Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 806: Thirty seconds battle

As we all know, nuclear fusion is extremely demanding on the environment.

Modern methods of nuclear fusion generally create an environment through fission, and then initiate fusion and chain reaction.

Kane's spellcasting has a similarly harsh premise. Although the structure of water is hydrogen and oxygen, and the isotope of hydrogen is a fusion fuel, even if he has extraordinary ability, he can't directly use seawater as a fusion fuel.

And if a fusion environment is created, coupled with the boost of the super-energy conversion given by extraordinary technology, this small goal is likely to be achieved.

Although it is a small target, the fusion reaction process is too short, and the information and manipulation involved are too complicated. Even the Kane deity has no ability to show this kind of operation.

Salary king is okay.

Salary King is the ancestor of playing with fire, inheriting the title of the inheritor of the world's first ray of flame, in fact, is the source of the singularity explosion.

For the salary king, the fire of nuclear fusion can also be controlled. And control means you can play tricks.

There is no nuclear bomb in this world, but there is a physical and chemical basis for making nuclear bombs.

For Kane, nuclear fusion is all about playing the rest. The deity is already challenging quark and anti-quark annihilation energy, and even proton annihilation energy technology is not much fun.

Mature nuclear energy technology and high-end extraordinary means make nuclear bombs no longer difficult for fire-powered leaders to manufacture conventional artillery shells than other countries.

Therefore, the key to the fusion hydrogen bomb Kane is now thrown, how can throw a forced grid.

This time, because he was angry, he remembered the Mao Xiong-style rhetoric: There is nothing that a hydrogen bomb cannot solve, if not, then two.

Kane felt that two were too few. He lost two thousand at a time.

Of course, from the beginning of the fourth generation of nuclear weapons, it has been the concept of miniaturization, precision strikes, and specific strikes.

Sometimes, shock waves are needed, and sometimes EMP electromagnetic waves are needed. The high-radiation mode of destroying farmland is rarely used.

Kane doesn't like to play dirty bombs either. His environmental awareness is still quite strong.

Therefore, the two thousand tactical nuclear bombs are all low-emission and have no serious pollution.

It is not a missile method. Too low, it is easy to be destroyed. He uses time and space.

As a time-space ship with a sense of force, Mysterious Castle's professional performance is naturally strong like a dream.

Fixed-point multi-target delivery does not involve too many time elements, and its operation accuracy and stability are extremely high.

The subtext of Kane ’s play of this trick is: Do you think that I did not conduct combat power deployment in the sea, and I neglected the combat needs in this regard? Just put a large-scale, high-investment project like a lava mine on the island casually?

I have sorted out the territorial sea for a long time, so that the geographical terrain is well known, and the space-time coordinates are accurate to microns. When he arrived, Bray was too late.

This led to a direct tragedy of the Haizu invasion group.

The Baoling, which has a super-computing AI characteristic, is constantly calculating and deducing. The main position of the invasion group is always closely watched.

Then Kane made preparations and ordered a fusion bomb to be dropped directly in time and space.

The Hai nationality is protected from space-time shuttle energy interference. It is quite advanced. The extraordinary power is attached to the water to form a force field curtain and a defense system that can be switched to a multi-layer barrier curtain at any time.

It's a pity that this technology, under the mode of high-energy protection and forcible door opening in Mysterious Fort, seems a little big and incompetent.

2000 tactical nuclear bombs were almost instantaneously plugged in place and then detonated.

The density of water is greater than that of air, and the nuclear explosion shock wave power transmission is extremely rigid. Two thousand pieces detonated, the effect is already good, but Kane has worsened in this case.

The method is the same as the butcher's side, where he is first put in place, and then more than a thousand fire eaters are directly pulled through the floating saucer cluster, and the other thousand are cast into the Mysterious Fort.

Then the salary king's power was running at full strength, and I saw the light of Ewan Marriott falling from the sky, rushing down, and the characteristics of microwaves, which instantly resonated and resonated in the field.

Under the blessing of this extraordinary effect, all the substances in the field are transformed into fusion fuels or combustion aids.

Then, a super violent fusion explosion occurred, and the radius of the core plasma fireball exceeded 3000 meters. This is still the result of the beam, otherwise it will be more terrifying.

In such an explosion, most of the members of the Hai Nationality Legion became instant powder, and they could not even see the soot. They burned completely.

Due to the directional eruption, the ultra-bright beam of light went straight up to the night sky, and even broke through the atmosphere and shot into space.

The super eruption of Yu Wei triggered a tsunami of more than 20 meters in height, sweeping the west coast, dominated by Long Beach.

Accompanying it are earthquakes of magnitude 6 and above.

The coastal area of ​​the Huo Lao region ushered in a new round of destruction. Some buildings damaged in the previous Catholic poison wave collapsed completely.

Fortunately, these areas had already been evacuated eastward, and most cities were empty, thus avoiding serious casualties.

In fact, in order to reduce the scope of killing, Kane is also very painstaking.

For example, the effect on optical radiation.

If it is a normal hydrogen fusion bomb, this equivalent amount of explosive light radiation is enough to cause people in San Francisco to suffer from cataracts or simply blindness after looking directly at them.

But now even in the metropolis, when I saw it, it was nothing but tingling and tearing eyes, black eyes, temporary blindness, and slightly impaired vision afterwards. This is Kane's control.

Moreover, such an equivalent explosion is enough to lift up ten million tons of dust to the upper stratosphere, which in turn causes high-altitude dust haze, which is nuclear winter.

Also because of Kane ’s control, such an indirect disaster did not occur.

During this period, both Mysterious Fort and Fire Eater played an important role. Kane alone, his mental power output per unit time, could not be controlled on such a scale.

Of course, Yu Wei is still not to be underestimated. After all, Kane ’s domain constraints have not formed a long enough invisible channel, and the photothermal radiation of nuclear bomb explosions is not as low-diffusivity as laser lasers. In this way, It is sprayed in a cone shape as a whole, and the higher the altitude, the larger the radius of the radiation area.

In this process, the shock wave diffusion and conduction through the material in the air is also inevitable, so a translucent layer of ripple-shaped diffusion is formed, blowing off the clouds, triggering the wind, and forming an extremely spectacular extinct level in the air Light spray sight.

This scene has made humans all over the world look dumbfounded. The nuclear explosion itself is thrilling enough. When the equivalent is exaggerated, and then the extraordinary elements are added, the effect is really shocking.

The Hai people were crying at that time. It can be said that in the face of such a blow, all the scum was under the sanctuary. The plasma fireball with a radius of 3000 meters wiped out the members of the core clan of the Hai tribe almost completely. Only a few sanctuary-levels, through the domain shield of the law of twisting, escaped their lives, but they were also not very good. One blow not only has a large range, but also has a powerful power.

Transcendentals, including the Justice League, are stupid and feel cold afterwards.

With this open hand, Kane clearly has the ability to destroy the world. How else to play? He was forced to pull the whole world to be buried, so how should the victorious party swallow this bitter fruit?

Those who are close to the fire, such as the French official, are quite happy when they are shocked. From now on, the signboard led by Huo Huo is completely ignited. Taking advantage of its name, Fake and Fake, is also enough to deter Xiao Xiao, and at the same time to increase the public's confidence in the government by a few, or even a dozen percentage points.

In fact, the war is far from over at this time. The Kane side only used the thunder to teach the Hai people a fact, letting them know that in the high-end extraordinary battles, the low-level extraordinary people are basically the facts of cannon fodder.

Of course, to be honest, the fire eater is actually a cannon fodder, but when Kane was a reincarnation in his previous life, he once again tasted the fact that after the strength gap was too large, it was difficult for the quantity advantage to make up for the quality advantage. In this context, there is still a way to win by quantity. Its concept does not dare to say advanced, and it has its own merits.

It is nothing wrong with this concept. It is nothing more than the brothers concentricity, their profitability, and the like. The key lies in how to reduce internal losses and how to superimpose all forces.

In the end, such a swarm system was born. A large number of puppets, plus a sufficiently good focusing body, constituted the focal effect of the convex lens.

Super nuclear explosion, the peak value is really high in a moment, but the sanctuary in the sea clan has a domain shield, which can still support the past.

The explosion area in the following seconds, although the environment is still cruel, but it is only analyzed from an ordinary perspective, and it is not deadly for the holy land of land gods.

However, this strong energy environment, the interference is too strong, it is difficult to achieve the spell, and it is really difficult to get out of the pit in a while.

Although it can only be unlocked in a few seconds before and after, but for the sanctuary level battle, a few seconds is fatal.

Kane certainly won't miss this opportunity.

Previously, with the help of the fields of Mystery Castle and Kane, as well as its own fire characteristics, it has triple-protected the fire eaters who have carried the nuclear explosion, and they have become energy points.

Kane is naturally the focus. The spell he is best at is the high-energy jet, which is extremely adaptable to the environment and basically does not care about the interference of the strong energy environment.

Like a laser laser in the sea of ​​fire, high-energy, high-brightness and high-density light lased between his hands.

Poorly, the holy land of the Hai clan that unfortunately fell into the pit, the spell is difficult to cast, can not avoid, can only be carried hard, but it has been damaged. It can only be sustained for less than 2 seconds, and it is burned to fly ash.

In this simple and direct way, Kane killed seven saints in a row, and the remaining two were trapped by his card system, and he was also suffocated.

From the beginning of the battle to the end of the battle, within 30 seconds, the Hai tribe lost defeat. The main legion was swept away. The remaining branches, although only affected by distance, were more or less lost. , Messed up.

Of course, Kane was taking advantage of his illness and working with fire eaters collectively to transform into a deadly cloud of fire, flying fast against the sea. Once the underwater target was found, the high-energy beam fell like rain, which was completely the way of the modern army carpet bombing.

Faster downstream? Can there be light fast?

Has energy protection? Can it withstand high-energy laser irradiation for a long time?

Kane has forcibly substituted this war into his own mode and rhythm, which is no more fancy than spells, but who has a larger nozzle, who has a strong firepower output, a high frequency, and a high hit rate.

These sea clan regiments naturally have a sanctuary, but one or two, Kane has n’t paid attention, and Kane has always been hard, he dare to be a cannon fodder on the top, and how can he be stingy about the death of war insects ?

Therefore, even if the sea clan sacred domain shot powerfully, it could kill a fire eater driving the MA with almost one blow. The characteristics of the war worms are still in full swing at this time, and they always maintain a terrible fire output. The sea clan was shrouded in a horrible firepower network, and it was completely destroyed. The fighting power was basically unable to expand, and the destruction was extremely stifling.

On the other front, the battle group with the butcher as the leader has a more violent fight with the Hai people.

After all, the ultra-low temperature is still comparable to the super nuclear explosion. Although the butcher ’s high-energy focused attack is not as powerful as Kane, the chances of him to beat the water dog are too few, and his own means are not as rich as Kane, so much so. More sea clan sanctuaries broke through the negative effects and quickly launched a fierce counterattack.

Fortunately, Kane had taken this into consideration before the war, so he sent a mysterious castle to provide timely support.

The Mysterious Fort can be regarded as a super-large magic weapon. The Fort Spirit has the computing power comparable to the gods, and can track multiple holy domain-level targets and attack at the same time.

Kane also knew that the sanctuary was powerful, so he made use of the specialty of the mysterious castle to attack the sanctuary of the sea clan in an alternative and cruel way. Simply put, it is self-explosive delivery.

Every fire eater who controls MA can be regarded as a special bomb. MA itself is a high-energy explosive, and fire eater is a detonator.

With their own strength, it is not difficult to get close to the sanctuary successfully, but with the high-power rolling strong invincible delivery of the Mysterious Fort, this problem can be ended to a considerable extent.

Fire Eater + MA's self-explosive, instantaneous power is stronger than nuclear explosion. But it is still not enough to kill the Holy Land. The domain power of the sanctuary is the level of quasi-god, which already has unreasonable characteristics. But just like ants can't kill people, but they can also be injected with formic acid before being crushed to death, making people have a painful and itchy bag under the skin.

As long as there is an effect, at a critical moment, use the quantity heap!

Repeatedly detonating again and again, the sacred domain of the Hai clan often quickly fell into a vicious circle of exhaustion.

And this is the opportunity for the butcher. To see who can't be sustained by the continuous explosion, his focused high-energy strike will blast past, most of the time let the other party hate the spot.

It is through this countless sacrifices and indirect effective killing methods that the effect of 5 kills has been achieved in a short time. However, the loss of the fire eater is also quite heavy. Under the counterattack of the Hai tribe and his own high-frequency self-detonation mode, he quickly died more than a thousand.

Looking at the power of the focused strike, all of them fell off the ranks because of the lack of quantity, and the reinforcements on Kane's side arrived.

The Hai clan looked at the situation and knew that if it went on like this, the ending might be overwhelmed by the whole army, so they began to retreat.

In fact, when they learned through their own channels that the main force of the war group that was going straight to the metropolis was destroyed, they had already issued a retreat order.

The army of this era, even if it is aliens, will not be the assault of the first world war of mankind, the array is too dense, but the distance between the various war regiments is maintained.

So there is no one-time killing of the entire offensive force.

Kane ’s super nuclear explosion, with a radius of 3,000 meters, only covered most of its main core. This is because the marine environment is more like space, and it is three-dimensional, so the formation of the sea clan's battle group is not flat but three-dimensional, so it is relatively dense.

Against the background that the main forces of the two forces were destroyed and severely damaged, the Hai clan chose to retreat orderly from each war group, and the remaining remnants of the main forces dragged the enemy as far as possible.

This is particularly prominent on the butcher's side. All war regiments have evacuated from the formation, and the main force of the heavy hit has also paid a huge price to the Kane side.

Kane probably also knew the Hai clan's thinking, so let the butcher stand **** the side, without letting the opportunity to beat the water dog down, and killing the Hai clan as effectively as possible, especially this formed battle group.

Because once the battle group loses too much, it has to be replenished. The more newly added combat power, the longer it takes to run in. Here, there is a concept of a preparation cycle.

Therefore, one of the great significance of hitting the enemy clan is to get more time.

Kane believes that the recovery and effective proliferation rate of his Jagged Warworm is several times that of other forces, and winning time is naturally most beneficial to him.

After annihilating a main force and disintegrating two and a half battle groups, he sent his fire eaters to support the butcher's battlefield.

He himself faced the 6 Sans sanctuaries alone.

These 6 sea clan sanctuaries have a certain amount of water. Saying it is a sanctuary, legend 3 + 3 mode is more accurate. The regular clan of the sea clan is basically a mode with 1 sanctuary as the main and 1 legend as the deputy.

Kane apparently deliberately used himself as a bait to fish.

The Hai nationality chose to bet on this one. In addition to feeling that they have an advantage, but also because of the loss of this battle, they were anxiously corrupted.

Then there was no more, Kane directly circled the three sanctuaries with the decree card, the two burners of Blood Burner and Lava Fire Spider 2 hit 3 to drag the legendary level.

It didn't take long for Kane to win, and the joint fire passer killed all the legends of the Hai tribe.

The battle came to an end.

Of course, the war is not over. There are five warfare regiments of the Hai nationality that were retired from the formation. Together with some scattered soldiers, it is equivalent to 6 war regiments.

The total number of warfare groups in this attack is 14, the core main force is 3 warfare groups, and there are sacred domains commanded by the corps level, so the number of the sanctuary is 9, in addition to the core main force, the East, West, North, South, and North 4 clan. It is the 7th War Group.

The combat strength of the two lines is equal, but both carry special large-scale transmission devices, as long as they are underwater, they can be quickly transmitted as needed, changing the proportion of military power and structure.

It's a pity that Kane's side understood what a big move is to start, and directly aimed at the core main force, the dumpling-style super beheading tactics, so that the Hai nationality's mutual aid strategy is useless at all, and many weapons are also folded. Under the first round of blows.

However, the most painful is the loss of the strong, with 9 + 9 in the core and 4 + 4 in the periphery. This attack has a total of 26 Sanctuaries and 26 legends. In the end, Kane only escaped 1 + 1, 4 + 4 on the outer side of Kane all escaped, and the core escaped 2 + 1.

Nineteen saints died in World War I. ~ ~ is a legend. Even if the Hai family has a great cause and a long history, it can still be called a broken bone.

In contrast, the Kane side made a big gain. Although the fire eaters also lost a lot, the 19 + 20 high-end combat power of the Hai tribe and the contribution of the three strange materials are more than the loss of their preciousness, which is intuitive. Metaphorically, the core materials of 4 Heavenly Kings will be available at a glance.

However, although Kane lacked a high-level commander, he did not rush to make up for the 4 Kings. His plan was to be invincible at the same level. From this perspective, he and Ying were attacking and defending one by one, but they were still waiting. Supported by technology.

With the advent of the extraordinary crisis, a "show wood" like a fire leader who is full of enemies and has no friends can easily be destroyed by the winds of the southeast and northwest. The more battles, the more tactical and combat skills are exposed. More and more, one trick is gradually getting worse, dry goods are the only guarantee.

Therefore, we must first enhance the core combat power to achieve pure 24K gold under the gods, and then talk about others.

Even so, the three strange substances of a king are more than enough. Which one to choose, Kane still has some ideas ...

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