Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1381: Retreat and advance around dawn

If you ask Kane, what is the deepest impression of Blizzard, the creator of the Warcraft universe?

Kane will answer: It’s really strong to make MV-length CG movies!

Perhaps it is to pay tribute to this memory that Kane wrote, directed and acted in a scene, which is also in seconds, but it is shocking enough.

Even Sasha Crowley, who was immediately stimulated and awakened the Thunder's blood, could engrave all the details of this battle in his heart while his body changed, not to mention other people naturally.

And when they tasted the aftermath of the battle and filled their brains with the origins of the dark monsters, two dark men who came to investigate, stepped on the'Dengyun Step' and floated back to the camp report.

In this camp, the leader of the dark elements is a woman whose face was severely burned and deformed.

She has the typical dress of a war mage, cloth robe and leather armor, tightly packed and neat, and a strong aura. When she stares at people with bright eyes, it can even make people feel acupuncture.

Her mysterious value is very high even for the dark elements, its origin is a mystery, even the name is rarely known, and people call her Lord.

The Lord is naturally very dissatisfied with the two dark elements that are like drunken kings, but she is not the kind of high-level person who maintains authority by reprimanding, beating and scolding, so she is not in a hurry and listens patiently to the two. report.

It can be understood that the two people who are worthy of San to lose the light and were brainwashed by the power of darkness to become naive, incoherent, but overly full of emotions, with a passionate attitude that is more fanatical than the fanatics, they repeatedly describe the darkness. The power and shock of the incarnation.

Later, the Lord was really bored, and took the initiative to ask, and the two men confessed to the other parts with an unhappy expression. They were brief and concise, but they also explained the situation clearly.

With just a turn of his head, he began to describe the so-called stunning beauty.

The Lord asked them to rest, but it didn’t take long for someone to report. These two volunteered to be evangelists, and told other companions Amway's so-called “Pure and Great Darkness”, but there was nothing wrong with them, and their mouths were full of empty words and gorgeous. Chanting is completely annoying.

Of course, if it was just like this, it would not bother the Lord.

The dark elements are not a group of people characterized by generosity and friendship. They are characterized by being perverse, cruel and hostile. Being disturbed by others, refusing and not listening, is naturally an old fist.

However, he started to realize that these two guys who had been washed into stubbornness suddenly became powerful. And it is not so powerful.

The Lord quickly rushed to the scene of the incident, and through the unique dark light in the camp, he saw that the two people surrounded by dozens of dark elements in the scene had all transformed.

Transformation is nothing to the dark elements. Their technical system is messy and messy, but they still have a main line. This main line is the dark druid.

Its roots and feet can be traced back to Val'sharah, who was in the reappearance of the Legion. At that time, Xavius, the spokesperson of the nightmare, came to a well-planned combination of the druids who lived around the ancient tree of life, Saradarshir. Fist, even Cenarius, the founder of the Druid Way, was corroded by the nightmare, others can imagine.

Later, although the Xavius ​​family was destroyed, the core knowledge of the Druid warship system also spread out.

Of course, the dark elements are not the orthodox heirs of the ancient gods and the Xavius ​​line, otherwise they would not have been tortured with Gilneas for more than five years in such a small place as the Black Forest.

But on the other hand, ‘pretend to be a thousand words, tell a word of truth’. After all, the essence is mastered, and the other branches and minutiae can all be completed in practice.

This is a typical resurgence. It looks like a cold stove, but if there are enough people to pick up the firewood to help the flame, it will be able to burn something.

Therefore, there are several kinds of transformations for this group of dark people, including the dark owl beast called the ghost owl, the dark wolf transformation of the shadow wolf, the raven form of the dark crow, and the thorn bear form of the thorn bear. Wait, it can be said that they all have the special abilities involved in the mainstream transformation of Druids.

Transformation is not uncommon, but the transformation of the two people in front of them is obviously different from the ordinary transformation.

The Lord is also considered a learned person, and the first cognition regards the two as ascended.

Ascendants are the dark shaman system, and the maturity of the technology system is even higher than that of the light shaman system.

This is because not long after the ancient gods first came to Azeroth, they surrendered the elemental creatures here. The characteristics of earth, fire, water, and wind can be described as infinite.

Ascendant was born under this background. This is why in the chapter of the Pandaren Mystery, two little-known shamans spawned by the power of the ancient **** Yajisha can **** the power of the four elements from the representative shaman Thrall. Reasons for control.

A similar scene happened more than once. For example, the black dragon prince Wrathion, his father Deathwing Neltharion, was beeped crazy by N'Zoth, and the dignified guardian of the earth and mountains became N'Zoth's eagle dog.

Becoming a dog for a person has a high price behind it. Not only is it a fame, but it is also blocked by others and even thoroughly studied.

Therefore, relying on the understanding of Neltharion, N'Zoth and his loyal followers have completely abused the Black Dragon Legion, shot at the critical moment, and grabbed the lifeblood of any black dragon at once, even though Wrathion is an adult and has good strength. But he was just casually trapped by a few pawns who had key information, and was almost taken away from the essence.

In the same way, the elemental creatures of Azeroth have served as servants of the ancient gods for hundreds of years, and their own secrets have long been stripped away.

Let’s look at the way of shaman represented by Draenor Shaman. All things have anims, and treat the spirits of all things as the existence of equal status to respect, negotiate, and seek help from them when needed...

Is it easy to shirk a friend’s request, or is it easy to shirk a compulsory request under the coercion of death?

Therefore, it is said that the kingly, domineering, and powerful wins, not the just.

The one that was washed and cut by the power of darkness in front of the Lord was a typical and powerful one.

There was a faint blue light flowing through his body, and there was a greasy effect of a little tar under the light, but the mysterious value was much higher.

Moreover, the two of them are suspended in the air, giving the impression that they have become some kind of fish, and the air is like water to them.

This is also the main reason why the Lord once recognized the two as ascending ones.

However, soon this perception changed. The main reason is that the power traits reflected by these two people do not have the elemental flavor of the ascendant.

To put it plainly, the ascendant is the user of the darkened elemental power, even if it is the power of the four elements, and the advanced chaos ascendant, it is still the elemental power.

But what was in front of him was pure shadow power. In terms of its compulsion, the ancient gods are only this grade. It's just that the ancient gods are more advanced. To put it bluntly, they all have divine radiation. The ancient gods can make people within the range lose 1 point of San per second, and for these two, it is 0.05.

Although these two goods have been brainwashed, the deep memories of the past can still affect them, otherwise they will not respond to the report before.

Correspondingly, the majesty of the Lord is also of considerable weight in their hearts. Therefore, when the respect is reached, the arrogant aura of these two people suddenly weakened by three points, ending the floating state, and bowing to the Lord after landing.

The Lord also has a brain and can talk. He didn't directly confront the two of them, but instead asked: "Didn't you two rest? What are you two doing?"

These two immediately showed their grievances, and you began to argue with one word and one word.

What the Lord actually wants is to comfort the two people first, learn more about the situation, and then solve the problem.

"This is not a place to talk, you two come with me." Then the Lord dismissed the rest and asked people to do and do.

But in this process, he made hidden arrangements through body language and eyes without showing a trace.

So, under a temporary Hongmen banquet, the two dark fanatics were chattering and talking, and the'sword and axe hand' suddenly threw out and subdued the two with the momentum of thunder, without even having a chance to transform. give.

Afterwards, the Lord had a sullen face, and after pacing a few laps in the big tent, he issued a series of orders to leave the camp and leave immediately.

"Master, these captives still lack some heat..."

The little dark leader who came to complain, was directly said by the Lord: "Give them soul medicine, we will not take it as a prisoner." He was taken aback for a while.

"not us……"

"Why, you refuse to execute the order?"

"Don't dare!" The little boss persuaded, and when he turned his head, he spread his anger on his subordinates. This is a very common type of beating and cursing management, where you open your mouth to greet other female relatives or Xia San Lu.

The dark elements are naturally resentful. After all, they have planned for a long time and sacrificed the already high-ranking hidden dark child. Only then have this rich harvest been achieved. Just giving up like this is like going to be able to completely fall into the bag immediately. The food is generally burned, which is a pity.

But an order is an order. Their organization does not have counselors or instructors who specialize in psychological work for everyone. Instead, they directly teach people through punishment.

At the same time, in the elemental barrier, Kane clicked his lips and gave orders to the shadow clone who was secretly monitoring the camp of the dark elements.

In his opinion, the occurrence of this kind of thing is a bit overwhelmed by the butterfly wings. The soul medicine ordered by the Lord is very vicious. Although it can be done to save him afterwards, the cost is too high. It can only be done in advance. Take'vaccination shots' to preserve the soul integrity of captured personnel.

But this is also a disadvantage, that is, it leaves a loophole, whether it is the Lord’s side, or the children of destiny who will appear tomorrow, after a period of time, they are very likely to be suspicious, soul medicine, why not Play a corresponding effect?

So from a certain perspective, this is the same as a lie that needs more lies to round out.

Of course, it is better to have loopholes now. Otherwise, it means that the Son of Destiny has not yet appeared on the stage, and one's own side has already been defeated, so the impact will be greater.

So this round, it can be said that there is no winner, the Lord is upset, and Kane is upset.

The dark elements took advantage of the darkness before dawn and retreated to the depths of the Black Miasma Forest, while the Wanghai Town Defense Team ushered in unexpected reinforcements in the light of the dawn.

Rosalind Crowley, not very old, should call Sasha a cousin in terms of blood relationship, but she is a seasoned and experienced adventurer.

Before, she had been active in Feralas and Desolace in the southern part of Kalimdor. She received a letter from Sasha who had been around for nearly a year, and then she returned to her hometown after more than ten years with her adventure partner. .

Rosalind was like a fire, rushing and fierce, and she ran directly to the logging camp without taking a break after getting off the boat.

She and her little friends are naturally knowledgeable. They noticed the remnants of the power of darkness from a distance, and immediately changed their expressions. They took the most cautious attitude, tinkered with them for nearly twenty minutes, fully armed, and hung up the BUFF. , Stepping on the halo and pushing forward.

When I saw the elemental barrier and was greeted by the guards, I realized that I was arrogant.

But as a person who knows the goods, soon, he was shocked by the force of element barriers.

Although the elemental barrier has been deliberately operated by Kane, there are traces of war-torn destruction, but the series of technologies that it represents will not drop too much.

Kane also understood this, so he didn't expect to rely on the characteristics of human'visual creatures' to drastically reduce the evaluation of people who know goods.

Therefore, Brox's position has always been an expert, and now he is not panicking when dealing with Rosalind.

But it must be said that Rosalind, who has skipped the initial stage of growth and has the attributes of the son of destiny, is not as foolish as Olaf.

After the contact between the two sides, although it was pleasant on the surface, the turning of his head made Sasha more serious.

Sasha was naturally unhappy. It was not because of Kane’s light and awakening of Thunder’s blood, but Kane’s life-saving grace to her and everyone. For this reason, she suffered such serious injuries. This is suspected. It's too mean.

However, Sasha can become the leader of the defense team and even Wanghai Town in the name of acting mayor, and she still has the professional ability.

At this time, it is natural to seek common ground while reserving differences, try to unite all forces that can be united, and rescue prisoners and defend their homes as the top priority.

Therefore, he did not argue with Rosalind, but followed his statement and asked him to make clear and observe more.

"I'm not stupid!" Rosalind said bluntly: "According to what I have observed so far and your description, even if your description is only half true, this injury number is still powerful and daunting. It’s not something we can fight against. I’m just reminding you that the strong ~ does not necessarily mean nothing to all living beings. No matter how good you look, conspiracy is conspiracy. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Okay, okay! Your thoughts are much darker than Rosalind in my knowledge, let alone whether this is right, it is inevitable that you are more tired than before, and I feel a little bit distressed about you No more. Let’s discuss how to rescue the prisoners..."

Rosalind was also a little speechless, but she also agreed with the proposal to find a way to rescue the prisoners first, so she quickly got into the topic.

More than ten minutes later, the rescue team set off, and then rushed into the empty camp without any shock or danger.

Although the dark elements took away the magical tools and the like when they evacuated, the situation of the camp still looked strange and terrible to many people.

The captured people stood in a circle, with their heads down, their backs buckled, their arms drooping naturally, and their standing was not very stable. Their bodies swayed from time to time, and under their feet, there were dark magic symbols, the main frame. , It’s the word'艾' that is connected to the grass head, and some auxiliary symbols are added. There is thick wax around it. The flame of this wax is purple and the wind can’t go out. It looks unusual. .

One of Rosalind’s partners quickly recognized that these were prisoner soul candles. Each one is closely related to a victim, which is equivalent to the soul being eroded and burned by the curse of darkness. Even the strongest people will be If it's over, it can't be extinguished in a rough way.

What they didn’t know was that these candles once exploded after the Essence Pill was used. The Lord and the others left after seeing this scene. If Kane’s "vaccination shot" were not available, Rosalind and the others would see It was not a captive waiting to be cursed, but a rotten soul corpse that could only be destroyed by himself.


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