Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1380: Dispelling doubts and adding drama

Samuel Sares solved part of the mystery for Olaf. Showing the ‘adult’s world’ made Olaf a bit at a loss.

But Olaf quickly recovered.

He said to Samuel: "As you said, the mysteries will eventually be solved one by one. I also want to believe that misunderstandings have led to wrong perceptions and temporary confrontations. But before these are corrected, we might as well resolve some of the current ones. Questions, such as where my two companions have gone, I believe you can give some pointers."

Samuel smiled: "I brought you here. I originally wanted to tell you about our hometown and our ideals. But looking like you are now, obviously there is no way to listen. Believe it or not, mention the mystery in this mansion. , Even I don’t know everything about it. This is actually an important reason why I and your uncle bought this place."

After a pause, he said again: "You should have guessed it. That's right, here is the knowledge we covet, which is of great help to our ideals in advance. Your father also knows about this, but in his opinion, our The ideals are naive and vain, and the result? How did he treat him in the country for which he has been loyal for decades."

Olaf was very reluctant to slander his father, and choked: "He was wronged and imprisoned. Was it not because of Beom’s shortfall? According to your previous statement, Beom’s shortfall was at least quite equal. Part of it is for this farm."

Samus kept smiling after listening, explaining, or retorting: "It really cost a lot of money to buy this manor and keep it in operation, and the part that your uncle paid does involve him in the army. His authority, and financial operations. But your father’s imprisonment doesn’t have that deep relationship with him. At least not as deep as you think."

After a pause again, Samuel said in his spare time: "One, the main reason for your father Soram's imprisonment is not because of the army's logistical deficit. Two, the reason for the huge deficit is twofold, 1. Fill in A piece of material in the pit was robbed and destroyed. 2. Data fraud."

Samus further explained: "The process by which Beom makes money through his powers is simply a turnover. The troops buy from relevant channels, the price is low, and the quality is guaranteed, and I happen to have channels to sell depreciation at a higher price. , And even brand new military supplies. This has resulted in buying low and selling high."

"Speaking of this, I don’t know if you have noticed that your father’s army is excellent in terms of equipment and supplies, and can even be comparable to the most elite troops in the kingdom. This is also the power of your father’s army. An important reason for this."

Olaf showed a thoughtful look. He was from an officer's family. Of course, Olaf was not someone who knew nothing about military affairs. He knew very well the importance of good logistics to an army.

Although the army of this era is no longer a simple ‘soldier to eat’, but a certain belief, the minimum material guarantee is still the cornerstone of the army’s cohesion and combat effectiveness. The most obvious, if you don’t have enough food, what kind of training should you take?

Although Samuel's statement is slightly exaggerated, Solam's army has indeed reached the level of a frontline main battle force in terms of equipment and supplies.

From another point of view, if Beom is really the kind of soldiers who drink blood, why is it that all kinds of shocks are only after the incident, so that people are caught off guard? The clues have long been seen through daily life.

Olaf deliberatedly asked, "So, Beom is not only correct, but also meritorious?"

"I think it depends on how you look at the problem. If you buy and sell military supplies from the perspective of relevant laws and regulations of the kingdom, it is of course illegal, and because the total amount involved is huge, decapitation is more than enough."

"But from another angle, it's a different picture. Your father is a competent general and he does things well. Didn't he discover Beom's operation? How could it be possible? But for the army to have sufficient material support , He chose acquiescence."

"So, in this matter, everyone is profitable. It's just that your father appears to be more noble. He uses the'profit' on the army instead of his own pocket. As for why this is the case, you have a chance. Understand the level of deduction of military pay in the army system of the Lower Kingdom, and you will understand. Especially in peaceful times, the distribution of full pay is simply a dream. All ministries have to spend some of their military expenses through other means. This is a well-known secret in the circle. , A tacit thing."

Olaf frowned. Although he did not express his position, he actually basically believed Samuel's statement.

Just listen to Samuel said again: "There are competitors in business, and your father and us have our own enemies who cannot get along with each other. Benefits + grievances will lead to this frame. We and your father are more Some have made the mistake of underestimating the enemy. The enemy not only joined forces, but also invested heavily in buying, and the plan was really sharp, which made us very embarrassed."

"Although we are not the same with your father, we also understand that it is extremely unwise to sit and watch your father fall completely at this time. So we have been running in many directions and trying to rescue. It is impossible for Beom to fight head-on. After all, it is a black pit. Once Beom shows up, the case will soon be settled."

"As for the tragedy that your family has suffered, we did have a step difference before. When a tragedy happened in your family, we didn't even think that they would dare to attack the family of an outstanding kingdom general. Subsequent developments have once again proved that this country is not worthy of our allegiance. If your body does not have the blood of a foreign race, the dignitaries of the kingdom will never allow this kind of harm to family members to happen. Who will break this The unspoken rules agreed by the common customs, whoever will become the public enemy..."

Olaf was a little upset by Samuel's beeping. He couldn't help thinking: "Before, did I really think things too simple?"

Fortunately, he still has the ring grandfather Charon. Charon reminded him: "The truth is at least not so important to you now. Solve the immediate problem first."

So Olaf asked Samuel again. Although the words were more polite, the essence was still that ‘my little friend is missing, as the owner of the mansion you have to help solve it’.

Samuel also agreed, but instead of taking a big deal, he expressed his willingness to help. As for the good or bad of Olaf's two friends, it largely depends on their respective choices and luck.

For Kane, today's drama of the children of destiny is basically over here.

He has a vision beyond the stage, and he naturally knows that this Samus is also a lie, true and false, and very good at deceiving people.

There are indeed some mysteries in the Sarez Mansion that even Samuel has not solved, otherwise the power of Olaf's blood would be unnecessary. But at least on a superficial level, he was in control, and Olaf was separated from the three by him.

Of course, Samuel is not strong enough to be able to enter the Emerald Secret Realm, or Sako’s Dark Secret Realm. The former is rejected by the law because of the lack of secret keys, and the latter is a bit expensive, and Samuel is unwilling because A small character who has fallen into the dark, pays this fee.

Because of this, he didn’t say everything enough. He really didn’t know the situation of the two of them. As for helping Olaf find a small partner, although he would still invest, the Qian Samuel was willing to spend it because he could exchange Olaf’s favor. , Help him achieve his real purpose.

So afterwards, it was Samuel and Olaf who went together to find Nicolas and Yakari.

Samuel's strength was just as Kane had expected beforehand. He didn't have any talent in professional terms, but he had some good magical tools in his hand and mastered some doorways.

Precisely because he was in a state of inadequacy, even if he was not actually the kind of ambitious person, he still jumped out to make trouble for that slim possibility.

When such a person meets the son of destiny, it is tantamount to pre-determining a terrible ending, and Kane is much too lazy to deal with it.

"I hope I can pave the way for some good points." Kane thought.

Of course, the power in his cognition is different from the power in the perspective of the son of destiny.

For Olaf, Sacco and Yakari, the encounter tonight is still very important.

Samuel showed a lot of effort, and in fact, the investment was not too small, before he'fished out' Nicolas and Yacari. Olaf saw that this hidden debt of favor was naturally owed. With Olaf's character, the relationship between each other will really develop to the point of killing you to death, and I am afraid that because of this sentiment, I will put each other a yard.

But because of such personal affection, it was the two small partners who were able to advance in strength, but they refused to explain their fate. Even if Olaf has an open-minded temperament, he will not grow up fast on the road of transcendence because of his good friends, and he can't help but feel a little tasteful.

So this is a scene that is worth noting. After all, there is a clear gap between the once close friends.

It can even be said that with regard to the use of the Dark Knight treasure, foreshadowing of their own ideas has been planted since this time, and the general plan at the beginning has been scattered.

The Son of Destiny is over, and Kane still has a spontaneous play to be staged.

Kane's Blox White Claw suddenly rose from a kneeling position and said with a solemn expression: "There is a strong enemy, everyone will immediately gather near Jingshan."

His voice was not high, but it rang clearly in the ears of everyone in the camp.

Sasha and the others didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly put aside the work at hand, and gathered in the direction of the crystallized energy pool like a rockery.

At the same time, the outer world has changed color.

The power of darkness rises from the ground. At first, it is like water in a vibrating basin, with a lot of ripples, and then there are leaping drops of water, water bursts, and then it is like a cone like a sword, but again Gushes connected in an arc.

Compared with this magnificent dark tide effect, the elemental barrier is like a cookie the size of a thumb in a basin, as if it will be destroyed at any time.

When the power of darkness enveloped the sky, not only Sasha and others were shocked and speechless, but even the two voyeurs lurking outside were dumbfounded.

The two are members of the dark elements who have been hostile to Wanghai Town represented by Sasha for more than five years. They felt the sense of being partly removed from the locks they had arranged. Later, seeing the wind and clouds gathering here and thunder surging, they were sent to investigate the situation.

The result was naturally shocked by the quick element barriers. Although they didn't see the construction process, the elemental barriers after forming were equally good, and they couldn't promote the desire to tempt them with spells.

The two of them observed from a distance and changed a few places one after another. They didn’t see any doorway. They realized that the people who arranged such an extraordinary camp were far superior to them, and were considering whether to report back. At that time, the Dark Abyss erupted.

Even if it was only a relatively small area, it was a magical technique of the world's mighty power level. In the face of such a mighty power, the two of them couldn't even produce the will to resist, and they were overwhelmed.

But their consciousness was not destroyed in an instant, but they felt a kind of washing they had never felt before. It was painful, but inexplicably cordial. The two did not have a hobby of masochism. The feeling of this kind of feeling was completely confusing and could only be said to be weird.

As the power of darkness swept across, the environment outside the elemental barrier became a feature like a deep sea. Just looking at it, it felt solemn and slowly, and the pressured person could not breathe.

This is actually the domain effect, which can make people lose the San value. If it is not protected by elemental barriers, if ordinary transcendents use perception to cross the barriers to detect, then the collapse of consciousness is a matter of seconds.


Sasha and others saw Kane's tiger roar, with blue veins on the sideburns of his forehead, and his face flushed. Then the crystal mountain melted in half, and the light of thunder spread wave after wave, supporting the energy shield bounded by the elemental barrier wall, whether it was on the barrier wall or the faintly visible translucent mask in the air, There are electric arcs flowing, just like a series of connected words full of thunder and lightning mysteries.

"Yeah!" Sasha screamed, her head turned into an'explosive head', and fine arcs flew across her semi-focused hair.

"..." Kane was a bit speechless, he really didn't expect to pretend to be a match, but Sasha awakened the Thunder bloodline.

The Crowley family doesn't have this kind of bloodline power, especially after the werewolf curse, it rushes with the violent and purifying supernatural power of Thunder.

With the awakening of Thunder's bloodline, Sasha unconsciously began to transform into a werewolf in the next second, and seemed very painful like the first wolf transformation.

"Don't worry about her! It depends on her if she can survive! Keep away from you. She is unconscious now. Beware of the defensive instinct to hurt you."

Kane stopped people from stepping forward to help. Xin said: "When you see the needle, you are better than the master and I can play more!"

However, Kane is also quite able to take advantage of this sudden situation, just by distracting Brocks, let the villain take the initiative.

So in the darkness of Ruyuan, a sledgehammer with a black and blue glowing outline suddenly appeared, and it fell down extremely violently.

At that moment, everyone who saw this blow was robbed of their minds and their brains were blank.

And the sound of the giant hammer rang in people's hearts, and it was a hundred times more shocking than Huang Zhong Da Lu Qiming in the ordinary sense.

Everyone loses San value crazy.

"Elemental Blessing!" Brocks played the second-second registration cast mode, but the effect was just right. The fire brought warmth, the water brought moistness, the earth brought firmness, and the wind blew away the gloom. People who were panicking toward the collapse of consciousness obviously felt that they had relied on, they had backing, and they had the energy, and their state quickly recovered.

The two snoopers outside are more pitiful, but they themselves are already walking on the evil road closely related to the darkness, so while losing the San value, they also experienced the dark wash, which is equivalent to rushing on the road of transfer, falling down. It will not be annihilated.

The dark sledge hammer fell, and the semicircular energy shield appeared to be cracked. The black and blue energy penetrated in and immediately turned into ice cones of dark sharp blades, and the arrows fell.

‘Click! The invisible wind blade smashed these dark arrows to pieces, and then was swallowed by the cloud of fire that swept away.

Brocks fought back at this moment.

'when! The two tomahawks struck each other and ignited the dazzling thunder. The next moment, the thunder multiplied hundreds and thousands of times. In the deafening roar, the thunder turned into a pillar of thunder and shot out towards the darkness.

Then people vaguely saw the outline of the enemy through the hit of this thunder pillar, like the ancient god, with many tentacles and eyes, but different from the strange, blasphemous, and disgusting touch of the ancient god. , Is a kind of unspeakable majesty and mystery, which makes people feel extremely terrifying in an instant.

This monster hidden in the darkness, after receiving a blow, immediately returned its color, dozens of tentacles aimed at the elemental barrier like a cannon, and then blasted continuous dark energy.

This black and blue, but bright, clustered energy with a very weird feeling can arouse people’s deepest It's creepy at first glance, and instinctively knows if you let When this thing shot on the body, it was absolutely frightened and there was no scum left.


The robes were bulging, the hair was dancing, people were suspended in the air, and the remaining half of the crystal mountains melted, and the power of the elements was united to form a holy thunder that made people shocking.

Then there is a big bang that destroys everything.

Of course, this is the perception of ordinary people, and they feel that everything in their vision is collapsing and destroying, at the level of powder, and at the same time extremely violent, exceeding the normal perception limit.

Then, the monster flew away like a bed sheet being thrown by a long clothes pole, walking very embarrassed, but very arrogant, because the darkness of Ruyuan, like a curtain, was pulled away and followed After going away, because of the huge scope and fast enough speed, many people looked unsteady, sitting on the ground, as if the world was shaking because of the shady.

It took another ten seconds before people slowed down. Looking around, the elemental barrier was broken. Although there was still light flowing, it lost the original atmosphere. And Brox, half of his body was petrified, and the dust and dust fell from time to time.

Even if people are not extraordinary, it is not difficult to see this scene to make up for the lack of strength and life to gather together, and the result was backlashed into such a reason afterwards.

"Master! Master..." People scrambled up to confirm Brox's condition.

"I can't die!" Blox came out rather stiffly, and then said: "Listen to my command and be careful of the enemy coming in."

People suddenly become conscientious, and a look of awe has penetrated into the depths of their souls...


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