Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1379: Olaf's strange encounter

In Azeroth today, the Scourge has long since disappeared. But it also left some scars that were difficult to heal.

For example, Kane knew that in Northrend, the remnants of the natural disasters still existed, but they were basically transferred underground, and they had nothing to do with the underground races such as the Yu Nai Zerg.

When he descended on Azeroth, he did not plunge into the series of events involving the Son of Destiny like a violent dive, but made a decision after examining it from a macro perspective. And until now, the macro perspective has not been lost.

It's just that this kind of observation seems to be somewhat large and improper, and it can't be combined with fate in a straight line. It basically stays at a superficial level, at least in the short term, it will not help him substantially.

Of course he has the ability to dig deep, but deep digging is costly. The Emerald Dream's divine mind scan has already chosen a shovel that seems suspicious. I really have to choose aimlessly, because there are mines at home that can't be burned, so I have to catch the line of the son of fate.

No, Sarin has appeared, which is worth the next shovel.

But Kane is not in a hurry this time. After all, the return rate of the shovel in the Emerald Dream did not satisfy him. In case Sarin, who tried to make a deal with Nicolas, was a solo remnant of natural disasters, he shoveled down, Lost again.

The soul-returning corpse technology involved in Sarin, he has a way to achieve it, even more advanced. This means that technological discovery may not be able to recover its costs.

Only the big fish can be pulled out.

Observe again.

So he ordered the Dharmakaya to put a special spirit mark on this Sarin, even if it was temporarily completed. Instead of letting the Dharmakaya follow the space gate opened by Sarin to the other end.

After Sako's blackening, his temperament became more decisive, and the transaction with Saain was completed efficiently.

The free treatment provided by Sa Ain can be said to be immediate. The wounds on Saco’s body heal quickly, and the energy herpes disappears. The only thing that is not beautiful is that the power of darkness does not gather. The method is concentrated in one or several places, but spreads completely in a flat manner, which makes Sacco’s skin obviously gray, rough, and dull, and looks very close to the color and luster of most death knights’ skins. Texture.

Seeing that Nicolas had bitten the bait, Sa Ain didn't continue to entangle him. He used the space door to leave in a smart way. A parting message was to let Sako study the black magic book well, saying that the book contained the power Sako longed for.

However, Sarin's kind reminder seemed to have had a counterproductive effect. Kane found that Sacco was obviously hesitant when facing the Dark Magic book again.

"It's still young..." Kane realized that Nicolas had been fooled by the reverse thinking trick of Sa Ain so simply.

In fact, if Nicolas can stick to the skills in the black magic book, combine his own situation, and walk out of his own dark path, he may still be cool for a while.

But now...

Kane remembered that when he told the trio of super common sense in the capacity of Brocks last night, he said that the skills in the book of black magic were very clever.

Looking at the way Sacco looked now, it was obvious that he hadn't remembered this hint at all.

On the contrary, Nicolas Saain superimposed the prompts of Saaine, interpreted as a trap in the content of the book, and Saaine used this to cheat him.

Selfish people are inherently suspicious. Now, naturally, they are even more afraid of their heads and tails. They have insufficient professionalism and are difficult to distinguish, so they can only rely on feelings.

The intuition of the transcendent is indeed very useful, but blindly relying on intuition, it is not feasible, especially the dark road, there are many open pits and undercurrents, a large part of the knowledge taught in the relevant reliable classics is actually lessons learned Summary.

Therefore, believing a book is worse than having no book. Not believing a book is a pioneer who crossed the river by feeling the stones, giving up standing on the shoulders of the predecessors and groping for themselves. This is no longer an iron, but a bit too arrogant. It didn't matter how much, I thought of myself as a stunning power.

Kane didn’t affect too much emotion due to Nicolas’s wrong stepping performance. He only had a sense of gaze, as if he had seen himself back then, after making the wrong choices continuously despite bad luck. ending.

He knew that Sacco's journey of fate, in terms of plot, quickly shrank. The depravity is so fast that he won't survive three episodes, but the character Sacco will exist for a while, and Olaf will be severely disgusting for several rounds.

Kane admitted that he broke his hand with fate, and fate won this round. Nicolas lost his qualifications as a son of destiny in such a way.

Although it seems that there is a possibility of salvation, it is impossible for Kane to invest in this situation. It is too difficult. His resources are not brought by the wind. More importantly, his fundamental purpose is not to follow fate. Face it.

In order to get Nicolas out quickly, Destiny used the chess piece Saaine, which continued his previous clues about the speculation behind the scenes. For him, this may not necessarily be the mulberry of the lost East.

Of course, you have to beware of another sway, a black hole, so multi-line advance is still necessary.

Thinking of this, Kane reduced his attention to Nicolas, and put more energy on Gilneas Wanghai Town.

Since there are also characters like the Son of Destiny appearing here, the elemental barriers of this appearance are a bit too sloppy, and there is a suspicion that the Son of Destiny is preventing the Son of Destiny from pretending to be more handsome, so Kane decided to add a drama to Brox.

"There was a villain who concealed the BOSS assault, which hurt both sides. So the next day, Brox, who was disabled and indifferent, could only call 666 for the children of destiny."

When Kane had such thoughts, Olaf's first night adventure story in the Twilight Forest Sares Mansion was over.

In Kane's view, Olaf's story is a bit less mysterious than that of Yakari and Nicolas, but a bit more narrative.

After being forcibly separated from Yacari and Nicolas by the ‘corner kill’, Olaf explored alone and searched again near the kitchen, but his companion could not be found, but he was attracted by the faint cry of pain.

After a brief inner confrontation, Olaf chose to follow the sound after all.

Then he broke into the underground area of ​​the mansion from a very inconspicuous corner door, and saw an unusual scene in a room that was quite spacious and furnished with a church ritual.

Hundreds of candles were arranged in arrays to illuminate the place, and on the stone pier in the center that looked like an altar, a man was being operated on.

A big opening was opened between the man's chest and abdomen. Olaf's knowledge of biology and anthropology is not rich, and he is not sure what internal organs correspond to, but a rough estimate is that it is either the liver or the spleen.

The man's consciousness is clear. He didn't use anesthetics or anything like that, so Xuexue cried out, and her body couldn't help shaking. His naked upper body was covered with sweat, and his hands were clenched, loosened, and clenched. .

The one with the knife is quite steady, his hands are steady, and his emotions are steady, except that he has triangular eyes, a hooked nose, thin lips, no flesh on his cheeks, sharp edges and corners, and a big bald. Not like a good person.

The robe worn by this man was not a doctor's money, but a black wizard's money, magic stone bones, various cult pendants, very ritual style.

In this room, Olaf also saw the handsome boy William.

William neither prayed nor made a gesture of hitting hands, but rather sat lazily in a chair and read a book.

Olaf paid special attention to the title of the book, "The Merry Rider", a popular **** novel recently. It must be said that if this is William's true taste, then William's image in Olaf's mind will be greatly reduced.

After all, from the perspective of William’s appearance, temperament, and manners, Olaf is more willing to believe that even if this person is a villain, he is also the kind of villain with good taste and personal charm, but this book...the inner taste of gentle scum .

When William saw Olaf, he was as elegant as ever, closing the book slowly, and stretching his shirt after standing up. Then he smiled and said to Olaf, "Isn't supper satisfied?"

Olaf said unceremoniously: "Just pay attention to the cook, there is no good food."

"Barbara was originally the first beauty in the village, but because of her curiosity, she accidentally went to the place she shouldn't go, she became like that. Now she can only hang herself by smoking ghost smoke mixed with ashes. ."

Although Olaf usually doesn't talk much, he doesn't confuse the hidden mouths of such fighters, and replied: "I remember you said, I am here and have the qualifications of the master?"

"Of course, this is what Mr. Samuel Sarres instructed me personally, I must tell it." William said and pointed to the man on the altar.

Now Olaf was a little surprised. He thought that no matter how young Samuel Sarres was, he would have to be a half-hundred old man who was fifty years away, but looking at the strong upper body of the man on the altar, he said that he was less than thirty, and many people believed him.

At this time, I listened to William further explain: "Mr. Sarres came back this afternoon, because there will be a rally tomorrow to receive the brothers and sisters in the meeting."

At the same time, the bald surgeon took out a piece of internal organs slightly larger than his palm from the wound between Samuel's waist and abdomen. It was soft, and Olaf couldn't tell whether it was the liver or the spleen.

The internal organs were placed by the bald head in a delicate silver box prepared in advance. As the lid was closed, the light flashed and the gap disappeared.

Then there is stitching. The speed is very fast. It is as proficient as the movement of assembly line workers tens of thousands of times. The rhythm is clear, and it is full of beauty.

Olaf noticed that during the entire operation, it seemed that there was no bleeding.

It was not that little blood was shed, but a drop of excess blood did not flow. But whether it is the wound or the cut off internal organs, there are traces of blood, just like a normal freshly cut organ.


What's even stranger is that after the operation, Samuel just stretched out his hand on the stitched, centipede-like scar, and the scar disappeared, and the area looked nothing strange.

Of course, what is even more bizarre is William's statement, and the association produced by the combination of the meat cutting operation, this Samuel Sarres, who was cut out in the middle of the night, was it to entertain the people who participated in the rally tomorrow?

When Samuel sat up and moved up and down the stage slightly stiffly and slowly, William had already walked over with his clothes and towel.

Allow William to help wipe the sweat off his body, but he wears the clothes himself.

What Olaf noticed was the improvement of Samuel. When he first landed on the ground, he was tired and full of haggard and oldness, but soon, the wrinkles stretched, the skin became tight and ruddy, shiny and elastic, even The hair is also rustling.

Olaf also noticed a detail, that is, Samuel's hair, like William, is white and golden. As far as he knows, this color is rare in the human community.

After getting dressed in time, Samuel said to Olaf: "Your bloodline characteristics are stronger than Beom, but they are also limited. At least at this stage."

"It sounds like you are evaluating a piece of goods. Isn't that rude? Even if you are the more legitimate host here."

Samuel smiled, made a please gesture, and said: "Be so sensitive, don't worry. A large part of the mystery in your heart will be solved."

Under the leadership of Samuel, the two came to the large room at the end of the main corridor in the underground area.

This room looks quite magical, the walls and dome have some extraordinary effects, and it looks like a deep universe.

The ground is made of metal, which looks very old and dark gold.

On this seemingly a whole pile of metal ground, there are several roughly circular track grooves, the grooves are not evenly spaced, and above the grooves, the corresponding ones are rotating and running along the grooves. The sphere of trajectory revolution.

That's right, here is a miniature 3D map of the star system presented by extraordinary means. More specifically, it is a 3D map of the star system where Azeroth is located, but in this image, Azeroth is complete.

Samuel pointed to Azeroth and said to Olaf: "This is the world we live in now. But it's not our hometown."


This time, Samuel used practical actions to answer Olaf’s Seeing his skin and flesh squirming, the characteristics of the bloodline of the orcs, such as the jaw signs of the'earth bound sky', lower fangs, etc. And so on is highlighted.

Olaf was indeed surprised. He didn't expect that Samuel was also a half-orc.

There was another squirming of flesh and blood, and Samuel once again returned to his adult form. "The rejection of us by human society does not need me to say more. It is more convenient to do a lot of things like this.

He said again: "You are the master here, and it's not a humble lie. After all, your uncle Beom is one of the investors who bought this place."

After a pause, he continued: "There will always be resistance to doing things. Especially when doing big things. Our enemies think that it is too costly to defeat us head-on, so they use some tricks, your father is wronged, and your family. I’m sorry for what happened."

Olafnane was speechless, this was too different from the direction of events he had anticipated.

He thought that Sarres represented a bunch of villains, and that his uncle Beom was a poor **** who was corrupted by others, but was used to defraud money and kidnap. As a result...

Olaf frowned and said for a long time: "Excuse me, I can't believe your side words."

Samus showed greatness and said: "Of course, Beom will return soon. It is more appropriate for him to explain all this to you. What I am doing now is mainly to keep you at ease. After all, you and Your friend's nonsense will cause unnecessary trouble. Most of the people I entertain tomorrow are genuine humans. They didn't know that the dignified Samus Sares was actually a half-orc."

Samuel said again: "How about, knowing some little secrets about me, will it make you less anxious?"


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