Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 800: Insights and patterns

Abdullah is a farmer in the Far East.

As the saying goes, although one side cares for the other, Abdullah has the same origin as the Arabs in the Middle East, but after thousands of years, the external and internal differences are already huge.

For example, the skin is whiter, finer, and the hair is not as developed as the Arab man. The difference in cognition is not over in a few words.

After all, in the Far East, planting in the spring and busy in the summer, harvesting in the autumn and storing in the winter, the natural environment forces people to use this as a foundation to live and live well. This is fundamentally different from the nomadic and businessmen in the Middle East. Naturally, there are differences, so that the culture and customs are obviously different.

However, the Far East people still did not like the Orientals in the original world. After all, their ancestors were cultural when they moved east, which is still different from the development of the completely native.

As a farmer, or landowner, inherited from generation to generation, Abdullah has feelings for the land.

But on the other hand, as a person armed with his mind through the knowledge of the new era, Abdullah also has a strong ability to accept new things, not the rigid old landlord's wealth.

Regarding major events on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, the attitude from the official to the civilian side here is the kind that looks lively and not too big. In particular, the kind that can show the "deep fire" is the taste of blissful scourge when viewed in the disaster.

No way, oppression and exploitation are the main theme of this world where the world ’s resources and wealth will always appear to be insufficient, and the rise and prosperity of the Federation is based on oppression and exploitation of other countries and regions.

Far-sighted people in the Far East are deeply touched in this respect.

However, the incident caused by Kane is called the "Extraordinary World" event, which is quite special. The Far East officials have been suspected of being dignified from the beginning. It is really based on the news of the "deep fire". Lost.

Officials do not want a new lighthouse to appear in a federation known as a beacon country by constantly showing off its force and wealth and self-proclaimed.

But the shrewd person still saw a lot of things.

Abdullah is a savvy person, not only savvy, but also has first-class action, and also has the wealth to put into action.

He traveled to Central California this time and took no small risk. After all, Central California was marked as a first-class theater by the Far East officials, and there was no official interaction at all, let alone civil.

There was nothing to say along the way, nothing more than the captain was pointed at the head with a gun, changed the course, and flew to the other side of the ocean. After half of the trip, even the threat was no longer needed, the fuel was not enough to return, and the Abdullah plan was still meticulous He added a lot of aviation knowledge, and it was not easy to fool him.

The only thrill is that after entering the federal airspace, he was confronted with inquiries from the relevant federal departments, which was very unfriendly.

Soon, fighter jets escorted them and asked them to go to San Francisco instead of the metropolis.

Abdullah blessed the soul and sent a distress message all over the channel.

Then Huo Lao Ling actually responded. When a brief version of the spacecraft carrier was dropped into the nearby area, the two fighter pilots including the **** were bluffed.

The appearance of the main air carrier is like a scene in a science fiction blockbuster, where the starship ends its transition and jumps out of the dimension space. The light shines, the space is distorted, and then, call! After a while, a huge mother ship appeared.

In fact, this thing is not a finished product at all, just a hull with a magic propeller and a Hasta wind rune system. Kane got it out, mainly for a series of aerodynamic layout experiments.

The active towing operation of the Magic Guidance System enabled the technology to successfully land on the flying space carrier. The two fighter pilots received orders and did not fire. Instead, they carried out a series of aerial photography and immediately left.

After the plane landed, it entered the Gnaku through the tractor and elevator. Abdullah and his party discovered that the air and space carrier was very wide, not to mention the carrier aircraft, there were no compartments, and there were few functional facilities. At first glance, it looks like an oversized factory building made of metal frames that has not yet entered the production line.

"Welcome to the fire to lead me, I'm 691." The only person who greeted Abdullah and his party clearly showed that his speech and manners were not specialized in foreign affairs.

However, Abdullah and his party are still sincerely grateful. After all, it is not as good as it is to say, and it is not as good as speaking with facts at a critical moment. The rescue of the fire-leader arrived very timely, which is worth a thousand words in itself.

And Abdullah also knows the fire crystal-like armor of 691. The fire eaters are wearing this molten fire armor, which is very close to the holy clothes, and symbolizes their respective combat characteristics. And aesthetic, there is no repetition, gorgeous and beautiful.

So the name 691 should be the birth serial number of this fire eater. This is not difficult to guess, and salary king Kane is also very calm. This kind of information that has been regarded as military intelligence for other forces is open in the fire.

691 didn't greet Abdullah much, they just said a few taboos, and then said they were free to move. Anyway, it wasn't far away from the fire prison collar, and the mothership could land in half an hour.

A good friend who came with Abdullah waited for 691 to leave, and approached the inquiry: "Huo Lao collar is the nickname that people arrange, how can they use it like this?"

Abdullah, who was blown by Kane, said: "Salary King and his men have enough self-confidence, the title is loud, or the name of a cat or a dog will not affect its prestige, and its reputation will be widely known. so what?"

"Oh, it seems a bit reasonable. But this time we got an obviously semi-finished aircraft carrier to pick us up. Obviously, the deterrent power of the fire leader is still insufficient."

Abdullah nodded: "Normal, there are always a few awe-inspiring people who will die before they are fully established. For people like us, it will be almost the time for us to become the leader of the window. Closed. Correspondingly, it means that we have arrived in a timely manner, and we are right. "

"Well, it's such a reason, willing to shelter the weak and strong, there is no reason to lack followers, most of them are not awake at this time."

Abdullah pouted: "It's not that I haven't awakened, it's not willing to take risks, the territory was initially built, and there are some good foreign enemies who shot. It is indeed a mess. And there are not many who have the ability to venture far away like us. "

Abdullah understands that restricting people ’s access to the fire collar is indeed a problem of the entry barrier and the psychology of chasing ups and downs.

Abdullah is not only optimistic about the future of fire, but also capable of operating. In this case, even if he is a bargain-hunting investment, it is naturally a lot of money.

Kane is very welcome to a modern farm owner like Abdullah who is very professional. After all, his big plan is the technology he has mastered, and it is smoothly connected with the technology of this world. This requires talents from all walks of life. There is a theoretical and grounded kind, but it is a genius, not a special need. After all, many technologies are It is ready-made. The main problems are focused on the application. To solve these problems, the efficiency of the laboratory is somewhat disregarded. It is what he wants to find and solve directly in production.

Abdullah and his party, who can only act, overlooked the famous port area of ​​the metropolis from a large porthole with good views. The huge body of the sea monsters is very shocking compared with the surrounding scenery and buildings, but they only have skeletons and shells left. Seeing that, Huo Lao Ling seems to intend to leave them as monuments in the local area, and does not mean to remove them. .

Abdullah also saw the scene of cleaning up the rubble, the way of working is magic, the huge and flexible energy hand is far more efficient than the excavator forklift, but the remote control of these two hands seems to be ordinary people.

Abdullah they are not mistaken, Kane ’s technical advantage is the combination of magic and science, and the super magic environment of this world makes everyone have the potential to become a mage, then through magic equipment, let these prospective mage take advantage of the extraordinary It is not unimaginable to do some rough work by means.

In fact, it is also the super construction effort that has reassured 11 million Chinese Californians. After all, for modern people, the construction of facilities and the production of products means the forward operation of an organizational force. When the extraordinary forces successfully intervene to double the effectiveness of this forward operation, then the future can naturally be expected. .

People finally realized that the salary king did not brag, just according to the situation before him, his promise will only be fulfilled in advance.

This is actually the main reason why the population of Central California is experiencing a counterflow.

No one ’s eyes are blind. The modern era of the wisdom of the people, including the migrants themselves, can easily imagine how the 34 million migrants will affect the Federation.

Metropolis used to be one of the two brightest pearl cities in the Federation. Hundreds of millions of people lived around this big IP, and it seems to be collapsing now. How difficult it will be to solve the livelihood problems of so many people. One can imagine.

In fact, all kinds of vicious events on the road of migration have been quite serious.

The first wave of migration is fairly good, and the second wave is basically all kinds of hardships. The price along the way has more than 10 times longer. There are reasons for excessive consumption and unsupplied supplies; there are also reasons for making refugees and making huge profits. ; There are also reasons for irrational consumption and excessive hoarding.

In any case, even the kingdom on wheels, the ultra-large migration, still staged the locust transit-like play in the Midwest of the Federation.

It even caused panic among the people along the way.

At this time, the Federation naturally issued corresponding policies urgently, including the National Guard maintaining order at major nodes. The other is the large-scale transportation of materials.

It must be said that due to the relatively loose control of Kane, the migrants are still calm, so there is no need to set up large-scale refugee camps, which has played a positive role in the flow of people and the placement of personnel.

Even the merchants made a fortune. After all, there is nothing more stimulating consumption than fleeing or migrating. The price is that this wave of wool is more thorough, and the federals who already have the concept of premature consumption have basically fallen into bankruptcy after this wave. You should know that car loans and mortgages are carried by almost every household.

For this reason, they naturally resent Kane and his men very much, which is why many people choose to leave Central California.

A refugee said emotionally during the interview: "They let the metropolis collapse in one day, everyone is unemployed, and they are forced to leave their homes and run away to survive. They bring us heavy material losses, It also severely hurts our emotions. Such a brutal and harsh system of organizational forces, no matter how promised, we will not join. "

This statement can be regarded as seeking truth from facts, and there is no concept of conformity to the constitution, which is considered by many people.

But the federal government, at this time, used public opinion to start jumping up and down.

The federal official who did not express his position clearly during the time when Kane took over the metropolis and issued his first public speech. At this time, the Daxing public opinion battle and the occupation of the moral commanding heights were naturally due to the support of Orthodox Union behind them.

After the Metropolis staged a torture war between Catholicism and Kane, the Justice League urgently consulted. Not only has the tactics been modified, but the specific content of the "statement of approval" has also been adjusted.

After all, the first purpose of the establishment of Zhenglian is not to take his own family and Kane to die, but to find allies who can complement and closely unite to deal with extraordinary crises.

After the catastrophic action of the Catholic Church, the gangsters analyzed the war and concluded that the fighting strength of the Kane line was stronger than they had predicted in advance.

"We still have the power to completely obliterate them, but if we do that, we will lose our ability to deal with extraordinary crises. I do not recommend taking the future in order to sanction the violators. At least at this stage, we still have to focus on preparing for war and preparing for wasteland. . "

This statement has expressed the opinions of many members of the couplet.

So after the negotiation, the final strategy is:

1. Stinking Kane ’s reputation, Zhenglian used this to accelerate the absorption of mortal wealth.

2. The idea seeks to weaken the population acquisition of the Kane family and delay its development, lest it be too strong in the future.

The embodiment of these two strategies includes the ups and downs of the secular federal official.

While condemning the evil actions of the Fire Leader, the federal government also introduced the Orthodox Union to the general public, and through contrast and contrast, to demonstrate the qualities and excellence of the Orthodox Union.

It has existed for thousands of years, but it has never disturbed the development of mundane civilization, and silently acts as the protector of mortal humanity.

Give the Cain and Catholics handsome events to Sinoe and portray the two sides as a pair of heartbroken mad dogs. The Metropolitan War is an extension of dog biting dogs.

To this end, the Catholic Church also bribed the officers and soldiers on the Oscar to show up, and took out the edited video materials to prove that Kane was indeed a participant in the Sino Island incident and robbed the Oscar.

While engaging in a public opinion battle, Zhenglian will naturally not forget to invite people to buy.

They will also brag, and they also have shelter plans, and they work closely with federal officials, and are well-known and powerful. He also got some fancy things, known as ‘extraordinary aid’, frequently exposed his face in hot areas of the great migration, deliberately showed and followed up reports, and bombarded all media information.

On the other hand, it is to induce, threaten, oppress the small extraordinary forces and loose repairs of the Commonwealth and even Canada, and join the United.

This is a typical opportunity to engage in a merger, and the annexation of the merger is a torture with Kane.

Of course, it is not necessary to go to the front to fight, and the contribution of resources and technology is also possible.

So the second big migration and the time after that, the action plan of Zhenglian big fish to eat small fish is endless, and the combat intensity is also extremely high. It is not lower than the intensity of the Metropolitan War. It is nothing more than a fragmented scale. Worse.

This operation of Zhenglian has caused the escape, lurking and holding groups of extraordinary small forces and loose repairs.

Organizations like Goliath, the Hengyuan Club, and the Metropolis Vampires are unlikely to join Zhenglian. In addition, there are some organizational forces that are sensitive to their own independence, and at the same time they are not accustomed to the practice of taking advantage of mergers and annexation by Zhenglian.

Under the oppression of Zhenglian, they played a neutral banner, quickly attracted a group of transcendentals, and formed a group of transcendental alliances.

In this way, the pattern of the top three in North America gradually formed.

The most powerful is the Kane line. After all, Kane is the first to jump out and break through the extraordinary existence, and the battle of the metropolis has actually proved its strength. After that, many mature and extraordinary technologies have been invested in people. In the eyes, it has always been a bright spot.

The one with the strongest comprehensive strength is Zhenglian. Although there is no direct publicity, there are still half-true and half-false news widely spread, saying that Zheng Lianguang is the strongest in the sanctuary, up to 20+.

This time became a torture point for the Super League and Zhenglian. The Super League people disdainly said: You have a 20+ sanctuary, and you have no daring to tear the Kane line that is blackened by your blackness and seems to be worsened by sin. Are you worthy of the title of "justice"?

Of course, the Super League can basically only take advantage of the mouth gun. Their formation is passive and hasty, and the centripetal force is very general. If they have any advantages, it is that the small forces and the number of loose repairs are large, which makes They have more experience in interacting with the world, so the asylum plan they come up with has stronger execution and is more easily accepted by the general population.

The most compelling in this respect is naturally the Kane line, but the Kane line is really too cold. Even if people walk away, they are not willing to compromise. It's exactly what I should say more, and the rest of the love comes and doesn't come.

This rule of control is really unacceptable to federal people who advocate democracy and freedom. The Zhenglian + Federal set seems to be too deep and has too many tricks, and they are too bragging about their own good. In the words of a certain people: "When we are stupid, we ca n’t see your hypocrisy at all? You are thousands of thousands. Okay, the power is extraordinary, but there are still metropolitan events, and I refuse to stand up for the first time to protect the interests of the people ... "

As a result, Chaolian's simple ground-to-air asylum plan is relatively good and has been welcomed by many people.

The site of the Super League is the area with Ottawa, Canada, Seattle, and Portland as the core.

Although Kane wishfully crossed the line between Upper California and Central California, San Francisco, San Jose, and Sacramento were all drawn out.

However, the Super League did not dare to reach out to these places, but used its own asylum policy to attract the population.

In fact, Zhenglian did not dare to invest too much extraordinary power in these cities that are closely connected to Central California, so as not to cause Kane ’s dissatisfaction and start an extraordinary war.

However, Zhenglian has a legal and powerful dogleg of the federal government as the front desk, so they have achieved substantial control of these cities and regions through the secular army in the name of the Federation. Including Las Vegas. After all, Las Vegas is separated from Central California by a wall.

Despite the presence of troops, these cities are still the most chaotic area in North America.

After all, here is the bridgehead where Zhenglian and Huolao are tit-for-tat, especially the cities of San Francisco. It is also the intersection of the three parties. There are also a large number of stranded migrants and counter-current pro-Kane factions.

Kane's main reason for sending personnel to this area is to allow people who want to go to the fire to enter smoothly.

There are few planned leases like Abdullah ’s party and then hijacked the plane and come directly to the fire to secure the lead, too few. Most are first to Canada, or Tijuana, Mexico, and then transit.

At present, the Federation is relatively noisy, and entry and exit audits are rigorous, especially those that go directly to San Francisco and other cities. Therefore, the pro-Kane factions in Europe generally choose to transfer from Canada, while the Kane factions in the Middle East and Far East enter from Tijuana.

Since the highest force in this world is extraordinary, the secular international pattern is quite different from the original world. For example, Mexico.

Mexico in this world is the leader of the Central American League, which includes Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, and Dominica.

Behind this is the extraordinary power based on Inca voodoo, referred to as the blood voodoo.

Including the Mayan civilization where blood sacrifices were popular, they are all a blood witch, with a long history and heritage. Even in areas such as astrology, it far surpasses other extraordinary factions.

However, they encountered a major crisis. The specific truth and blood sect have been kept secret. On the surface, it is the fact that the faction is tumbling within the faction, resulting in the tragic loss of the whole. From the geographical point of view, the Northern faction has completely disappeared, while the Southern faction is not good. In the region with southern Mexico and Guatemala as the core, it has left a breath, which gave the European and American transcendents the opportunity to occupy North America.

There is also a saying that the blood witches caused the evil spirits, so the tragedy. This statement is also more in line with the characteristics of the curiosity of the old dominator system that will kill people. The blood witch is much superior to the astrological skills of many other peers ~ ~ People suspect that its origin is wrong, and it is because of this. Here, too greedy, touched the taboo red line, and was destroyed.

Anyway, in this world, secularity is the appearance, beyond the ordinary, this trait does not change, no matter how powerful the Federation is, it is impossible to become the only overlord in the world like the original world, turning South America into its own back garden. Within the extraordinary tolerance limit, take a certain advantage.

So Mexico is not a weak chicken country, even in the federal name, it still has some face. The main manifestation is independence. For example, the relationship between the country and the Far East countries is good, and visa-free transit.

In this way, the pro-Kane factions of the Far Eastern countries, upon arriving in Tijuana, only need to go through the fire to get in. Huo Lao Ling's current immigration policy is very loose, and basically has the skills to enter.

Of course, there are a lot of spies mixed here, who want to obtain the first-hand information of the Huo Lao collar, or even steal extraordinary technology.

Kane is naturally not afraid. He took a quick haste, but the technology in his hands is mature, and the relevant experience in the construction and operation of the territory is also very rich. He is not worried that he will be taken advantage of. On the contrary, he is confident that the meat will rot in the pot.

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