-watt energy-saving lamp lighting, so Sasha can easily see the roots of a long whisker. foreign body.

Obviously it was hung up by a person, like some kind of wind chime, with three curved black wooden sticks on the top, forming a structure roughly resembling the character of "艾" (the two points of the grass head are connected with the tops of skimming and nap) , And then under this top frame, hung long tooth-like white bones, tied with some unknown straw rope, staring at it, and you can find that there is a faint black and blue light flowing on the straw rope.

"The force field always needs energy nodes to control energy and achieve effects. Just like my thunderstone totems with crystals as the core. Only this one is simpler and more massive. Remember this pattern on the top, this is the other party The core symbol of the dark spell system."

As Kane said, he raised his hand and pointed, and the luminous electricity turned into a flash of lightning, and it struck the hanging magical instrument. The magical instrument suddenly ignited and exploded like a combustion flask, bursting into a large handful of light, and then melted. The **** chips fly off every inch.

After that, Kane took Sasha around in the woods and found some other magical ritual objects, such as flags and sculptures.

These items are very secret. The flags are like bark. I walked in and took a closer look. Only when I walked in, I found out that it was more like the big flag hanging method.

The sculpture is made of wooden boards, bone pieces, straw ropes, animal horns, etc. It is a very abstract humanoid figure.

While Kane was instructing Sasha to identify the dark magical artifacts and cracking them, he was attacked by the Flesh Golem.

In terms of body size, this golem is the size of a mountain lion, is about one meter tall at the shoulder, weighs more than two hundred pounds, flexible and fast, and has a good sense of strength, but the specific attack movements are somewhat problematic.

Not as skilled in hunting as wild beasts in nature, there are obvious flaws in the timing of attacks and the connection of actions.

The most distinctive feature is that their manufacturing is very rough. The bones are obviously made of ready-made beast bones and wooden boards, and many places are simply exposed. But there are also certain specialties. For example, its heads are all shark skulls and are equipped with stag antlers.

Sasha knows about this golem It is said that it was made by a dark druid, and people call it a terrifying beast. Correspondingly, there are human-like flesh and blood golems called Horror.

Horror beasts and monsters originally only appeared in the depths of the black forest, causing a lot of **** killings. Even the palace mages of the kingdom fell under their fangs and claws.

However, today, facing Kane, Sasha feels that these terrifying beasts are like big toys. The sneak attacks on which they are famous are completely ineffective against Kane. They have been discovered before launching an attack. When they really attack, basically It is tantamount to looking for death by oneself, often in a face-to-face encounter, and then be electrocuted to at least half a familiarity.

The specific Kane's coping styles can be described as various, such as lightning bolts, lightning balls, or just avoiding and touching it at the same time. Anyway, it feels like Sasha can't help but hit, and there will be nothing after a touch. .

However, she knew that this was entirely because Kane was strong. You must know that the logging yard was ravaged by horror beasts. More than one hundred people, with simple fortifications to rely on, faced a dozen horror beasts and a few The terrifying head, in the end, at the cost of one-third of the death and injury, only one terrifying monster and three terrifying beasts were destroyed.

And now, after Kane drove around in the woods, he killed more than a dozen terrifying beasts. Sasha couldn't even imagine how powerful Kane would be when he got serious, inserted the battle totem, and held the axe in both hands.

As a result, her wish that was not a wish came true soon.

With Kane's destruction of the super large dark circle, the dark side became a little eager, so he sent a siege-level golem, and one group had three heads.

Kane was naturally able to touch it, and he could dispose of it without even touching it, but that would be a play. In order to maintain the character of Brocks Whiteclaw, he held an axe in his hand and played Put Kui Ye (Kratos).


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