Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1377: Son of destiny

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The Emerald Secret Realm, the middle realm, is a realm between the real and the illusion derived from the power of order of the Titans under the background of the Emerald Dream.

The knowledge contained in Rune Seed guides Yakari like AI. Although the right to choose is in Yakari's hands, this kind of guidance that is deeply embedded in the heart will make people instinctively identify with it, and it is extremely difficult to refuse.

But Yakari did it, although it was only part of it, but it was a few key points that allowed her to keep herself, instead of becoming a tool person.

The reason why Kane was able to teach that night was indispensable.

If it weren’t for the so-called common sense and tricks pointed out by Kane, at those critical moments involving the existence of self-consciousness, even if Jacarie was able to become conscious for a while because of the importance of choice, she would not be able to seize this fleeting opportunity. Make the correct operation.

But now, she knew what to do, seemingly compromised, in fact left a backup of her self-consciousness.

This operation sounds mysterious at first, but in fact it is not too difficult to operate. It is just a thought, an application of spiritual power.

Once a person crosses the threshold of transcendence, it itself means an important spiritual transcendence. As long as there is a suitable method to condense the spirit, it is completely possible to establish such ideas.

One thought at a time, come several times, the thoughts merge into one, and it becomes the kind of awakening.

When the brainwashing process triggered by Rune Seed is over, it is like the seed of awakening reserved for psychological hints, which can awaken the original key memory.

From a certain perspective, human memory is somewhat like the information storage system of a computer. Profoundly on the hard disk, and plainly in memory.

The hard disk can also be overwritten and wiped off, but it can be recovered by some unconventional means. Even if the technology is in place, even formatting can be retrieved.

Of course, the Dao is one foot high and the magic is high, and it is indeed possible to clean it thoroughly, but what is the point?

It can even be said that it is precisely this information that is most valuable. I want to delete some of them delicately, but I can't do it because of the complicated connection between the information.

Even multiverse creators like Kane admit that this kind of work is too challenging and costly and scary. It is strange that the primitive gods of the Warcraft universe can achieve perfection.

Therefore, although the skills that Kane gave to Yacarly and the others seemed simple and small, they were very effective.

After recovering, Yakari also wiped out a cold sweat.

Although she is a bit of a Virgin, she grew up in a market environment after all. Since she was a child, she has tasted the warmth and coldness of humanity, and has seen the gloom and sordidness of human nature more than once.

Therefore, her Virgin is not a good person who has no limits, is ungrounded, and scorns facts. It's the willingness to believe that everyone has truth, goodness and beauty, which leads to over tolerance.

The Rune Seed uses this as a breakthrough point to instill a cult-like thought of great love. It is similar to the great love of ‘human beings are distorted products, erasing human beings, the world can get back on track, and everything can benefit’.

Yakari is very thankful that she has not been deceived by him, and that she has become the kind of priest who seems to have some characteristics of "Heaven is ruthless and love".

Although it has also cut off the road to advanced trials and the acquisition of Titans permissions corresponding to the trials, it is only the acquisition at this stage, which is already a huge and precious wealth, at least in her view now, enough It will last a lifetime.

The shadow clone of Kane's Dharma identity was just watching.

Witnessing Yakari's bungee jump caster and becoming a powerful caster who has passed the high-level threshold (DND 10 upwards), she also completed the deconstruction of the Emerald Secret Realm in accordance with the usual practice.

More in-depth, this is actually an extremely successful acquisition of the technical system information of the Pantheon Titans.

Mainly because many of the concrete manifestations displayed in the Jade Secret Realm involve its core technology.

For Kane now, he does not need a complete understanding of every detail of the core technology, only the key points are enough to figure out the technical context, and then clarify his system construction ideas, and the rest can be filled in by himself.

After all, Kane now has the information foundation to say that ‘disregarding characteristics, everything is the same’.

Because of this, he has implemented the ethics of fetching for many years, and it has gradually become more flavorful.

It became, ‘I have something here, I basically have it, something that I don’t have here, and I have it there. The only thing worthy of my action is the characteristics and creativity. ’

Of course, ‘money’ is never too much. However, in such an emerald secret realm, even if it is packaged and juiced, there are not many mysterious elements that can be extracted. Kane wouldn't have targeted the flamboyant birds because of a few taels of meat, and now he wouldn't do anything like that, leaving nothing but ashes.

If witnessing the ugly duckling of Yakali and the white swan is an act of observing a courtesy, then witnessing Saco’s dark trials can be called watching a live-action horror movie.

Although from the perspective of horror elements, this movie cannot bring any novelty and shocking content to Kane, but it is still qualified to kill time.

It can even be said that Sacco's performance this time can barely be called a classic. Even if it is full of vision and can guess the back after watching the front, it can be swallowed. After watching it, it can trigger some small feelings instead of feeling torment. .

The general process of his encounter was like this. Sacco searched for Olaf and Yakari in the blackened mansion, but could not find them, but unexpectedly rescued a person from a cage-level room.

When Nicolas meets this person, it feels a little bit late to meet each other. The two have a natural tacit understanding, and there are many thieves in common, and this person is also very enthusiastic, willing to help and find Olaf and Yakari with Nicolas.

Soon after adding a desirable temporary companion, Sacco encountered a nasty but powerful opponent.

This guy seems to be one of the people behind the scenes of a series of evil things. This time he jumped to the front desk to abuse Nicolas.

He kept setting up obstacles for Nicolas, from monsters to organs, with a lot of tricks, and loves to show off. He was also very venomous. The angry Nicolas wanted to let go of his life several times, but fortunately, he was persuaded by temporary teammates.

Then, the whole story gradually faded. From the beginning, the search and rescue of Olaf and Yakari turned into a dead end and defeated the poisonous boss.

After many trials and tribulations, the Huacai section came, and the poisonous tongue BOSS seemed to have little retreat, but the situation in front of Nicolas became more and more dangerous.

Then, a dilemma emerged. When passing a sinister organ, the temporary teammate gave Sako the first chance to pass, but he was trapped. If Sako went back to save the teammate, the poisonous boss would run away, even It is possible to leave the game, after all, the other party also feels that there is a risk of life if he continues. If Saco chases the poison tongue BOSS, temporary teammates are very likely to die.

Nicolas finally chose the poisonous tongue boss, he said to his temporary teammates: "I will definitely come back to rescue you, please hold on."

This is actually another vital test of humanity. The boss and even the temporary teammates are all Nicolas.

Nicolas finally succumbed to desire and chose to give up the last bit of goodness in human nature. Of course, he did not surrender to the evil, but used very cruel methods to torture the opponent who was forced into the perspective.

In the end, Sacco jumped out of the cage and became a bystander. He watched himself abandon goodness and torture evil to death. The rest is indifferent to good and evil, only loyal to himself, or the greed of his own desires. By.

Nicolas himself was not very satisfied with the ending, but he was not unacceptable. He felt that the matter was over, so be it.

However, from another perspective, it is his other personality or face that can't exist independently. Through the transparent but difficult to cross the curtain, watching him shrouded in darkness, drifting away.

From an abstract point of view, this is actually a story about the ‘heart choice’, and it’s also the specific process of the blackening ceremony.

The specific process of the blackening ceremony is never fixed, but varies from person to person. It's just that Sacco's this time combined with a series of extraordinary powers such as The Emerald Nightmare, and has more stage characteristics.

In Kane's view, Nicolas didn't actually move closer to the power of darkness. He was moving closer to the power of evil. In the Warcraft universe, it can be summarized as the evil power that favors the shadows.

As a result, Nicolas's extraordinary power, from the chromatogram, appeared black and purple.

Because of his radical transformation, his body was roughly torn into many large and small wounds. The luminous extraordinary energy continued to flow out, hindering the healing of the wound, and after the energy flowed out, it quickly changed from liquid to gas. This made him watch from a distance, surrounded by the rising purple smoke.

In addition, patches of viral herpes-like spots appeared on the surface of his skin. Just by looking on, everyone knew that it was definitely itchy and painful.

The price of eagerness for quick success and darkness is extremely high.

Nicolas also realized that this kind of pain can be tolerated for a while, but it is very unbearable from time to time. He is afraid that he might not be better off life than death, and he will be driven mad from life.

He was scared, and then remembered the little tricks Kane taught.

It is also a knowledge transfer, and the three have different attitudes.

The one who trusted Kane the most was Yacarly. It is also because of this trust that I have the best grasp, I can remember it at the first time, and I don't have any mixed thoughts when I use it.

Olaf also basically trusts Kane, but he is used to beware. Grandfather Charon of the Ring has a plot against him, and Brox may not have any other thoughts.

But Olaf is still more decent after all, and he didn't find that he was willing to give trust when others did things that were sorry for him.

It's just that this defensive heart, and the complicated psychology caused by maturity, made him unable to quickly absorb and master like the relatively simple Yacari, and the effect of using it was not as good.

Nicolas Nicolas is the one who absorbs and utilizes this knowledge the worst among the three.

The power of darkness is already affecting him, making him know people with extraordinary colors without knowing it.

The so-called extraordinary chromatogram to recognize people means that, generally speaking, light tones are positive, and dark tones are negative.

All kinds of extraordinary powers have two sides, and elemental power is no exception.

As the creator, Kane can naturally hold any color, so the color spectrum is not suitable for him.

But Sacco didn't know that Kane was a creation above extraordinary power. From his point of view, Brocks was positive.

This means that even if Brocks has the tolerance and open-mindedness that most positive characters have, at the same time, because he is an old bird, he understands that people and things in the world are not both white and black, and can tolerate him who walks the dark road. , But also need to be careful.

Nicolas felt that Brocks did not discourage him from turning back or giving up the dark road. It was not that he did not want to, but that the timing was inappropriate. After all, the two sides had not known each other for a long time, and it was a taboo to talk shallowly and deeply, not to mention the situation at the time. Hard persuasion is quite a taste of coercion. As an old river and lake, naturally I will not pick this time to persuade.

But in the skills taught, there may not be no tricks.

Besides, even if he really didn't do any tricks, it would be a question whether he was suitable for taking the dark road.

All in all, it was distrust, especially in some places that had very different conflicts with what he had seen from the dark magic book, and he felt that there was probably a pit.

Of course, this does not mean that he is not wary of the Dark Magic Book.

On the contrary, he was more wary of the contents of the Dark Magic Book.

It's a bit like the villain knows that he is not the same as the righteous, but he knows that the righteous is at least more reliable than other villains in some aspects.

Therefore, the knowledge taught by Kane is equally significant to Sacco, except that it is not regarded as a standard like Yacari, and used directly, but used as a reference to identify the traps in the dark magic book. .

This is like Nicolas's performance in the dark trial. The path he really chooses is to be loyal to himself.

Many people made this choice, even Kane is a member of the ‘selfish party’.

But for Nicolas, the timing of this choice is really inappropriate.

Too early, too far-fetched.

Kane was pressed by the Vientiane Gate system back then, fighting in various mission worlds, always on the verge of life and death. But even so, he didn't succumb to pressure and desire, operated cautiously, and always maintained control of his power, instead of letting power override his own control.

This is also one of the reasons why he chose the road of insects, the road of puppets.

After all, it is great that Weili belongs to oneself, but the situation and contradictions of who is in control and who is controlled are becoming more dangerous and acute. On the other hand, there is the actual need to improve the strength, so the combat strength is shared out, so as to avoid one's own "support", and at the same time have the strength to protect itself and climb the peak of strength.

This can be done, of course, there are Kane's character factors, cognition and insight, which cannot be ignored.

Kane from the modern earth, at any rate, is also a person living in a social environment of information explosion, and he has mixed information, which is not comparable to Saco.

There is chance.

Sometimes, luck is better or worse, it is really heaven and hell. The people around the Son of Destiny are undoubtedly the best interpreters of this statement. It is true that the pressure and temptation are high and frequent, and few can pass the test safely.

Sacco's attitude towards the knowledge imparted by Kane determines the mode of hindsight. Only when evil has happened did he figure out that Kane's statement is really good.

He was too small to see the terrible erosion of darkness, too high to see his willpower, he was not as strong as he imagined.

Not long after this, he already felt unable to withstand it, and if it took longer, he would really have to go crazy.

So he searched for memory, looking for a way from the skills Kane taught.

Don't say it, there really is.

Although it is not the right medicine, it can at least relieve the situation.

It is also a meditation that cooperates with breathing. With the treatment, the wounds and energy herpes on the body did not increase and expand, the purple smoke that escaped was also significantly reduced, and the color inside the wound gradually became darker, just like lava is solidifying. Bright again.

You must know that what has been lost and spilled before is not only the power of darkness, but also the vitality.

After a while, the hideous wounds on his face were closed, and the herpes disappeared.

Then the neck, and then the upper chest under the neck.

The next thing will be difficult. After all, Saco has entered the supernatural in a short time. The use of spiritual power is not purely at all, and the total amount of spiritual power is far from strong enough to completely suppress the power of darkness. Therefore, the area close to the brain where the mental power is generated can be recovered and managed to maintain a similar situation. Those far away from the brain will not work, especially the extremities, which can hardly be taken care of.

At this moment, the black magic book suddenly burst into light, and then split on its own, reorganized in the air, and turned into a door door. As the door door opened, a man dressed in a dark robe with a raised cylindrical collar A tall man with pale hair, long pointed ears, and a dim violet complexion walked out the door, covering the lower half of his face.

With a magnetic voice, the man said in a low and euphoric mood: "For a novice who has taken a dark road through a wild road, your performance is pretty good, and this is the control of this hand. It’s already at the level of a student or descendant of an ancient family to achieve this level only by will."

Nicolas would naturally not be foolish to tell the truth, he knew that this abrupt appearance must have something to do, and this is what he can use.

So Nicolas snorted pretendingly. Then he said: "I knew that with Poole's waste, it was impossible to achieve such an achievement in the transcendental realm. I have already waited for you to show up."

Cang-fat raised his eyebrows, and then he showed a non-smiling expression. He didn't get entangled in Poole, but said straightforwardly: "I do master the exquisite black magic skills, including defusing your body. Dark wounds and energy herpes. How is it? Are you interested?"

Of course Nicolas is interested, it can even be said to be extremely interested. But he is not stupid, and the science and spiritual construction that Kane did in advance were not in vain, so Nicolas asked about the beginning of the chapter of the Iron Horde, and obtained Garrosh Hellscream, spoilers and technical support. M Hellscream, facing the question that Gul'dan asked him to drink the blood of Mannoroth: "So, what's the price?"

The price is of course everything to you.

However, Cang Fanan just said so in his heart, but he said something else: "The price is naturally But there is still a lack of basic trust between us, so I thoughtfully recommend it. How about a gradual contract, let me pay my sincerity first, and get a free round to solve your urgent need?"

Nicolas naturally didn't know the modern saying on earth, "The free is the most expensive." He thinks Cang Fa's "sincerity" is not bad.

Now he really needs it, and he's quite anxious, so he eats it first, even if he doesn't sign the contract afterwards.

That's why it's the kind of greed. He didn't think about it at this time. What if there is bait in this free gadget and can't get rid of it after eating?

So just like that, when Nicolas, who was unkind, cut off his last chance to look back.

This opportunity is what Kane taught.

This method now looks like it does treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

But in fact it was because Nicolas was too able to do it, jumped into the cliff, and went too deep at once, which of course would have to pay a heavy price.

The price is suffering, insisting on the method taught by Kane, enduring the suffering, and recovering a little bit, which is like paying off a mortgage.

But Nicolas did not feel like suffering. When he encountered a gray-haired man who turned into loan sharks, Nicolas actually thought he could take advantage of it.

In reality, of course, there are such borrowers who pit private lending companies, but these Kane have no interest. As far as he is concerned, the main value of Sacco has been reflected. In the future, love will rise in the wind or die without a burial place. He will not blink his eyes more. After all, he has seen too many of them. Up.

It was Cang Fa Nan who was interested in Kane now, who turned out to be Sarin (Warcraft version of vampire), which was really a little surprise.

He said in his heart: "This niche population has also jumped out to make trouble. This is more disgusting than the Legion's return!"


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