Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 799: countercurrent

Nearly 75% of the population fled the metropolitan area.

At this point, the social system has actually collapsed.

The major functional departments either have severe manpower shortages or simply shut down.

Enterprises and companies are basically in a state of magnification. There is no way to say when to resume work.

The few industries that are still in operation are mainly retail businesses, such as convenience stores, and service industries, such as bars and fast food restaurants, that mainly sell life materials.

In this context, Kane had to send personnel to some functional facilities, such as power plants and water plants, which are closely related to basic needs.

Originally involving 200,000 square kilometers, more than 100 cities, this kind of chores alone is enough to make Kane burnt, but the Fort of Mystery Fort is common with computer AI and has a supercomputing system. As long as enough information and data are provided, Then Baoling can represent the decision-making level and keep things in order.

So Kane only needs to act as an information hub. The information feedback from War Bugs and the processing scheme from Mysterious Castle interact through him. Although it also consumes brain power, it does not take care. It is only occupying the information processing traffic of some souls. Well, don't delay him to do his own thing.

It is precisely because of this that the fire-leading people feel that every war insect seems to be an encyclopedia, no matter what kind of problem, they are hard to reach them. If they have doubts and needs, they can find them. Basically, it can help solve the problem. There will be no excuses for responsibilities, and no fools, no matter what the size of the problem is, if you ca n’t do it, you ca n’t ask anyone.

In order to stabilize the people's hearts, Kane once again gave a public speech, outspokenly outlined the general situation of each region, and drew another pie to people, that is, the central city and the citizenship system.

According to him, the existing cities will become outlying cities in a month.

At that time, an ultra-modern magic city will emerge in the small city of Bolun. It will be the political, economic, and cultural center of the entire fire, the symbolic building, and the magic array monument of the field force field.

In order to cope with this round of bragging, Kane also specifically gave some construction shots. The huge and repetitive magic array is like a computer drawing. The outline and the latitude and longitude of the light are clear. The modulated magic building materials have been modulated, just like concrete pouring, flowing within the outline.

After the material is injected, the corresponding function of the magic array is activated, the material begins to solidify, and mysterious symbols and magic patterns are added, and finally a dense texture like a tree is formed on the surface.

After completing this step, you will have all the flesh and bones. The rest is the external decoration representing the skin sac and various internal piping facilities representing the veins. The exclusive space has long been reserved. The tubes used are also flexible and anti-corrosion like resin materials. New materials, using extraordinary means, these pipes are like a live python, wandering on their own, combined or disconnected, the deployment efficiency is just right.

Ordinary workers need to do some small work, such as installing a switch, faucet, toilet, etc.

If there is any criticism, it is the layout and pattern of the new building, which is a bit of a petty gesture. In the words of some people, it is like the ultra-luxury version of the tongzi building.

The area of ​​each household is at least 100 square meters or more, 200 square meters is common, but the bad layout is the bad layout. From the overall view, it is really like a pine cone building, and it is a pile of super super pine cone buildings, three regular triangles , Forming a whole, overlooking from the sky, like a nuclear bomb sign.

If you take a closer look, you will find that the regular triangle is actually a hexagon, and all three sharp corners have been cut off, that is, three long sides and three short sides, which are roughly regular triangles.

This super cone building is very magnificent. The height is more than 1800 meters, and the side length is also calculated in kilometers. Such a building itself is a spectacle, using many technologies and materials beyond this era.

But even so, it can't hide the fact that its castle's cage-like internal structure is just because it is large enough, and uses a lot of lighting and magic wall curtains to simulate the outside world, which does not make people feel depressed, just like shopping and entertainment. The general food complex feels similar.

The construction of super buildings really reflects the real situation that Kane is not poor in technology and money, but only in a short time to start a tall building.

Many people who plan to migrate, or have already begun to migrate, even decide to wait for this.

Not only is the central city ’s future blueprint attractive enough. It is also because they feel some interesting content from the architectural pattern of the central city.

Why build such a centralized, fortress-like spectacle building?

Just to compare, because it can, it must be extravagant?

To know such a building, the cost of work is still very expensive. It is mainly expensive on magic wall curtains, lighting systems, ventilation systems, and security systems.

A small villa with a lawn in front of the door and a garden behind the house, which is commonly used by modern Federals, would be more efficient and cheaper if it was built with extraordinary technology, but Kane chose to build this more expensive super penthouse .

Understand that according to Kane ’s promise, Huoluo leads citizens to get this kind of housing without spending a penny. Obviously, this is a welfare, and it is a very important welfare in the eyes of the lord.

People with a little associative ability can feel the harshness of the future external environment through it.

After all, not long ago, the landing of the giant sea monster and the bombardment of the light of the Dark Ark's trial had already sounded the alarm for people.

Under that kind of monster, and that degree of destruction, the secular conventional protection is almost vulnerable.

There is no nuclear defense in this world, even if it is useless, the light of judgment is like a giant chisel from the gods. It has eroded a tens of meters deep gully on the earth, and has achieved the effect of burning glass.

Huo Lao Ling made this fortress-style building, obviously to deal with such situations.

It also includes evil things like mutant demons and parasitic demons. Because the safety of the super building is good enough, there is a special system protection inside, just like the domain, without authorization, it is impossible to open the space-time channel, and it is very difficult to invade from the outside.

Although these Kane did not elaborate in their speeches, they introduced relevant introductions afterwards.

This is why it is said to be a prison cage. The monitoring is too tight. Each citizen has its own unique identification code. The invisible binding force is really high.

This makes many people feel uncomfortable just to take a look and think about it.

But thinking carefully, most people can still think of the two sides of the problem.

Why should we adopt such a highly constrained management system?

To know that even if everyone is running out, the Huo Lao Ling has not forbid people to migrate, but it is always the persuasion as the only way to retain, and it is still a statement that do n’t come back, it seems very arrogant. Where is this confidence?

The answer is that Huo Lao Ling is not very optimistic about the future environment, and he is very confident in protecting his leaders in the future.

Such an answer echoes what Kane said during the first public speech. If it was just for his own sake, he really didn't need such hard work.

Not long ago, the war with the Catholic Church was an indirect proof that the Catholic Church certainly achieved certain results, but its own losses were also great, and more than 65% of the combat power invested was destroyed.

The highest investment and survival ratio is the airborne holy warrior, with 1500 inputs, and the final withdrawal is 486, which is the 486 holy warriors, compared with the overall ratio, because each of their equipment is worth 87 million.

In addition, the overall ratio is the Dark Ark, and the two ships have successfully released, both of which are high-value units.

The rest are annihilated.

From the perspective of secular military analysis, if the war is like this, the Catholic side is equal to losing only one pair of underpants.

Kane blowing, just make a fuss about this topic.

It must be said that the same rice breeds hundreds of people, some people do n’t like it, some people like it. Although Kane ’s entry into the main fire is unpopular for a series of reasons, there are also fans, a considerable part of whom, after the war, It turned into iron powder.

They spontaneously connected and actively responded to a series of decree issued by Kane, and also attracted the hearts of Kane through speeches and leaflets.

One of Kane ’s latest highlights is what would happen if Catholic invasions occurred in other regions?

Facts have proved that Catholicism doesn't care about the life and death of mortals, and even like real terrorists, it attacks Kane by forcing people to respond.

Kane blowers said that such a distraught supernatural organization, revealing its nature, tearing the veil of hypocrisy is sooner or later, and once it happens, may I ask another supernatural force to stand up and fight against ordinary people firmly ? Even if they are willing, can they achieve such a record?

Kane blowers use this as a point to derive some rhetoric.

For example, those who chose to leave Central California at this time are basically off-line IQ.

Another example is that if there is no common trouble, there is no qualification for wealth and wealth. At this time, if you choose to escape, you will naturally not be granted asylum in the future. So this is not a question of Kane's stinginess, but the simplest question of responsibility and rights.

After Kane painted the blueprint for the future of the central city, the Kane fans would have more clichés.

Kane watched them play very well, and also provided them with some information-based help.

For example, Kane Mob changed a Gulfstream business jet to enable hovering and vertical take-off and landing. Kane used them as a public vehicle to go to Quebec and Newfoundland for inspection.

They brought back a lot of detailed and recorded information, plus Kane provided them, and produced pseudo-documentaries. The reason why they are pseudo-documentaries is because they contain too much speculative content.

According to Kane's speculation, the future world environment is dominated by the magic black forest, toxic gases, harmful radiation, evil things, monsters, spirits ... For ordinary people, this environment is very unfriendly, Survival will once again become the most important issue of human civilization.

They pointed out that it is not completely estimated that if there is not enough extraordinary asylum, the world will lose 40% of the population in one year, that is, 2.8 billion +, and will continue to fall into a state of continuous blood loss, because in that turbulent environment, The fertility rate will be low, rather than direct casualties, will remain high.

The extremists blown by Kane, who are very friendly and openly insult those who fled the metropolis: "God has given you the opportunity, you give up easily, even humiliate it, then in the future, we will sit in the castle and watch you die dead In the midst of disaster! "

On the contrary, the doves of the Kane blowers appealed to the world to start preparing for the wasteland, and cited fables such as the Hornbill to explain the inevitability of the great changes in the natural climate.

In fact, as of today, the natural climate is abnormal and has reached a point where it can hardly be concealed.

After all, the spread of nightmares is not only affected within the scope, but also affected outside the scope.

Simply put, the global climate is a game of chess, too much ice melting in Greenland or Antarctica, which will affect the global temperature and ocean water level, including cold and hot air currents, ocean currents, which will lead to abnormal hurricanes and tsunamis.

The external effects of nightmares are similar. It profoundly changes the environment of the region, and then forms ripples of climate alienation. It continuously radiates outwards, so that the global climate has abnormalities, such as freezing disasters, May blizzards, tornadoes ...

Anyone who pays a little attention to the climate can feel the abnormal climate this year, which is very obvious.

From a national point of view, facing this kind of problem is actually very helpless. It is very good to do our best to prevent it. Macroscopically, it is natural to hide something.

After all, the country sings the worst and the people panic, and then a chain reaction will occur, and the economic loss caused is likely to be much larger than the loss directly caused by the disaster.

Therefore, it is the right way for the state to control the mouthpiece of the media, report good news and not worry, or appropriately play word games to regulate people's perception of disasters in non-affected areas.

The maintenance of stability represents the guarantee of order, and as long as there is order, then the energy source will continue to make wealth through production to make up for the losses, including the rigid needs of the disaster area.

But there are still smart people, or people with mild delusions, sensitively aware of the truth.

Although their channels for obtaining news are often not atmospheric, and many contents have been distorted in the process of delivery, the feature of ‘believe in believing’ still allows them to grasp some important points.

As a result, when the second migration tide progressed to the later stage, Huo Lao Ling unexpectedly appeared a "countercurrent".

That's right, they are also migrants, but these are migrating from other regions to the Huo Lao leader. They are federal citizens. They look like servants. Many of them are armed with rifles. Like militias or guerrillas, they form small groups and lead to waves of fire.

Obviously, they encountered a lot of trouble on the road, so they were so aggressive.

Like the United States of America, the Federation is known as a country on wheels. The vehicle ownership rate is extremely high, and the car-related culture is also very developed. Whether it is moving or traveling, or traveling, people often have a glance. Judgment.

Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine that these retrogrades are almost opposite to the thinking in the migration of Central California. The two sides will inevitably have friction on the periphery of Central California.

Even if you are no longer on the road, you may be at a gas station, in a car hotel, in a fast food restaurant, in a high-speed rest area ... These are the most frequented places for people to travel long distances, and go to Central California in reverse, really It's very eye-catching, especially those with obvious luggage.

It must be said that these people who finally arrived in Central California were lucky.

Because at this time, Kane did not set too many restrictions on the population, even if only the ability to work as a laborer at the construction site would not be driven out.

Kane really needs a qualified industrial population to ensure that the world's current level of technology is used to quickly complete the connection with the magic technology he masters.

But on the other hand, Kane also needs sufficient population skills. He has even made good preparations to enter the era of basic guarantee free provision in advance.

Simply put, even if nothing is done, it is absolutely hungry. The nutritional cream will provide enough protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements, and even solve the problem of satiety. It's all free, but if you want to live a good life, if you want to solve your tongue's desire and live a luxurious life, you have to put in enough effort.

As for how to solve the job position in a high-tech environment, Kane's idea is to go to a virtual system.

This system is more complicated than the network system because it incorporates the belief system.

An experiment that Kane is going to do is to believe in industrialization. Even if it is belief in oneself, faith in money, and belief in adventure, it can form a trading mode through the virtual system.

To elaborate further, it is to use faith to directly exchange the results you want, such as equipment, such as strength improvement, or virtual currency that can be exchanged with real-world currencies, or even unified into a currency, Call it credit.

In this way, even the most ordinary people can provide value for the fire leaders, and their indulgence in the virtual world is not a waste. Under the deliberate guidance, they can fully upgrade their literacy and become professional talents.

It can even be a little rougher ~ ~ Direct knowledge instillation, and then practice digestion in the virtual world to achieve the unity of knowledge and action.

So for a maximum of ten years, even if the external situation collapses, the mortal human civilization under his rule is enough to enter the age of the universe. After all, he has completed the convergence of science and technology, and the core related technologies in the near future, such as nuclear fusion reactors, supercomputers, space materials, space planting, etc., are all ready-made technologies that require nothing more than adaptive fine-tuning and branching Loose-leaf expansion and crosswise.

Therefore, Huo Lao's appetite is very good now, and he has nothing to do with it. It's just that Kane himself feels very cold about the customs, culture, and community atmosphere of blacks and Mexicans. To put it bluntly, the comprehensive literacy is too low.

He also knows objectively that the main reason is not the people, but the cost (mainly time-consuming) of cultivating them to become qualified talents is high, and it is an indisputable fact that in some cases, in his eyes, they naturally It is a group that is not competitive.

The first wave of ‘countercurrents’ were basically federal citizens, and they belonged to the first water moon near the water tower.

It did n’t take long for a new 'countercurrent' to appear. This time, it was from five lakes and four seas. The number was too large, which was beyond Kane's expectations ...

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