Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1378: Rhapsody of Sarin

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For Sa Ain, Kane did not know much information.

Before being regarded as a special race, Sarin was first an organization established by Alsace, the chief filial son of Azeroth after becoming the Lich King.

The main material source of Sarin is the Quel'Dorei.

Part of it was collected by Arthas during the attack on Silvermoon City, and part of it was when Arthas returned to defend the Frozen Throne when he interacted with the Illidan army who tried to use the Eye of Sargeras to destroy the Icecrown Fortress. Gained. At that time, the Quel'Dorei spirit headed by Kael'thas had changed its name to Sin'dorei and followed Illidan in an attempt to solve the problem of addiction caused by the destruction of the Sunwell.

As an organization, Sarin played an important role in the Scourge.

The main reason is that the Scourge is essentially an upstart military group with the undead as cannon fodder. It has no background, and it can even be said to have a serious lack of organizational and military personnel.

As for the predecessors of the Sarinians, just living long enough gave them an advantage in knowledge and experience far surpassing ordinary short-lived species.

It can even be said that even if the professional is not the right one, the level of theory and practice is much higher than that of returned corpses of other races.

That's right, returning to the soul corpse, this is Kane's qualitative classification of Sarin.

From an extraordinary academic point of view, the soul-returning corpse belongs to the immortal type and psychic.

From the perspective of characteristics, they belong to the ghosts of dark creatures.

There is a movie in the Origin World called {Return to Life}, which coincidentally highlights the characteristics of the Returned Soul Corpse.

The general process of the film is that a small scientific research team invented a resurgent medicine and experimented on dogs, and it was successful.

So they quickly made a decision to repeat this success to prove that the medicine was indeed effective, and at the same time used the whole process video as one of the evidences of this invention.

As a result, happiness was extremely sad, and a female doctor in the small team died due to a low-level mistake.

The husband of this female doctor, also one of the members of the small team, resisted all opinions and injected the female doctor with a resurgent medicine, and then the female doctor really turned alive like a corpse.

Not only was he alive, but his brain was also developed, and he even possessed superpowers such as thought power and mind reading.

But the corresponding price is that everything is remembered in every detail, especially those things that make him feel guilty, guilty, and regretful, which are infinitely magnified and repeated frequently, torturing her and destroying her.

From the perspective of outsiders, female doctors are falling into a sleepwalking state more and more frequently, and they are still nightmares. The temperament also gradually changed, at first it was just irritable, and then it can be called blackening.

This is the basic characteristic of the soul-returning corpse. To put it in the dark, it is a journey through hell, and the personality turns into a devil. However, the scientific explanation of the magic version is that the soul has been eroded by negative energy and blackened.

Because of the inextricable connection with the power of darkness, Kane naturally has quite in-depth research on this.

The conclusion of the study, Kane believes, the most critical point here lies in the curse of law.

To be more specific, this law refers to the law of nature and the law of heaven.

Reincarnation of life and death, this is obedience, death and resurrection, it is reverse, reverse operation, you have to bear the curse of the law.

This also contains a key point, which is the ‘ritual characteristics’.

In the transcendental realm, there are many ways to extend life, one of which is to blur the boundary between life and death. It is difficult to define whether it is considered alive or dead. The essence of this operation is to avoid the curse of law by going to the ‘ritual features’.

And most deaths have clear ‘ritual characteristics’. Returning to the soul corpse is alive under the curse of the law in this context, so it is classified as an undead system.

Although it is immortal, it is not like the low-level undead of zombies, nor is it like the high-level undead, re-awakening Lingzhi on the basis of immortality. It's the cursed soul, re-controlling the body, just like a living person.

Return to the soul corpse is also divided into grades. The lowest-level soul-returning corpse is actually a waste + monster.

It is said to be trash because although it is wise, it has fallen into a state of personality disorder because of the curse of the law. This mental instability makes it difficult to do whatever it is.

The monster understands better. Its personal consciousness is quickly collapsed by the curse of the law, irrational, and illusions grow. It seems to be suffering in hell. Its struggle and resistance, in the eyes of others, are completely the behavior of a lunatic. It's not uncommon for anything terrible to happen.

Where there are low levels, there are naturally high levels. It can even be said that the soul-returning corpse is an important genre used by the transcendents to avoid death, and the Lich is a branch developed on its basis.

Looking at the specific gameplay of the Lich, it regards the shell as a tool. Even many transcendents who take the path of the Lich do not pay attention to the original shell, but collect shells with high potential development or high bloodline potential as consciousness. Habitat.

Note that it is the habitat of consciousness, not the soul. The soul of the lich is sealed in the soul box, so that there is no need to go through hell, or in other words, the inevitable way for the soul to go to the underworld after death is changed from passive to active.

I take the initiative to plan a death, take the initiative to arrange the inevitable journey of the soul to the underworld after death, and then think of ways to add materials, not to enter the cycle, but to hide in the soul box, and then play consciousness projection, so as to achieve the continued activity in the material world purpose.

The projection of consciousness here is somewhat similar to terms such as mindfulness and reverberation, but there are differences.

Kane is now playing the advanced version of this kind of trick. He has projected his main consciousness into the body of the current wave of Warcraft universe, as if a person is lying in the game cabin to play VR games, and his main consciousness is in the virtual world. But if a needle is pricked in reality, it will feel and react.

Undoubtedly, this is an advanced gameplay that requires a strong mind power to build a stable simulating soul to replace the soul.

There are also some witches, who are taking another path, that is, turning the soul box into a receiver with the priority of the law, and then performing similar operations.

Once dying due to various reasons, the soul box will be superior to the law of heaven, taking the soul away, not entering the underworld or reincarnation.

Either way, due to factors including technology and other objective conditions, there are high and low points. The high is naturally the loss is very low, and a new round of seizure operations will soon be possible. The low is the vitality. It takes a long time to recover from a serious injury or a ray of remnant soul, and even permanent damage cannot be recovered.

In short, the series of Returning Soul Corpse really cares about it, and it's quite elaborate.

Take the Scourge formed by the Lich King of the Warcraft universe. There are at least three types of intermediate applications of returning soul corpses.

The first category, the famous Black Blade Knights, death knights.

The Lich King emphasized the ‘restriction’ characteristics in the use of this type of technology for returning soul corpses.

The memories of the death knights are basically suppressed, but the personality is still the original personality, and then the Lich King is brainwashed + awakened. The former is to instill a new set of cognitions, making the death knights finally natural disasters, and finally the Lich King’s high Rank combat power, the latter is to selectively activate some deep memories related to professional abilities, and even muscle memory.

This is why death knights are mostly high-ranking fighters and knights.

This kind of gameplay naturally has great hidden dangers. After all, deep memories are not only professional, but also involve life and emotions.

Still the same sentence, even Kane, the creator, can't make the memories he wants and leave them behind, and completely erase such subtle super operations on the soul if he doesn't want them. The Lich King and others are even worse. far.

Moreover, repression and containment will cause accumulation, and the outbreak is only a matter of time.

The Lich King clearly understood this, so while still under control, he let the Black Wind Knights attack the Light's Hope Chapel.

This operation can be described as one shot with multiple shots, consumes the high-level cannon fodder that is about to lose control, inflicts heavy damage on the enemy, completes the blasphemy ritual, induces important enemies to kill, and collects more paladin bones to concoct a new batch of death knights... …Look, just count them.

The second type of high-end operation of the Scourge Legion to return to the soul corpse, natural disaster researcher, acolyte, psychic wizard.

The main characteristic of this category is belief.

Acolytes and psychic wizards need not say much, most of them are lustful and self-willing.

As for natural disaster researchers, it is not difficult to see from their fanatical research attitude that these are extreme beliefs and beliefs that distort the existence of fanatics who view right and wrong.

This kind of goods who went on the evil road before they died, through the original strong obsession, and then strengthened by a variety of Sao operations, to fight against the curse of law, they are like toilet stones in the soul world, smelly and hard. The law curses the body, and they are all overshadowed. It's scum, and they don't care about the scum.

The third type of high-end operation of the Scourge Legion Returning Soul Corpse is Sarin.

Kane believes that this is also the most technically compelling corpse of the Scourge. It can even be said that the high technology is a bit super-class.

Does Ner'zhul the Lich King have this kind of ability?

Does Nathrezim have this kind of ability?

Sargeras, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde of the Big Three of the Burning Legion have this ability?

Why do you say that?

Because throughout the Burning Legion and even the Lich King's past and present lives, they have always been in an embarrassing state of insufficient talents. And the soul-returning corpse technology involved in the creation of Sarin is another technology that can greatly improve this embarrassment. Therefore, this contradiction appears to be very contradictory.

Let’s talk about Sargeras first. In order to solicit Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, he did not miss the trick of drawing cakes, and he did fulfill a considerable part of his promise.

And behind this, isn't it because the Eredar people have a magical civilization accumulated over tens of thousands of years?

The Eredars can be said to be the core race of the entire Burning Legion. There is no one, and the key positions in all areas are controlled by the Eredars.

Further down, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, before joining the Burning Legion, were already leaders of Eredar, but they were deflated again and again in Azeroth. An important reason was the lack of qualified internal responses. .

The Lich King’s sense of disobedience in this regard has reached its peak. Since Kel’Thuzad has such an amazing technique to dig a grave, Azeroth is stronger than Alsace in history, and it is as much as it is. To deal with Nasrezim's supervision, there can be one open line and N dark lines.

Using Saain's technique of returning the soul to the corpse to bring all kinds of powerful people into their own use, why is it that those who were later persecuted by Illidan can only rely on Alsace's thousands of miles to save them?

Anyway, Kane doesn't think that it's inappropriate to put a good sense of independence and have to have something to do with others'weareone'. Not to mention the risk, which is the difference in thinking and the gap between the two. After all, Ner'zhul is an orc.

To be more ugly, no matter how strong Arthas is, he is only a death knight with the title of Prince Lordaeron. Can his professional ability be better than Mograine? And even if he is the lucky death knight NO·1, but the death knight bust is just one of the many types of servants concocted by the Lich King, dog lovers, and dog fit, are they two different things?

It can only be said that the Lich King at the time had no other tricks. The Ice Throne had already split. In order to save itself, it gave a lot of power to Arthas. Arthas also incorporated along the way and became the absolute Scourge at the time. Head of the army, if the Lich King didn't take advantage of the power to weareone with Alsace, he wouldn't have to wait for Alsace to wake up like Mograine did later, and he would have to be killed by Arthas. You must know that the evil group does not have the loyalty of the king, the virtuous, and the minister. It loses its power and authority, and the normal can no longer be normal.

Then let's look at the characteristics of Sa Ain, the main characteristic of Sa Ain, is rationality.

The obsessive fanatics are basically equated with neuropathy. This kind of stuff is engaged in research and development, and can also rely on passion to create something that makes people’s eyes bright, but if they are asked to manage the team daily, the situation, I’m afraid I dare not think about it.

Memory depressors are dangerous goods. No one can know exactly whether they have awakened their memories of their lives, or to what extent.

Such a type of person is obviously not the right person to hold power for a long time. It is more appropriate to let him form an army alone and operate under supervision. The Lich King did the same.

And Sa Ain became the worst choice. Including Alsace after unity, it also reuses Sarin. It is not the high-ranking generals and staff of the Scourge, or the guards. For example, the Blood Council headed by the Blood Queen Lannathel is the last obstacle to the Icecrown Throne. It can be seen that the Lich King relies heavily on it.

So, Sarein is so easy to use, why is there only such a rational soul-returning corpse based on the Quel'Dorei spirit?

Kane believes that unless the rational soul-returning corpse technology represented by Sarin is not in the hands of the Lich King.

Kane further analyzed.

He didn't use Celene living body to analyze, and he didn't observe the whole process. He collected and analyzed information including the transformation process, character differences before and after the transformation.

He just conducts a comprehensive analysis from the perspective of the technology he has mastered.

The key point is how to bypass the curse of the law and how to ensure loyalty.

To be more specific, he believes that the curse of law was not completely bypassed in the process of Saain's concoction. Even use some of the characteristics of the curse of law. This line of thought alone is more clever than ordinary resistance lines.

As for the basis for the curse of the law, it is the blackening of the target person.

Although the Quel'dorei is arrogant, the three views are mostly normal, which can be seen from the universal morality of his civilization.

The Lich King's line is typically anti-human and anti-life.

From the normal view of the three views to anti-humanity and anti-life, the Saaines obviously experienced a considerable degree of blackening in the process of returning to their souls.

The first characteristic that Saaine showed was ‘rational’.

This means that blackening is moderate, and exceeding the limit will cause the conscious personality to fall and collapse and become a lunatic and a monster.

The grasp of the scale is the embodiment of technical force.

Moreover, not only moderate blackening, but also low sequelae.

After all, the Sarinians have been in power for a long time, and their spirit is not stable enough, and it is definitely not enough to get sick from time to time.

There is no doubt that it is also a manifestation of technical force.

On the contrary, it is loyal control. In Kane's view, if the first two technical difficulties can be well overcome, this one is not a technical difficulty.

Because blackening itself represents a kind of close cognition. The Lich King himself is anti-human and anti-life. Blackening in the general sense means no lower limit, no discipline, distortion of the three views, etc., so blackening is Reluctantly, it is equivalent to becoming the same kind of intelligent creatures with the Lich King, and the basis for gathering things together and embarrassment for evil is just like that.

On this basis, loyalty is basically achieved by carrying out a control similar to that of voting and contract.

The so-called nomination, this kind of time naturally refers to'the person who knows the current affairs is a handsome man.' You are so dark, you have long been out of mainstream society, you have done bad things, your reputation is bad, and you don't cooperate with us. I'm afraid it's hard to survive.

The contract refers to'cannibalize people and make people softer'. In the process of making Saaine, it is normal to set up restrictions such as'Sanshi Brainshen Pill'. In short, it is controlled by others, and it is reasonable to work for it. .

Of course, true loyalty has never existed in the evil-tested camp. If it has power, and grasps the fatal weakness of the opponent, it will gain allegiance.

So Alsace is very relieved with Sarin. He knows that as long as he has the power and grasps Sarin's handle, these guys who are aware of the current can perform their duties, even work hard, and are In a boat.

Kane even believes that the shells of the Sarinians are also a very important part. They are not only a special protective shell for the cursed soul, but also a prison.

It is the coexistence of these two characteristics that guarantees the stability of the Sarinians. Correspondingly, it is natural to say something about feeding on blood.

It is precisely because of such meticulous estimation analysis that Kane gave this set of soul-returning corpse technology a high score, and believes that this set of technology is used well, this is a great achievement. Many celebrities and heroes after the blackening can Under the account.

After the talents were gathered, the generals were spread to the grassroots level of the Scourge and controlled those absolutely obedient immortals. Then the combat effectiveness of the entire Scourge would rise several steps, and pushing Azeroth would not be a dream.

However, in reality, the opposite is true. With the demise of heroic units and high-level commanders, the Scourge has an absolute advantage in numbers, but it has become a mob for the pros and cons.

At the end, Bovar put on the ice crown, and used the spiritual power increase and special suppression characteristics provided by the magic weapon to prevent hundreds of thousands of natural disasters from flooding and raging everywhere.

In the same way, the Burning Legion also lacks qualified middle and low-level officers, and high-ranking officers replaced by hero units. Many of them are just reckless men with some extraordinary brute force, like Gul'dan, but at least a little brainy commander. There are only a handful of them, and with the defeat of such characters, the demons of the Burning Legion have also become the target of the heroes. They are just cosmic, and they are even more compelling.

So if such a great technology is available but not used, it is against the agreement, unless it is not really available.

This level leads to a very interesting possibility that the true source of Saain is another person, and at least in some technical fields, it is no worse than the Big Three of the Burning Legion.

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